2015 Program Book (Pdf)
2015 ROTARY NATIONAL AWARD FOR SPACE ACHIEVEMENT 3 Col. ROBERT D. CABANA 2015 National Space Trophy Recipient The Rotary Military Career National Award After graduation for Space Achieve- from the Naval Acad- ment (RNASA) emy, Cabana attended Foundation takes the Basic School in great pleasure Quantico, Virginia, and in recognizing Colonel Robert D. completed Naval Flight Cabana, USMC (Ret.), Director Officer training in Pen- of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center sacola, Florida, in 1972. (KSC) and former NASA astronaut He served as an A-6 as the recipient of the prestigious bombardier/navigator 1977 – Cabana receiving the DAR 2015 National Space Trophy. As with Marine Air Wings Award for top Marine to complete Director, Cabana manages all in Cherry Point, North Naval Flight Training in 1976 NASA facilities and activities at Carolina and Iwakuni, (Cabana Photo) Robert D. Cabana, Direc- KSC. Japan. tor Kennedy Space Center He returned to (NASA Photo) Nominated Pensacola in 1975 for pilot training and was designated a Cabana was nominated Naval Aviator in September 1976, earning the Daughters by NASA Johnson Space Center of the American (JSC) Director Dr. Ellen Ochoa, former JSC Director Michael Revolution award L. Coats, and Dr. Michael D. Griffin, Chairman and Chief as the top Ma- Executive Officer (CEO) of Schafer Corporation “for his- ex rine to complete ceptional leadership and executive guidance in leading the flight training evolution of the NASA Kennedy Space Center as the world’s that year. He was premier multiuser spaceport in support of NASA’s explora- then assigned to tion goals.” the Second Ma- Rick Hieb, Vice President of Lockheed Martin Civil Pro- rine Aircraft Wing grams, also nominated Cabana “for outstanding leadership, in Cherry Point, commitment, vision and public North Carolina, service benefiting America’s se- 1978 - Cabana piloting VMA (AW) 332 where he flew A-6 curity and our Nation’s human (Cabana Photo) Intruders.
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