HARD FOR KANSAS - . SID-BARBERIAN HERE, SAYS- [Buffalo Today Can Claim HE WANTS ROCKY KANSAS GO Recognition As One Of AFTE R H E B EATS H E RMAN SMITH ATHLETIC MEET When Sid Barberian, the Michl \ whether he comes back the champion or has to be content with his present k •\ Golf Centers Of Country gan wildcat, and Herman Smith, position in the lightweight ranks. We Buffalo's Uncle Slats, clash in the are here to enhance our reputation, Queensbury ring tomorrow night and while we expect a hard fight, 1 club and had Ansley Wilcox as first they will be about as evenly* matched want to say we are after the best in (By THOMAS P. MeAULJFFE.) president. The nonor of first secre­ as two fighters of their type can be, the world when we finish with After twenty-eight years of strug­ tary fell to Marc W. Comstock. with the exception of the old wal­ Smith." Grammar Schools, 5th and gle, experimenting, hard work and in At this time it is proper to state Manager Pearlstein said this with many instances sacrifices, Buffalo can lop, and that remains to be seen. that existence" and perfection of the Sully Montgomery, Sensa­ Barberian came to town yesterday, no bluster or braggadocio, but as a 6th Grades and Basket­ justly and proudly claim recognition Western Oolf association Latter Seems to Have Edge mere statement of fact. That he and Local Fans Visit New York as one of the leading golf centers of was accomplished by the able assist­ accompanied by Manager Sam tional Lineman* Bobs Up Pearlstein • and his second and Barberian are brimful of confidence ball Finals. the country. I do not mean to convey ance of the Wanakah Country club In Struggle For Next < - may be seen at^a moment's glance and and Find Champion I rain­ he impression that golf conditions are through their representatives D'Arcy In New York. trainer,* Bert Conners, who is also after a few minutes' conversation perfect here, for like all branches M his closest pal, and went through a W. Roper and Marc W. Comstock, the Big Bout. with them. Barberian and his party The seventh annual indoor meet of ing as Never Before. , sport there are many places and former serving aa treasurer since the brisk workout at the Bert Finch are at the Iroquois hotel. They will things requiring improving and per­ formation of the association. pi gymnasium, Seneca and Washington work out again this afternoon at 2:30 the Buffalo Public School Athletle X \ (By DAMON RUN YON.) fecting. The heights thus far reach­ BY SPAROW McQANN. street, where, he strucKk thtne "P~£specta-­ | Q.clock at Flnch.8 gym league will be held at the Broad-" Park Club Starts. I New York, Feb. 4.r^-New fighters tors by his resemblance to HermaHermani ° (By BILLY KELLY.) ed have been . gained through in­ (Special correspondent of the* Buffalo way auditorium Saturday, March 11. dividual and club effort. When t^ie Pan-American Exposition are bobbing up on evtjry hand. The in build and-the way he can sock Herman in Fine Shape. Benny* Leonard, take it from several Sunday Courier. Copyright, 1922, Uncle Herman, as he says himself, 1922. The programme this year will Golf here had a most distinguished had accomplished the purpose for latest is a fr<*sh-lal§ heavyweight with his left hand, which he carries i2wo men who have just ^turned beginning. Records sKow.that the first by the Buffalo Courier.) as his reserve gun, a la Lew Tendler. "has the old potato masher sharp­ consist of three parts, as follows: which it had been organised the Park from Centre college, gtally Montgom­ J^m New York, is training as he ham t and laid out by Charles MacDonald. New York, Jan. 28.— He also impressed the crowd as be­ ened and ready." He has trained 65-yard dash—Grammar school club was formed. A group of golfers faithfully at the Oriole gym and is all championship for the 80-ib., 96-lb., SSi -Tnce he won his title by knock- course or part of a course was planned purchased the Women's building at versus Harry Wills. That is the prime ery by name, one of the tackles of ing rough, tough, and durable, de­ ng out Freddie Welsh, forxhis battle who by the way captured the first the famous "Prating Colonels." pending more upon-his strength and •set for any sort of opposition. The ! 115-lb. and unlimited weight class. the Exposition for a club house. Those subject in fandom .today following ease with which he handled Danny Arrangements are under way with with Rocky Kansas, scheduled for next amateur championship of the United intereated in this club were George If he can fight as well as he can hitting power than on any science or States. One may say without fear of Jack Reams' statement that he was Fruoh, and his other recent accom-. the 65th Armory to hold a "trial £5ay night at Madison Square Ojir*en M. Kendall whp has been a distin­ play football, he ought to be a good cleverness, although apparently has plishments in the ring, mark him as meet" on Saturday afternoon, Feb­ contradiction that golf in Buffalo ready to match his champioft against his share of the craft and generalship e guished figure since the start of the the ring's wonder and a dangerous ruary 25, at 2 o'clock. All the boys Jf'gSSZtfoF"Mrlni ffi ch.m- !J££Z^tte'Zdventot the Scotch any fighter in the world, WiUs Includ­ man. Ben Dobbert, a manager who of the ring. SnshTp these Buffalo men stepped."» ^~ ic. The game here, others were Dr. Bartow, man for any lightweight. Herman qualifying on that day will compete ld f the Atlant Dr. Dwyer, George Peacock and Carl ed, provided the promoter would meet makes his headquarters at Phoenix, "We are confident we licked Kansas himself has ideas of a Kansas match in the auditorium meet March 11. credit0 for irftroducing the game here 5?w?toNew York on Mw^.^ mjj« fj«ft f01. irttroducing the game here Johonnot. This club started about 1992 his terms and the sensational $200,000 Ariz., and who doesn't care who his and we expect to stop Smith," says if he can beat Barberian. The special event of 65-yard dash ' l e n belongs to Dr; H. Y. Grant a Canadian Men of Leonard's condition, and the and until 190S played on the Meadow offer for the fight made by William fighters fight, dug up Montgomery. Pearlstein. "This fellow of mine will be "bn the programme for the •*•*»tl » •"^ " i.5 l5SS£. and the and Scotchman, who was at that "He says he beat Kansas; well, nine grade centers and vocational sincerity with which he Is doing his only. In 1905 the Buffalo Golf club A. Brady. » The young man Is sjg feet two and means fight all the way when he gets training. The result ls.they/fee! Leon­ t

Snappy, fine feeling suitings that were $45 re­ • tf * t» aon til 1905 when it became part of the • Mat Park club. duced to $29.75, and full weight superfine $55 H.S4 Jteisss May os only Wanakah Organised. weaves, cut to $42.75, always the two pants the signal* of jppoaca- A careful examioation of Dort quality will satisfy you • * vat Baaft*ssa. * included. nrea nay aava The year preceding the Pan-Amer­ these new prices make the Dort line the dominant value __ u% la saaasr sf a ican, 1990, found the necessity of start- aM MM tacte. YM • ing another golf course and the lone formed was the Wanakah Golf OSS' of the motor car industry, ^ l! • m w^-Uttst Sproju* baa studiad sad art- club. Charles Utley, Dr. B. Bartow i dnatse a Mstbod of toaatia«nt which has brought /SOITINSS SUITINGS suiTmee , i rsikaf to many peopl* troubled with Hsad and W. U Marcy had much to do with RtOOCtO TO Ess. ThU twauneot has. in thass »any eases. the starting of this « Lake Bhdre ftltHJCtO TO fcEOUCLD TO! St u*« soands sad Wt the haad elaar aa-a BBsil A Dort demonstration at your convenience will be a Toitoslaa ttataod ha ottm* a «-day tmt- course; it was a successful under­ wast Tit*. taking in every respect and a most popular place. The property con­ pleasure for us and furnish you satisfactory proof of the GIVEN AWAY sisted of about SO acres on which was These tatweetvw treataseaw ate aeiN etlWei constructed a very "sporty" nine| real yalue now in your reach. if yaa wast see, writ* tafay. Vse stay try holes, Many of the "old timers'* will j w

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