Israel Near Detonation: Will the Abramoff Factor Sink Bibi?

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Israel Near Detonation: Will the Abramoff Factor Sink Bibi? Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 33, Number 10, March 10, 2006 Israel Near Detonation: Will the Abramoff Factor Sink Bibi? by Anton Chaitkin Vice President Dick Cheney and his allies, seeking an imme- those acting to protect civilization at this juncture. diate war with Iran or Syria, desperately want war-bent Ben- Senate investigators showed that from gambling casino jamin “Bibi” Netanyahu to win Israel’s March election, to proceeds, which Indian tribes had contributed to him for char- succeed the comatose Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. While itable and political-lobbying purposes, Abramoff diverted acting Prime Minster, and Kadima Party candidate Ehud funds into guerrilla training, specialized killing equipment, Olmert has been a Likud bloc fixture for decades, and is hardly and other military gear for West Bank Jewish settlers, and for a viable “peace candidate,” he, like Sharon, would likely draw the radicalization of the Israeli army. He was priming an “end- the line, and oppose a suicidal Israeli war provocation against times” movement that is at war against the government of either Syria or Iran. Only Bibi Netanyahu, among the candi- Israel, as well as against Palestinians. dates in this month’s election, would flagrantly defy Israeli More than $140,000 donated in 2002 to Abramoff’s tax- national interests, to pursue a George Shultz/Dick Cheney- exempt Capital Athletic Foundation, actually paid for sniper dictated agenda of regional chaos and perpetual war. scopes, sniper shooting mats, camouflage suits, night-vision At the moment, Israeli public sentiment apparently favors binoculars, and a thermal imager; the money also “paid a Olmert over Netanyahu. Only some fearful security devolu- monthly stipend [of $3,560], and Jeep payments to Mr. Abra- tion, perhaps an unprecedented terrorist outrage, might now moff’s [Hollywood] high school friend living in the Israeli panic Israelis to opt for Bibi—as they did in 1996, following West Bank, who conducted sniper workshops for members the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, and the subsequent un- of the Israeli Defense Force and others.”1 leashing of a string of suicide bombings on the streets of Tel The U.S.-bred Abramoff paramilitary agent, now going Aviv and Jerusalem. by the name of Shmuel Ben Zvi, resides in Beitar Illit, the The notorious Jack Abramoff is the Washington pivot largest ultra-orthodox Jewish settlement in the Palestinian for the underground apocalyptic movement inside Israel that West Bank. (Beitar Illit’s 25,000 residents are Haredi Jews, could precipitate such a terror wave. The felony indictments with wide-brim black hats and a feudal outlook.) of lobbyist Abramoff and his associates, including former Among the international communications which Senate House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), have been probers published, this e-mail (Nov. 10, 2002) from Ben Zvi headline news as a “corruption scandal.” But the Abramoff to Abramoff casts a light on the political aims involved: of organized crime, fascist guerrilla movements, and death ”Last night one of their guys who was in the army when I squads, whose apparatus gives the Cheney power cartel a did the workshop for the snipers in his unit, said that they chance to blow Israel up for a Netanyahu takeover—this need the workshop badly. I am now writing out a program Abramoff has not until now emerged into public view. for . containment and neutralization of terrorists. When I showed them the didactic materials, manuals, and videos, Jack’s Loot Funds the ‘Jewish Intifada’ they had tears in their eyes from the excitement. There is Israeli intelligence sources have told EIR that Abramoff so much that they have not had the opportunity to learn in has been financing the Temple Mount fanatics, who would the army. destroy Islam’s holy shrines on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, “The army for the most part creates soldiers, not war- the al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, and build a riors. It is not the interest of any government to create new Solomon’s Temple on the site instead. A bombing or warriors that they feel will one day become a fifth column. other assault on the Temple Mount would set off a tsunami of . Shulamit Aloni, the Labor [Party] blabbermouth, has revenge-driven religious wars. always expressed fears that the Mizrachi movement will one In recent years Abramoff has had at his disposal hundreds day make a call to arms, and announce Medinat Yehuda of millions of dollars from gambling casinos and slave-labor [State of Judea]. So they have always been leery about sweat shops, much of it in untraceable cash. arming the ishuvim [settlements] properly, let alone training Yet the traceable public record, of crimes and cash flows already revealed and confessed to, provides crucial leads for 1. U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing transcript, June 22, 2005. 32 National EIR March 10, 2006 © 2006 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. them in guerrilla warfare....”2 Medinat Yehuda—the State of Judea—means a projected new Jewish nation to be erected on the ruins of the existing, hated secularist State of Israel, the new kingdom to include the Palestinian territories and neighboring Arab countries, as a supposed revival of the Biblical kingdom of Judea. The movement for “a State of Judea” is among the foreign terrorist organizations that were named on Oct. 8, 1999, by the Office of the U.S. State Department’s Coordinator for Counterterrorism, as one of many initiatives of the American- born fascist, Meir Kahane. (Kahane had been murdered in 1990.) The state of mind of Abramoff’s agent may be gleaned from the e-mail sent Oct. 19, 2001 from Ben Zvi, discussing the hoped-for apocalypse: “The Zohar [the mystical Cabbala] says that before Moshiach [the messiah] comes, three towers will burn in the gate of Rome (edom). I freaked out when I saw how the schematic drawing in Newsweek referred to the smaller (45 story) world trade center building . as the ‘third 3 tower’....” EIRNS/Stuart Lewis Benjamin Netanyahu is the only candidate in this month’s Israeli The Nazi Underworld election, who would flagrantly defy Israeli national interests, to Here we see Abramoff in a realm of lethal action for which pursue a George Shultz/Dick Cheney-dictated agenda of regional greed and simple corruption cannot account. chaos and perpetual war. What in his personal history would have prepared Abra- moff to coldly perpetrate political crimes that could lead to the deaths of millions? apartheid movement—the African National Congress The accompanying article, “The Abramoff Family and (ANC)—led by Nelson Mandela. the Mob Families,” shows how organized crime, particularly According to South African intelligence sources who tied to casinos, boosted Jack Abramoff all through his life. were close to Williamson’s and Abramoff’s work: His relations to Netanyahu’s supporters reflect a quarter- • The South Africans began funding Abramoff even be- century career at the intersection of the criminal underworld fore his 1981 takeover of the College Republicans—perhaps and fascist politics, helping to operate an axis of mayhem when he was the campus rightist leader at Brandeis between South Africa and Israel. University. In 1985, Abramoff opened the Washington headquarters • The South Africans financed the College Republicans of the International Freedom Foundation (IFF). He there- when Abramoff and his political partners, Grover Norquist after chaired the Foundation, a front for the South African and Ralph Reed, ran the national group (1981-85). racial apartheid regime’s secret police and military intelli- • Craig Williamson personally trained Abramoff in the gence, with other offices in London, Hamburg, Brussels, arts of deception and political dirty tricks. Rome, and Johannesburg. IFF closed down in 1993 when the University of Durbin professor John Daniels, researcher South African government cut off its $1.5 million per year for the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, covert funding. reports4 that Abramoff traveled to South Africa in 1983 to The famous South African “superspy” Craig William- cement relations between the College Republicans and the son, a global director of assassinations, ran IFF’s actual secret-police-funded National Students Federation (NSF), Johannesburg center. After the black-majority government headed by Williamson’s intelligence cohort, Russel Crystal. took power, Williamson confessed to numerous state-spon- The IFF, founded in 1985, was reportedly Crystal’s idea. sored murders. He and other secret police officials revealed Also in 1985, Abramoff became the director of a puta- that Abramoff’s IFF was part of a larger South African mili- tively private organization called Citizens for America. It was tary intelligence initiative. Code-named Operation Babushka, one strand of a worldwide network of mercenaries, illegal it was tasked to counter and destroy the leading black anti- arms dealers, drug traffickers, money launderers, terrorists, and private spies, known collectively among intelligence spe- 2. U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing transcript, Nov. 2, 2005 (emphasis in the original). 4. Claudia Braude, “A Blast from the Past,” Mail & Guardian Online (South 3. U.S. Senate, June 22, 2005, op. cit. Africa), Jan. 24, 2006. EIR March 10, 2006 National 33 cialists as “the asteroids.” Citizens for America was spon- sored by rightist financier Lewis Lehrman, in coordination with the Vice President George H.W. Bush side of the Reagan Administration. Abramoff, his lieutenant Grover Norquist, and South Af- rica’s Crystal-Williamson-linked NSF, organized a 1985 summit conference of rightist guerrilla movements, hosted Craig Williamson, a confessed by Jonas Savimbi’s diamond-smuggling UNITA movement coordinator of assassinations for South Africa during the in Jamba, Angola. The heroin-trafficking Afghan mujahedin, apartheid era, trained Abramoff Oliver North’s cocaine-smuggling Nicaraguan contras, Lao- in the arts of deception and tian guerrillas, Jack Abramoff, and Russel Crystal were on political dirty tricks.
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