Database Versioning – Each Version of the OMERO Database Comes 4
The OMERO Platform An open source solution for microscopy metadata management, visualization and analysis C. Allan, C. Blackburn, J.-M. Burel, K. Eliceiri, P. Forbes, X. Jiang, M. Linkert, B. Loranger, S. Loynton, C. Macaulay, D. MacDonald, J. Moore, W. Moore, C. Neves, A. J. Patterson, C. Rueden, D. Sloan, A. Tarkowska, J.R. Swedlow OMERO Installs Oct 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK Glencoe Software , Inc. S OMERO.server N OMERO.insight Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA Usable Image, School of Computing, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK M OMERO.importer E OMERO.editor open microscopy environment Recently, we have started adding in specic image processing and analy- Manage Abstract sis functions, along with facilities for running your own self-scripted algo- OMERO.importer OMERO.insight Rate LOCI Bio-Formats rithms and transformations. View Bio-Formats is a standalone Java library for reading and writing micro- The OMERO Platform aims to provide a complete solution for image data OMERO is an open source development project and we welcome input, OMERO.importer is a desktop tool for importing over 30 dierent le for- OMERO.insight is a desktop tool for accessing, manipulating, collaborating, Measure scopy le formats. It is capable of parsing both pixels and metadata management. Both cross-platform and cross-language, OMERO provides advice, comments, and help. Go to and mats into our centralized OMERO server. Designed as a re and forget appli- viewing and performing basic measurement on data stored in an installa- Attach for a large number of formats, as well as writing to several formats.
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