UPPER SLOCAN VALLEY PHASE 1: BEAR HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PHASE 2: BEAR-PEOPLE CONFLICT PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN (PROPOSED) APPLICATION FOR BEAR SMART COMMUNITY STATUS GOAT RANGE PROVINCIAL PARK NEW DENVER VALHALLA PROVINCIAL SILVERTON PARK KOKANEE GLACIER PROV. PARK Prepared for Valhalla Wilderness Society Box 329, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 November 2012 Prepared by Maggie M. Paquet Wayne McCrory, RPBio 5232A Margaret Street McCrory Wildlife Services Port Alberni, BC V9Y 6J2 208 Laktin Road, New Denver, BC V0G 1S1 Ph: 250-723-8802 Ph: 250-358-7796; Fx: 250-358-7950
[email protected] [email protected] DISCLAIMER Maggie Paquet, Biologist, of MAIA BioLogics, and Wayne McCrory, RPBio, of McCrory Wildlife Services Ltd., gathered the research and prepared this document with input from the Conservation Officer Service, BC Parks, local and regional governments, local residents, Valhalla Wilderness Society, and others. We have assumed that the information provided from the various sources is accurate and reliable. The study was done according to the BC Bear Smart Community Program guidelines for a bear hazard assessment and a bear-people conflict management plan, except where additional analysis was deemed necessary. While this report contains the best information available to provide authorities in the study area with an accurate and authoritative analysis of the subject matter, no liability is assumed with respect to the use or application of the information contained herein. Upper Slocan Valley Bear Hazard Assessment and Bear Plan Report, November 2012 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was made possible by a funding partnership between the Valhalla Wilderness Society and the provincial Bear Smart Community Program.