The Structure of Minimum Vertex Cuts∗ Seth Pettie Longhui Yin University of Michigan Tsinghua University
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract In this paper we continue a long line of work on representing the cut structure of graphs. We classify the types minimum vertex cuts, and the possible relationships between multiple minimum vertex cuts. As a consequence of these investigations, we exhibit a simple O(κn)-space data structure that can quickly answer pairwise (κ + 1)-connectivity queries in a κ-connected graph. We also show how to compute the “closest” κ-cut to every vertex in near linear O˜(m + poly(κ)n) time. arXiv:2102.06805v1 [cs.DS] 12 Feb 2021 ∗This work was supported by NSF grants CCF-1637546 and CCF-1815316. 1 Introduction One of the strong themes running through graph theory is to understand the cut structure of graphs and to apply these structural theorems to solve algorithmic and data structural problems. Consider the following exemplars of this line of work: Gomory-Hu Tree. Gomory and Hu (1961) [28] proved that any weighted, undirected graph G = (V, E) can be replaced by a weighted, undirected tree T = (V, ET ) such that for every s, t ∈ V , the minimum s-t cut partition in T (removing a single edge, partitioning V into two sets) corresponds to a minimum s-t cut partition in G. These are sometimes called cut-equivalent trees [1]. Cactus Representations. Dinitz, Karzanov, and Lomonosov (1976) [12] proved that all the global minimum edge-cuts of any weighted, undirected graph G = (V, E) could be succinctly encoded as an (unweighted) cactus graph.