North Bendalong, Bendalong, Berringer, Cunjurong,

Email: [email protected] Tel: 44564070 PO Box 2015 Bendalong NSW 2539




Dated 10 May 2013 Justin Field President










Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013



The RHVA would like to congratulate Council strategic planning staff for the excellent material provided during this second exhibition phase. Of particular significance was the interactive mapping, the availability to download these, coupled with the summary of outcomes from both the previous exhibition and Council’s subsequent decisions.

The Association would also like to acknowledge the positive and helpful responses to various telephone enquiries, in particular Gordon Clark and Marie-Louise Foley.

Finally, our thanks to Mayor Gash who provided the opportunity to ‘showcase’ the SLEP Group issues to both Councillors and senior Council staff.


The RHVA was an active member to the SLEP Group throughout its years of deliberations. The Association supports unequivocally, all the recommendations for change to Draft SLEP 2013 made in the SLEP Group Submission.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013



The following changes were made subsequent to the public exhibition of Draft SLEP 2009 in 2011. The amended changes, resulting from the previous exhibition, along with directions from DP&I, lead to these changes.

The RHVA strongly supports the changes as noted in the table below.

Serial Site Outcome from 2011 exhibition Proposed for Draft SLEP 2013 of Draft SLEP 2009 (SUPPORTED BY RHVA)

1 LOT 7051 DP 1101639 Crown land zoned RU2 Zoned E3 Inyadda Drive 2 Berringer Village Zoned RU5 Zoned R2 3 Part zoned W1 and W2 All zoned W1 waterway (and 4 Green Island Zoned E3 Zoned E2 5 Lot 129 DP 205240, Zoned R2 Zoned RE1 Sunset Strip 6 North Bendalong Village Zoned R2 (potentially zoned Remain zoned R2 R1) 7 Part Lot 7050 DP Crown land. Sensitive Urban Remain zoned E2 1101639 Bendalong Rd lands Review zoned E2 8 Lot 482 DP 823199 Crown land. Sensitive Urban Remain zoned E2 Lands review zoned E2 9 Lot 705 DP 613881, Consistent with Part 3A, DOP Remain zoned E3,R2 Manyana Drive. approval 10 Kylor land zoned R5 HOB overlay not shown but HOB overlay limits height to HOB potentially 11m 8.5m 11 Lot 7317 DP 1168554, Crown land. Sensitive Urban Remain zoned E2 North Bendalong Lands Review zoned E2 12 Kylor land (various) Zoned E3, R1 and R2 with large Zoned E3, part R1 and lot overlay of 2000m2 remainder R5 with HOB overlay of 8.5m

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013



Recommendations Lot 1 DP 1161638, Curvers Drive • Amend zoning for Manyana Shops from B2 to B1, and • Specify the HOB for this Lot at 8.5m.

Comments The objective for B1 is:

”to provide a range of small scale retail, business and community uses that serve the needs of people who live and work in the surrounding neighbourhood”, and “to ensure that the development is of a scale that is compatible with the character of the surrounding environment”.

Fact Sheet 9 indicates that the Table is a guide only and therefore zone 3(f) was made B2 under that guideline. However the Fact Sheet provides examples of Neighbourhood versus Local Centres and clearly the Manyana site reflects B1 characteristics rather than B2. The Centre would be utilized by local residents and is most unlikely to attract a wider customer base outside the District. Further, other examples such as Shops and , both of which service a wider customer base than Manyana, have been zoned B1.

Both the RHVA and the owner of the property (Mr. Sweeney) made representations at the previous exhibition.

The proponent’s argument for a B2 zoning centred on his ability to be able to include a ‘tavern’ on this site at some future time.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

Although there is no definition for tavern in the SLEP Dictionary the use ‘Pub’ is defined as: “Licensed premises under the liquor Act 1982 the principal purpose of which is the sale of liquor for consumption on the premises, whether or not the premises include hotel or motel accommodation and whether or not food is sold on the premises.”

It should be noted that both B1 and B2 include such a use, B2 being mandated under the Standard Instrument whilst B1 is permitted with consent by Council.

It was Council that has added the second objective that defines the scale and type of shopping facility suited to this zoning, that is,

“to ensure that the development is of a scale that is compatible with the character of the surrounding residential development”.

The City Wide Growth Management Strategy clearly indicates that growth in the District is limited and that the small village environment will continue; local residents strongly agree with this outlook and support a B1 zoning.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

Part 4


Recommendation Lot 7 DP 111567, 7 Alaska Street Cunjurong Point. That the proposed zoning of B2 is inappropriate and that Lot 7 be zoned R2 as per the transfer from the 1985 SLEP of 2(a1).

Comments This lot has in the past served as a general store with petrol outlet. In more recent times Lot 7 has been utilised as a take-away shop and café bar. The sale of petroleum ceased about 18 months ago and it is our understanding that the petrol pumps have now been decommissioned under Council guidelines.

The extraordinary zoning of B2 is totally inappropriate; this places Lot 7 on the same level as the proposed major shopping centre on the corner of Inyadda Drive and Curvers Drive. Further, B2 zoning provides access to other uses such as registered clubs and restricted premises (mandated by the SI) in an enclave of residential housing. Regardless, Lot 7 should have a specified HOB of 7.5m consistent with the surrounding residential landscape.

By comparison the existing (and only) general store in the District is located at 20 Waratah St (Lot 334 DP 755923) and remains zoned R2 with a HOB limit of 7.5m. This store has both liquor and petrol licences.

Zone R2 permits, as one of its uses, neighbourhood shops, and both current and previous uses of this Lot are consistent with this definition.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013



Recommendation That Lot 24 DP1180149, North Bendalong, retain the proposed E3 zoning but that the HOB be changed from 7.5m to 5.5m

Comments Lot 24 is an iconic headland at North Bendalong.

Currently it supports 10 holiday cabins plus a manager’s residence and other ancillary buildings.

The proprietor applied for a DA in 2000 (DA00/3333) to upgrade the cabins and build new ancillary structures including a 2-storey manager’s residence.

Owing to the site visually impacting Dee and Flat Rock beaches and across to Boat Ramp beach Bendalong, Council limited the height of structures (manager’s residence ) to 5.5m. The new SLEP HOB overlay should reflect this parameter.

Recommendations Retain R2/E2 combination for Lot 468 DP755923, North Bendalong, as exhibited.

That the R2 portion of Lot 468 be retained strictly as an APZ incorporating road access, suitable for Cat 1 RFS vehicles, as required by the Sensitive Urban Lands Review recommendations.

That the remaining portion of Lot 468 retain its E2 zoning and that no rezoning for residential purposes be permitted.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

Background Crown land directed in their letter dated 27/10/2008 that Lot 468 was NOT to be used as an APZ.

DP&I and Council have agreed that to best meet the SULR recommendations for Village wide APZ protection, a perimeter road be constructed that would enable RFS vehicles to navigate around the southern and western boundaries with access from both Cypress St in the north west and North Bendalong Road in the south east.

It is understood that Crown Lands has now sold Lot 468 to the owner of the adjoining subdivision.


SF10011 10 Lot Residential Subdivision pursuant to the SLEP, 1985. APPROVED. 23 Dec 2008 Condition 7 (a - f) Crown Reserve included. Conditions (e) and (f) in particular outline no stormwater discharge; effluent management zone; or asset protection zone use. Prior to Approval: 20/6/08: DoP refused first Master Plan Waiver under Clause 18(2) of SEPP 71 (Coastal Policy) for 18 lot residential subdivision. Inconsistent with Sensitive Urban Lands Review Panel findings in SCRS. DA not supported. 27/10/08: DoL outlined requirements, particularly that Crown land not be used as effluent management zones or as asset protection zones. 3/12/08: DoP under Clause 18(1)(a) of SEPP 71 (Coastal Policy) agrees to waive Master Plan.

SF10125 18 Lot Residential Subdivision pursuant to the SLEP, 1985. APPROVED PENDING 27 Apr 2010 RESOLUTION OF DEFERRED MATTER, i.e. revised plan of subdivision. SF10011 approval must be surrendered prior to Construction Certificate being granted. Prior to Approval: 3/12/09: DoP received another request on 23/6/09 for Master Plan Waiver under Clause 18(2) of SEPP 71 (Coastal Policy) for 18 lot residential subdivision. DoP met with landholder and consultant onsite on 28/7/09. DoP advised possibility of further development. Outcome was that a revised subdivision plan would be submitted to DoP incorporating SLURP findings; incorporation of perimeter road along southern boundary; and submission made on lot zoning when draft SLEP 2009 exhibited. 8/12/09: RHVA objection letter to SF10125 sent to SCC and DoP. 26/2/10: DoP letter to SCC – waives need for a Master Plan in relation to subdivision proposal; acknowledges BFPA report for APZ widths on southern and western boundaries. 4/3/10: RFS outlined requirements, including those for cabin on Lot 31.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

Chronology of Development – North Bendalong … continued

DS10/1337 S96 revised plan to enable operational consent of 21 Lot Residential Subdivision. 8 Nov 2010 APPROVED. In particular: • Condition 1 revised to include “and amended plan reference U12608 dated 05.05.10”. • Condition 3 deleted – now an operational consent. • Condition 4 deleted – consent lapse date no longer applicable. • Condition 5 (RFS terms) revised, however, note that (f) which requires existing tourist cabin facility on proposed lot 31 be upgraded to improve ember protection essentially remains the same. • Condition 58 deleted – replaced with revised version re northern road, which essentially remains the same apart from change to lot numbers. • Condition 62 deleted – replaced with revised version re northern road to western boundary, which essentially remains the same apart from change to lot numbers. • Condition 67(c) – building restriction re lots 19, 20 and 21 deleted. • Condition 68 deleted and replaced with: “All conditions of development consent DA00/3333 shall be complied with prior to release of a final plan of survey and issue of a Subdivision Certificate for Stage 1. In this regard, evidence of full compliance with DA00/3333 shall be submitted.” (for Stage 1 now added). Note that: Condition 7 (a - f) Crown Reserve included. Conditions (e) and (f) in particular outline no stormwater discharge; effluent management zone; or asset protection zone use. Exact wording has continued since SF10011 in December 2008.

DS11/1224 18 Lot Residential Subdivision - pursuant to Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 15 Nov 2011 1985. APPROVED 15/11/2011. Note that: • Condition 5(f) remains as above in DS10/1337. • Condition 7 (a - f) Crown Reserve. Exact wording has continued since SF10011 (Dec 2008) and SF10125 and subsequent modifications. • Condition 68 remains as above in DS10/1337. Prior to Approval: 30/6/11: Refshauge report said 1 row of 8 allotments, now 2 rows of 18 allotments. Western border extended by 20m into Crown land. Provides precedent to have APZs formed on property not owned by developer.

DS12/1138 18 Lot Residential Subdivision pursuant to the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan, 7 May 2012 1985. APPROVED 7/5/2012. DS10/1337 now deleted under DS12/1138. • Condition 1 - Subdivision plan provided - U12608 dated 28/2/12. • Condition 2 outlines revised staging. • Conditions 3 and 4 deleted re deferred commencement and limited consent. • Condition 5 deleted and replaced with revised RFS General Terms of Approval. Note that previous public road reference deleted and fire trail inserted instead. Also, 5(f) now reads: The existing tourist cabin facility on proposed lot 31 is required to be upgraded, prior to release of stage 2, to improve ember protection. “prior to release of stage 2” is a particular addition to the previous version.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

Chronology of Development – North Bendalong … continued • Condition 68 deleted and replaced with: “All conditions of development consent DA00/3333 shall be complied with prior to release of a final plan of survey and issue of a Subdivision Certificate for Stage 3. In this regard, evidence of full compliance with DA00/3333 shall be submitted. (for Stage 3 now added and for Stage 1 deleted). Note that: Condition 7 (a - f) Crown Reserve. Exact wording has continued since SF10011 (Dec 2008), SF10125 and all subsequent modifications.

DS12/1365 18 Lot Residential Subdivision pursuant to the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan, 27 Sep 2012 1985. SUBMITTED 26/9/2012. APPROVED 27/9/2012 within 24 hour timeframe with NO NOTIFICATION.

• Condition 5(f) deleted and replaced with: “The existing tourist cabin facility on proposed lot 31 is required to be upgraded, prior to release of stage 3, to improve ember protection. (prior to release of stage 3 replaces previous version prior to release of stage 2) Note that: • Condition 7 (a - f) Crown Reserve. Exact wording has continued since SF10011 (Dec 2008) and SF10125 and subsequent modifications. • Condition 68 remains as above in DS10/1138, ie prior to issue of subdivision certificate for Stage 3.

DS12/1464 Proponents seek to have Clauses 8, 65 and 68 deleted from Consent. Submitted 23 Nov 2012 23/11/2012. Condition 8: Prior to undertaking any fencing or building works on the land, the owner of the land shall consult with the Department of Lands. Condition 65: The boundary between the subject site and the adjoining Crown Land to the south and west is to be fenced to prevent unauthorised vehicle access with an Ingal Boundary Fence or similar product and construction method. Plans of the proposed fence are to be submitted by the Subdivision Manager or delegate prior to the issue of a construction certificate. Condition 68: All conditions of development consent DA00/3333 shall be complied with prior to release of a final plan of survey and issue of a Subdivision Certificate for Stage 3. In this regard, evidence of full compliance with DA00/3333 shall be submitted.

Outcomes Presently a 17 lot subdivision is approved. Utilising the proposed 20m R2 (APZ) road shown on the new LEP maps it is possible for the owner to add another 8 lots. Note that this is without seeking to have all of Lot 468 rezoned residential.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

There is a direction from DP&I that all recommendations from the SULR be incorporated into the new SLEP.

SULR indicated that North Bendalong could possibly grow by a maximum of 18 – 20 lots owing to its isolated situation and high fire risk characteristics.

The Lot owner, with the initial 9 lot development on Cypress St, could potentially realise a total of 36 lots, which would more than double the original size of the village and far exceed the SULR recommended growth for this isolated village.

Retention of E2 Zoning for Lot 468 SULR recommended E2 zoning for all land west of the current village boundaries, which includes a portion of Lot 468.

SULR indicated that just one additional row of lots be added to the subdivision (not 2 as is the case now) plus additional (possible) lots to the west (Lot 468).

Lot 468 has a biodiversity overlay - habitat corridor - and should not be developed.

Lot 468 forms part of the catchment to a perennial waterway - Washerwoman's Creek.

It comprises mostly undisturbed woodland - except for weeds where the sewerage dispersal area was located.

Lot 468 slopes sharply downhill to the south west, making it impractical for an APZ for the south western and western boundaries.

The additional assets for the subdivision represent a real danger for protection of the entire village of North Bendalong and also increases the risk of fire to the village of Bendalong.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013



Recommendation That the Schedule I (Additional Permitted Use) be abbreviated for Clause 7 by deleting: • Amusement centres • Community facilities • Food and Drink premises • Function Centres • Recreational facilities (indoor) • Registered Clubs

Comments Kylor Pty Ltd received land use rights pertaining to both RE2 and E3 to ‘compensate’ for the deletion of caravan parks - as per the 1985 SLEP. This outcome runs contrary to the aims for E3 Environmental Land.

The above list of uses is available both on Kylor land and the adjacent business zone land.

Kylor has cited, as per its recent Planning Proposal (rezoning), to rezone part of the proposed E3 zone to a residential zone, with the majority of the remainder of the proposed E3 zone as a biodiversity offset area. These additional permitted uses are clearly inconsistent with biodiversity protection and are not supportable across the proposed E3 area.

Recommendation That Land zoned E3 be assigned a HOB overlay of 7.5m consistent with coastal property building heights for the District.

Comment Although Council assigned a HOB overly of 8.5m for the R5 land there were no limitations prescribed for land zoned E3.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

Kylor has already signalled its intention to utilize part of this land for residential purposes along its southern boundary with a potential height of 11m.

Without some form of height limitation, this could result in residential buildings on Kylor land abutting some existing housing on Curvers Drive, which is restricted to 7.5 m. This HOB outcome would be inconsistent with coastal property building heights across the District.

Recommendation That land zoned R1 be assigned a HOB overlay of 8.5m.

Comment Currently the HOB overlay of 8.5m applies strictly to R5 land.

Kylor has lodged a Planning Proposal (rezoning) to rezone all proposed R5 and some E3 land as R1. Currently, there is only a small segment of Kylor land zoned to become R1.

Regardless of the success or otherwise of the planning proposal, to ensure consistency across the District the HOB overlay of 8.5m should apply to both R5 and R1 land.

Building Lines Following the Association’s previous submission to the SLEP 2009, it was advised that the inclusion of the 30m building lines for Kylor land – along Inyadda Drive and Curvers Drive - would be a matter for the City wide DCP. We request that the building lines be incorporated into the relevant plan.

Recommendation Include the Goodsell grave sites, Manyana, onto Schedule 5 of the SLEP2013

Comment The Goodsell graves sites are located on private property (Kylor Pty Ltd) on Lot 2 DP1161638.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

A very brief background reveals that the Goodsells were pioneers in the District and owned much of the land around Red Head. The area was generally referred to as Goodsell’s Farm before being renamed Manyana. Although Jesse Goodsell (1841 -1924) and his wife Mary nee Gallaway (1849 -1927) were not the first settlers here they were the most famous.

When Jesse Goodsell died in 1924, it was his wish that he be buried on his land, (Por 107) now Lot 2 DP1161638, by a Lilli Pilli tree which he loved. This was not far from the original homestead which was called “Wakefield” and the property known as “Red Hill”. Mary Goodsell was also buried there two years later.

In 1983 Bob Goodsell, Reuben Johnson and Allan Faulks, grandsons of those early pioneers, substantially renovated the graves and fixed an appropriate plaque there in the hope that “this historic spot be preserved amidst the land subdivision which was bound to take place”. (See photographs at the end of this section.)

It is reported by Allan Faulks, that: “the Shoalhaven Council had given a commitment that the graves will be protected under the Heritage Environment policy”. (Congenial Conjola, Alex McAndrew, 1991)

It would seem that since 1991 there has been no follow through on this undertaking and with the advent of a new LEP it would be appropriate to amend this oversight.

There are further details available about the Goodsell family that can be made available should further documentary evidence be needed for inclusion into SLEP Schedule 5. The Milton Ulladulla Historical Society (Inc) has kindly offered its support for the Goodsell graves to be noted in the new LEP.

Council Officers contacted Kylor Pty Ltd following the 2011 exhibition period and were advised that they would not support a heritage listing.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

However, Kylor has now formally approached Council with a new development proposal (EEM Submission Planning Proposal for North Manyana), part of which (p.53) states that:

“Three items of historical significance were found in the survey… Item The Grave of Mary and Jesse Goodsell…”

The submission goes on to say that:

“In relation to the historical significance the following is recommended: Conservation of the Goodsell grave site with a suitable open space curtilage.”

It would appear to the RHVA that Kylor is now prepared to support having the grave site listed as a heritage item.

It is requested that this site be subject to Clause 5.10 of the draft SLEP 2013.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013




That a moratorium be placed on “caravan parks” in the Land Use Tables until such time as DP&I redraft SEPP 21 (Caravan Parks) and SEPP36 (Manufactured Home Estates).


A particular case is well known to Council. Briefly, an application for a 75 lot permanent site caravan park was lodged with Council under SEPP21 - Caravan Parks. For all intents and purposes the application was for a manufactured home estate containing (mobile) homes sited on lots of similar size to those existing in zoned residential areas. Although Council Staff and Council rejected the application, the L&EC upheld the applicant’s claim and approved the development.

In order to control, in a strategic sense, the footprint of development for all areas throughout the City, this case clearly shows that such controls are easily overturned leading to unwanted urban sprawl.

Council has worked hard to support the RHVA in having this matter addressed and DoP had undertaken to review SEPP21 and SEPP 36. DP&I letter to Council dated 19 July 2011 confirms their approach. Depending on the revised SEPPs Council will be in a far better position to place ‘caravan parks’ to selected zones understanding that there will be, hopefully, a clear separation for short term holiday type parks versus the long term/permanent site parks which may include mobile homes.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013



Recommendations That SLEP 2013 Aims be amended to those listed in the previous exhibition for Draft SLEP 2009.

Comment Following the 2011 exhibition Council elected to change the SLEP aims to a very much truncated version.

These new draft aims: 1. Do not reflect the importance of the SLEP document as the City’s principal planning document. 2. Fail to identify the need to protect the environment as well as balance future development needs. 3. Fail to link in any meaningful manner with the City Wide Growth Management Strategy (CWGMS). 4. Fails to link to the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). 5. Ignores the need to plan for the impact of climate change. 6. Ignores requirements under the Local Government Act for councils and councillors to have regard to ecologically sustainable development (ESD) 1.

The original aims listed in draft SLEP 2009: 1. Provided observable and measurable criteria. 2. Embraced sustainable development. 3. Strongly related to environmental protection responsibilities. 4. Generally linked to the CWGMS and the CSP. 5. Recognised the impact of climate change.

1 Australia's National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development (1992) defines ESD as: 'using, conserving and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased'.

Red Head Villages Association – SLEP 2013 Submission - 10 May 2013