Marked for Disruption: Tracing the Evolution of Malware Delivery Operations Targeted for Takedown Colin C. Ife¢, Yun Sheny, Steven J. Murdoch¢, and Gianluca Stringhiniz ¢University College London, yNorton Research Group, zBoston University ¢yUnited Kingdom, zUnited States {colin.ife,s.murdoch},
[email protected],
[email protected] ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION The malware and botnet phenomenon is among the most signif- Malware delivery has evolved into a major business for the cyber- icant threats to cybersecurity today. Consequently, law enforce- criminal economy and a complex problem for the security commu- ment agencies, security companies, and researchers are constantly nity. The botnet – a network of malware-infected devices that is seeking to disrupt these malicious operations through so-called controlled by a single actor through one or more command and takedown counter-operations. Unfortunately, the success of these control (C&C) servers – is one phenomenon that has benefited takedowns is mixed. Furthermore, very little is understood as to from the malware delivery revolution. Diverse distribution vectors how botnets and malware delivery operations respond to takedown have enabled such malicious networks to expand more quickly and attempts. We present a comprehensive study of three malware de- efficiently than ever before. Once established, these botnets canbe livery operations that were targeted for takedown in 2015–16 using leveraged to commit a wide array of secondary computer crimes, global download metadata provided by Symantec. In summary, we such as data theft, financial fraud, coercion (ransomware), send- found that: (1) Distributed delivery architectures were commonly ing spam messages, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, used, indicating the need for better security hygiene and coordina- and unauthorised cryptocurrency mining [1, 14, 17, 47, 48].