BERGVLIET PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDRENS WAY 7945 TEL: (021) 715 1103 FAX: (021) 715 24 86


17 JULY 2013

The start of a new term, always an opportunity to reassess the goals which you have set, examine those areas which would benefit from extra attention and effort, and also a reminder of the passage of time – we have entered the second half of 2013 – six months gone, six to go! Term THREE, begun on Monday, 15 July, winds up on Friday, 20 September. Three, frequently regarded as a “lucky” number, appears in all aspects of our lives: Remember the Three Little Pigs, the Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears? There were Three Wise Men, things always happen in threes, winners are ranked First, Second and Third, in cricket a hat trick indicates the taking of three wickets by successive balls. We say “third time lucky”when we are being optimistic about something and “one, two, three, go”! Three is the largest number still written with as many lines as the number represents (Roman numerals). Let’s use the letters composing the word THREE to gain inspiration for a game-plan aimed at achieving the very best TERM THREE possible:

T THINK Clearly and logically Positively Before you speak!

H HEAR This means listen! Listen attentively and focus on the words being spoken The music and sounds of life are all around us – the rewards of patient listening are knowledge and wisdom

R READ Whenever you have the chance – read newspapers, magazines, books – best-sellers and old classics – children’s books make great reads – Roald Dahl & A A Milne unforgettable characters. The labels on everything you buy, especially what you eat.

E EAT Enjoy the life-enhancing properties of good food, eat wisely and not too well.

E ENERGISE Exercise – all three facets of your being – body, mind and spirit Expend energy on empathy for others, endure those things which make you impatient(traffic jams, queues), and above all

enter into the spirit of life with expectant enthusiasm.

We extend a very warm and happy welcome to the newcomer to our Staffroom, Ms Rebecca Gerber, who will be taking care of Mrs Bennett’s Grade Two class for the rest of this year. Ms Gerber comes to us from St Augustine’s R C Primary in Wittebome, and we know that she will be able to rely on the support and friendship of the family.

Holistic Education to be proud of. 2



Please remember to return your Second Term Report to the class teacher by the end of this week at the latest. CERTIFIED copies, if required, should be made BEFORE returning report. This week we are endeavouring to bring TONS OF GLASS TO RECYCLING – all those glass recyclables which were carefully collected during the holidays.

Wednesday 17 July Third Term Assessment Schedule & Exam Timetable is sent home

Thursday 18 July MANDELA DAY: Your 67 Minutes of Kindness…………


This week we focus on collecting as much PAPER RECYCLING material as possible. EXTRAMURALS COMMENCE THIS WEEK.

Monday 22 July Grade 6 Mediation : Parents & Learners meet 19.00 Friday 26 July Grade One Cake Sale Saturday 27 July MUSICTHON


Friday 02 August Grade Four Cake Sale


This week we focus again on collecting as much GLASS RECYCLING material as possible.

Monday 05 August WCED WHOLE SCHOOL EVALUATION until Wednesday, 07 August



Wednesday 14 August Grade Three Drama Evening : 19.00

Saturday 17 August Grade 6 Mediation Workshop : 09.00 – 12.00


This week we would like to collect a great deal of TINS/CANS for our Recycling Competition.

Wednesday 21 August Grade Two Drama Evening : 19.00

Friday 23 August FOUNDERS’ DAY

Saturday 24 August Grade 6 Mediation Workshop : 09.00 – 12.00


This week is ASSESSMENT WEEK and there will be NO EXTRAMURALS.

Wednesday 28 August Grade Seven-2008 Reunion

Holistic Education to be proud of. 3

WEEK EIGHT This week we aim to collect as much PLASTIC RECYCLING material as possible. Tickets for the Variety Show (13 & 14 September) will be on sale from this week. This is the LAST WEEK OF EXTRAMURALS.

Wednesday 04 September Grade One Drama Evening : 19.00

Thursday 05 September Book Character Day (dress up as story-book character)


Monday 09 September E-Learner Assessments : Grades 4 & 7

Tuesday 10 September ANA Language Gr 1 & 2 : 09.00 – 10.00 ANA Language Gr 4 & 5 : 09.00 – 10.30

Wednesday 11 September ANA Language Gr 3 : 09.00 – 10.00 ANA Language Gr 6 : 09.00 – 10.30

Thursday 12 September ANA Maths Gr 1 & 2 : 09.00 – 10.00 ANA Maths Gr 4 & 5 : 09.00 – 10.30

Friday 13 September ANA Maths Gr 3 : 09.00 – 10.30 ANA Maths Gr 6 : 09.00 – 10.30 VARIETY SHOW : Evening Performance

Saturday 14 September VARIETY SHOW : 14.30 – 16.00 & 18.30 – 20.00


This week is a GLASS RECYCLING Competition week – please bring all your glass.

Wednesday 18 September Foundation Phase General Knowledge Quiz : 08.00 – 09.00 Senior Phase General Knowledge Quiz : 09.00 – 10.30

Thursday 19 September Word Wizard Spelling Competition : 08.30 – 09.00 Lost Property Sale : 07.30 -08.00 : Hall Veranda

Friday 20 September Assembly : 09.45 – 10.15 School closes : 11.00


At the Eisteddfod Piano Section at Civic Centre on Monday, 03 June 2013 Aileen Lee (Gr 7H) was awarded Merit and Sean Petersen (also Gr 7H) received Honours for their performances.

On Wednesday, 12 June 2013 Bergvliet Primary School music pupils and our Senior Choir provided the entertainment at an evening of musical appreciation in the school Hall. We would like to remind learners who participate at such concerts and performances that at the end of the proceedings it is polite and correct behaviour to allow all the guests in the audience to leave the hall before the learners themselves exit. It is also discourteous to enter or leave the hall or create a disturbance of any kind, during the actual performance time.

Holistic Education to be proud of. 4

Members of the audience as well as performers should only leave the venue during an intermission or at the end of the show.

On Thursday, 13 June 2013 our BPS Recorder Ensemble, a group of eight musicians, took part in the Cape Town Eisteddfod Music Section at the Sea Point Civic Centre, where they were awarded Diploma – an excellent result, rewarding their efforts.

Guitar soloists Aidan Botha (Gr 7V) and Joey Gordon (Gr 7A) were awarded High Honours for their entries, and Sean Petersen (Gr 7H) received Diploma.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013 was a busy day at BPS – the Grade Seven classes demonstrated their business acumen at Entrepreneurs’ Day. This popular shopping day for the whole school took place in dry weather ensuring maximum fun for both buyers and sellers. It was also Mystery Teacher Swap-around Day when the various grades enjoyed the presence of a “surprise” educator for an hour. This interlude provides insight and interest for educators and learners.

Bergvliet Primary School learners participated in the Norman Henshilwood Epoch Optima Primary Schools Maths Challenge on Tuesday, 18 June 2013. Our team, composed of Aileen Lee and Sean Petersen (both Gr 7H), Jae-Yoon Kim and Jason Uhuaba (both Gr 7A) and Dylan Baron (Gr 7V) came second in a “sudden death” finish, having tied for first place with Sweet Valley Primary School. All participants received a Casio calculator and for coming second our learners were given ,00 each.

We were saddened and concerned to note that on the last day of Term Two (Friday, 21 June 2013) there were 105 children absent from school. Even though it is a short session, it is important for learners to wrap up the term with their classmates, joining in the special last-day activities and participating in the final assembly.

There are still some outstanding Sports Derby Day Lucky Draw Cards – these cards remain the property of Bergvliet Primary School and MUST be returned, even if no money was raised for the fundraiser.


Civvies Days are always well supported here at Bergvliet Primary. It is always fun to dress up for school rather than wearing the usual uniform, and when the dressing up is for a good cause, helping, uplifting and sharing one’s good fortune with others, it is also an excellent life-lesson for our children. This term we held a Civvies Day on Friday, 07 June for the Clothing Guild and again the following Friday, 14 June, for the Help the Rural Child project. We thank the BPS families most sincerely for their keen, kind and unfailing support of our Civvies Days – your warm-heartedness is greatly appreciated. The organisers of the Help the Rural Child Bookshops also held a Book Sale in our Library on Wednesday, 19 June 2013, when our learners enjoyed the opportunity to shop for quality second-hand books. We were absolutely blown away by the sheer volume of household goods, clothes, blankets, toys, books, etc which were donated to fill the bags provided by the charity. The committee room was packed like a warehouse – it took several van-loads to transport it all to their headquarters in Mowbray. THANK YOU SO VERY


Holistic Education to be proud of. 5

The parents who support our Lost Property Sales at the end of term (last sale Thursday, 20 June 2013) also assist us to care for those less fortunate – the proceeds of these sales are given to the Animal Rescue Organisation whose primary concern is the welfare of the pets of the under-privileged communities of our city.

Thank you too for the tins of petfood which are provided when cell phones are retrieved from safe-keeping in the School Office – this is a positive outcome and not a punishment.

L S L DE BEER PRINCIPAL ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



LEARNER’S NAME: ...... ………..………………... GRADE: ………..

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ...... ……………...... ….. DATE: …......


Please note that Bergvliet Primary School does not endorse the advertising material sent home to parents. We see this form of advertising purely as a source of revenue for the school.

. SUNNY SKIES NURSERY SCHOOL: Provides after care facilities for children up to Grade 2. Transport is provided from within the Bergvliet Primary premises. We also have a holiday care program during the holidays for all children. For further details please contact Daneel on 0217125657 or 0827813080. . LITTLE ANGELZ PLAYSCHOOL & AFTERCARE - We offer a loving, secure, safe and homely environment. AFTERCARE (Grade R-7) & BABY CARE (3 months – 2 Years) Contact Ronalda on 0848394759 or [email protected] TODDLER PLAYGROUP (2 Years – 4 Years) Contact Tracey on 0832706133 or [email protected] . THE SPCA VET SHOP situated at 6 Gabriel Road Plumstead, offers its customers an ample range of products and brands to suit every pets needs. From a wide variety of leading veterinary foods, leads, collars and harnesses, toys, treats, grooming products and all kinds of jackets and blankets to keep your pet snug! Open Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm and Saturday 8:30am – 13:30am (winter trading hours until 1 September). We even offer a convenient home delivery service! Contact us on 021 761 4463 or [email protected]. All profits go towards supporting the SPCA’s mission to speak for, protect and care for all animals.


Holistic Education to be proud of.