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5-1-1989 Clemson Commencement Program, May 1989

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May 12, 1989 Clemson,

CENTENNIAL 18891989 Graduation Friday, May 12, 1989

11:00 a. n1.

ORDER OF CEREMONIES (Audienc·e will please stand as faculty and candidates march In and remain standing for the invocation)

Invocation The Reverend David G. Sinclair Reformed University Fellowship

Conferring of Honorary Degrees President Max Lennon

Address to Graduating Class The Honorable Clayton Yeutter United States Secretary of Agriculture

Recognition of President's Award Recipient

Conferring of Degrees and Delivery of Diplomas President Max Lennon

Welcome to New Alumni Deborah B. DuBose Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations


Frank W. Breazeale, Organist W. Theodore Munn, Soloist Dr. John Jefferson Porter, University Marshal

Visitors are not allowed on the floor of the coliseum for photographic or other purposes until after the commencement address. Access to the floor of the coliseum will be allowed beginning with the conferring of degrees of the doctoral candidates. Please return to your seat promptly after making photographs in order to keep distraction on the floor at a minimum. You are requested to refrain from loud expressions of pleasure for individual graduates. Such expressions frequently detract from the recognition due the next graduate in line. Your cooperation is respectfully but urgently requested. HONORARY DEGREE DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES RUTH PATRICK Dr. Ruth Patrick is nationally known as a scientist, educational leader and consultant to industry and government in matters of environmental preservation and ecosystem balance. She is well-recognized in the scientific world for developing biological methods for environmental analysis, many of which have revolutionized analytical methodology for the evaluation of water quality. In South Carolina, Dr. Patrick has established the characteristics of the natural aquatic ecosystems in the Savannah River and its tributaries from which one can predict the effects of pollution. This study was started before the Savan- nah River Plant was built and has continued to the present for the Du Pont Company. She holds the Francis Boyer Chair of Limnology at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and is honorary chairman of the Academy's Board of Trustees. Dr. Patrick founded the Limnology Department at the Academy of Natural Sciences in 1947 and remained its cnairman until 1973. As a limnologist, she deals with the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of fresh waters, especially rivers. Dr. Patrick has written extensively on water resource management and the effects of water pollution. Industry's goal, she believes, must be to avoid waste production, or if wastes are produced, to recycle or mitigate them. Recycling also should be the aim of consumers. She notes that, in the future, attitudes toward water resources must change. There must be a monetary incentive for both industry and consumers to save water. She suggests that a water conservation ethic must be developed by every person if we are to effectively use but not abuse our water resources. A native of the midwest, Dr. Patrick was born in Topeka, Kansas, and grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. She earned a B.S. degree at Coker College in Harts- ville and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Virginia. Her numerous honors and awards include the Merit Award of the Botanical Society of America (1971) , the Eminent Ecologist Award of the Ecological Society of America (1972), the Philadelphia Award (1973), the John and Alice Tyler Ecology Award (1975), and the Gold Medal of the Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp, Belgium (1978). The author of three books and more than 140 scientific publications, Dr. Patrick is a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Resources Institute, the World Wildlife Fund/Conservation Foundation, and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, all in Washington, D.C., and the Midwest Research Insti- tute, Kansas City, Missouri. Through her scientific expertise and leadership in her profession, Dr. Patrick has contributed greatly to a better quality of life throughout the world. Clemson University is honored to award this honorary doctoral degree to Dr. Ruth Patrick in recognition of her distinguished achievements. HONORARY DEGREE DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES CLAYTON YEUTTER Dr. Clayton Yeutter, a native Nebraskan, who as a youngster was a high achiever in the 4-H program and later an articulate spokesman for the Coopera- tive Extension Service, was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on February 8, 1989 and publicly sworn in as the 23rd United States Secretary of Agriculture on February 16. Dr. Yeutter, whose extensive knowledge of agriculture was gained through first-hand experience which began early in life, has an outstanding career which includes distinguished public and private-sector service in agricultural policy development, law, economics, marketing and trade. Secretary Yeutter believes in the strengths of America's rural areas and sees a bright future for the rural communities of the country as they adapt to the changing needs of the people in these communities. He is known for his solid understanding of the interrelationships of agriculture from production to con- sumption and all of the factors involved. He sets a high standard of excellence for himself and his colleagues. From July 1985 until the end of the Reagan administration, Dr. Yeutter served as U.S. Trade Representative. His previous USDA posts include assistant secre- tary for international affairs and commodity programs from March 1974 to June 1975, assistant secretary for marketing and consumer services from January 1973 to March 1974, and administrator of the consumer and marketing service from October 1970 to December 1971. Dr. Yeutter's other career highlights include president and chief executive officer of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, July 1978 to June 1985; senior part- ner, law firm of Nelson, Harding, Yeutter & Leonard, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 1977 to June 1978; deputy U.S. Special Trade Representative, June 1975 to February 1977; director, University of Nebraska Mission in Colombia (a large agricultural technical assistance program), September 1968 to October 1970; executive assis- tant to the governor of Nebraska, January 1966 to September 1968; faculty mem- ber, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska, January 1960 to January 1966; operator of a 2,500 acre farming-ranching-cattle feeding enter- prise in central Nebraska, 1957-1975; and enlistee, later commissioned officer, U.S. Air Force, 1952-1957. A native of Eustis, Nebraska, Dr. Yeutter earned three degrees at the Univer- sity of Nebraska. He was graduated with high distinction in 1952 with a Bechelor of Science degree in animal husbandry. In 1963 he received his law degree, graduating cum laude and ranking first in his class. In 1966 he received his doctorate in agricultural economics and was named outstanding graduate student in the program. D;. Yeutter, a personable and versatile leader, is a family man who believes in the family and strong family values as essential to the fabric of the American way of life. He and his wife, Jeanne, a home economist by profession, have four children. Clemson University holds him and his achievements in the highest regard, and it is a special privilege to honor him with the awarding of this honorary degree. The President's Award


Dr. Russell G. Mawby is chairman of the Board of Trustees and chief executive officer of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, among the largest private philanthropic organizations in the world. He is a member of the President's Advisory Council at Clemson University. Dr. Mawby grew up on a farm in western Michigan and has degrees in horticulture and agricultural economics from Michigan State and Purdue. He later served on the faculties of both institutions. In 1965 he joined the staff of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michigan, as director of the Division of Agriculture, becom- ing vice president in 1967 and president and chief executive officer in 1970. He was named chairman of the Board in 1982, while con- tinuing as chief executive officer. Established in 1930 to "help people help themselves," The Foundation has distributed more than $1 billion in support of programs in agriculture, education, and health. Grants to Clemson University have helped introduce microcomputers into Clemson's Cooperative Extension Programs, provide an agricultural literacy program to enhance awareness of agriculture and nutrition among faculty and students in nonagricul- tural disciplines, provide an orientation program for new faculty, and develop rural leadership in South Carolina. Clemson is honored to present this award to Russ Mawby as a symbol of our sincere thanks for all he does for this University. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Louis P. Batson, Jr., Chairman ______Greenville Thomas B. McTeer, Jr., Vice Chairman ______Columbia Billy L. Amick ------Batesburg J. J. Britton ------Sumter Fletcher C. Derrick, Jr. ______Charleston W. G. Deschamps, Jr. ______Bishopville Louis B. Lynn ------Columbia Paul W. McAlister ------Laurens Buck Mickel ------Greenville James C. Self ------Greenwood B. Marion Smith ------Columbia James M. Waddell, Jr. ------Beaufort Allen P. Wood ------Florence

Trustees Emeriti William N. Geiger, Jr. ------Columbia Paul Quattlebaum, Jr. ______Charleston D. Leslie Tindal ------Pinewood

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Max Lennon ______President W. David Maxwell ______Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Hugh J. Clausen ______Vice President for Administration and Secretary of the Board of Trustees G. Jay Gogue ______Vice President for Research David R. Larson ______Vice President for Business and Finance Manning N. Lomax ______Vice President for Student Affairs Gary A. Ransdell ______Vice President for Institutional Advancement Milton B. Wise ______Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources The Academic Procession The Academic procession is composed of the faculty, officers, Trustees, and honored guests of the University. Faculty enter by college and each college is preceded by its mar- shal, a senior faculty member, with the college baton, described under University Regalia. Following the marshal is the college banner bearer. Each banner is a combination of colors that declare the disciplines taught in that college. These colors, which were estab- lished by the American Council on Education, are as follows: College Colors Discipline Agriculture Maize Agriculture Architecture Brown Fine Arts Lilac Architecture Commerce & Industry Copper Economics Drab Business Education Light Blue Education Engineering Orange Engineering Forest & Recreation Russet Forestry Resources Sage Green Recreation Education Liberal Arts Dark Blue Philosophy White Letters & Humanities Cream Social Science Library Lemon Library Nursing Apricot Nursing Sciences Golden Yellow Sciences Staff Purple & Orange Academic Support Collegiate faculty follow their banner in order of academic rank wearing academic cos- tumes of medieval origin. Those who have received their degrees from institutions outside the United States wear costumes specified by the awarding institutions. The academic costumes of faculty whose degrees are from United States' institutions are specified by a uniform code maintained by the American Council on Education. Caps are black and are usually mortar boards with tassels. Doctors of Philosophy wear gold tassels usually of metallic thread; other degrees wear black or discipline colors. The bachelors' gown is simple and black with long, pointed sleeves. Masters' gowns, also black, are longer than bachelors. Older gowns have sleeves that terminate at the elbow while those since 1960 have sleeves extended to the wrist. Doctors' gowns are full, with bell-like sleeves. The front is marked by velvet panels and the sleeves are marked by three velvet bars. While most gowns are black with black velvet, one variation is to replace black velvet with velvet in the discipline color. A second variation is a colored gown usually of the univer- sity's colors. All hoods specify the level of degree, the discipline studied and the awarding institution. First, degree level is signified by the size cf the hood with bachelors' smallest, masters' lar- ger, and doctors' quite large and of a different shape. Clemson does not award hoods to bachelors. The width of the velvet trim also conveys the degree. Secondly, the discipline is indicated by the color of the trim edging the hood to form the throat over the gown. Finally, the color of the hood's lining specifies the awarding institution. The colors are displayed in combinations that are drawn from heraldry. Notice that the Clemson University hood is lined with purple through which is an orange chevron (a "V"). Although many combinations are duplicated by dozens of institutions, Clemson is presently the only institution with that reg- istered combination. The officers, trustees, and honored guests wear academic, ecclesiastical, or military re- galia as set forth by their professions. They are preceded by the University marshal. Clad in a gown of office in gold and purple, the marshal wears no hood and bears the University mace. At the ceremony's close, the faculty do not exit as a part of the recessional but are dismissed, along with students and guests, when the marshal leaves the coliseum. The University Regalia The University mace is the symbolic representation of the whole of Clemson University and must be present at any convocation where the University, through its delegated members, is acting officially. At any official convocation such as commencement, the University Marshal, carrying the mace, precedes the Presi- dent into the assembly. The mace rests before the President's chair or speaker's stand throughout the ceremony, and its removal from the assembly at the close of a convocation is symbolic of the official withdrawal of the University and, thus, the close of the proceedings.

The decorative design of Clemson's mace is derived from the ceremonial maces carried by heads of state and church in the Middle Ages. Its basic club- like shape, however, is much more ancient, probably going back to man's pre- history. It is made of walnut wood and silver, with the seal of the University in gold and the University colors represented by insets of carnelian (orange) and amethyst (purple). Amethyst is also the state stone of South Carolina.

The Presidential chain and seal is symbolic of the authority vested in the office of president by the governing body of the University. Only the University President may wear it, and while wearing it he speaks for the whole body of the institution. Clemson's chain and seal are made of silver and gold, and carnelian and amethyst.

The batons of the college marshals also descend from medieval "staffs of office" which were carried by the senior members of departments of state or church. They display the seal of the University and the symbolic color of the discipline to which the college belongs. Clemson's batons are made of walnut wood and silver with the various disciplines inset with enamel.

The University regalia were designed and executed by Mr. Robert Ebendorf. Mr. Ebendorf is twice winner of the Tiffany Award and one of the most acclaimed goldsmiths of our era. The enamel plaques for the batons were executed by the late Professor Marshall C. Bell, and the lapidary work was executed by the late Mr. C. C. Wilson of Clemson University. Coat of Arms

Designed by Clemson University graphic artist, Connie Floyd, the coat of arms represents the historic three-fold mission of this institution: teaching, research and service.

Pictured on the cover, the coat of arms is divided into three parts. The bottom contains a series of open books representing the concept of teaching as the ba- sis of the land-grant university. The white of the books and the purple of the background designate the teach- ing mission of the University as it is achieved through undergraduate and graduate instruction.

The upper portion of the shield contains two sets of calipers and wheat sheaves illustrating the measure- ment system for research, as well as Clemson's tradi- tion in agriculture and Extension. The three symbols - the books, calipers and wheat sheaves - also repre- sent the humanities, technology and science.

The entire shield is joined by a small orange cen- ter shield bearing a white tiger mask symbolizing the abiding spirit of Clemson.

The crest is a gold palmetto tree, which emphasizes Thomas Green Clemson's desire that Clemson become "the people's university" for South Carolinians. It rises from a band of purple, orange, white and gold. The outer pair of colors, purple and gold, are the official colors of the University; the inner pair, orange and white, are Clemson's student colors. CANDIDATES FOR DOCTORS' DEGREES ARNOLD EDWARD SCHWARTZ, Dean, Graduate School COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Applied Economics Sivapathasunderam Sureshwaran ------Jaffna, Sri Lanka B.A., Madras Christian College; M.A., University of East Anglia Dissertation: Impacts of Alternative Sectors of the South Carolina Economy of the Flue-Cured Tobacco Price Support Program

Entomology William Eugene Barton ------Seneca B.S., Clemson University Dissertation: The Horn Fly, Haematobla irritans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae): Control and Pyrethroid Resist- ance Management Investigations in South Carolina Stephen Lewis Brown ------Auburn, Ala. B.S., M.S., Auburn University Dissertation: Influence of Peach Cultivar on the Peachtree Borer, Synanthedon exillosa Say Wesley Davis Martin ------Halifax, Va. B.S., Ferrum College; M.S., University of Georgia Dissertation: The Tobacco Flea Beetle, Epitrix hlrtlpennis (Melsheimer), on Flue-Cured Tobacco: Assess- ment of Larval Damage, Larvicidal Control, and Host Plant Resistance to the Adults

Food Technology Youn Won Ha Seoul, Korea B.S., M.S., Seoul National University; M.S., Michigan State University Dissertation: Isolation and Characterization of Freshwater Microalgal Polysaccharides


DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Industrial Management Mark David Hanna Sonapurhat, W. Bengal B.A., LeTourneau College; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of Consensus as a Measure of Manufacturing Strategy Zhi Wei Zhu ------Shanghai, China BTex, East China institute of Textile Science & Technology; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: A Workload Balancing Optimization Model for Ambulance Location: An Application to Shanghai, P.R.C.

Management Science James Russell Rieck Preston, Md. B.S., Salisbury State College; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: Statistical Analysis for the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution


DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Vocallonal and Technical Education Beth Jackson Martin Edgefield B.A., Columbia College; M.Ed., University of South Carolina Dissertation: The Effect of Metacognltive Strategy Instruction on the Problem-Solving Skills of Disad- vantaged/Handicapped Vocational Students James David Turner ------Whittier, N. C. B.S., Western Carolina University; MAED, East Carolina University Dissertation: Communication Between Industrial Distribution Education and the Industrial Distribution Industry: The Total Higher Education Industrial Distribution Program COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Engineering Raed Hussien Abdallah Dallas, B.S., Ohio University; M.S., San Jose State University Dissertation: Evaluating Synergy Exhibited Between Different Automation Technologies in Cellular Manufacturing, via Computer Simulation {Field of Specialization: Industrial Engineering) Jefferson Davis Bargeron 111 ------Sardis, Ga. B.S., North Georgia College; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: Sources of Cottonseed - Fragment Imperfections in Fabric {Field of Speclallzatlon: Agri- cultural Engineering) Can Aydin Dogan ------Istanbul, Turkey B.S., Yildiz University; M.S., Technical University of Istanbul Dissertation: Application of Pseudo-Boolean Models in Manufacturing Control System Software Design {Field of Specialization: Industrial Engineering) Kamuran Abdurrahman Kadlpasaoglu ------Istanbul, Turkey B.S., M.S., Bosphorus University Dissertation: Ultrastructural and Antigenic Composition of Dlrofllarla lmmltls Cuticle: A Study In Nema- tode Hemocompatibillty {Field of Specialization: Bioengineering) Raghunath Gopal Menon ------Flanders, N. J. B.E., Regional Engineering College, University of Madras; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: Impingement Characteristics of Heated Plane Turbulent Jets {Field of Specialization: Mechanical Engineering) Charles Victor Shorten ------Alexandria, Va. B.S., M.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University Dissertation: Desorption Kinetics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Coal Fines and Coal Contami- nated Sediments {Field of Speclallzation: Environmental Systems Engineering)

COLLEGE OF SCIENCES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Computer Science Abbas Sayed Youssefi ------Babel, Iran B.S., College of Social & Economical Science; M.S., Western Michigan University Dissertation: An Intermediate Language and Machine-Independent Optimization Issues In Automatic Code Generation for Vector Processors Mathematical Sciences Peter MacDougall Nylen ------Deland, Fla. B.S., Stetson University; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: Submultlpllcatlvlty and Matrix Products John Richard Thornton ------Charlotte, N. C. B.A., University of North Carolina at Charlotte; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: Two Problems Concerning Robot Arms: Product-Automaton-Based Control Among Obstacles and Recursive Optimization on a Hypercube Computer Microblology Eugene Dumltru Carstea ------Chantilly, Va. B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Dissertation: Characterization of the Transcription Inducing Potential of a Cloned Bovine Pituitary Nucleotide Sequence: Analyses In E. coll and In Cultured Bovine Pituitary Cells which Further Illustrate the Concept of Metabolite Gene Regulation {MGR) Physics John Thomas Isbell ------Mauldln B.S., M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: Stellar Evolution In Clusters and Galaxies Clement Wllllam Skorupka ------Rochelle Park, N. J. B.S., Lafayette College; M.S., Clemson University Dlssertation: Theory of Gas-Atom Scattering From Surface Defects Zoology Ll-Hslen Lin ------Taipei, Taiwan B.S., National Taiwan University; M.S., Clemson University Dissertation: Neuroendocrlne Modulation of Dally Torpor In the Deermouse, Peromyscus manlculatus Peter Richard Smith ------Edmonton, Alberta, Canada B.S., M.S., University of Alberta Dissertation: Comparative Ultrastructure and Function of Polychaete Protoneph-Rldia CANDIDATES FOR EDUCATION SPECIALIST AND MASTERS' DEGREES ARNOLD EDWARD SCHWARTZ, Dean, Graduate School


MASTER OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Jack Leroy Wiles, Jr. ------Anderson Donald Toy Williams ------York

MASTER OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES Crystal Vernell Colden ------Portsmouth, Va. Ann Snipes Powers ------Central

MASTER OF SCIENCE Agricultural Economics Vijayaraghavan Muralidaran ------Clemson

Agronomy James Randy Harris ------Clemson Alan John Vybiral ------Wahoo, Nebr. Evelyn Newton Hiatt ------Casar, N. C.

Animal and Food Industries Lois Allyson Bell ------Due West Lydia Diane McGill ------Starr Marla Mercedes Botero ----- Medellin, Colombia Teresa Michelle Moore ------Clemson Joel Kenneth Kidd ------Greenville Scott Lee Pratt ______Moorefield, W. Va.

Horticulture Mark Allen Demuth Waterloo, Iowa Mary Frances Pogany ------Kirtland, Ohio

Plant Pathology Sandra Kay McDonald ------Chester

Wiidiife Biology Michael Crocker ------Union


MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE James Robert Atkins ------Charleston, W. Va. Grady Dale Lee ------Sumter Guy Edward Beatty 111 ------Charlotte, N. C. Michael Sul Tung LI ------Hong Kong Paul Frederick Betz ------Severna Park, Md. David Owen Loy ------Deerfield, Ill. Christina Lynn Buchanan ------Winnsboro John Scot Macrae ------Greenville Andrew Campbell Cole ------Raleigh, N. C. Christopher Charles McCullough Georgia Co nits Coundoussias ______Greenville ------Cincinnati, Ohio David Lee Damon ------Charleston Edward Pennlwltte Monroe Ill ------Sumter Ronald Joseph Denton, Jr. ------Charleston Kevin Lee Motyka ------Ludington, Mich Harrell Clayton Gandy ------Charleston Michael Sean Murphy ------, Texas Earle Giireath Hungerford ------Greenville Kris Adrienne Oburg ------Kinnelon, N. J. Jerry Lance Hupy ------Newburgh, Ind. Peter Clifford Schlossman ------Glencoe, ill. Lawrance Philippe Jaccard James Blair Smith ------Appomattox, Va. ------Fernandina Beach, Fla. John Weston Taylor ------West Columbia Robert Todd Johnson ------Orangeburg Robert John Thomas, Jr. ------Tequesta, Fla. Michael E. Karamus ------Clark, N. J. Peter Rudolf Wasmer, Jr. ____ High Point, N. C.

MASTER OF BUILDING SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT Joycelyn Hairston ------Atlanta, Ga. James Welchans Nagle Glen Ellyn, Ill.

MASTER OF CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING Andrew Spence Gunning ------York, Pa. Henry Victor Pratt 111 ------Wilton, Ct. Norbaya Hall-Katan ------Rembau, Malaysia Gloria Kaye Singleton ------Easley Onochle Sunday lkedlonwu Obosi, Nigeria

MASTER OF FINE ARTS Katherine Louise Fracasso ______Summerville Cecile Leone Kirchner Martin ------Seneca Ming-Mel Wang Jang ------Taipei, Taiwan COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Charles Edward Cole, Jr. ____ Fairbanks, Alaska Michael Gary Hudgens ------Greenvllle Robert Walter Davids ------Cayce Rodney Odette Johnson ------Darlington Neil Lewis Davies ------Greer Darrell John Kaniowskl ------Detroit, Mich. Dorothy Jane Day ------Taylors Biren Narenbhai Patel ------Orlando, Fla. Michael William Delcloppo ------Greenville John Edgar Peterson Ill _____ Greensboro, N. C. Wendy Darlene Elvington ------Simpsonville Joyce Ann Wooden Repsher ------Greenville Belinda Faye Evans ------Prattville, Ala. Joseph Anthony Smith ------Anderson Della Foster Frye ------Inman Kenneth Daryl Vance Smith ------Duncan Gary Robert Hall ------Anderson David Richard Stover ------Solon, Ohio Michael Van Hargett ------Titusville, Fla. Esther Elaine Watson ------Taylors Darrell Butler Herlong ------Greer

MASTER OF PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANCY Dana Cathryn Buckles ------Columbia Anne Marie Hanna ------Johnsonville Cecelia Webb Colangelo ------Greenvllle Barbara-Irene Barkley Jones ------Sumter

MASTER OF ARTS Economics Vance Stanley Eflin ------Clemson Deborah Marlon Payne ------Anderson David Martin Franklin ------Seminole, Fla.

MASTER OF SCIENCE Industrial Management Madhav Shamkant Adarkar ------Clemson Weng Onn Ng ------Clemson William Pitts Byrd, Jr. ------Laurens Sudeep L. Shah ------Hyderabad, India Tony Murdock Greer ------Belton Hochen Charles Shle ------Taipei, Taiwan Vincent Daniel Richard Gulde, Jr. ____ Clemson Michael Anthony Splrltoso _ Mississauga, Ontario Chandra Vadhan Reddy Kolen ------Clemson Antoine Maurice Watkins ______Reidsville, N. C. Subodh Pandurang Kulkarni ------Clemson


EDUCATION SPECIALIST Administration and Supervision John Fred Cleveland ______Hartwell, Ga.

MASTER OF EDUCATION Administration and Supervision Kathleen Faltus Brazinski ------Pickens Timothy Ray Coates ------Spartanburg Barbara Jennings Brock ------Greenwood Kimberly Elen Gibson ------Calhoun Falls Laura Major Brown ------Calhoun Falls Katherine Beaudrot Moseley ______Greenwood

Counseling and Guidance Services Michael Joe Batson ------Travelers Rest Judy Mccartt Dickson ------Greenville Gerald Baxter ------Cherryvllle, N. C. Mary Boulware Durr ------Taylors Lois Baer Blodgett ------Central Jacqueline Louise Greene ------Belton Rosalyn Adams Boggs ------Anderson Bobbie Underwood Hall ------Greenwood Jane Cook Crotts ------Laurens Devilla Brewer Hughes ------Seneca Suzanne Smith Crowe ------Toccoa, Ga. Eva Mcleod ------Chesterfield Nancy Young Curry ------Clemson Donna Sue Morgan ------West Union Judith Honeycutt D'Andrea ____ Lexington, N. C. William Gordon Neely, Jr. ------Pelzer Wallace Parrott Deschamps, Jr. Wisacky Rose Gomillion Whaley ------Greenwood

Elementary Education Nancy Benson Evatt ------Seneca Leora Caroline Patterson ------Greenville Amanda Kelley McDuffie ___ North Myrtle Beach

Reading Evelyn Dodgens Farmer ------Pickens Secondary Education Betsy Byrd Deslderl ______Durham, N. C. Patricia Mahoney Krejci ------Greenville Susan Caroline Dover ______Liberty Linda Braun Mize ------Laurens

Special Education Jennifer Lynn Hayes ------Anderson Rolann Cleveland Lee ------Westminster


MASTER OF ENGINEERING Electrical Engineering Samer Anis Hablby ------Oklahoma City, Okla. Clarence Michael Wallace ------Richmond, Va.

Environmental Systems Engineering John Kendrick Mackey ------Riverside, Ca.

MASTER OF SCIENCE Bioengineering Horng-Shiong Chen ------Taipei, Taiwan Kevin Thomas Stone ------Louisville, Ky. Rebecca Copenhaver Gibbs ------Clemson

Ceramic Engineering William Allen DuBose, Jr. ------Sumter Robert Clark Schlkner ------Dayton, Ohio William Gene Ramsey ------New Madrid, Mo.

Chemical Engineering David Gerald Dammlnger _____ Bro~klawn, N. J. Samuel Mills Peebles ------Baton Rouge, La.

Civil Engineering Yung Kang Ma ------Clemson Rahul Pravinchandra Shah ------Bombay, India Mohan G. S. Rao ------Mysore, India Michael Lawrance Ulshafer __ Jacksonville, Fla.

Computer Engineering Nlzar Michel El-Khoury ______Mlnyara, Lebanon Subramanian Vlnod Kumar Kasturl David Andrew Haeussler ------Wayne, N. J. ------Hyderabad, India Douglas Stanley Holtslnger ------Clemson Zahl Manuel Kurzum ------Haifa, Palestine

Electrical Engineering Daniel Oliver Adams ------Columbia Clay Lynwood Fellers ------Prosperity Thomas Leon Baldwin ____ Hendersonville, N. C. John Andrew Golden ------Columbia Chin-Hui Chang ------Taipei, Taiwan Sandlp Baburao Kamat-Tlmble __ Bombay, India Hsein-Jlnn Chen ------Taipei, Taiwan Susan Marie Meo ------Scott Depot, W. Va. Kalpesh Mansukhlal Chltalla __ Clementon, N. J. Chien-Chung Peng ------Kaohsiung, Taiwan John R. Crane ------St. Louis, Mo. Radhakrishnan Sethuraman ______Madras, India Marla Angeline Darnleder ____ Birmingham, Ala. Atul Sinha ------Patna, India Minsh Antony Den ------Taipei, Taiwan Nelson Wayne Willhite ------Myrtle Beach Yogesh Pramodbhal Dhuldhoya Paul Alan Williamson ______Chillicothe, Ohio ------Succasunna, N. J.

Environmental Systems Engineering Troy Melvin Boley ------Westmont, Ill. Padma Sreenlvas Golla ------Chlttoor, India Kathy McKinney Brewer ------Columbia Karen Virginia Gugllelmone _____ Oakdale, N. Y. Susan Frances Cooper ____ Stone Mountain, Ga. Wayne Allen Mayer ------Charlotte, N. C. Kenneth Neal Fleming ------Kingsport, Tenn.

Industrial Engineering Charles Windell LaHay, Jr. ------Clinton Richard Alan Paradiso, Jr. __ Virginia Beach, Va.

Mechanical Engineering Steven Craig Brandon ------Clemson Ramanujam RamanuJam ------Madras, India Jean-Pierre Clement ------Corene, France Chaoylng Zhu ------Shanghai, China Graham Richard Piper ------Greenville COLLEGE OF FOREST AND RECREATION RESOURCES

MASTER OF FORESTRY Mary Elizabeth Wh ite ------Darlington

MASTER OF PARKS, RECREATION, AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT Jimmy Royce Fowler ------Harrison, Tenn. John Otto Spengler ------Hendersonville, N. C. Bonnie Martin ------Beckley, W. Va. Danica Lynn Warner ------Belton

MASTER OF SCIENCE Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management Deborah Lynn Allen ------Lake Worth, Fla. Marlene Faye Pierson ______Lewisburg, W. Va.


MASTER OF ARTS English Teresa Jan Jordan ------Toccoa, Ga. Wiiiiam Brian Shearer ------Marysville, Ohio


MASTER OF SCIENCE Nursing Susan Shelton Conner __ __ Hendersonville, N. C. Jean ine Carr Rush ------Bellows Falls, Vt. Vincent Palmer Hall ------Asheville, N. C. Kathryn Polski Schindler ------Clemson


MASTER OF SCIENCE Chemistry Hsiu-Ju Chang ------Taichung, Taiwan Baosh eng Lee ------Kaohsiung, Taiwan Wesley John Kolar ------, Fla.

Computer Science James Scott Cannata East Bridgewater, Mass. Gollamudi L. Raj ------Hyderabad, India Anand Ashok Dlvekar ------Bombay, India Deborah McElveen Sikkema ------Clemson

Mathematical Sciences Stephen Hinson Bell ------Spartanburg Sharon Venise Griffin ------Chicago, Ill. Nancy Morrow Brown ------Seattle, Wash. Riaz Abdulaziz Lalanl ------Spartanburg Ernest Al exander Cl ine ------Batesburg Robin Lougee-Heimer ------Ninety Six Karen Lynne Dunlap ------Blue Bell, Pa. Marla Ann Medford ------Waynesville, N. C. Melissa Ann Falcon ______Donaldsonville, La. Mary M. Pratt ------Canisteo, N. Y. Judith Elaine Green ------Monroe, La. Glenn DeVon Weller ------Littleton, Co.

Microbiology Wade Hampton Johnston ______Harleyville Lori Bryant Payne ------Roberta, Ga. Timothy Ivan Meler ______Indianapolis, Ind. Heuy-Ching Wang ------Taichung, Taiwan

Phyalca Srllal Muditha Weeraslnghe __ Kandy, Sri Lanka

Zoology David Asher Aborn ------Kensington, Md. Lorrie Kay Klepfer ------Yorktown, Ind. Linda Marlene Eldredge ------Brockport, N. Y. CANDIDATES FOR BACHELORS' DEGREES COLLEGE OF AG RI CULTURAL SCIENCES JAMES HOWARD DANIELS, Acting Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Agrlcullural Economics and Rural Sociology Stephanie Christine Green ------Columbia Nathaniel Bruce Smith ------Easley James Robert Nicholson Ill ------Columbia Laura Ann Thomas ------Winnsboro

Agricultural Education **Daniel Hesford Poston ------Gresham

Agricultural Mechanization and Business David Brian DeWitt ______Darlington James Daniel Gowan ------Clemson Charles McKissic Easterling ______Bowman Carroll Buck King, Jr. ------Leesville Amy Elaine Elliott ------Shelby, N. C. Hugh Boyd Smith ------Newberry

Anlmal Industries Debra Ann Berlingo ______Stamford, Ct. Denise Andrea Durnin ______Amityville, N. Y. Joseph Eugene Darby ------Anderson Julie Melinda Hamm ------Newberry

Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Wildlife Biology Haven Roy Barnhill ------Irmo Jean Beckham Kinard ------Columbia Christopher Neal Dawes ------Anderson Charles Wagner McKinney, Jr. ------Clinton John Patrick Hudson ------Clemson

Entomology Stoney William Backman ------Norway Carol Ann Birtcil ______Vernon Township, N. J.

Food Science Susan Marie Caime ------Malvern, Pa. Joanne Margaret Power Dublin, Ireland **Brenda Faye Hughes ______Six Mlle Stacy Marie Saccani ------Allentown, Pa. Kimberly Ann Kaercher ______Miami, Fla. Lisa Marie Schramm ------Pittsburgh, Pa. Katherine Ann Kugler ------Columbia Steven H. West ------Milford, Del. Timothy Michael Lewis ______Charlotte, N. C. *Melinda Hope Whetsell ------Bowman ***Kimberly Ann Mathews ______Augusta, Ga.

Hortlcu ltura Marion Clifton Bledsoe ------Johnston *Misty Ann Heffington ------Loris James Todd Childers ------Leesville Stuart Ramsey Holwadei ------Columbia **Jeffrey Alan Coppes ------Chesterton, Ind. Donald Kimbrough Ledford, Jr. __ North Augusta Dianna Summers Dibble ------Orangeburg James Kevin Parris ------Spartanburg Augustus Jenkins Farmer 111 ______Beech Island **Frances Rachel Rufi ______Spartanburg George Gilmer Grattan iii ____ Williamsburg, Va. Andrew Chad Sanders ------Leesville Waiter Herbert Hechenbleikner Melodie Jennifer Scott ------Columbia ------Stone Mountain, Ga. James Clinton Taylor ------Anderson Scott Alan Yount ------Rochester, N. Y.

COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE JAMES FRAZIER BARKER, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS Design William Russell Anderson ------Columbia Philip John Heller ------Greeneville, Tenn. Mary Norris Nicholson Cooper ------Columbia Florence Gregoria Miller ------Mt. Pleasant Donna Renee Green ------Greenville Robert Edel Mobley ------Orangeburg Nancy Lee Hawlleld ------Bethesda, Md. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Building Science and Management Donald Eric Brax ------Spartanburg *Philip Edwin Pyle, Jr. ------West Grove, Pa. Christopher Scott Burriss ------Columbia Jon Andrew Sandeen ------Largo, Fla. Anthony Frank Edgar ------Seneca *Gregory Todd Sisk ------Stanley, N. C. Kimberly Lynn Frank ------Columbia Timothy Allan Solie ------Winter Park, Fla. James Spero Grumbos ------Greenville *James David Tassos ------Cincinnati, Ohio *Jeffery Dwayne Hall ------Margate, Fla. Matteson Edward Waylett ______Pendleton Wade Lewis Hunter ------Rosman, N. C. Robert Sanders Winn ------Abbeville

Design *David Emil Amal ------Pittsburgh, Pa. Scott Keith Hinson ______Rock Hill Ronald Scott Bell ------Atlanta, Ga. Michael Peter Knoblauch ______Naples, Fla. Brigitte Sylvia Birk ------Spartanburg Lisa Marie Lanni ------Albany, N. Y. Harriet Anne Blakely ------La Grange, Ga. Lawrence Arthur Martineau 111 __ Plantation, Fla. Virginia Louise Branch ------Auburn, Ala. Earl 0 . Merrill, Jr. ______Silver Spring, Md. *Glenn Andrew Buie ------Columbia Stephanie Diane Poole ------Spartanburg Gerald Francis Burwell __ Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Janet Elaine Robertson ______Jacksonville, Ala. Austin Brooks Childs ------Baltimore, Md. John Gregory Robertson ------Blythewood Simon William John Dent ______Durham, N. C. John Martin Schuller _____ Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Ronald Abraham Deschamps _ Roseau, Dominica Ronald Scott Sullivan ------Wilmington, Del. Mark Patrick Dullea ------Greenville Robert David Tallarico ------Greenville Julie-Anna Eldridge ------Easley Elisabeth Nicole Terry ______Greenvllle Joseph Sherman Fain ------Greer Tony Gordon Wilson ------Camden Steven Lynn Foster ------Greenville John Christopher Womack ------Sumter David Charles Fowler ------Belton t**John McElwain Young, Jr. ______Pendleton Jon Eric Handley ------Hershey, Pa. William Sutter Zehrung ------Marietta, Ga.

COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY RYAN CUSTER AMACHER, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS Economics Karen Elizabeth Buck ------Orangeburg *Tarver Hugh Price ------Charleston Patti Lynette Grooms ------St. Stephen Mark Kunc Spies ------Long Valley, N. J. Gregory Scott Mccurry ------Anderson Todd M. Traskos ------Hiiton Head

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Accounting *Amy LeAnn Anderson ------Clemson Scott Eben Graves ______Raleigh, N. C. *James Edward Bailey ------Greenvllle James Micheal Gray, Jr. ------Anderson Sharon Renee Bowden ------Camden Harry Leroy Grimmitt, Jr. ------Rock Hill Scott Henry Bresette ------Greenville *Lisa Darlene Hamilton ______Walhalla Marie Bernadette Brown ------Greenwood t**Bryant Aubrey Harrell ______Macon, Ga. Lisa Lavonne Brugh ------Westlake, Ohio Jill Elizabeth Harrington ____ Greensboro, N. C. Emily Conway Burger ------Midlothian, Va. Mary Catherine Hicks ------Rome, Ga. Christopher Reed Byrne ------Greenville Francis Harrison Horton Ill ------Greenvllle Denise Patricia Campbell _____ Manasquan, N. J. David Melton Hough ------High Point, N. C. *Ashleyann Clement ------, La. **Marion Joy Houghton ______Ashtabula, Ohio Kimberly Ann Clifford ______N. Smithfield, R. I. Elizabeth Larkin Kropp _____ Lake St. Louis, Mo. *Donna Denise Cole ------Aiken David Michael Lewis ------Aiken Curtis Eddie Collins ------Wiiiiamston **Ann Maclean Limehouse ______Orangeburg Christopher James Cooke ------Greenville Joseph George Mahaffey, Jr. ------Simpsonville Gregory Kevin Darnell ------Easley Kelley Elizabeth Moss ------Fountain Inn Tiffany Lyn Doyle ------Newark, Ohio Mary Leslie Orton ------Vero Beach, Fla. Christopher Scott Ellington ______Columbia t*Lori Lynne Otlowski ______Gaithersburg, Md . *Anita Kaye Ellison ------Williamston James Lloyd Page ------Mullins Marlene Dawn Fields ------Pelzer *Pamela Douglass Pearson ------Greer Christina Gene Frate ------Whitesboro, N. Y. Teresa Louise Perella ------Tampa, Fla. Willis Fuller 111 ------Charleston Paige Renee Ramsden ------Belleair, Fla. *Karen Jane Gagnon ______Charleston, W. Va. *Anthony Brett Secrist ------Anderson *Gwendolyn Lee Gardner ------Rembert Todd Wiiiiam Soderlund ______Moore *Cheryl Ann Ginther ------Anderson **Deena Summer ------Chapin Tyler Hart Granger ------Easley Elizabeth Starlene West ------Bowman Cedric Weldon Grant ______North Charleston Economics Lauri Ann Austin ------Camden Eva Laura Nance ------Columbia Courtney Laine Blackwell ·------Greenville *Miles Heath Nason ------Greer Patricia Lynn Corliss ------Manasquan, N. J. *Kristin Ann Orebaugh ______Rockville, Md. Maureen Elizabeth Dodd __ New Lexington, Ohio *Andre Federal Palmer ______Myrtie Beach Tina Kaye Dukes ------Camden Catherine Elaine Peck ------Florence, Ala. Jason Horn Griffith ------Orangeburg Allison Lyn Stewart ______Wilmington, N. C. *Kevin Stephen Ju Ilion _____ Freeport, Bahamas Lewis Randall Verdin ------Simpsonville t***Daniel Charles Lambert Troy Randall Weaver ------Kinards ------Mechanicsburg, Pa. Kelly O' Neil Wells ------Columbia Melanie Gaye McCulley ------Mauldin Robert Michael Yanity ------Pine Bluff, Ark. Christopher Lanier Moon ______Lavonia, Ga.

Financial Management Louis Murray Ackerman Ill _____ Chisolm Island Kelly Marie Malone ______Woodcliff Lake, N. J. Ricardo Alvarez ------Sarasota, Fla. Judith Ann Manosaiva ------··- - - Lowell, Mass. Brian Christopher Arthur ------Great Falls, Va. Alicia Ruth Mattison ------Spartanburg Timothy Scott Ayers ------Elberton, Ga. Dawn Marie McAnly ------Danville, Ky. Norman Leslie Barfoot ------Gray Court Stephen Henry Meeker ____ East Hampton, N. Y. *Emily Elizabeth Best ------Bethune Eric Trent Moody ------Cashiers, N. C. Marvin Watkins Best ------Bethune *Julia Ann Moore ------Clearwater, Fla. Michael Dempsey Blankenship _____ Orangeburg t**Michael Gregory Moore _____ Plant City, Fla. *Michele Kathleen Bowler ____ Nashville, Tenn. **Sonya Michelle Morris ------Greer *Craig Littleton Brown ------Martinsville, Va. Edward Eugene Nelson, Jr. ______Simpsonville Kenneth Matthew Bruce ------Columbia, Md. Michael Allen Nichols ------Kent, Ohio Brent McCamish Bull ------Greenville Ronald McCaleb Ohllger ______Newark, Del. Ronald Douglas Burriss II ------Anderson William Forest Orr ------Newton, N. J. James Timothy Camp ------Georgetown Fernando Ortega ------Guayaquil, Ecuador Leah Anne Campbell ------Easley *Sherri Lecroy Park ------Walhalla *Cheryl Carson ------Lone Star Catherine Virginia Pepper ------Walhalla Kelly Suzanne Carson ------Simpsonville Charles Robertson Porcher ------Mt. Pleasant Arthur Preston Cavanaugh Ill ______Greenville John Lawrence Prugh, Jr. ______Brevard, N. C. Palmer Joseph Cenci ______S. Brunswick, N. J. James Edward Richards, Jr. ______Belvedere Scott Shanon Chase ------Murrysville, Pa. *Harvard Keith Riddle, Jr. ------Greenville *James Allen Coleman ------Fort Mill John Patrick Riordan ------Rock Hill Daniel Alan Conti ------Virginia Beach, Va. Janet Fulmer Rodgers ------Ridge Spring *Kelly Ann Cutler ------Marblehead, Mass. Mary Sallie Rogers ------Bennettsville Rebecca Jane Davenport ------Irmo Dean Joseph Rust ------~- Martinez, Ga. Zachary Mark Davidson ------Hilton Head *Michael Mayo Sarvis ------Columbia James Thomas Derrick ------Columbia Elizabeth Margaret Schweitz ______Summerville Zoe Ann Dommel ------Lugoff Timothy Mark Scott ------Greer Traci Donalson Elsea ______Thomasville, Ga. Michael Ralph Shipley ______Frederick, Md. Cynthia Marie Faceill ------Rock Hiii Ashley Harper Shull ------Columbia Bart Disler Famulare ______Waterford, Mich. Sheri Elise Slesinger ------Xenia, Ohio *Heidi Marie Farber ------Dumfries, Va. William Bradley Smith ------Greenville Thomas Lee Farris, Jr. ------North Augusta Susan Mikell Snipes ------Columbia James Hunter Fleming ------Asheville, N. C. James Theodore Sprouse ------Rock Hill Scott Christopher Gasperini ______Southbury,Ct. Jennifer Lynn Stewart ------Wilmington, Del. Tera Maria Golden ------Seneca David Charles Sturkey ------Ballentine David Ware Gooding ------·· ___ Hampton Joseph Du Rant Thompson Ill ______Charleston Thomas Wendell Greene ______North Augusta Richard Hampton Thornton, Jr. ___ St. Matthews Thomas Louis Greer ______Flat Rock, N. C. Alan William Todd ______Burlington, N. C. Matthew Fisher Gross ______Perryville, Md. Mary Kimberly Uldrlck ------Easley *Daniel Roy Grover ------Clemson Lori Beth Uschelbec ------Columbia Elizabeth Gray Gwaltney ------Shelby, N. C. John Andrew Utley ------Greenville Christopher Fowler Hamilton ------Lorton, Va. Rose-Marie Shirley Van Der Lee __ Mt. Dora, Fla. Jonathan Lance Hemmings _____ Columbus, Ga. Teresa Ary Welsh ------Clemson ***Laura Harriet Hill ------Mt. Pleasant Katherine Harriet West ------Greenville Tanja Lynne Huber ------Coral Springs, Fla. ***James Douglas Westmoreland _ Shelby, N. C. Wilson Duncan Huntley Ill ______Darlington Eugene King Weston, Jr. ------·---- Sumter Bradley Thomas Jenkins ______Simpsonville David Andrew Williams ___ Oklahoma City, Okla. Susan Elaine King ------Spartanburg Lee Sparks Wiiis ------Greenvllle Deborah Sue Krejci ------Greenville **David Alan Wilson ------Greenville Charles Hard Lawton 111 ------Greenville David Hubbard Wilson ______Alexandria, Va. Voon-Khim Liew ______Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Scarlett Anne Wilson ------Hemingway Stephen Edward Long ------Rockville, Md. Joel Kenneth Winchip ------Columbia James Mark Lyles ------Seneca *Lisa Renee Wolff ------Charleston Darryl Brian Mackey ------Huntersville, N. C. Amy Ruth Zehfuss ------Dunwoody, Ga. lndustrlal Management Paul Benson Alewine ------Anderson John Douglas Lynn ------Dillon Scott Allen Baker ------Pickens Michele Elizabeth Malo ------Round Hill, Va. **Cynthia Lee Barker ------Lancaster, Ohio Kenneth Garrett Marshall ------Denville, N. J. Timothy Gregg Brant ------Moncks Corner Ryan Davis McCall ------Walhalla Teddy Lee Cabaniss ------Spartanburg Michael Merrick McGraw ______Charlotte, N. C. Derek Shannon Chastain ------Pickens William Stacy Monroe ------Sumter Kelly Nicholas Clon inger ------Fort Mill Sven Erik Nielsen ------Chagrin Falls, Ohio Kyle Allen Corbett ------Alken Lisa Marie Owens ------Walhalla Donn Julian Costanzo ------Tega Cay Wayne Ervin Poole, Jr. ------Pelion *Kimberly Joyce DeMars ------Columbia Kalen Kent Rhodes ______Hendersonville, N. C. Stanley Earl Garrett ------Laurens Byron Chestnut Rodgers Ill ------Pinopolls Julie Anne Herring ------Anderson Thomas Henry Sigler ------Wycoff, N. J. Marian Marsh Houseal _____ Chattanooga, Tenn. Tracy Evans Tindal, Jr. ------Rock Hill Peter Anthony Hunsuck ------Gaffney *Larry Tyronne Townsend ______Archdale, N. C. Wiiiiam Anthony Hyman ------Towson, Md. James Patrick Wh ite ------Cranbury, N. J. Lisa Miller LeNolr ------Charleston Michael Mood Wiiiiams ------Summerville Joseph Scott Lovin ------Greer

Managament Pamela Jean Alexander ------Meriden, Ct. Kerry Leigh Foster ------Port Deposit, Md. Catherine Elizabeth Altman __ __ Gallvants Ferry Andrew M Furman ------Jackson, Mich. Lisa Marie Aresco ------Charlotte, N. C. Barbara Ann Garvin ------Jacksonville, Fla. Norman Mauldin Avinger ------Amarillo, Texas Laura Anne Gasque ------·- Elloree Jeffery William Bak ------Darien, Ct. Tracy Lynn Gettis ------Toms River, N. J. •Amy Kathryn Banas ______Canton, Ohio Michele Eiieen Gordon ------Tacoma, Wash. William Robert Banks, Jr. ------__ Columbia Patrick John Gowin ------Alpharetta, Ga . Mark Preston Barnhill ------Gaffney Rob ert Thomas Gravley ------Greer Eric Stacey Beeler ------Greenville Edward Thomas Greer ------Greenville Charles McGowan Bell ------Denmark Lisa Diane Hamilton ------Ridley Park, Pa. Heidi Sue Bergquist ------Spartanburg Jonathan Michael Hammond ----- Medford, N. J. Kathy Lynne Blassingame ------Seneca David Guess Hane ------St. Matthews Kristine Marie Bohrer _____ East Northport, N. Y. James Carlos Harper ------Clemson Wallace Speed Bonds ______Douglasville, Ga. Jacquelyn Rene Hastings ------Camden James Eddie Bostic, Jr. ------Greenville Mark Edward Hayden ------·-- Clemson Stacey Donnette Brooks ------Spartanburg Gayle Alison Hazel ------Hampton Annette Marie Bussert ------Bishopville Caroline Tiffany Henderson ____ Alexandria, Va. Paula Ann Cady ·· ------Alpharetta, Ga. Layna Lee Henson ------Alken David Lavelle Calhoun, Jr. ______Brevard, N. C. Catherine Cecelia Hofer ------Aurora, Ill. Mitchel Lynn Cantrell ------Greenville Jeffrey Jon Holt ------Greenville Catherine Elizabeth Canup ------Mt. Pleasant Susan Jane Hoysa ------Miam i, Fla. Michele Yvette Carolina ------Sumter *Jiii Ann Humphrey ------Atlanta, Ga. Paul Joseph Carollo ______St. Lou is, Mo. Cole Livingston Hunnicutt Ill ------Taylors Jill Michelle Christopher ------Anderson Timothy Eug ene Hunt ------Greenville Mary Ashley Cl air ------Charleston Jon Christopher Hunter ------Dunwoody, Ga. John Thomas Clemens ------Anderson Stephen Henry Johannes ------Canton, Ohio Jennifer Letitia Cobb ______Alexandria, Va. Michael Kaeser ------Hilton Head Sonya Rae Coleman ------Travelers Rest Kelly Karlyn Kirby ------Sen eca James Kerry Colvin ------Chester Craig Edward Kopf ------Spartanburg Connie Lynn Cook ------Summerville Marvin Keith Latimer ------Myrtle Beach *Timothy Earl Cook ------Clemson Margaret Lynn Law ------Columbia Elizabeth Roch elle Cromer ------Columbia Joel Frank Lehrer ------Cranbury, N. J. Robert Gary Davis ------Williamston **Eric Whitney Lorch ------Columbus, Ohio Jennifer Marion Deaton ------Lancaster Brenton Fielding Mackle ------Columbia Frank Joseph Delulils ------Pittsburgh, Pa. John Alan Mccorkle ______Summerville Wendy Carol Dempsey ------Greenville Brad Joseph McFall ------Columbia Evangeline Maria Dickerson ____ Columbus, Ga. Guy Gray Mcsweeney ------Beaufort Tonja Kristine Drake ______Albany, N. Y Gertrude Lynn Miiier ------Mt. Pleasant Diane Frances Duane ------Rockville, Md. Laura Marie Montagna ------Greenville Charles Christopher Dudley ____ Blacksburg, Va. Sonia Melinda Morrow ------Chester *James L. Duffy ------Hockessin, Del. Donna Jiii Mukoyama ------Greenville Patricia Dee Fleu ------Pendleton Frances Margaret Neglia ------Greenville Allison Jane Flinchum ______Severns Park, Md. Kimberly Lynn Noble ______Randolph, N. J. Management (continued) Patricia Lynne Normanly ------Spartanburg Margery Corinne Smith ------Cheraw Sherrill Ann Oates ------Hendersonville, N. C. Amanda Beth Stanley ______Mechanicsville, Va. Kathryn Dale Osborne ------Aiken Jodi Michelle Stewart ------Greer Mark Andrew Parrish ------Columbia Susan Zahra Tabatabai ------Atlanta, Ga. Eileen Georgl Petro ______Bethlehem, Pa. Kelly Donaldson Terry ------Seneca Karen Lynne Pratt ------Williamsburg, Va. Susan Fern Terry ------Greenville ***Daniel Lane Price ------Seneca William Gregory Terry ------Conover, N. C. Kristin Diane Price ------Washington, D. C. Christina Marla Theos ------Charleston Catherine Elaine Riordan ------Greer Angelia Diana Towe ------Taylors Jane Marie Riordan ------Greer *Todd Harmon Turner ------West Columbia Donald Dwayne Rivers ------Lexington William Daniel Vickery ------Columbia Sharon Gibson Roper ------Easley Larry Scott Ward ------Spartanburg *Barbara Denise Rourke __ ___ Fort Stewart, Ga. Ralph Randolph Way, Jr. ------Walterboro *Kristen Michelle Ruals _____ Centereach, N. Y. Katrina Lee Wendt ------Clover Paul Rutenis ------St. Louis, Mo. *Anna Catherine Whitesides ------Newberry Jerome William Santivascl _____ Baltimore, Md. Andrea Leigh Williams ------Greenville John Arthur Scheible ------Chapin Melissa Dawn Wiiiiams ------Rock Hill Suzanne Martha Schmidt ------Ed ison, N. J. Paul Christopher Wingate ______Greenville Sara Catherine Schraibman ______Columbia Lynda Louise Woll --·------Columbia Kevin Robert Sebastian ------Rockville, Md. *Vassy Wai-Sum Yeung ------Hong Kong Jill Marie Sheehan ------Richboro, Pa. Tammy Zahos ------Basking Ridge, N. J. Pamela Gaye Shuler ------Sumter

Marketing Cynthia Durrett Beck ------Atlanta, Ga. Kristie Marie Lynch ______Hendersonville, N. C. Kelly Suzanne Brown ------Miami, Fla. Eric Anton Masna ------Columbus, N. C. Dan iel Eldon Bullington ------Easley Shannon Lee Melton ------Charleston Lori Gaye Burkett ------Orlando, Fla. Greta Lea Metts ------Oakley Julie Anne Burton ______Winter Park, Fla. Rondi Elizabeth Miller ______Rockville, Md. Barry Christopher Campbell ______Greenville **Susan Nicole Nanney ------Chester Shawn Arlen Cartmill ------Atlanta, Ga. Norman Todd Pigeon ____ Fort Washington, Md. Kendall Lee Cloer ------Greenville Lynn Bashore Pry ------Greenville James William Dwane ------Somerville, N. J. **Lee Ann Queen ------Gaffney Jane Elizabeth Efird ______Sim psonville Mary Andrea Reed ------Greenville Bobby Eugene Emerson, Jr. ------Laurens *Wendi La Ray Rinehart ------Greenville Pamela Gay Ewing ------Snellville, Ga. Henry Hardison Robinson IV ______Greenwood Amy Simmons Felder ------Summ erton t**James Christopher Rootes ----- Atlanta, Ga. Robert Allen Frye ______Surfside Beach *Dexter Milton Russell , Jr. ____ Houston, Texas Jonathan Eugene Gaillard ------Seneca Michael Joseph Ryan ______Falls Church, Va. Donald Loy Guge ------Bryson City, N. C. William Michael Sherman ------Piedmont ·Elizabeth Ann Hoshall ------Seneca Dorothy Susan Spear ------Dunwoody, Ga. John William Hummel ------St. Louis, Mo. Susan Marie Sullivan ______Boca Raton, Fla. Gregory Richard Jones ------Spartanburg Wayne Vincent Valsecchl ------Hiiton Head Jeffrey Peden Keller ------Columbia Amy Baker Vaughan ------Spartanburg *Lynn Robin King ------Pittsburgh, Pa. Tammy Denese Walker ------North Augusta Norman Kirsch Ill ------Simpsonville Am y Sue Warren ------Beaufort *Angelia Anne Laws ------Morristown, Tenn. Laura Elizabeth Weesner ------Columbia Constance Sue LeGrand _____ Worthington, Ohio Rhonda Lynn Wigington ------Piedmont Karl Ellen Lobb ------Columbia Susan Elaine Wike ------Easley Vicki Louise Lomax ------Hickory, N. C. *Lisa Rene Wingo ------Alpharetta, Ga. William Francis Long Ill ______Naugatuck, Ct. Deborah Claire Wood ------Miami, Fla. Monica Lynn Lowe ------North Augusta Dawn Elizabeth Zammit ------Lake Wylie

Textile Chemistry Osman Slnan Anadol ------Istanbul, Turkey **Carolyn Weeks Perkins ------Clemson James Donald Cllver ------Summerville *Mimi Felicia Rawls ------Wagener Robin Suzanne Fletcher ------Easley Textile Management Anne Fenwick Angert _____ Havre de Grace, Md. Marodith Anne Hamrick ------Chester Angela Maria Blandin ______Greenville Teri Leigh Hart ------Boardman, Ohio Virginia Lee Brush ------Lloyd Harbor, N. Y. Anne Caroline Payleitner ______Sarasota, Fla. Edith Camille Dabney ------Columbia Jill Melissa Simmons ______Huntington, W. Va. Lee Nathan Forrest ------Fort Mill

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION GORDON WALTER GRAY, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS Early Childhood Education Lisa Carol Anthony ------Greenville ***Michelle Anne Kallkin Susan Renae Baines ------Gaffney ------Olmsted Township, Ohio Eugenia Green Baker ------Moncks Corner Jenni Anita Leaphart ------Prosperity Lisa Mae Botdorf ______Seaford, Del. Julie Anne Long ------Chapin Elizabeth Lucllle Bryant ______Clemson Mandy Lynn Moak ------Elgin Pamela Lynnette Caldwell ______Anderson Belinda Lee Oglesby ------Holly Hill Julie Anne Cooper ------Gastonia, N. C. Debra Elaine Price ------Leesville Paige Elizabeth Ford ------Gastonia, N. C. Janet Elaine Schlegel ______Newark, Del. *Elizabeth Hamrick Haas ------Spartanburg Lisa Carol Scruggs ------Gaffney Ruth Ann Hoard ------Kingsport, Tenn. Marguerite Elizabeth Stukes ______Summerton Christina Elizabeth Jackson ______Oakton, Va. ***Phyllis Cassell Venable ------Easley Danika Rochelle Jackson ------Abbeville Melissa Ann West ------Del Air, Md. **Leslle Dawn Jones ------Pickens

Elementary Education Connie Lee Alken ------Greenville Bonnie Lynn Ludwig ------Marlon Andrea Alice Alewine ------Seneca El izabeth Logan Lundy ------Columbia Paula Jean Alexander ------Easley Lara Michell Manucy ------Anderson *Kelley Marie Allen ------Columbia Janis Lynn Mathiasen ------Clemson Angela Nanette Anderson ------Starr Donna Frances Melton ------Easley *Kathleen Burflend Beaumont ------Seneca Rebecca Lynn Montgomery ------Ninety Six *Susan Ann Blackwood ------Gaffney Andrea Gayle Mooney ------Columbia *Rita Saxon Brown ------Williamston *Darby Anne Morris ------Camden Jane Ellzabeth Bryant ------Mt. Pleasant Martha Ann Newman ______Jefferson Willlam Barron Burnett ------Seneca Cheryl Renee Nix ------Clemson Hope Lynn Cauthen ------Piedmont *Morgan Higgs Nolte ------Clemson Lisa Joyce Childers ------Gaffney *Dena Kay Pettit ------Gaffney Cheryln Elaine Copelan ------Abbeville Amanda Delana Price ------Seneca Donna Marie DeMartinl Colleen Ann Ptak ------Marietta, Ga. ------Port Jefferson Sta., N. Y. Tamara Sue Quaresima ------Milford, Mass. **Ann Virginia Driskill ------Maryville, Tenn. Laura Louise Ray ------Sumter Julie Annette Dunagin ------Cowpens *Terri Gail Roache ------Williamston Melissa Ann Duncan ------Gaffney *Denise Lynne Sayre ------Wellford Pamela Elizabeth Ann DuRant ____ Myrtle Beach *Laura Suzanne Scott ______Reidsvllle, N. C. Tracy Michelle Edwards ------Seneca Diana Wiggins Sims ------Easley Mildred Helen Garren ------Greenwood Lisa Rogers Slocum ------Walterboro Cynthia Charline Ginn ------Varnville Nan Kelly Smith ------Spartanburg Cynthia Leigh Graham ------Rockville, Md. **Margaret Allison Snead ------Columbia Joanne Stephanie Gross ___ Morris Plains, N. J. Jennifer Lynne Stone ------Seneca **Denise Annette Hamilton ______Brevard, N. C. Stephanie Thompson Styles ____ Travelers Rest Karen Elizabeth Kay ------Belton *Terri Lane Sutherland ------Abbeville *Elizabeth Marlon Kizer ------St. George *Evelyn Johnston Ward ------Rock Hill Laura Jane Langley ------N. Myrtle Beach Laura Ann Werts ------Ninety Six Stephanie Raye LeCroy ------Belton Joanne Marcelle Wilson ______Anderson Terri Lecroy ------Walhalla Sara Diane Wilson ------Summerville Secondary Education Pamela Frances Alexander ------Charleston Lauren Elizabeth Lewis ------Clemson Joseph Gary Armstrong ------Taylors Amy Beth McDermott ------Mt. Pleasant *Emily Dawn Attaway ------Greenville Sheri Rene Nelson ------Anderson Kelli Leigh Baker ------Anderson Martha Marie Reimers ______North Augusta Angela Marie Benjamin ------Liberty Randy Nell Robinson ------Central Mary Paige Bolt ------Greenville Wendy Sue Schoellkopf ------Greenville Gina Dee Brewer ------Allendale Margaret Lynn Scoggins ------McConnells *Karen Margaret Brown ------Charleston Elizabeth Jennings Smith ------Columbia Althea Latrell Cohen ------Allendale *Kimberly Ann Stewart ------Dunwoody, Ga. James Rodney Gentry ------Pendleton Trisha Ann Taylor ------Charleston *Melinda Joyce Hall ------Anderson Michelle Thigpen ------St. Marys, Ga. Felicia Angela Hamilton ------Seneca *Stacey Leigh Thompson ______Spartanburg **Melissa Lee Holladay ------Charleston *Tammy Suzanne Topley ------Irmo *Vicki Bauer Howell ------Seneca Virginia Lynn Wade ------Greensboro Kelly Marie Jackson ------Summerville David Edward Whitaker II ------Inman Audrey Roberta Kinard ------Camden

DOUBLE MAJOR English and Secondary Education *Connie Olive Cribb ______Hemingway

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Graphic Communications Juan Andres Barberis ------Kingsport, Tenn. Juanita Elizabeth Kicklighter ______Dorchester Leslie Suzanne Burdette ------Greenwood **Tracy Donette Kimbrough __ Burlington, N. C. John Richard Carter, Jr. ------Fort Mill *Laura Marianne Kizer ______Isle of Palms James nurke Fairey, Jr. ------Clemson Barry Edwin Mayes, Jr. ------Florence Karen Elizabeth Fowler ------Walhalla Michael John Roberts ------Emmaus, Pa. *Tracye Christina Hamrick ______Shelby, N. C. t * **Lisa Gayle Staton ____ Gotham City, Kansas Julie Elizabeth Harwood _____ Albemarle, N. C. Samuel Arthur Wheatley ------Augusta, Ga. *Tammy Marie Jarrell ------Brunson

Industrial Education Nathan Frederick Brandt ------West Columbia James Henry Martin Ill ------Greenwood Mark Walter Drag ------Charlotte, N. C. Kevin Wythe Smith ------Columbia *Bruce Hammond Keel ------Barnwell Ray Wendell Wiiiiams ------Fayetteville, N. C. Quintin Andre Klutz ------Kannapolis, N. C.

Science Teaching Leslie Theresa Anderson ------Clemson Melissa Ann Morgan ------Anderson Steven Dennis Bremer ------Pickens John Meador Payne ------North Augusta * *Angela Jerri Caveness ------Alken Karen Lynn Perkins ------Summerville Dawn Kristina Gibson ------Lancaster Nancy Elizabeth Phillips ------Bethune *Elizabeth Anne Glasgow ------Spartanburg *Catherine Elizabeth Sams ------Edisto Island Brigitte Jonell Green ------Holly Hill James Andrew Sigmon ------Tega Cay Philip Lyle Jhant ------Aiken Jennifer Darlene Stall ------Summerville Dale Marlon Looper ------Dacusville Mendel Harold Stewart, Jr. ------Sunset Patti Ann Mentnech ------Woodbourne, N. Y. Leigh Ann Truesdale ------North Augusta

COLL'EGE OF ENGINEERING JOSEPH CHARLES JENNETT, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Agricultural Engineering (Agricultural Engineering is Jointly administered by the College of Agricultural Sciences and the College of Engineering.) Terry Leonard Brady ------Aiken Merrideth Lynn Moore ------Duncan Charles Edgar Glover 111 ------Moncks Corner Thomas Erwin Newell, Jr. ------Hemingway Ceramic Engineering t••• Amy Elizabeth Bagwell ______Summervllie ..Me lvin Curtis Mayes ------Greenville ..Michele Frances Bittner ______l"ittsburgh, Pa. John Kelvin McAllster ------Union David Alan Butler ------New Cumberland, Pa. Michael James McGurrln ____ Canajoharie, N. Y. t ..Kevin James Clark ------Lexington Lee Andrew Patterson ------Antreville Darwin Dee Davidson ------Hanahan ... Alan Weldon Pope ------Columbia ..Theodore Robert Ford II _____ Lewisberry, Pa. • ..Darren Kenneth Rogers ------Liberty Scott Christopher Haley ------Dayton, Ohio t .. *Kristin Lynn Schwind __ Clarendon Hiiis, Ill. James Keith Johnson ------Spartanburg

Chemical Engineering Scott Allen Brotherton ------Easley t*Kenneth Grayson Teague, Jr. ______Hanahan *Charles Craig Leopard ------Lancaster Rachel Kim-Ha Trinh ------Hanahan John Robert Lobley ------Orlando, Fla. Adam Albert Wade ------Greenvllie Wendy Louise Matney ------Bluefield, W. Va. ..Timothy Frost Williams ______Spartanburg James Michael Matulis ____ Saint Albans, W. Va. Kimberly Ann Wingard ------Lexington

Clvll Engineering ...Amy Wood Ayer ------North Augusta Patrick O'Donnell Leonard ____ Cohasset, Mass. Nancy Jane Baker ------White Marsh, Va. Ryan Sidney McCormick ------Darlington Cassandra Dee Beaver ------Hightstown, N. J. *Michael David Poligone _ New Cumberland, Pa. James Curt Chambers ______Charlotte, N. C. Christopher Martin Potter ------Cowpens Larry Dwayne Chilton ______Danville, Va. Matthew Eugene Potter _____ Charleston, W. Va. Shawn Patrick DeKold ______Vero Beach, Fla. John David Pyle ------Pawleys Island Eric Christopher Dillon ------Columbia William Norris Robinson _____ Oak Ridge, Tenn. Richard Ballenger Dorn ------Columbia William Patrick Rushing ------Ridgeland Robert Edward Dye, Jr. ------Easley Frederick Eugene Sanford ------Charleston John Ervin Fondren Ill ------Moncks Corner Jeffrey John Schwartz ------Clemson Lisa Carole Hannah ------Six Mlle James Allen Stevens ------Easley Douglas Riegel Kaczmarek ____ Amarillo, Texas Richard Wessinger Swygert ------Chapin Thomas Frederick Kicklighter 111 t ..•Mellssa Joyce Wilkins ------Cowpens ------Charleston Heights Kenneth Maurice Wilkinson ------Clinton ...David Bradford Lambert ______Norfolk, Va. Darren Scott Wilklow ------Simpsonville

Computer Engineering Joseph Robert Ackerman ______Whitaker, Pa. Theodore Kenneth Hoffman ------North John Kelly Ames ------Longwood, Fla. Angela Corrine Hoyle ------Lexington Timothy Gerald Amsler ------Spartanburg Philip Alan Hunt ------Newark, Del. Victor Deeb Armaly ------Greenville Kathy Winifred Kuelz ------Roanoke, Va. John Robert Beeks, Jr. ------Greenville David Andrew Kusmlk ------Morristown, Tenn. Donald Allen Boyd, Jr. ------Wiikesboro, N. C. Daniel Henri Laurent II ------Charlotte, N. C. Kevin Shaun Caulfield ------Greenville Christopher Wilson Mathewes ______Greenville Bryan Patrick Couzens ------Columbia Eugene Grissom McDonald ------Columbia *Dipankar Ghosh ------Calcutta, India William Johannes Pilaud ------Summerville t ..*Mark DeLoss Hanes _____ Wilkesboro, N. C. t *Kelth Owen Wichmann ------Charleston Margaret Cecilla Hartsell ------Clemson

Electrical Engineering *David Dennis Aalfs ------Raleigh, N. C. Carol Lynnet Emanuel ------Johnston Douglas Leon Adams ------Simpsonville Mark Alain Essaye ------Toronto, Ontario *Andrew Wade Anderson ------Columbia Christopher Michael Fallon _____ Audubon, N. J. Rebecca Ann Ballenger ------Greenville William Lamarrls Gill ______Greenville t ..Carolyn Ann Barrett _____ Merritt Island, Fla. Regan Burton Haines ______Tampa, Fla. Ernest Paul Basha, Jr. ------Mt. Pleasant James Travis Hardwick ------Charleston Bracey James Blackburn ------Mt. Pleasant *Nancy Lynn Harshbarger ------Lexington Roxanne Renee Bowman ______Martinsville, Va. • ..Na ncy Bartlett Heilemann ------Clemson Thomas Edward Brown II ------Columbia t ..Ch arles Dean Hendrix 111 Walton Maurice Brown ------Greenville ------South Charleston, W. Va. Patricia Ann Burns ------Goose Creek Joseph Ludlow Hodges, Jr. ------Chapin ..Surajit Chakravartl ------Calcutta, India Stephen Hodun ------Goose Creek Catherine Mary Collins _ Fort Walton Beach, Fla. Theodore Kenneth Hoffman ------North *Kelvin Michael Curley ------Goose Creek Michele Louise Hooper _____ Lawrenceville, Ga. William Bradley Dennard ______Plantation, Fla. t• ..susan Ann Huber ______Raleigh, N. C. t ..*Rhonda Kay Dickerson Robin Leigh Hutchins ------Spartanburg ------Deerfield Beach, Fla. William Glenn Jackson ------Mullins Electrical Engineering (continued) Jon William Jaskwhlch ------Greenville Veronica Roseborough ------Winnsboro *Scott Allan Knecht ------Greenville Windy Dale Scruggs ------Gaffney Rendall Thomas Linder 111 ------Charleston Michael Andrew Shirven ------Sterling, Va. Scott Alvin Meller ------Chattanooga, Tenn. t**Davls James Shull ------Wagener David Howard Motte ------G reenvllle Ernest Theodore Sims 111 ------Clemson Brett Lane Netherton ______Weaverville, N. C. Brian Michael Stanton ____ Satellite Beach, Fla. William Edmond Norton Ill __ Bamberg, Germany t*Robert Hamilton Stone _ Winston-Salem, N. C. Andrew Edward Okraskl ______Winter Park, Fla. Nhan Thomas Tran ------Falrforest **Karen Ruth Pearson ------Seaford, Del. Melissa Kaye Umberger ------Greenville John Raymond Perkins, Jr. ______Gretna, Va. Carrie Reena Vaughn ------Sharon '**Michael Boone Pitts ------Aiken Paul Alan Vehaun ------Rock Hiii Broadus Wayne Prescott ------North Augusta Lisa Rene Weaver ------Mauldin Scott Allen Quin ------Mauldin Brandy Bronwyn West ------Newberry t*James Douglas Reames _____ Springfield, Va. Wanda Renee Wood ------Greenville William Byron Roeca ______Rockville, Md. Mary Kathryn Zaccarl ------Baltimore, Md.

Engineering Analysis Robert Bryan Johnson ------Sumter *Charles Daniel Wyatt Ill ______Greenville Thomas Ozburne Sanders IV ------Barnwell

Industrial Engineering Janine Dorisa Anthony ------Decatur, Ga. Shawn LaRose Littlejohn ------Gaffney John Edward Bass, Jr. ------Hartsville t**Brian Lee Marley ______North Garden, Va. David John Bernstel ______Brick Township, N. J. Jeri Michaela McCall ------Greenville David Blake Catron ------Simpsonville Anne Marie Mclendon ------Albany, Ga. Annie Crosby ------North Charleston Edwin Lee Moore Ill ------Boca Raton, Fla. Melissa Marie Faulkner ------Dahlonega, Ga. Nick George Petrakos ------Greenville Juan Roberto Gaudiano __ Panama City, Panama Christina Marie Sanders ___ Stone Mountain, Ga. Steven Donald Groover ------Spartanburg Munir Yusuf Taherbhal ______Manama, Bahrain Jonathan Alan Hayward ______Northboro, Mass. Christine Lee Tindall ------Bamberg *James Leonard Henderson __ Indianapolis, Ind. Steven Cole Tracey ------Columbia, Md. James Cletus Leagan, Jr. ------Pomaria Pamela Ann Walkowski ------Gainesville, Va. *Jill Courtney Lewis ------Vienna, Va.

Mechanical Engineering ***Lynn Burnette Bailey ------Aiken Robert Hanna Moore Ill ------York Kenneth Burl Bates ------Piedmont Robert Andrew Nash ------Westport, Ct. Christian Tobias Beuth Jen ------Easley t* Hanneke Francisca Ockeloen Phillip Ryan Brandt ------Walhalla ------Georgetown, Ky. Russell Walter Brown ------Chapin Paul O'Reilly ------Irmo Kevin Donald Byrne ------Andover, Mass. *Harold Dean Pennington, Jr. ______Blacksburg Roger Brian Carroll ------Greenville *James David Pickren ------Seaford, Del. Melvin Glenn Carter ------North Augusta Charles Dean Preston II ------Midland, Texas David Edward Davis ------Lexington Dan iel Paul Rapp ------Dunwoody, Ga. David Patrick Dodds ------Mt. Pleasant t***Davld Earl Rhodes ------Darlington Thomas Kent Drake ------Clemson Russell Harold Scurry ______Anderson Virgil Thomas Dryman ------Greenville **Kristine Shamel Shahrlarl ______Charleston Matthew Jerome Edison ______Wilmington, Del. t**Tina Sue Shields ------Lake Wylie *Michael Brian Greene ------Little Mountain **Nicholas C. Smith ------Lexington Kirk Sakae Hashimoto ______Pearl City, Hawaii Rhonda Lynn Smith ------Spartanburg Barbara Jeanne Herlihy ______Chillicothe, Ohio **Karl Alan Strieby ------Greenville Edward Wallace Hill 111 ------Charleston t*Emily Cady Tedrow ______Clifton Park, N. Y. Susan Edwards Ivey ------Cowpens ••earl Eugene Thompson, Jr. ______Six Mlle James Daniel Johnson ------Asheville, N. C. Patricia Patterson Thompson ______Holly Hill t**Lamar Keith Ledbetter ------Travelers Rest ***Wiiiiam Jeffrey Vanek ------Seneca Kenneth Paul McCall ------Simpsonville Robert Douglas VanWlngerden Thad Syfan McCord ------Anderson ------Emerald Isle, N. C. Carl Duane McGartlin ------Charleston **Thomas Charles Willingham __ Charlotte, N. C. Christopher John McGaughy ______Clemson Scott Cutler Willis ------Florence Matthew Linus Merclez ------Lynchburg, Va. t***Richard Lee Walterman ------Clemson *Wiiiiam John Miller ------Fairview, Pa. Timothy Tah-teh Yang ------Clemson Elena Silvera Mobley ------Winnsboro COLLEGE OF FOREST AND RECREATION RESOURCES BENTON HOLCOMB BOX, Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Forest Management **Rebecca Elizabeth Baldwin ______Charleston Edward Cornelius Lee II ------Ora ngeburg Sondra Lisa Dyrelle Bynoe ------Columbia William Douglas Taylor ______Atlanta, Ga. Scott Courtney Henderlite ______Richmond, Va. **William Tony Thomas ______Bonneau Chris Peder Hodges ------On eanta, N. Y. Larry Eugene Tucker ------Elgin Charles Blake Howell ------Mauldin ***Donald Earl Van Blarlcom ______Clemson William Andrew Kubler ------Marietta Ralph Scott Wallinger, Jr. ______Summerville Malcolm Stoney Lawton II ------Allendale William Torre Worley ------Cordele, Ga.

Forest Products Robert Cristan ------Mount Carmel, Pa. James Coleman Grafton 111 _____ Midlothian, Va. Henry Carey Davis ------Chesterfield Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management Kimberly Susan Aquino ------Fort Mill Amy Lynn Kingsmore ------Spartanburg Kenneth Ray Bedenbaugh ------Prosperity Julie Mozelle Korn ------Stone Mountain, Ga. Carolyn Elaine Blew ------Rock Hill Dick Tomas Landgren ______Stockholm, Sweden *Mary Stuart Borom ------Charleston Elizabeth Jean Lang ------Greenville Bradley Pitts Brown ------Gaffney David Thomas Lassiter ------Charleston Leslie Kay Campbell ------Easley Manning Nicholas Lomax, Jr. ------Clemson Mary Anne Campbell ------Taylors Mal ia Ann Lovelace ______Hanahan *Susan Erin Cavanaugh ______Atlanta, Ga. Betty Ann Mathews ------Chester Bradford Gooding Chafin ------·- Hampton Molly Wilson Nabors ------Pittsburgh, Pa. Amanda Neely Chappell ------Rock Hill Jeffrey Robert Papenfus ------Lexington Lisa Ann Cherry ------Bowman Karen Lynn Rainer ------Edisto Island Susan Michelle Clay ------Mahwah, N. J. Vincent Michael Zachary Serock _ Trenton, N. J. Elisabeth Shepherd Cole ------Seabrook Island Benjamin Dean Sheriff ------Easley Alice Jo Coward ------Aiken Carole Morena Sm ith ------Easley Joseph Craven, Jr. ------Wal terboro James Earl Smi th, Jr. ------Columbia Lisa Diane Czajkowski ------Alexandria, Va. Jon Dale Sm ith ------Travelers Rest Richard Randolph Edwards ------Inman Deborah Booth Smoley ------Rockville, Md. Allen Chadwick Evans ------North Charleston Lisa Marie Sposato ___ Huntington Station, N. Y. Laura El eanor Gardner ______Columbia Nicole Lola Stafford ------Gainesville, Fla. Kelly Elizabeth Green ______Rock Hiii Tony Jefferson Stephens ------Walterboro Stephanie Marie Grogan ------Clemson Heather Beth Stilwell ------Alexandria, Va. Kelly Michelle Helmey ------Summerville Catherine Leigh Stuhr ------Mt. Pleasant Mark Raymond Hooks ------Cayce Nancy Celeste Todd ------Walhalla Kermit Casey Huggins Ill ------Hiiton Head Angeline Maria Ulmer ------North Rebecca Christine Infinger ______St. George William Joseph Webb ------Monetta Molly Catherine Armfield Jordan ____ Columbia Karla Lee Whitesel ______Middletown, Ohio Jan C. Kemmerling ------Ramsey, N. J.


BACHELOR OF ARTS English Sarah Victoria Agnew ------Charleston ••Andrea Kay Hunt ------Brecksville, Ohio Vanessa Kimberley Benfield __ _ Bronxville, N. Y. Julia Irene Jamieson ------Macon, Ga. Stephen Lawrence Brown ______Naveslnk, N. J. *Sharon Lyn ette Jones ------Anderson Guignard Reynolds Burrows ------Sumter John Franklin Quattlebaum ------Bowman Allen Eugene Clardy ------Greenwood Marshall Cornwell Rams ey 111 ------Columbia Toni DeShan Clemons ------Atlanta, Ga. Mary Eloisa Robinson ------Pacolet *Elizabeth Jane Dinan Cook ------Seneca Nancy Marie Rog ers ------Spartanburg Margaret Allison Cureton ------Lancaster Elizabeth Susanne Sawyer ______Saluda *Catherine El izabeth Derrick _____ St. Matthews Mary Margaret Small ------Kershaw Dan ita Elaine Gibson ------Columbus, Ga. Diana Spake Thrasher ------Anderson Alma Lynn Holtzclaw ______Chadds Ford, Pa. * Lisa Godwin Wiiiimon ______La Grange, Ga. Dianne Dickerson Hossain-Belk ____ Westminster History Paul Antoniou ------Oak Ridge, N. J. Herbert Clay Purvis ------Anderson Joel Glen Newton ------Greenville Frances Graybeal Smith ------Camden

Language and International Trade Sandra Beatriz Carrillo ______Lakeland, Fla. Walker Pearce Maybank ______Charleston Maria Lillian Covington ------Greenville Maureen C. O' Neill ------Columbia, Md. Susan Lynn Dipple ______Milford, N. J. Elizabeth June Scarborough ____ Alexandria, Va. Teresa Carol Freeze ______Leesville William Leon Schachte Ill ____ Falls Church, Va. Margaret Frances Gottsegen __ Huntington, N. Y. Stephanie Elizabeth Shell ______Seneca *Michelle Eileen Lansing __ Point Pleasant, N. J. Maria Lynn Stoll ------Montvale, N. J. Catherine Jane Lewis ______Tucker, Ga. Kimberly Marie Tucker ______Jacksonville, Fla. Craig Jerome Lippincott ------Columbia Janet Lorraine Wood ------Clemson

Modern Languages **Teresa Ann Gardner ------Lancaster Jeanine Marie Morrill ------Clover Michael John Lusk ------Walhalla *Juan David Pena ______Stone Mountain, Ga. *June Elizabeth Mauldin ______Six Mile *Lisa Carole Robinette ______Pacolet

Political Science Gene Brett Austin ------Taylors Eric Keith Knox ------Seneca Carrie Anne Bland ______Gaithersburg, Md. William Scott Latimer ______Fairfax Station, Va . David William Bland ______South Congaree Harold R. Mardenborough, Jr. _ Coral Gables, Fla. Brian Alan Burdette ______Mebane, N. C. Daniel Warren McElmurray ______Beech Island Tracy Ann Campbell ______Maitland, Fla. William Ernest Mcintosh Ill ______Summerville Courtney Lynn Carney ______Columbia Judith Lynn Molnar ------South Bend, Ind. Samuel Thomas Clardy ______Latta Dawn Loreen Nagle ------Miami, Fla. *Kenneth Duncan Crowder ___ North Charleston Sandra Lois Pelletier ______Fayetteville, Ga. Danny Christopher Deal ______Columbia Dyane Theresa Savino ______Rochester, N. Y. Jeffrey Lawrence Easler ______Spartanburg *Sandra Lynn Scholl ______Greenville Traci Elayne Gilbert ------Conway Patrick James Sims ______Springfield, Va. James Douglas Hall ______Falls Church, Va. James Spencer Slattery ______Dunedin, Fla. Ralph Sumpter Hayes ______Central Dianne Lynn Smith ------Sumter Christopher Penn Kimes ______East Point, Ga. Gilbert Todd Vance ------Aiken

Psychology *Melissa Catherine Adcock ------Greenville Jeffrey Todd Kerbow ------Vienna, W. Va. Cassandra Aiken ______Anderson **Kathryn Joyce Kleinfelter ____ Knoxville, Tenn. Ginger Renee Anderson ______Travelers Rest Angela Dawn Lewis ------Easley *Frank Dial Boone ______Laurens Joyce Dell Logan ------Anderson Carol Elizabeth Bright ______Gastonia, N. C. Leslie MacDonald ______Simpsonville Anthony Vincent Bruno ______Selden, N. Y. **Shelley Renee Nichols ______Dillon Lara Tritschler Chamberlain Lori Ann Nevis ______Edison, N. J. ______Pompton Plains, N. J. **Stanley Robert Pelz ______Jacksonville, Fla. Kari Faye Evans ------Rockville, Md. Thomas Rowand Robinson 11 ______Charleston Teresa Ann Farnitano ______Mt. Sinai, N. Y. Victoria Terese Sagona ______Huntington, N. Y. Jacob Pierce Fleming ______Mt. Pleasant *Tamatha Lynnette Sells ------Waterloo John Calvin Gower ______Manassas, Va. Heather B. Sugaski ______Perrysburg, Ohio Cynthia duFresne Hague ___ Parkersburg, W. Va. Natalie Rene Thomas ------West Columbia Curtis Arthur Haywood ______Pataskala, Ohio *Kimberly Dawn Thonen ------Sumter *Susan Marie Hemphill ------Fairfax, Va. Jeffrey Lee Underhill ------Pickens *Renvy Tasha Hill ______Charlotte, N. C. Carol Susan Waggener ______Sarasota, Fla. Thomas Edward Johnston II ______Greenville Tracie L. Washington ______Hampton, Va. Elizabeth Anne Kelly ______Spartanburg Cindy Denise Winkler ------Anderson

Sociology **Carolyn Louise Burton ______Danbury, Ct. Martha Leanna Johnson ______Conway Rebecca Bates Carney ______Anderson John William Phillips ______Spruce Pine, N. C. Thomas Frederick Eddy, Jr. ______Peru, Ind. Jonathan David Senn ______Clemson *Mary Catherine Hernandez ------Seneca Katherine Ann Shea ------Hickory, N. C. Timothy Logan Huebel ______Columbia Jeffrey David Vickery ------Seneca Angelina Maria Hunter ______Brevard, N. C. DOUBLE MAJOR English and History **Virginia Ellen Shields ______Greenville, Del.

English and Political Science *Matthew Leo DeBord ______Huntington, W. Va.

English and Spanish **Elizabeth Robinson Kersh ____ Centreville, Va. German and Psychology Kurt David Kreh ------Homer, N. Y.

History and Political Science Shawn Patrick Simpson ______Columbia


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Nursing Paula Jones Addington ______Anderson Kimberly Michel le Holman ------Cordova Jana Alisa Agner ______Greenwood Debra Hinson Hunt ------Anderson Mary Elizabeth Anderson ------Aiken *Susanne Eileen Karmilovich ___ _ Pittsburgh, Pa. Julie D. Atwater ______Seneca Amy Louise Lee ------Seneca Jill Alane Best ------Doylestown, Pa. Lorrie Leigh Lindsay ------Greer Susan Rollison Bolt ------Belton Leslie Harris McCormick ------Fairmont, N. C. Suzanne Marie Bowers ______Heath Springs Donna Lynn McManus ------Cayce Lori Ann Brookshire ______Fayetteville, Ga. * Debra Marie Mills ------Napa, Ca. Virginia Elizabeth Cason ______Easley Brenda Gale Mize ------Liberty Deborah Anne Christiansen Kimberly Bennett Moody ------Walterboro ------Newtown Square, Pa . Doris Campbell Philyaw ------Starr Kristen Anne Cullen ------Pittsburgh, Pa. Linda Susan Robinson _ Montgomery Village, Md. Tara Shealy Fetner ------Orangeburg Aimee McPeak Rupp ------Clemson Rebecca McKenzie Frye ______Hartwell, Ga. Gloria Kay Sessions ______Ronceverte, W. Va. Amanda Leigh Galloway ------Greenwood Rebekah Foy Simmons ------Claxton, Ga. Laura Lee Hamel ------Greer Margaret Walton Stover ------Greenville *Patricia Anne Hamilton ______Paramus, N. J. Stephanie Diane Taylor ------Liberty Anne Elizabeth Hess ------York, Pa. Ellen Jean Thurston ------Charleston, W. Va. Holly Elizabeth Holman ______North Augusta Donna Susanne Tucker ------Mt. Pleasant


BACHELOR OF ARTS Biological Sciences Stacey Anne D'Angelo ------Greer Susan English Scott ------Greenville Lisa Danielle Drake ------Gaffney

Geology Heather Michelle Astwood ------Rock Hill

Mathematical Sciences Virginia Ann Hare ------Clemson *Mary Hunter Watson ------Louisville, Ga. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Biochemistry t*Timothy Charles Ball ______Seneca Matthew Timothy Graham ______Hilton Head Janice Claire Davis ------Spartanburg t ***Charles Edward Hill ------Abbeville t••• Robert Steven Dotson ______Spartanburg ** Eric Stratman Manske ------Simpsonville t*Jennifer Elaine Frick ------Florence

Biological Sciences ***Tammy Joan Abrams ____ Ocean Grove, N. J. **William Todd Ivester ------Greenville *Alan Neil Brown ------Inman **Clayton Ralph Lowder Ill ______Sumter Kimberly Ruth Fourspring ------Seneca

Chemistry Christopher Scott Lazik _____ Andrews AFB, Md. James Bernard Reynolds, Jr. ______Anderson **Melissa Dawn Lee ------Sumter

Computer Information Systems Dean Christian Arnold ______Vienna, Va. •*I la Latham G ressette ------Florence *Christopher Aldo Barbieri II ____ Savannah , Ga. David Brian Herndon ______Winnsboro David Paul Bender! ------Summerville Carolyn Elaine Jones ------Augusta, Ga. Douglas Michael Bergman ------Anderson David Carlton Lee ------Walhalla •••Debra Sue Bohdal ------Aurora, Ohio Joseph Socrates Seamon ------Clemson Russell Ashley Broom ------Spartanburg Frederick Laughton Sherman ------Fort Mill Carrie Noel Chupp ------Jacksonville, Fla. Gregory Landon Southerland ------Greer Rebecca Lynn Cook ------Greenville Mary Frances Stegall ------Anderson •••Kelly Lane Culbertson ------Rock Hill Karen Lucille Watson __ Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Daniel Scott Fowler ------Greer *Cynthia Marie Walterman ______Lexington, Ky.

Computer Science Sharon Yvette Anderson ------Easley Hugh Barron Johnson ______Blacksburg *Melanie Marie Appel ------Fallston, Md. Jon Christian Koerber ------Greenville John Verdin Armstrong, Jr. ______Fountain Inn Ronald Edward Landon ------Columbia **Brian Michael Becker ------Seneca Phillip Wayne McWhinney ______Hollywood, Fla. David Arthur Burcher ------Raleigh, N. C. Louis Robert Meilinger ------Mauldin Michael Todd Clayton ------Seneca •••Kathy Jean Mims ------Jackson James Benjamin Edwards __ __ Blountville, Tenn. Steven Phillip Moyd ------Greenville Todd Buckler Endicott ------Maitland, Fla. Michael Silva ValeCruz ------Goose Creek *Mark Edward Ferguson ------Alcoa, Tenn. Tamara Elaine Wilson ------Rock Hill *Lewis Kurt Hippler ------Eustis, Fla. Michael John Winkleman ------Greenville *Monte Eugene Jackson ------Gaffney t .. Kimberly Lowe Woodard ------Anderson

Geology Gary Anderson Burns ------Clemson

Mathematical Sciences Betsy Leigh Barton ------Atlanta, Ga. t • •Jane Mclachlan ------Wayne, N. J. *William Kyle Boone ------Laurens Roger Dale Neely ------Greenville t***Karen Elizabeth Boyd ------St. Louis, Mo. Sharon Denice Ramsey ------Sumter David Eugene Crocker ------Anderson Timothy Fitzgerald Roddey ------Rock Hill Charlotte Elaine Evans ------Chapin Cheryl Lyn Smigelski ------Richmond, Va. Larry Edwin Gambrell ------Greenville Susan Stewart Smith ------Co lumbia Sandra Annette Graves ------Lancaster Scott Vincent Tharpe ------Blacksburg Joseph Michael Johnston ------Alpharetta, Ga. Tamlin Elise Tillander ------Tucker, Ga. Kevin Patrick Kennedy ------Fairfax, Va. ** Kara Ann Walsh ------Annapolis, Md. Patricia Ann Lustig ------Sumter t*Dina Marie Zdanis ______Islip Terrace, N. Y. Microbiology Mark Greg Bone ------Gainesville, Fla. Marilyn Roseann Pearson ______Manning Robert James Buist ______North Augusta Lisa Marie Tate ------Spartanburg Janet M. Ebbecke ------Clemson Carol Ellen Thompson ------Gaffney Sara Ann Hagins ------Camden Sandra Lee Watkins ------Charleston Pamela Sue Hayden ______North Vernon, Ind. *Robert Winfred West ------Belvedere Marty Wayne Mayo ------Grand Bay, Ala. Robert West Yon ------Anderson **Susan Erin McConnell ------Greenville

Physics *Richard Lee Lambour ------Summerville

Pre-Professional Studies Hubert Coleman Baker ------Darlington

Zoology *Mary Eloise Gaddy ------Lake City Marian Virginia Taylor ------Sumter *Jennifer Anne Knapp ------Seneca Ronda Sabrina Tuck ------Myrtle Beach J enny Elisabeth Kopp ------Inman Tammy Alicia Woolbright ------Inman

*Cum laude: A grade point ratio of 3.40 to 3.69 **Magna cum laude: A grade point ratio of 3. 70 to 3.89 ***Summa cum laude: A grade point ratio of 3.90 to 4.00 tSenior Departmental Honors: The students so designated have earned a B or better in the six to twelve credits of honors work at the upper division level in a program designed by their department. They have maintained a minimum GPR overall of 3.40. They appear in the line of march with an honors medallion on an orange and purple ribbon. Awards

NORRIS MEDAL First awarded at Clemson University in 1908, the Norris Medal was estab- lished under the terms of the will of the Honorable D. K. Norris, a life trustee of this institution. The medal is given each year to the graduating student, who, on the basis of exceptional scholastic achievement and leadership ability, is judged by the University Scholarships and Awards Committee to be the best all-around student. All winners of the Norris Medal have their names affixed to a bronze plaque mounted at the front entrance of Sikes Hall. WINNER OF THE NORRIS MEDAL FOR 1989 CHARLES EDWARD HILL Abbeville

FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Established at Clemson University in 1959, this award is made annually by the faculty of Clemson University to the member of the graduating class who has the highest scholastic achievement. All graduates who have completed the requirements for the bachelor's degree since the last commencement exercise and who have completed at Clemson at least 75 percent of the work required for graduation shall be eligible for consideration. All winners of the Faculty Scholarship Award have their names affixed to a bronze plaque mounted in the front entrance of Sikes Hall. WINNERS OF THE FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD FOR 1989 MARK DeLOSS HANES DONALD EARL VAN BLARICOM Wilkesboro, N. C. Clemson CHARLES EDWARD HILL ALENE CATHERINE WEBER Abbeville North Augusta DAVID BRADFORD LAMBERT MELISSA JOYCE WILKINS Norfolk, Va. Cowpens

ALUMNI MASTER TEACHER AWARD This award is presented by the Clemson Alumni Association for distinguished achievements in classroom teaching. The faculty recipient is selected by the Student Alumni Council from nominations submitted by students. A bronze plaque is presented permanently to the recipient and the award carries with it a stipend of fifteen hundred dollars. WINNER OF THE ALUMNI MASTER TEACHER AWARD FOR 1989 PATRICIA CONNOR-GREENE

HONORS MEDALLION Each graduate having earned Senior Departmental Honors will be wearing the Calhoun College Honors Medallion on an orange and purple ribbon. This medallion has been made possible by an Honors endowment established by Mrs. Kathryn C. Inabinet of Columbia, South Carolina, to honor the memory of her husband and Clemson graduate, the late B. C. Inabinet. Historical Statement

Clemson University is named for Thomas Green Clemson (1807-1888), who left the bulk of his estate to the State of South Carolina for the founding of the institution.

Thomas Clemson was born in Philadelphia in 1807 and educated at the Royal School of Mines in Paris (1828-1832). His early profession was that of a mining engineer; but circumstances diverted his interests into politics and the life of a southern planter, and he soon became an enthusiastic advocate of scientific agri- culture. He had a career as a diplomat (charge d'affairs to Belgium, 1844-1852) and served as the first Superintendent of Agricultural Affairs in Washington (1860). As a scientist he published numerous articles in the fields of mining, chemistry, and agriculture. His varied activities included his assistance in the founding of the Maryland Agricultural College, his support of the Morrill Act, his leadership in South Carolina after the Civil War, and his part in founding Clemson University.

Thomas Clemson was the son-in-law of South Carolina's John C. Calhoun, a political figure of national importance during the first half of the nineteenth century. Mr. Calhoun's home, Fort Hill, is preserved on the Clemson Campus as a national shrine.

The academic program at Clemson College began in 1893 with an enrollment of 446. The first "college prospectus" announced only two four-year curricula, supplemented by two two-year preparatory courses. Today the University has ten major academic units. These are the College of Agricultural Sciences, the College of Architecture, the College of Commerce and Industry, the College of Education, the College of Engineering, the College of Forest and Recreation Resources, the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Nursing, the College of Sciences, and the Graduate School.

The institution is an accredited member of the Southern Association of Col- leges and Schools; various curricula are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board, National League for Nursing, Society of American Foresters, American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

Clemson is a land-grant institution. As such, it is engaged not only in its primary academic program, but does extensive research at the main campus and at five agricultural experiment stations located in the State. The University is also heavily committed to a varied program of public service, including the work of agricultural extension which has professional personnel located in each of the State's counties. CLEMSON ALMA MATER A. C. Corcoran, '19 Where the Blue Ridge yawns its greatness, Where the Tigers play; Here the sons of dear old Clemson Reign supreme alway.

Chorus Dear old Clemson, we will triumph And with all our might, That 's roar may echo O'er the mountain height.

We will dream of great conquests, For our past is grand, And her sons have fought and conquered Every foreign land.

Where the mountains smile in grandeur O'er the hill and dale. Here the Tiger lair is nestling Swept by storm and gale.

We are brothers strong in manhood, For we work and strive; And our alma mater reigneth Ever in our lives. l l


15 May 1969