Crispin Pearson Of
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CRISPIN PEARSON OF BUCKS COUNTY1 PENNSYLVA.l.~IA 1748-1806 A Genealogy Compiled and Published by ANNIE PEARSON DARROW Edited by ,vILLL-\:M C. ARl\-ISTRO~G J. HEIDIXGSFELD COlIP,\XY Xcw Brunswick. Xc:w Jersey 1932 .\x:,;n: Euz., P,:.,kso:,; (1lrs. James P. Darrow) Author oi this Pearson Gencaloi:)0 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Ancestors, a POCJ, .... ________________ 4 Crispin Pearson Genealogy-------------- 5 Earliest Pearsons. Europe,tn~------------ 56 Pcarsons as Churchm ..,1._______________ 58 Traits and Pcculiariti=---------------- 60 Early Scarborough Homestead ___________ 63 Pearson Homestead in Solebury___________ 66 Pearson Buildings----------------- 69 Eurn Bridle Hill and the Indian. 71 Crispin Pearson. Pcrso, ....,._ _____________ 74 Life at the Pearson Homestea..,_____________ 76 Ancestors of Crispin Pcarso.._____________ 80 Ancestors of Hannah Willson Pearsou.--------- 82 Quest for the Ancestors of Crispin Pearsuu,------- 83 President Hoo\"er•s Scarborough Lineag._________ 95 Xew Jersey Pearson Data. Listing Descendant.-; of Robert Pear- son of \Vhite Horse Ta\"crri.... ___________ % Delaware Branch of the Pearson Family. Listing Descendants of John Pearson of Bombay Hoo· 104 Albert Large the Naturali,,, .... _____________ 141 '.i..LUSTRATIONS Ol'l'OSITE PAGE Annie Pearson Darrow ( 121) 1 Isaac Scarborough ( 19) 12 ::\Iercy Pearson Scarborough ( 185) 16 \\"illson Pearson (111)-------------- 18 Ella Amanda Fell (255) 28 Elbert P. Swearin;en (326) 30 Sarah Pearson :\Iosher (284) 32 Augustus S. Pearson (275) 40 :\!aria Pearson England ( 431) 44 Crispin Pearson Homestea 76 Glim.,se oi Burn Bridle Fores.__________ ............................. 80 Henry W. Scarborough (82) 83 )lap of Solebury Township 112 Samuel Fitler Pearson (813) 128 George Burton Pearson (9Si)_._ 136 FOREWORD Crispin Pearson of Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pennsyh-ania, was born about 1748 and died in 1806. This book contains . a genealogy and short history of his descendants as gathered by his great-granddaughter, Annie E. Pearson Darrow. of Pasadena, California. assisted by Henry \V"lSller Scarborough. "Esq~ of Plu1adelphia. a great great-grandson of Crispin Pearson. Following the genealogical record there will be found some miscellaneous information concerning the Pearsons in general. and authoritative data relating to the early Pearsons oi Burlington County, New Jersey, and also a genealogical sketch of the Pearsons of the State of Delaware. Our main sources of information have been w1Tu, deeds, ta.x lists, Esquires· dockets and the records of Friends :Meet ings. together with a correspondence carried on during many years with i.-arious branches of the family. The following authorities ha,.-e been carefully examined: the Cope papers. the Jenks papers. the manuscripts of Dr. Lyon, the Smith genealogy. the Kirk genealogy and the ""Pennsylvania Maga zine of History." October 31, 1931. Pasadena, California. ANCESTORS (Written in 1928 for the Pearson Reunion held in luwa.) ··What's in a name?" we hear men say. As they shake their empty heads. What's in a name? They fail to see The halo a good name sheds. A good name is the best trade m:irk That any one can show; For from good and honest ancestors Good children are apt to grow. But what matter good ancestors li we be little and mean? \Ve must live up to the old traits And let no weak spots be seen. What matter if they are worthy. If we are not the same; But try to bide unworthiness Under the cloak of a name? Our fathers by us have done well, And we must be fair to them By gh;ng a good account of ourselves Before our fellowmen. \Ve must keep alive the good traits And add to them if we can; And show the world that honesty Is still the better plan. But while we speak of ancestors, And o·er them make a fuss. Oftimes I really wonder What they might think of us. A:-.XIE E. P. DARROW. CRISPIN PEARSON: A GENEALOGY 1. CRISPIX PEARSOX w:is born about 1748 and died in 1806. He married H:lillUh \Villson. They spent their entire married life in Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pennsyh-ania. They had tweh,e children: + 2. i. ~Ami~ Pearson. b. Oct. 23~ 1769; cL Oct. 8. 1835; m. Is:iac Scarborough, Sr. + 3. u. John= Pearson. b. July 13. li72; d. Feb., 1838; m. Elizabeth (l\faskel) Wood. + 4. iii. Jonathan= Pearson. b. Apn1 9. 1774; d. July 8. 1831; m.. first. :\Iiss Hutchinson, and second, Jane Pa.~n. + 5. iv. James= Pearson. b. June 6, 11.16; d. Apn1 17, 1833; m. Elizabeth Merrick. + 6. '"· Crispin= Pearson. Jr•• b. Oct. 1, 1777; d. Oct. 18. 1828; m. Elizabeth Wilkinson. + 7. ,-i. :\forclecai= W. Pearson, b. Aug. 11. 1780; m. Elizabeth \Vorthington. 8. vii. Robert= Pearson. b. Dec. 19. 1782: he was a carpenter; m. Mamie Bye and lived in Wilmington, Del. : their only child died unm:irried. + 9. ,-iii. Benjamin= Peirson. b. Sept. 22, 1784: d. Oct. 21. 1852; m. Xancy Sophia Kelley. +10. ix. Charles= Pearson. b. March 23. 178i': m. :\Iary .Kclley. 11. x. Elijah= Pearson. b. Sept. 10, 1791 : he died a bachelor. +12. xi. William= Pearson. b. :\!arch IO. 1894: d. in 18i'4, about the first of June; m. Rebecca Martindale. +13. xii. Hannal1= Pearson. b. April 20. 1797: m. Joel Vasey. Ohsen·e that there were two daughters and ten sons : that the first-Lorn was a daughter. Amie. and the last-born was a daughter. Hannah. and that the ten intern1ediate children were sons. All were born in Solebury Township: Amie was born on a farm at Canada Hill : all the others were horn on the Pearson homestead : the Jioys were born in the small stone hou!'c. but Hannah "·as horn in the lar;e stone house. ' Robert= married lmt had no grandchild: Elijah= did not marry: each of the other ten chilclren married and each has descendants now fa-ing. In this genealogy the !mown descendants of Cris:>in Pearsr,n are arranged in ten groups: only in the case of Grot1p Se,·en. which lists tl1e numerous descenciants of Benjamin Pear<on. has it heen deemed 5 6 GE..,"'EALOCY OF CJUSPIX Pultso~ F.-1.:UILY advisable to divide a group into formal branches with display headings. In recording each marriage the name of the person who is of Pearson stock is given first. The second person named is not of Pearson descent except in the few cases of intermarriage between rclati,:cs. A special Arabic numeral is assigned to each incli,.;dnaJ descendant; this is done in order to secure easy and accurate identification. Tbc plus sign ( +) before a personal name indicates that further information concerning that individnaJ is given cJsewhere in this book. The absence of such sign means that the line of descent ends there so far as the records in this book arc concerned. To indicate the position of any given indh;dnaJ in his own line of descent it is customary for genealogists to write .. t the end of the descendant's given name a sma.H Arabic numeral slightly elevated. In ~bra such a figure is called an o.-ponent: in the printer's art it is called a superior figure. The superior figure one. as in Crispin1 Pearson. indirates that he is the common progeuitor: the superior figure five. as in Henry WJSmeri Scarborough. indicates that Henry is a. great-great-grandson of Crispin1 Pearson. It should be borne in mind that the superior figure does not represent how many "generations from" the founder any gh·en per son is. The "generation from" is always one Jess tJ,~n the superior figure. becatlS'! in the new method of reckoning the founder is counted ; in the other be is not. Some information concerning the ancestors of Crispin Pearson is given elsewhere in this book. as is also some information concern ing the ancestors of Crispin's ,,.;fe. Hannah \Villson. GROUP ONE The Descendants of AMIE PEARSON .Born 1769, Died 1835 Wife of Isaac Scarborough 2. ..urrn= PEARSON. daughter of Crispin1 and Hannah. m. Isaac Scarborough, who was b. May 8. 1769, and d. Oct. 4, 1851. They were m. on Dec. 2.;., 1794, before Isaac Van Horne. Esq. They dwelt all their lives on a farm near Canada Hill. Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pa., a part of the original Scarborough grant. Both are buried in Buckingham graveyard. Ten children: +14. i. Crispin3 Scarborough, b. Oct. 3, 1795; d. July 11, 1847; m. Mary Shaw. 7 +15. ii. John3 Scirborough, b. Feb. 13, 1797; d. Sept. 9, 1881; m. Hannah Reeder. +16. iii. William3 Scarborough, b. Apn1 23, 1799; d. 1Si5; m. llarth:i Paist. 17. 1\'. Asa3 Scirborough. b. Sept. 12. 1800: d. Nov. 24. 1800. +18. i.·. Cynthi:13 Sc.1rborou~h. b. Nov. 17, 1801; d. No,·. 11, 1Si5, m. Joseph K. Large. +19. ,-i. Isaac' Scirborough, b. July l, 1804, d. lfarch 22. 1883; m. :Mercy W." Pearson, his cousin. +20. \ii. Charle!>.!l Scarborough. b. Oct. 6. 1806; d. Xo,·. 26. 1839: m. a daughter of John Powell. +21. ,.-iii. Amy3 Scarborough. b. Oct. 16. 1808; d. July 13. 1Si7; m. WaL"On Smith. 22. ix. Pearson3 Scarborough. b. April 7. 1813; <l. Feb. 7. 1874: m. Hannah \Vorstall. She was b. Oct. 25, 1813, and <l. June 19. 1898. They were farmers in the lower pan of Solebury. ne:tr Solebury )fountain. and had one daughter. lfatilcla4, who died at the age of eighteen while attending boarding school. 23. x.. Elijah William3 Scirborough. b. Oct. 7. 1817: m. Sarah Adams and had one child that died young. Elijah was a veteran of the Civil \Var: he owned a small farm near Soleburv )fountain. but he was shiftless and died destitute in New Jersey.