Plant Name Index

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Plant Name Index Plant Name Index Abies aZba 350· Amaranthus edulis 191 A. amabilis 357, 372 A. hybridus 212, 219 A. baZsamea 350 A. palmeri 340 A. concoZor 366 Amary 11 idaceae 45, 394 A. maT'iesii 366 Ammi 186 A. veitchii 366 AmmophiZa arenaT'ia 342, 349, 362 AbiZgaardia 60 AmorphophaZZus 60 Acacia 332, 404 Amphicarpum purshii 353 A. albida 372 Amyema 397 Acanthaceae 21, 24 Amygdalaceae 301 Acanthosphaera 10 Anabaena 107 Acer 5, 22, 60, 301, 302, 355 A. CA 106 A. platanoides 319 A. oscillaT'ioides 107 A. pseudoplatanus 67, 328 Anachopteridaceae 292 A. rubrum 350 AnacycZus 247 A. saccharum 395 Anchusa officinaZis 407 A. spicatum 404 Anemone 44 Aceria 31 A. nemorosa 364 ~cetabulaT'ia 79 Aneurophytales 294 Ace tobacter 9, 10, 11 Angiospermae 21 Actinidiaceae 25 Aniba 401 Adansonia digitata 395 Anisophyllea 42 Adoxa 59 Ankistrodesmus braunii 110 AegiZops longissima 191 Annona 57, 255, 386 A. umbelluZata 191 A. squamosa 404 A. variabiZis 191 Annonaceae 21, 262, 386, 392 Agaricus arvensis 356, 360 AntheZia juratzkana 343 Agathis 41 Anthoxanthum odoratum 349 Agavaceae 21 Antirrhineae 59 Agave desmettiana 391 Antirrhinum 41, 199, 201 A. palmeri 395 A. majus 118, 119, 121, 123 Agropyron repens 170,330 Apiaceae 396, 406, 407 Agrostis capiZlaris 349 Apium graveolens 170, 173 Ailanthus gZanduZosa 330 Apocynaceae 21, 56, 302, 389 Aizoaceae 21 AquaspiT'iZZum magnetotacticum 105 Ajuga genevensis 402 Aqui Zegia 402 A. reptans 371, 402 A. caeruZea 394 alfalfa 189 Arabidopsis 185 Alismatales 40, 59 A. thaliana 146, 186, 187, 193 Alismatidae 59 Araceen 39, 60, 386 AZlium 45, 185, 321 Arachis hypogaea 187, 404 A. cepa 188 AraZia hispida 407 Alnus 108, 364 Araliaceae 24 A. inokumae 354 Araucariaceae 298 A. rubra 108, 350 Araucarien 284 Aloe 332 Arberiales 294 AZopecUT'U$ agrestis 170 Arbutus andrachne 352 Amaranthaceae 21 A. unedo 352 Amaranthus caudatus 191 Archaeopteridales 294 420 plant Name Index Arctium lappa 185 bean 76-78, 81 Arctostaphylos 44 Begoniaceae 21 Arecaceen 301 Bellevalia flexuosa 397 Arenaria alabamensis 234, 399 Bennettitales 294 A. unijtora 234, 399, 403 Berberidaceae 56 Arenga 60 Berberis 25 Aristolochiaceae 21 Bergenia 55 Arnica latifolia 342 Beta vulgaris 192 Aroideae 39 Betula 33 Arisaema 45 B. ermanii 366 Arrhenatherum 395 B. glandulosa 352, 357 A. elatius 349 Bidens 330 Artedia 396 Bignoniaceae 401 Artemisia absinthium 149 Blyxa octandra 389 A. princeps 367 Boergesenia 9 A. vulgaris 330 Bombylius ssp. 231 Arum 60 Bongardia 25 Ascarina 300 Boraginaceae 21, 59, 403 Asclepiadaceae 396 Botrychium 293 Asclepias 391, 396, 401 Botryococcus 287 A. curassavica 396 Botryopteridaceae 292 A. speciosa 353 Botrytis 143 A. syriaca 352, 387, 391, 396 Brachypodium pinnatum 360, 361 A. tuberosa 396 Bradysia 159 A. verticillata 396 Brassica 204 Asoomyceten 285 B. campestris 192 Asparagus 176 B. juncea 188 Aspergillus nidulans 110 B. napus 192, 209, 212 Aster ageratoides 361 B. oleracea 124, 134, 169, 192 A. tripolium 319 B. rapa 176 Asteraceae 21, 24, 25, 45 Brassicaceae 21, 42 Asteridae 54 Bromeliaceae 21, 57, 301 Asterionella formosa 345 Brownea rosade-monte 390 Atriplex 39 Bryonia dioica 393 A. canescens 406 Bryophyta 21 A. triangularis 209, 212 Bryum pseudotriquetrum 343 Atropa belladonna 191 buckwheat 118 Austrobaileya 39, 55 Butomaceen 301 Austrobaileyaceae 55, 392 Buxaceae 21, 24, 25 Avena 172, 328 Buxus 42 A. barbata 110, 230 A. canariensis 172 Cabomba 56, 397 A. damascena 172 Cactaceae 21 A. fatua 60, 319 Caesalpiniaceae 389 A. longiglumis 172 Cadaba 54 A. prostrata 172 Cajanus cajan 187, 188 A. strigosa 172 C.c. x Atylosia albicans 172 Azolla 36 Caladenia 398 Azospirillum 106, 109, 111 Calamagrostis epigejos 361 A. brasilense 111 Calami ten 290 Azotobacter vinelandii 106 Calamopityaceen 294 Calathea 399 Bacteria 159 Ca lendu la 54 Bactris gasipaes 392 Calenduleae 56 Banksia 395, 397 Calla 56 B. nutans 395 C. palustris 347 Barinophytaceen 289 Callistephus chinensis 119 barley 170, 172, 173, 183, 185 188- Callistophytales 295 190, 192, 193, 203, 258 Callitriche 42, 328, 396 barley (Hordeum vulgare) 168, 169 Callitris 297 Batrachium 328 Calluna vulgaris 353 Bauhinia ungulata 395 Calycanthaceae 392 Plant Name Index 421 Calypso bulbosa 398 Chlorella 67, 69, 112 CamelUa 149 C. ellipsoidea 220 Campanula 45, 398 C. vulgaris 110 C. longifolia 398 Chlorobium limiaola 88 Campanulales 59 Chloroaoaaum 112 Campanulaceae 21 Chlorofiexus aurantiaaus 87, 93 Canna 23 Chlorogonum 45 Cannaceae 53, 389 Chlorophyceen 286 Caprifoliaceae 25 Chromatium minutissimum 89 Capsiaum annuum 188, 191 C. vinosum 88, 89, 92 Caralluma 332 Chrysanthemum japonense 191 Cardiomanes 34 C. morifoUum 189 Carex 299, 343 Chrysosplenium ameriaanum 124 C. lyngbyaei 347 Chytridiaceen 285 C. subspathaaea 347 Ciaer arietinum 129, 215 Carissa 332 CiUates 156 CarUna 44 Cinnamomum 401 Carpinus 351 C. aassia 185 C. betulus 350 C. zeylaniaum 185 carrot 75, 83, 157 Ciraaea 257 Cartonemataceae 21 Cirsium palustre 405 Carthamus tinatorius L. 209, 210, 212 C. vulgare 405 Caryophyllaceae 21, 60 Cistus salviifoUus 398 Cassia auriaulata 390 Citrullus lanatus 404 C. didymobotrya 390 Citrus 22, 44, 124 Castanea sativa 342, 350 Cladina stellaris 357 Castanopsis 55 Cladophora fraata 346 Casuarina 108 Cladoxylales 291 C. aunninghamiana 108 Claoxylon sandWiaense 340 Catalpa speaiosa 388 Clarkia 190 Catha edulis 332 C. rubiaunda 353 Caulophyllum 56 Classopolis 297 Caytoniales 295 Clavatipollenites 300 Cedrela 400 Clerodendrum 32 Centaurea 23 Clinostemon 401 Centrospermae 262 Closterium 9, 10 Cephalanthera rubra 398 Clostridium butyriaum 106 Cephalotaxus 298 Clusia 386 Ceratoaystis 143 Cneoraceae 21, 56 CeratodOn purpureus 343 Cnidosaolus urens 402 Ceratophyllaceae 55 Coahleanthes lipsaombiae 398 Ceratoxylum fomosum (Clusiaceae) 407 Coe lastrum 112 Ceraidiphyllum 301 Coenopteridales 292 Ceraospora 143 Coffea arabiaa 332 Chamaeayparis obtusa 350 Coleochaetaceae 31 Chamaerops 302 Coleus 20, 38 Chara 67, 69, 70 Colletotriahum lindemuthianum 135 C. aorallina 80 Collomia 54, 61, 250 C. hispida 346 C. grandifiora (Polemoniaceae) 404 Characeae 331 Colocasioideae 39 Charophyten 286 Colutea arboresaens 128 Cheilolejeunea 287 CommeUna 40 Cheirolepidiaceae 297 Commelinaceae 40, 54, 57, 404 Chenopodiaceae 21 Commiphora 332 Chenopodium 68, 330 C. ugogensis 372 C. album 367 Compositae 59, 246 C. rubrum 71 Comptonia 108 Chiloglottis gunnii 398 C. peregrina 108 Chionoahloa 342 Coniferen 32 Chlamydomonas reinhardii 97, 209, 210, Convolvulus arvensis 330 212, 213, 215, 217-220 Cordaitales 294 Chloranthaceen 300 Cordaitanthales 294 422 Plant Name Index Cordaiten 295, 297 Dianthus caryophyLLus 119, 123 Cordia 400 D. deZtoides 393 C. abyssinica 332 Diascia 388 C. aLLiodora 407 dicotyledons 56, 81 C. trichotoma 407 Didymelaceae 25 Cornales 59 DigitaZis purpurea 316 Cornus 60 Dilleniaceae 25 Corynebacterium 144 DinoiZageZLaten 286 Corynocarpus 243 Diospyros castanea 356 Corystospermaceae 295 DipZacus aurantiacus 352, 372 Costus 404 Dipsacales 59, 262 C. aHenii 402 Dipterocarpaceae 21 C. Laevis 402 DistichLis spicata 352 cotton 11, 186, 204 Disticte Ha 391 Crassulaceae 387 D. eZongata 391 Crataegus 253 Doug Zas fir 128 Crepis 183 DrosophiZa 156, 159 Crocus sativus 190 duckweeds 80 CrotaLaria 57, 185, 391 Dyosoma 25 C. anagyroides 391 Croton obLongifoLium 356 Echinocereus 33 Cryptantha 386 Echinochloa stagnina 347 Cucumis sativus 209, 212, 230 Ectothiorhodospira haZochZoris 89 Cucurbitaceae 387, 389 Eichhornia 42, 54 Cunoniaceae 60 E. crassipes 347 Cuphea 22 EZaeis guineensis 398 Cupressaceae 21 Eleocharis 328 Cupressus 23 EZodea 33, 76-78 Cuscuta 148 E. canadensis 347 Cycadales 294 EZymus canadensis x SecaZe cereaZe 171 Cycadopsida 294 E. moZZis 349, 362 CycLamen persicum 384 Empetrum 43 Cyclanthaceae 39, 242, 386 Endoganaceen 285 CycLanthera pedata 389 Ephedra 37 Cyclanthereae 387 Epidendrum 55 CycLanthus bipartitus 392 E. radicans 396 Cycnoches egertonianum 398 Epigaea repens 407 cyperaceen 36, 40, 300, 395 EpUobium 257 Cyperus papyrus 354 E. angustifolium 361, 387 Cypripedioideae 59, 311 E. hirsutum 359 Cypripedium candidum 398 Epimedieae 56 Czeckanowskiales 294 Epipactis heZZeborine 320 Equisetum 33, 37, 291 DactyZis gLomerata 170 Eremosphaera 9, 69 DactyZorhiza sambueina 397 Erica 394 DahUa 43 Ericaceae 21, 389, 404 DaZechampia 60, 386, 402 Erigeron annuus 367 D. affinis 402 Eriocaulaceen 40 D. scandens 402 EriocauZon 53 Danthonia spicata 404 Eriodictyon caZifornicum 372 Datiscaceae 21 Eriophorum vagina tum 342, 348, 353 Datura 394 Erodium 60 D. innoxia 175 E. gZutinosum 362 D. meteLoides 388 Erythrina 388, 399, 400 Daucus 396 Erwinia 5 D. carota 11 9 Escherichia coli 67, 107, 134, 185, Delphinium nelsonii 386, 387 220, 221 D. virescens 403 EucaLyptus 44, 255, 285, 311, 354, 362, Dendrosenecio keniodendron 353 365, 370, 372 Deschampsia cespitosa 349 E. delegatensis 356 Diamorpha smallii 393 Plant Name Index 423 Euca~yptus diversico~or 363 G~eichenia 34 E. dives 356 Gleicheniaceae 39 E. mar>ginata 356 G~oeocapsa 287 E. pauciflora 356 Glossopteridae 31 E. stoatei 394 Glossopteridales 294, 295 Eug~ena 215 G~ossopter>is 299 E. gr>aci~is 209-214, 216, 217, 220 GZ-ycine 57, 203 Eupator>ium 316 G. max 124, 132, 188, 209, 212 E. cannabinum 353 Gnetatae 392 Euphor>bia 332 Gomortegaceae 23 E. forbesii 340 Gossypium ar>boreum 399 Euphorbiaceae 21, 24, 301, 302 G. barbadense 192 Euphrasia atr>opur>purea 328 G. hirsutum 189, 192 Eupomatia 56 Gramineae 406 Eupomatiaceae 392 grasses 54, 57, 60, 61, 81 Eurotiales 285 Gr>eviUea Z-eucopteris 397 EVer>nia prunastr>i 312 Gr>i ffi thsia 67 Guarea r>hopa~ocarpa 407 Fabaceae 24, 389 Gymnar>rhenia
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