PAGE FOUR THE PHOENIX TRIBUNE—ALWAYS IMPROVING Saturday, June 3, 1922 I PHOENIX TRIBUNE! Amusements j Sportsj Musical Comedy

that offer of $400,000 from Montreal will meet before Labor. Day. And even THE SMARTER SET REHEARSING A NEW SHOW SV/ALLOWED EACH OTHER DEMPSEY SAYS HE IS amounts to. If Canadian sportmen that is doubtful. There are several Y/IN are willing to pu' up amount of good GIANTS AN EASY that reasons why. While the public , Juno 2.—The! New York City, Juno 2.—“The Cre- A perfectly formed hard-shell crab money I’d say offhand that they are jhas fully decided no . that .other Smarter Set company entered re- ole Follies Review” will have its ! about the size of the end of a per- READY TD MEET ANY going to have an awfully good chance opponent is as well fitted to give VICTORY OVER tf.O.W. i hearsals a few weeks ago with the¦ premiere at the. Lafayette on Monday. son’s thumb in an oyster shell. The of staging a battle for the world’s the white champ a real run for his crab had evidently been swallowed championship idea of either opening on Broadway !The Coleman Brothers, directors of between hundreds of thousands, it appears j ! by the oyster, but presumably it Wills and myself. IN GAME TUESDAY ¦on' or about June sth or a great WORTHYJPPDNENT that the smoking up process for a sailing for! this house are staking deal i proved too much for the oyster, as CANADIAN OFFER OF $400,000 FOR "It seems that whenever certain July a ! Europe. At present the company j Ist bout is bit overdue. The The Western Giants had three big |on this new show as they expect to j there was no oyster in the shell when BOUT WITH WILLS MATCH IN- people want a lot of publicity they newspapers, with the exception of a continues to rehearse downtown, but it was opened. Innings in their game with the W. O. keep it at the Lafayette for an indef- i I TERESTS HIM GREATLY. NUNN announce they are going to put up a noteworthy few, have not endorsed the news getting out that they would inite run. They are so sanguine of DOUBTS HIS SINCERITY. big sum of money for me to fight Wills. And you know newspapers W. teams Tuesday at East Lake park be presenting the same show of “Up they to WASHINGTON’S POPULARITY Wills. But when the offer is run mould public senitment. It would take and pounded out a 9 to 5 victory over and Down” in Newark, N. J.. does its success think it useless (Preston usually that listen to those of us who have seen News Service) down it is discovered a month or more for the paper to the scrappy lodge club. The game not tend to make one fee' confident Harlem grow from the first shack New York City, June 2.—And now there is some joker or the offer is not work up things to the proper pitch. l that those behind the move for giv- It would lia,'we surprised General was more excciting and better played | where tho , from whose loins made with sincereity. Then in all probability, after the peo- ing the Whitney boys the!, long de- on 135th street goats would Washington, had he known how fu- than the would tend to indi- warm themselves days to hangs the heavy weight champion- “Now bring on the tough babies, ple have been awakened to the pos- score lat'd opportunity are sure of e on winter ture generations were to prize even cate, the big house with ele- ship belt, has returned to the good one by one, and I will attempt to sibilities and liabilities of the two final cui'cmo of their eO.-.'s fcr a apartment his smallest possession. A china plate old United States following a brief, prove that I am the best fighter in principal opponents, a news dispatch The Woodmen threw a scare into hearing u the “Big Strea,.’ vator and telephone service, both of which he used, and which was later in which are problematical after eight! hectic sojourn in England, France and the world—or lose my championship will be carried wherein the men will the Giants they out lu the meantime things CMjtinu-' | the collection of President Andrew when drove three o’clock at night other European countries. We are in- in the trying.” have dashed off their signatures in lively in and around New York for Jackson, recently sold for $9lO at an runs in tne secdhd frame by consist- formed, some promoter’s Even “Shuffle Along” could not last if news dispatches are cor- W. G. Nunn things, ‘There’s nothing office, after making the colored performers. Gertrude auction in New York City. ant swatting. They held the advan- longer than a month in Harlem and rect, that and other no- to not going to fight dire threats about what will happen Saunders returned recently and is it. Dempsey is tage until the fourth when the Giants for the tables of “fistians” on hand when they finally together. It doing her specialty at the “Planta- the only reason big runs on were Wills if he can keep from it. Look come bunched hits behind a base on balls The way for a young man to rise when the big champion all goes to make gullible tion week the Broadway is because of the floating landed with ] jat the camoflauge in his first public the public Review.” Thin big- improve every way and an infield error and knotted the population from other cities. Here is to himeslf he their pockets literally poking out I : utterance his return. From fall the harder for the match. gest vaudeville bill ever assembled is after count. in Harlem we have a limited supply can, never suspecting that anybody with contracts and fountain pens in where I view the proceedings Demp- “Then a coterie of reporters will at the Lafayette and doing big busi- Extra base hits gave the Giants to draw from, and soon they tire of wishes to hinder him. Allow me to hand. The ostensible purpose for all , sey can see nothing in the Montreal accompany the men on their training ness. ; four more counters in the fifth frame any one show as previous owners of assure you that suspicion and jealousy this activity was a desire to match rumor—it is just a rumor to him. trips—the papers will be full of | I and they never were headed there- the Lafayette have If “The never did help any man in any situ- the former shipworker with our However, there is not the least bit measurements, their proportions will “A bachelor is but half a man and | found. j after. Both teams scored a pair in i Creole Follips Review" lasts longer ation. —Lincoln. Harry Wills. of chance that Wills and Dempsey turn out. One can easily see that it doesn’t konw it,” remarks an ex- I the ninth. j ! , than three weeks it will be the sea- Dempsey says: "Now that I'm home is impossible, if this plan is carried [ change. “A married man is reminded Whiz White pitched his usual good i ! son's most stratling production and The face of the earth —dear me, I hope that all the boys who were so out, —how impossible it will be for of it often.”—Boston Transcript. game the Giants letting the!] Broadway smile they report earth* bravely the two men to meet before Labor .for j will hold out her arms and when I an challenging me while I was Woodmen down with seven bingles. , Day. I remove It from black Harlem. 1 quako.—New- York Herald. absent will continue to exhibit signs ! Crowley also pitched well for the of that bravery. And I sincerely hope Heath A Real Food— losers, yielding but nine hit?. [ The man who does his best a likewise that some of the promoters is Score by innings R. H. E. success the who wr ere talking about putting me | whether world thinks so ’ • Western Giants 000 340 002—9 9 1 not. together with Wills haven't chang- jor Woodmen 030 000 002—5 7 3 DONOFRIO’S ed their minds. I want action and Studio ¦ ¦ - ¦ i W. White and F. White; Crowley plenty of it i and Stack. ICE CREAM Hear Marcus Garvey The first things Jack Kearns and The Giants will play the Glendale I will do will bo to find out just what First Avenue and WESTERN MUTUAL team Sunday in Glendale. Cooling, Refreshing, Invigorating President General of The U. N. I. A., and the greatest Adams Phones 1681 and 4301 IDEAL COMBINATION Negro orator of the Twentieth Century SUN REST PHOENIX ARIZONA BENEFIT ASM. ij Most of the girls think they would Ice Cream Parlor Life is one serious game of unex - rather have good husbands than rich I pected happening's, more so when you Look! Lock! And don’t forget to SHELDON ones, but they can’t see why good Friday Night, June 9 are not insured and when others are stop in at the Sun Rest Ice Cream men shouldn’t cultivate the money- THE JEWELER depending upon you.' Insure in the Parlor and Soft Drink Stand. . Ice j making habit. at Western Mutual and you will get $ cold soda is fine because the weather ! 106 North First Ave. the t ! best contract on the market “THE BUTTER THAT’S BETTER” and Sun ! j Best is warm the Rest is the place Equipped workshop in Arizona COMPLETE Monroe School Auditorium to stop. Don’t forget the number, j We pay our sick promptly ; WRIST WATPHES claims HOUSE 901 West Sherman St., 9th DIAMONDS and death benefits 24 FURNISHERS corner i hours after Kj and Sherman. All free. Don’t ! LAVEI.I.IRES Etc can A fine musical program also will be rendered avenue proof of death. You buy the complete furnish- ' it. ings of a home, it large miss Now is the time. I ‘IF YOU BUV IT OF SHELDON be or EVAPORATED G. S. Rodgers, Pres, and Gen. small, four by local talent Mrs. A. L. Taylor and A. P. Taylor, YOU KNOW 'T'S RIGHT" Mgr within the walls and I five floors of this store. Managers. j Office 25 North 11th Street Thirty-five years continuously n your Tickets 50 cents. On sale at 438 East Jefferson and I”' 11 11 I business in Phoenix is ns.- MILK PHONE 8381 surance of our responsibility. "FRESH CREAM'S” ONLY RIVAL by every member of the organization. Get yours NOW. Phoenix Arizcm* DORRTS-HEYMAN ¦ - CO. - *** FURNITURE v 11 ¦¦ .n anamraißHMiMfßnßßiMn The Phoenix Tnbune First Street and Adams = ! = 1) ’’ fi "¦ *' ** «" m ~ « F OU WANT— S, f T r, C--

- Good M rchardi -c —Fine Treif nem | A.R. S nit :i | -7 \ 3si / §2.50 . Honest Dealing—The Lowest Prices ... iioi’ k ¦. .. U . .i , I •. Terms to Suit —Then you should REAL ESTATE j iXvriiifiui LtU come to INSURANCE | Name your salary and we willpay your income for Six Months should you be dis- And Worth It The Standard Furniture Co., Inc Notary Public abled on account of sickness or accident. We pay:— 237 West Wasnington St. Phone 1551 Fhcne 6250 TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. S2O Weekly Sickness Benefit $875 For Loss of One Hand | PHOENIX ARIZONA 37 South 13th Street Weekly $3,500 For Loss of Hand and Foot ' S2O Accident Benefit Phoenix, Arizona i S2O Weekly Hospital Benefit $3,500 For Loss of Both Feet — j Emergency $3,500 For Loss of Both Hands . S2OO Relief $375 For Loss of One Eye $3,500 For Loss of Both Eyes ?????? 444?? »4 , . $375 For Loss of One $5,000 For Life Foot Los 3of # ;! “JUST •*• \ * WRIGHT” V -4 4 a “A swarm of bees in May I j a - * ' T * **- * DOUBLE :• Shoes for Men . Is worth a load of hay” INDEMNITY S4O WEEKLY for TRAVEL ACCIDENTS < * f 4 so reads a of G Union Made * A** proverb old; JgzstEibePJt But a swarm of Bs in June | NELSON SHOE CO. j If sent us pretty soon Entire Cost $24 Per Year G 42 West Washington St. Phoenix, Arizona 1 may win a pot of gold. NO DUES NO ASSESSMENTS NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION x : wwgmp ; »+?•? 4 ????M??444 4 4 4444444 4-4 4444444 ?»?????? 444 4 44 4 ? 4 44 The most liberal Policy ever issued by any Company and sold to men and women of i all Nationalities in all between the ages of 16 and 70 years at the same low cost of $24 per year. - YOUR FUTURE % HOLDS HCJRAIT-TFY*** insure Today-Tomorrow May Be Too Late 'fPtk HAIR TONIC #: Don’t say you can’t afford it. Don’t say times are too hard. It will be worse for '§ Money, Prosperity A Refining and Straightening Tonic for Frizzy, pgffisT’i you should you lose your eyes, hands or feet. Don’t go another day without our plan Kinky or Coarse, Stubborn Hair. of protection. You may be seriously injured tomorrow or stricken with a lingering Will Positively Refine, Straighten and Give Luster ’ sickness. Success to the Hair in from Two to Three Applications. SEVEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE |jjE^| We have written over Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars Insurance in Arizona and there is not one dissatisfied customer on our list. 1. the hair it ; Straightens and keeps straight. ihKgij G 7 Long, Wavy Hair- 2. Wilt not injure the hair or the scalp. and a Lovely Complexion. 3. Will not leave the hair greasy to soil your hat ppj|| 4. and gives to your REASON” Refines luster hair. (fe\§™;3 “THERE’S A Learn the Madam C. J. Walker System of Beauty Culture and We pay all claims promptly. No red tape. No “ifs”—wepay. Pay if you live and pay her Superfine Preparations prosperous sell 18 and a future Is yours. 6. Constant use does not harm the hair or scalp. n [A, if you die. You can’t lose. Use her world-renowned preparations regularly and have beau- 7. You can treat your hair yourself. BSJh tiful hair and a charming complexion. Stop using pastes, creams or greases and use a Casualty Co. of Philadelphia Is your hair short, breaking off, thin or falling outT proven scientific preparation. Is-Jflv 11 Commonwealth If your hairdresser or druggist cannot supply you, USE order direct from us. Send ?1.00 for a bottle of SejpfjJi ! For application blank and particulars write, phone or call on MADAM C. J. WALKER’S WONDERFUL STRAIT-TEX. Sent postpaid anywhere In the United fißßai HAIR GROWER AGENTS WANTED; WRITE FOR TERMS Dept. AK THE MADAM C. J. WALKER MFG CO.. A. Agent 640 North West Street B. Gen. for Indianapolis, Ariz. ind. The Strait-Te* Chemical Company SMITH, Sljj Phone 6250 1302 East Jefferson St. Phoenix, Arizona (Six Weeks’ Trial Treatment sent anywhere far ti ROl 600 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, Penna. BECOME AN AGENT ' V “Now a-days its Madam Walker’s- Twenty-Seven Years In Business Over $2,000,000 Paid in Claims To Policyholders j ¦¦¦ 1