Note the Year and Page Number of Any Relevant Index Entries, Then Go to the Minutes to Find the Relevant File

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Note the Year and Page Number of Any Relevant Index Entries, Then Go to the Minutes to Find the Relevant File Note the year and page number of any relevant index entries, then go to the Minutes to find the relevant file. CITY OF HALIFAX CITY COUNCIL YEAR END REPORT FOR 1991 Page 1 "second" Question Alderman Fitzgerald Re: Public Gardens for Mainland Halifax 285 191-02 Award of Tender 191-20: Underground Wiring - Argyle Street (Prince to Blowers) and Grafton (Prince to Sackville) 224 Award of Tender 191-20: Underground Wiring - Argyle Street (Prince to Blowers) and Grafton (Prince to Sackville) 224 191-03 Award of Tender 191-03: Sidewalk Renewals 279 191-04 Award of Tender 191-04: Sidewalk Renewals 279 191-28 Award of Tender 191-28: Withrod Drive 744 $17,800 Grant of Easement to the Halifax Watdr Commission 173 $490, 000.00 Computer Network Upgrade 889 $7,000,000 Current Borrowing Resolution 867 (5) Truck Chassis Award of Tender 91-90-R - Five Truck Chassis 246 (Mainland South) Case No. 6285: Request for Plan Amendment (Mainland South) Stanley Park 321 (Hr. Bob Ivey) Question Alderman Jeffrey Re: Arbitration (Mr. Bob Ivey) 249 100 Leiblin Drive 100 Leiblin Drive 696 100 Leiblin Drive 738 100 Leiblin Drive 603 100 Leiblin Drive (Alderman Grant) 437 1124 Roble Street Case No. 6361: Appeal of Minor Variance Approval - 1124 Roble Street 644 Case No. 6361: Substantial alteration of a Registered Heritage Property and Minor Variance Appeal - 1124 Roble St. 576 Case No. 6361: Substantial Alteration of a Registered Heritage Property - 1124 Roble Street 644 11A Parkhill Road Acquisition of Parcel "A" - 11A Parkhill Road 567 Note the year and page number of any relevant index entries, then go to the Minutes to find the relevant file. CITY OF HALIFAX CITY COUNCIL YEAR END REPORT FOR 1991 Page 2 12 March 1987 Question Alderman Grant Re: Computer Advisory Group 758 123 Melrose Avenue Question Alderman Jeffrey Re: 123 Melrose Avenue 667 13 December 1991 Request from Halifax Shopping Centre/Eaton's Re: Extension of Shopping Hours - Midnight Madness 13 December 1991 697 1479 Barrington St. 1479 Barrington Street - St. Matthew's Church 750 1491 Carlton Street Case No. 6170: Development Agreement - 1491 Carlton Street 386 15 December 1991 Question Alderman Downey Re: Winter Parking Ban 885 15 Sunnybrae Avenue • Residential Taxes - Sale of Property (Alderman Jeffrey) 741 157 Brook Street Question Alderman Jeffrey Re: 157 Brook Street 666 Question Alderman Jeffrey Re: 157 Brook Street - Drainage Problem 712 1575 Arygle Street Request for Bill Poster's License - Moosehead Breweries Limited 576 1677/79 Case No. 6154: Development Agreement - 1677/79 Preston Street 239 1677/79 Preston St. Public Hearing Re: Case No. 6154: Development Agreement 1677/79 Preston Street 229 184 & 185 Award of Tender 91-B-184 & 185 - Sale of EL122 and EL123 1976 Michigan Loaders 185 1917 1917 Explosion Commemoration Committee (Alderman O'Malley) 852 1917 Explosion Commemoration Committee and Funding Approval 381 1990 Report Annual Report - City Auditor General 320 1991 Canada Day 1991 Activities 468 Question Alderman Ducharme Re: 1999 Conference 180 1991 Legislation 1991 Legislation 318 Note the year and page number of any relevant index entries, then go to the Minutes to find the relevant file. CITY OF HALIFAX CITY COUNCIL YEAR END REPORT FOR 1991 Page 3 1991 Master Plan Historic Properties Rejuvenation and Report from the Heritage Advisory Committee: Historic Properties 1991 Plan 657 1991 Tax Rate Setting of 1991 Tax Rate 243 91 Tender Calls Question Alderman Hanson Re: 1991 Tender Calls 289 1991-92 Non-Union Salary Increases - 1991-92 291 1991/92 1991/92 Insurance Renewals 419 Setting of the 1991/92 Tax Rate and Budget 268 1999 Report of the Halifax 1991 Conference'Committee - TO BE TABLED 537 2999 Conference Presentation - Mr. Edmund Morris, Chairman 1999 Halifax Conference 408 1999 Report Appointments (Audit, Task Force - 1999 Report, E.M.O. Committee) 814 Conference 1999 Report 698 1st (North America) Atlantic Coast Games 1140 598 20-20 Question Alderman Fitzgerald Re: "Vision 20-20" 812 Question Alderman Fitzgerald Re: "Vision 20-20" 812 2046 Case No. 6264: Development Agreement - 2046 Robie Street 688 2080-90 Case No 6376: Development Agreement - 2080-90 Windsor Street (SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING) 751 2081 Oxford Street Appeal of Minor Variance Refusal - 2081 Oxford Street 508 2087 Poplar Street Case No. 6299: Appeal of Minor Variance Approval 2087 Poplar Street 411 21 Ashdale Avenue Question Alderman Jeffrey Re: Vacant House - 21 Ashdalo Avenue 756 2100 Oxford Street Question Alderman Meagher Re: Waste Basket - 2100 Oxford Street 326 Note the year and page number of any relevant index entries, then go to the Minutes to find the relevant file. CITY OF HALIFAX CITY COUNCIL YEAR END REPORT FOR 1991 Page 4 2107 Oxford Street 2107 Oxford Street - Illegal Occupancy 740 2134 Robie Street Case No. 6228: Appeal of Minor Variance Refusal - 2134 Robie Street 238 Public Hearing Re: Case No. 6228: Appeal of Minor Variance Refusal - 2134 Robie Street 226 Question Alderman Meagher Re: Lot Modification - 2134 Roble Street 583 218-220 Expropriation Settlement - 218-220 Herring Cove Road 346 2224 Monastery Lane Case No. 6278: Appeal of Minor Variance Refusal 2224 Monastery Lane 411 232 Bedford Hwgh. Acquisition - 232 Bedford Highway • 515 24 Hours Service Station Closings (Alderman Ducharme) 743 2502-18 Gottingen Case No. 6266: Development Agreement - 2502-18 Gottingen Street and 2535 Creighton Street 274 Case No. 6266: Proposed Development Agreement - 2502-2518 Gottingen Street and 2535 Creighton Street - Public Hearing 178 2535 Creighton St. Case No. 6266: Development Agreement - 2502-18 Gottingen Street and 2535 Creighton Street 274 Case No. 6266: Proposed Development Agreement - 2502-2518 Gottingen Street and 2535 Creighton Street - Public Hearing 178 2548 - 50 Case No. 6367: Amendment to Development Agreement - 2548 - 50 Agricola Street 645 2571 Case No. 6345: Schedule C - Development Agreement - 2571 Windsor Street 645 2575/81 Case No. 6117: Lot Modification Agreement - 2575/81 Creighton Street 238 2575/81 Creighton St Public Hearing Re: Case No. 6117: Lot Modification Agreement - 2575/81 Creighton Street 228 2594 Agricola St. Case No. 6286: Discharge of Agreement - 2594 Agricola Street 282 26 Acorn Road 26 Acorn Road 611 Question Alderman Grant Re: 26 Acorn Road 668 Question Alderman Grant Re: 26 Acorn Road 357 Note the year and page number of any relevant index entries, then go to the Minutes to find the relevant file. CITY OF HALIFAX CITY COUNCIL YEAR END REPORT FOR 1991 Page 5 2614-24 Windsor St. Case No. 6296: 2614-24 Windsor Street - Rezoning from R-3 and C-i to C-2A 474 Case No. 6296: Rezoning - 2614-24 Windsor Street 561 ?650 Dublin Street Case No. 6290: Amendment to Development Agreement 2650 Dublin Street (6333-37 Seaforth Street) 321 Case No. 6290: Amendment to Development Agreement 2650 Dublin Street 454 286-290 Case No. 6140: 286-290 Herring Cove Road - Request for Plan Amendment and Rezoning 170 3 Queen Avenue Case No. 6023: Rezoning of 6-8 Flamingo Drive and 3 Queen Avenue 373 Case No. 6023: Rezoning of 6-8 Flamingo Drive and 3 Queen Avenue 314 Case No. 6023: Rezoning of 6-8 Flamingo Drive and 3 Queen Avenue 341 30-32 Parkhill Road Case No. 6374: Development Agreement (Lot Modification) - 30-32 Parkhill Road 614 35 Coronation Ave. Illegal Occupancy - 35 Coronation Avenue (Alderman Jeffrey) 741 3564 Barrington Appeal of Variance Refusal - 3564 Barrington Street 373 465-469 Herring Cove Expropriation Settlement - 465-469 Herring Cove Road 567 50 Kilometer Question Alderman Meagher Re: Speeding 583 51 School Avenue Question Alderman Jeffrey Re: Brook - 51 School Avenue 758 5254 Kent Street Heritage Deferral -5254 Kent Street 255 5536 Sackville St. 5536 Sackville Street, Irving Oil Station (SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING) 248 57-59 Rosedale Ave. Metro Transit (Alderman Jeffrey) 435 5778 South Street Case No. 6277: Appeal of Minor Variance Approval - 5778 South Street 509 881 Hillside Ave. Case No. 6254: Variance Appeal - 5881 Hillside Avenue 169 5994 Spring Garden Renewal of Lease - 5994 Spring Garden Road 699 Note the year and page number of any relevant index entries, then go to the Minutes to find the relevant file. CITY OF HALIFAX CITY COUNCIL YEAR END REPORT FOR 1991 Page 6 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Heritage Hearing - Possible Time Change 480 5A and 5B Illegal Occupancy - 5A and 5B Withord Drive 200 5,6A and 8 Flamingo Case No. 6023: Rezoning R-1 to R-4, Portion of 6, 6A and 8 Flamingo Drive and 3 Queen Avenue 249 6-8 Flamingo Drive Case No. 6023: Rezoning of 6-8 Flamingo Drive and 3 Queen Avenue 373 Case No. 6023: Rezoning of 6-8 Flamingo Drive and 3 Queen Avenue 314 Case No. 6023: Rezoning of 6-8 Flamingo Drive and 3 Queen Avenue 341 6003 Willow Street Case No. 6282: Schedule $CTM Development Agreement 6003 Willow Street 474 6226-28 6226-28 Duncan Street 613 6226/28 Duncan St. Petition Alderman Meagher Re: 6226/28 Duncan Street 344 6273-75 Acquisition of Civic No. 6273-75 Young Street 516 6276 Chebucto Road Bus Stop in Front of 6276 Chebucto Road 435 Bus Stop in Front of 6276 Chebucto Road 469 Question Alderman Meagher Re: Bus Stop on Chebucto Road 392 Route 5 Bus Stop (In Front of 6276 Chebucto Road) 342 6289 Allan Street Case No. 6312 - Appeal of Minor Variance Refusal 6289 Allan Street 601 6342 'layers Road Public Hearing Re: Case No. 6241: Appeal of Minor Variance Refusal - 6342 Bayers Road 225 6390 Summit Street Question Alderman Meagher Re: 6390 Summit Street 392 Question Alderman Meagher Re: Driveway - 6390 Summit Street 357 8 January 1992 Date for Hearing - Recommended Heritage Properties 750 8 Skylark Avenue Question Alderman Stone Re: Illegal Apartment - 8 Skylark Avenue 287 Note the year and page number of any relevant index entries, then go to the Minutes to find the relevant file.
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