I I. L /; I; COLLECTIONS OF THE j^olja Scotia ^isitoncal ^otitiv ''Out of monuments, names, wordes, proverbs, traditions, private records, and evidences, fragments of stories, passages of bookes, and the like, we do save, and recover somewhat from the deluge of time."—Lord Bacon: The Advancement of Learning. "A wise nation preserves its records, gathers up its muniments, decorates the tombs' of its illustrious dead, repairs its great structures, and fosters national pride and love of country, by perpetual re- ferences to the sacrifices and glories of the past."—Joseph Howe. VOLUME XVII. HALIFAX, N. S. Wm. Macnab & Son, 1913. FI034 Cef. 1 'TAe care which a nation devotes to the preservation of the monuments of its past may serve as a true measure of the degree of civilization to which it has attained.'' {Les Archives Principales de Moscou du Ministere des Affairs Etrangeres Moscow, 1898, p. 3.) 'To discover and rescue from the unsparing hand of time the records which yet remain of the earliest history of Canada. To preserve while in our power, such documents as may he found amid the dust of yet unexplored depositories, and which may prove important to general history, and to the particular history of this province.'" — Quebec Literary and Historical Society. NATIONAL MONUMENTS. (By Henry Van Dyke). Count not the cost of honour to the deadl The tribute that a mighty nation pays To those who loved her well in former days Means more than gratitude glory fled for ; For every noble man that she hath bred, Immortalized by art's immortal praise, Lives in the bronze and marble that we raise, To lead our sons as he our fathers led.
Rose, Raymond John Corporal Governor General's Foot Guards
Rose, Raymond John Corporal Governor General's Foot Guards C58338 Raymond John Rose was born in Bridgend, Wales, UK on Oct. 24, 1919 to parents, John Rose (1880-1941) and Ada Robinson (1881-1961). The whole family including children, Dorothy Enid, age 15; Raymond, age 10 and Mervyn, eight, had immigrated to Canada in April, 1929, aboard the steamship, SS Montrose. Mr. Rose was sponsored by a George Hall of Renfrew as his gardener but the father later became a railroad employee. Raymond Rose acquired 11 years of public education before he went to work as a weaver at the Renfrew Woollen Mills for seven years. At enlistment on July 3, 1940 with the Governor General‘s Foot Guards Regiment (his service number was C58338), he stood five foot seven inches and weighed 136 pounds. Raymond obtained military training at Camp Borden in Ontario, Sussex Camp in New Brunswick, and Debert, Nova Scotia. Sadly, his father died of cerebral thrombosis on May 3, 1941 the year before Raymond shipped out to the United Kingdom on Sept. 24, 1942. He served in the U.K. as a tank driver for nearly two years until July 22, 1944 when he was sent to the Normandy beachhead. His younger brother, Mervyn “Bill” Rose also served overseas in the Canadian Army. Arriving on the beaches of Normandy on July 22, 1944, Guardsman Raymond Rose was a gun operator with the Governor General’s Foot Guards (GGFG) regiment. This tank regiment was part of the Canadian Armoured Brigade that fought for seven months through France, Belgium, the Netherlands and finally into Germany.
THE OJIBWA: 1640-1840 TWO CENTURIES OF CHANGE FROM SAULT STE. MARIE TO COLDWATER/NARROWS by JAMES RALPH HANDY A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts P.JM'0m' Of. TRF\N£ }T:·mf.RRLAO -~ in Histor;y UN1V"RS1TY O " · Waterloo, Ontario, 1978 {§) James Ralph Handy, 1978 I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. I authorize the University of Waterloo to lend this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research. I further authorize the University of Waterloo to reproduce this thesis by photocopying or by other means, in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individuals for the pur pose of scholarly research. 0/· (ii) The University of Waterloo requires the signature of all persons using or photo copying this thesis. Please sign below, and give address and date. (iii) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1) Title Page (i) 2) Author's Declaration (11) 3) Borrower's Page (iii) Table of Contents (iv) Introduction 1 The Ojibwa Before the Fur Trade 8 - Saulteur 10 - growth of cultural affiliation 12 - the individual 15 Hurons 20 - fur trade 23 - Iroquois competition 25 - dispersal 26 The Fur Trade Survives: Ojibwa Expansion 29 - western villages JO - totems 33 - Midiwewin 34 - dispersal to villages 36 Ojibwa Expansion Into the Southern Great Lakes Region 40 - Iroquois decline 41 - fur trade 42 - alcohol (iv) TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Ojibwa Expansion (Cont'd) - dependence 46 10) The British Trade in Southern
‘FAIRLY OUT-GENERALLED AND DISGRACEFULLY BEATEN’: THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE LOW COUNTRIES, 1793-1814 by ANDREW ROBERT LIMM A thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. University of Birmingham School of History and Cultures College of Arts and Law October, 2014. University of Birmingham Research Archive e-theses repository This unpublished thesis/dissertation is copyright of the author and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights of the author or third parties in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this thesis/dissertation must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. ABSTRACT The history of the British Army in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars is generally associated with stories of British military victory and the campaigns of the Duke of Wellington. An intrinsic aspect of the historiography is the argument that, following British defeat in the Low Countries in 1795, the Army was transformed by the military reforms of His Royal Highness, Frederick Duke of York. This thesis provides a critical appraisal of the reform process with reference to the organisation, structure, ethos and learning capabilities of the British Army and evaluates the impact of the reforms upon British military performance in the Low Countries, in the period 1793 to 1814, via a series of narrative reconstructions. This thesis directly challenges the transformation argument and provides a re-evaluation of British military competency in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.
Catalogue 168 pages of colour rich information with an introduction by writer Charles Singleton, this supplement for Pike & Shotte describes the history, armies, personalities and battles of the English Civil War. Included are detailed scenarios based on some of the most famous battles, complete with maps and orders of battle £22.50 SEASON OF BATTLE CARD FIELD OF BATTLE etc - One 54 card deck of wargames style battlefield maps. The FOB campaign System BUT USEFUL for ANY wargamer as a random Terrain Generator . £22.50 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR SMOOTHBORE ARTILLERY (SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOLUME 10) Summerfield, Dr S 143pp., 4to, fully illus., large format pbk 38 scale plans, 107 tables, 135 photos. of contemporary & surviving ordnance covers graphically & in detail every aspect of the vital smoothbore elements of ACW artillery. £20.00 AMERICAN REVOLUTION : THE FRENCH - COMMAND & COLOURS TRICORNE - COMPASS GAMES - - £82.50 Armies of the Medieval Italian Wars 1125-1325 - Ospery MAA 523- £10.99 ARMY OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1713-1772, PART I: INFANTRY FOR ORANGE AND THE STATES. THE - £17.50 BY FORCE OF ARMS - AUSTRIAN ARMY IN THE SEVEN YEARS WAR 2) Duffy Mint hardback £65.00 HANDBOOK OF THE BELGIAN ARMY 1914 Mint hbk facsimile of British General staff study £29.50 HUSSAR SERGEANT IN THE KING'S GERMAN LEGION: The Memoirs of Cavalry Sergeant Ebbecke, 2nd Hussar Regiment, King's German Legion 1803-15 - This short memoir of Sergeant Ludwig Ebbecke was published in German in 1851, but has never before been translated into English. He served at Stralsund, the Siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and was nearly shipwrecked on the passage back to Britain.
Wellington's Army 1809-1814 by C.W.C. OMAN M.A. OXON, HON, LL.D EDIN PROFESOR OF MODERN HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD with illustrations second impression London Edward Arnold 1913 Digitized for Microsoft Corporation by the Internet Archive in 2007, from a University of Toronto copy. PREFACE MUCH has been written concerning Wellington and his famous Peninsular Army in the way of formal history : this volume, however, will I think contain somewhat that is new to most stu- dents concerning its organization, its day by day life, and its psychology. To understand the ex- ploits of Wellington's men, it does not suffice to read a mere chronicle of their marches and battles. I have endeavoured to collect in these pages notices of those aspects of their life with which no strategical or tactical work can deal, though tactics and even strategy will not be found unnoticed. My special thanks are due to my friend Mr. C. T. Atkinson, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, for allowing me to use the admirable list of the bri- gade and divisional organization of the Peninsu- lar Army which forms Appendix II. It is largely expanded from the article on the same topic which he printed eight years ago in the Historical Review, and enables the reader to find out the precise composition of every one of Wellington's units at any moment between April, 1808 and April, 1814. I have also to express my gratitude to the Hon. John Fortescue, the author of the great History of the British Army, for answering a good many queries which I should have found hard to solve without his aid.
{DOWNLOAD} Sharpes Skirmish: Richard Sharpe and the Defence
SHARPES SKIRMISH: RICHARD SHARPE AND THE DEFENCE OF THE TORMES, AUGUST 1812 PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Bernard Cornwell | 64 pages | 03 Sep 2002 | The Sharpe Appreciation Society | 9780972222006 | English | Nottingham, United Kingdom Bernard Cornwellwhere do I start? | Originally published in Blackwood's magazine. Partially in Spain including the battles of Cuidad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Editions Londdon: S. Brereton, Captn. Brereton was a prolific author of fiction for boys, modeled after G. Brew, Margaret W. Campbell, Dr. Campbell, K. Capes, B. A Castle in Spain : being certain memoirs, thus entitled, of Robin Lois, ex-major of His Majesty's th regiment of foot Capes was a prolific late Victorian author; lately some of his ghost stories have been reprinted. Editions London: Smith, Elder. Martin's Press. Connell, F. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's Enemy. Amazon New York: Penguin Books. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's company. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's eagle. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's gold. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's havoc. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's honor. New York: Penguin Books. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's revenge. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's rifles. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's siege. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's skirmish. Revised and extended edition. Cornwell, Bernard Sharpe's sword. Crockett, S. It is included because the book is included in a short listing of fiction of the Peninsular War at Manchester Polytechnic Library. The book itself has very slight reference to the Peninsular War, but is of that time period. Editions London: Ward Lock. Dallas Alexander R. Felix Alvarez, or, Manners in Spain Containing descriptive accounts of some of the prominent events of the late Peninsular War; and authentic anecdotes illustrative of the Spanish character; interspersed with poetry, original and from the Spanish - from the title page.
Issue 121 Continues \\~Th Fife .\ Tarry Samp-,On, Wel.T Cojst Editor in Spnill and Drum in Europe, Part 2
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WATERLOO 200 THE OFFICIAL SOUVENIR PUBLICATION FOR THE BICENTENARY COMMEMORATIONS Edited by Robert McCall With an introduction by Major General Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter KCVO OBE DL £6.951 TheThe 200th Battle Anniversary of Issue Waterloo Date: 8th May 2015 The Battle of Waterloo The Isle of Man Post Offi ce is pleased 75p 75p Isle of Man Isle of Man to celebrate this most signifi cant historical landmark MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 in collaboration with 75p 75p Waterloo 200. Isle of Man Isle of Man MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 SET OF 8 STAMPS MINT 75p 75p Isle of Man Isle of Man TH31 – £6.60 PRESENTATION PACK TH41 – £7.35 MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 FIRST DAY COVER 75p 75p Isle of Man Isle of Man TH91 – £7.30 SHEET SET MINT TH66 – £26.40 MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 MM&C The Battle of Waterloo 2015 FOLDER “The whole art of war consists of guessing at what is on the other side of the hill” TH43 – £30.00 Field Marshal His Grace The Duke of Wellington View the full collection on our website: www. iomstamps.com Isle of Man Stamps & Coins GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION - If you are not 100% PO Box 10M, IOM Post Offi ce satisfi ed with the product, you can return items for exchange Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1PB or a complete refund up to 30 days from the date of invoice.
Brigade Squares When an infantry unit chooses to enter the Prepared State, it may choose to enter the normal prepared state (Blucher pg 34-35) or to enter a formation called the “Brigade Square”. This represents the unit in question forming a traditional infantry square in order to repel Cavalry. The normal Prepared State in Blucher assumes that the unit in question is no longer moving and has dug in to the terrain somewhat. This is not representative of the way open-field squares functioned, and so the Brigade Square is added as a sub-state of the Prepared State. To enter Brigade Square, a unit cannot move during the turn it assumes Brigade Square. As with the normal Prepared State, the action of assuming Brigade Square does not prevent it from shooting during that turn. A unit in the Brigade Square state has the following characteristics: -The unit remains in Brigade Square until the active player takes a full turn to return it to a normal state. The unit may fire during the turn it reforms, but may not move (this also means that a unit in Brigade Square cannot declare a charge). The active player may choose the unit’s new facing when it reforms. -It gains a 360-degree firing arc, but loses 1 die from all shooting attacks (to a minimum of 1). -It may move up to 1 inch per turn. This is a special movement rate separate from the Simple or Difficult Move. A Brigade Square may not enter, form in, or move through, and sort of Difficult or Urban terrain (unless on a Road).