McAfee Labs Threats Report August 2014

Heartbleed presents a new opportunity.

600,000 To-do lists The Heartbleed vulnerability Lists of Heartbleed-vulnerable exposed an estimated 600,000 websites are helpful to users but websites to information theft. can also act as “to-do” lists for cyber thieves.

Unpatched websites Black market Despite server upgrades, many Criminals continue to extract websites remain vulnerable. information from Heartbleed- vulnerable websites and are selling it on the black market.

McAfee Phishing Quiz Phishing continues to be an effective tactic for infiltrating enterprise networks.

Average Score by Department (percent of email samples correctly identified) Only 6% of all test takers correctly 65% identified all ten email samples as phishing or legitimate. 60% 80% 55% of all test takers fell for at least one of the seven phishing emails.

50% 88% of test takers in Accounting & 0 Finance and HR fell for at least one of the seven phishing emails. Accounting & Finance Human Resources Other Departments

The McAfee Phishing Quiz tested business users’ ability to detect online scams.

Operation Tovar During —The Gameover and CryptoLocker takedown:

For CryptoLocker For Gameover Zeus more than 125,000 more than 120,000 domains were blocked. domains were sinkholed.

Since the announcement of Operation Tovar:

80,000 times Copycats ****** McAfee Stinger, a free ****** are on the rise, creating tool that detects and ****** new or removes financial-targeting (including Gameover Zeus malware using the leaked and CryptoLocker), was Zeus source code. downloaded more than 80,000 times. McAfee joined global law enforcement agencies and others to take down Gameover Zeus and CryptoLocker.

Threat Statistics

Second quarter, 2014

There are 240 new threats every minute, or almost 4 every second.

31 million Prevalence new malware samples, of the Dapato rose the largest amount we have dramatically. recorded in a single quarter.

Denial of Service Down 63% remains the most prevalent Good news! New ransomware type of network attack. samples declined by 63%. North America 17% continues to host more suspect content, phishing increase in mobile malware. URLs, and spam URLs than any other region.

McAfee Labs Threats Report: August 2014 Visit for full report.

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