Attacking from Inside
WIPER MALWARE: ATTACKING FROM INSIDE Why some attackers are choosing to get in, delete files, and get out, rather than try to reap financial benefit from their malware. AUTHORED BY VITOR VENTURA WITH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM MARTIN LEE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY from system impact. Some wipers will destroy systems, but not necessarily the data. On the In a digital era when everything and everyone other hand, there are wipers that will destroy is connected, malicious actors have the perfect data, but will not affect the systems. One cannot space to perform their activities. During the past determine which kind has the biggest impact, few years, organizations have suffered several because those impacts are specific to each kinds of attacks that arrived in many shapes organization and the specific context in which and forms. But none have been more impactful the attack occurs. However, an attacker with the than wiper attacks. Attackers who deploy wiper capability to perform one could perform the other. malware have a singular purpose of destroying or disrupting systems and/or data. The defense against these attacks often falls back to the basics. By having certain Unlike malware that holds data for ransom protections in place — a tested cyber security (ransomware), when a malicious actor decides incident response plan, a risk-based patch to use a wiper in their activities, there is no management program, a tested and cyber direct financial motivation. For businesses, this security-aware business continuity plan, often is the worst kind of attack, since there is and network and user segmentation on top no expectation of data recovery.
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