MONDAY Program Listings January 5 Preceding Continued From Poge 7:30 9:00 6:35 4- Western. 4-. Adventure. 4-Weather. Sports. Tommy Nolan stars. "The Fuse." When a union boss Stringer. Gibbons. Adventure. is murdered, Gunn baffles his 5- friends by going to work for a Preston Foster stars. 6:45 crook. Craig Stevens stars. 4-NBC News. 7-Strikei 'n* Spares. (Live.) 7-Voice of Firestone. David Brinkley. Chet Huntley. Bowling from Baltimore. "Flamenco Night." Featuring Jos# 9-Doug Edwards. News. 9-Name That Tune. Quiz. Greco. John Daly, norrotor. George De Witt, m. c. 9-The Danny Thomas Show. 7:00 8:00 9:30 4- Valley Days. Drama. 5- S. S. Drama. 4-Restless Gun. Western. 4- Theater. Drama. "The Pointed Beouty." A pretty "Coogon's Reword." A gold- 7-Backstage. Sports. News. girl decides to pose'for o picture bricking war correspondent moke* Strong. Malone. Malkie. over her boy friend's objections. up his battlefield accounts. Tony 9-Decoy. Policewoman. John Payne stars. Randall stars. Beverly Garland stars. 5- Feature. Movies. 5- Drama. "Mercy Apron." 7:15 V 1 V 4 Hours. "Every Girl Should Be Wears on Rich- Married." 1947. A shopgirl goes ard Boone stor*. (Repeat.l 7-News. Weather. ofter o doctor. Cory Gront. 7-Dr. I. Q. Quiz. McCaffrey. Allen. 7-Polka Go-Round. /Variety. Tom Kennedy, quizmaster. Songs and donees with Bob Lew- 9-Ann Sothern Show. Comedy. andowski, m. c. "Johnny Moves Up." •9-The Texan. Western. 10:00 8:30 4- Murray Party, Color. QMTV 7-Bold Journey. Document'ry. 1 Hour. "Trial at Devil's Can- FOR SERVICE "Search for Shongri-lo." yon." RADIOS REPAIRED WHIIE rOU WAII Col. A tough sheriff turns out •16 DISCOUNTS ON TUBES Nicol Smith's journey into Tibet, to hove a sympathetic heart. Lee his meeting with a 4-year-old J. Cobb. TV boy spiritual leader, and scenes MANHATTAN of .devil donees. Jock Douglas, 10:30 BO2S GEORGIA AVI. host-norrator. Auto Radios Serviced 4- in Sports. *>e# Parkino 9-Father Knows Best. C'm'd'y. Special roundup of 'SB sporting events. 5- Fairbanks Presents. No Money Down-No Poymonl ’til March 7-John Daly. News. “ssr storm windows TRIPLE TRACK TILT f • S*lf-Btoring screen top or bottom 11U • Scroon A Gla»* Panels Tilt Intido for Ea*y Cleaning * flint ji ¦ap W 1 #3O 103 INCHES I Ufl I ¦ 1 Minimum 3 Windows an "extra" at no extra cost ¦ FOR APPT., PHONE ¦ ||A ¦ OUR-REPUTATION ??„, GOES WITH \W] INSTALLED t EACH TV REPAIR tU,,>WIm —— • 62 years of reputable service • "charge It" at The Hecht Ce. • rapid radio-dispatched service r^Bl Tout • repairs an radios, hi-fi, washers, all major appliances toe • ALL WORK GUARANTEED OF COURSE Cull NAtienal 1-5100, Ext. 10 THE HECHT CO. Washington Silver Spring PARKington Princ* Gvorga's Plata

THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C 12 TileVu. January 4. 193?