Glossary of Irrigation Terms Version 7/1/17 Edited by Eugene W. Rochester, CID Certification Consultant This document is in continuing development. You are encouraged to submit definitions along with their source to
[email protected]. The terms in this glossary are presented in an effort to provide a foundation for common understanding in communications covering irrigation. The following provides additional information: • Items located within brackets, [ ], indicate the IA-preferred abbreviation or acronym for the term specified. • Items located within braces, { }, indicate quantitative IA-preferred units for the term specified. • General definitions of terms not used in mathematical equations are not flagged in any way. • Three dots (…) at the end of a definition indicate that the definition has been truncated. • Terms with strike-through are non-preferred usage. • References are provided for the convenience of the reader and do not infer original reference. Additional soil science terms may be found at A AC {hertz}: Abbreviation for alternating current. AC pipe: Asbestos-cement pipe was commonly used for buried pipelines. It combines strength with light weight and is immune to rust and corrosion. (James, 1988) (No longer made.) acceleration of gravity. See gravity (acceleration due to). acid precipitation: Atmospheric precipitation that is below pH 7 and is often composed of the hydrolyzed by-products from oxidized halogen, nitrogen, and sulfur substances. (Glossary of Soil Science Terms, 2013) acid soil: Soil with a pH value less than 7.0. (Glossary of Soil Science Terms, 2013) adhesion: Forces of attraction between unlike molecules, e.g. water and solid.