Logia a Journal of Lutheran Theology
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Logia a journal of lutheran theology O O holy trinity 1997 volume vi, number 3 ei[ ti" lalei', wJ" lovgia Qeou' logia is a journal of Lutheran theology. As such it publishes T C A features a woodcut illustration from the articles on exegetical, historical, systematic, and liturgical theol- Deudsch Catechismus (Wittenberg: George Rhaw, .) ogy that promote the orthodox theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. We cling to God’s divinely instituted marks of Each of the Commandments, the Articles, and the Petitions, the church: the gospel, preached purely in all its articles, and the as well as Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and Confession in this sacraments, administered according to Christ’s institution. This edition of the German Catechism are illustrated with name expresses what this journal wants to be. In Greek, LOGIA woodcuts. The woodcut on this issue’s cover is the functions either as an adjective meaning “eloquent,” “learned,” illustration used for the First Petition of the Lord’s Prayer. or “cultured,” or as a plural noun meaning “divine revelations,” “words,” or “messages.” The word is found in Peter :, Acts From the Walther A. Maier Rare Book Collection of :, and Romans :. Its compound forms include oJmologiva Concordia Seminary Library, St. Louis. (confession), ajpologiva (defense), and ajvnalogiva (right relation- ship). Each of these concepts and all of them together express the Used by permission. purpose and method of this journal. LOGIA considers itself a free conference in print and is committed to providing an indepen- dent theological forum normed by the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. At the heart of our journal we want our readers to find a love for the sacred Scrip- FREQUENTLY USED ABBREVIATIONS tures as the very Word of God, not merely as rule and norm, but AC [CA] Augsburg Confession especially as Spirit, truth, and life which reveals Him who is the AE Luther’s Works, American Edition Way, the Truth, and the Life—Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, we confess the church, without apology and without rancor, only Ap Apology of the Augsburg Confession with a sincere and fervent love for the precious Bride of Christ, BAGD Walter Bauer, William F. Arndt, F. Wilbur Gingrich, Freder- the holy Christian church, “the mother that begets and bears ick W. Danker, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament every Christian through the Word of God,” as Martin Luther says BSLK Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in the Large Catechism (LC II, ). We are animated by the con- Ep Epitome of the Formula of Concord viction that the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession represents the true expression of the church which we confess as FC Formula of Concord one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. LC Large Catechism LW Lutheran Worship LOGIA (ISSN #‒) is published quarterly by the Luther Academy, Lavant SA Smalcald Articles Drive, Crestwood, MO . Non-profit postage paid (permit #4)) at Cresbard, SD and additional mailing offices. SBH Service Book and Hymnal POSTMASTER: Send address changes to L, PO Box , Cresbard, SD . SC Small Catechism Editorial Department: Pearl St., Mankato, MN . Unsolicited material is welcomed but cannot be returned unless accompanied by sufficient return postage. SD Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord Book Review Department: University Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN . All books received will be listed. SL St. Louis Edition of Luther’s Works Logia Forum and Correspondence Department: S. Hanna, Fort Wayne, IN - Tappert The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical –. Letters selected for publication are subject to editorial modification, must be typed or computer printed, and must contain the writer’s name and complete address. Lutheran Church. Trans. and ed. Theodore G. Tappert Subscription & Advertising Department: PO Box , Cresbard, SD . Advertis- TDNT Theological Dictionary of the New Testament ing rates and specifications are available upon request. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: U.S.: for one year (four issues), for two TLH The Lutheran Hymnal years (eight issues). Canada and Mexico: one year surface, ; one year air, . Over- seas: one year, air: ; surface: . All funds in U.S. currency only. Tr Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope Copyright © . The Luther Academy. All rights reserved. No part of this publica- Triglotta Concordia Triglotta tion may be reproduced without written permission. WA Luthers Werke, Weimarer Ausgabe [Weimar Edition] logia a journal of lutheran theology trinity 1997 volume vI, number 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................... Office and Offices: Some Basic Lutheran Philology By Mark Nispel ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... The Ministry and the Schoolmaster: The Relation and Distinction between the Offices of Pastor and Teacher in the Missouri Synod By Daniel S. Johnson ............................................................................................................................................................................................ The Diaconate: A Misunderstood Office By Michelle Gallmeier .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Externum Verbum: Testing Augustana V on the Doctrine of the Holy Ministry By Norman Nagel ................................................................................................................................................................................................ A Call for Manuscripts .......................................................................................................................................................................................... On the Public Reading of the Scriptures By Leslie Lanier .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Does a Congregation Ordinarily Have the Right Temporarily to Commit an Essential Part of the Holy Preaching Office to a Layman? ............ By E. W. Kähler, Translated by Mark Nispel ........................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... R E: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary. The Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The Royal Priesthood: Essays Ecclesiological and Ecumenical. By John Howard Yoder. The Christological Character of the Office of the Ministry and the Royal Priesthood. By Jobst Schöne. What Does This Mean? Catechesis in the Lutheran Congregation. By Alvin L. Barry. Honest to Jesus: Jesus for a New Millennium. By Robert W. Funk. The Empty Church: The Suicide of Liberal Christianity. By Thomas C. Reeves. B N Inklings .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... The Problem With Problem-Solving • Iconophiles and Iconoclasts • Biblioholism: Weakness or Disease The Divine Service as Self-Denial • Arguing With Gorgias • Order Promoting Tranquillity Some Observations on Creative Worship • The Lost Tools of Learning Eating Cake or Having It • Whither Concordia? ELCA and Communion with the Reformed • The Judgment of Thamus C j Dear Editor: h Several months ago my brother sent Board of Regents, at which Fremder and In their letters of September , both me a copy of Leigh Jordahl’s article on at least two other faculty members were Fremder and the undersigned pleaded J. Preus. In my opinion, it presents a present, Fremder wrote: for a studied reconsideration of the somewhat misleading, or at least a very Board policy prior to the beginning of oversimplified, account of the chair I ask to be relieved of the duties of the – school year. membership problem at Bethany during choir director for the – school Three days later, Fremder wrote: Alfred Fremder’s tenure. I am particu- year. This I do . in full harmony larly concerned about the lack of docu- with the Norwegian Synod resolu- We teach . that it is unionism to mentation (or any other evidence) in an tions passed last June (Alfred go into a heterodox church and there article by an author who, I assume, Fremder to The Board of Regents, join in the singing of hymns and intended to write history. September , ). prayers. Heterodox is applied to I offer a different interpretation of those churches who tolerate error. what took place in those days. If anyone Fremder was unable to accept a resolu- Now, in line with that, should there should care to see the documents cited, tion of the Board, adopted in the Septem- be any of our students who are I will be happy to provide copies. ber meeting, because it