Juneau Townsite Historic Building Survey Summary Statement
E JUNEAU o SITE I TORI BUILDIN URVEY CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAU, ALASKA SEPTEMBER 1988 John Olds House t 1903 Davis House 1,18941 8-9 8-10 \ J.M.Davis House 1893 8-29 t St. Nichola. Ru••ian Orthodox Church 1893-1894 Davis House 3,1894 8-6 8-36 Jaeger HouH,1912 St. Ann'. CompJex B-32 1890-1918 B-31 WllllamalUvte DeVighnelOapcMch HOUH ,1913 Circa 1901 B-1 8-71 MI••ion Presbyterian Church 1 BI.hop/Coon AptL Christian Science Church CIrca 1915 (before move) 1906 B-2 B-18 WiUlama/Scy HOUH,1913 PHOTO CREDIT 8-72 JUNEAU TOWNSITE-CIRCA 1913 Scothorn Collection peA 31-25 Alaska State Library ACKNOilLEDGEMENTS This publication was prepared by the City and Borough of Juneau, Departrnent of Community Development with consultants Glenda Choate and Gary H. Gillette, Architect. It was financed in part with federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior administered through the Office of 'History and Archeology, Alaska Department of i~atural Resources. However the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute its endorsement or recommendation. City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska Department of Community Development Karen Boorman, Director Gabrielle E. LaRoche, Project Manager Jeanette st. George, cartographer Patricia L. Ward, Planner Aide Yvonne L. Davis, Secretary Historic District Advisory Corrunittee Jody Vick, Chairman f1erle Bottge Gerald H. Clark Robert N. DeArmond Gary H. Gillette Jay Johnson Rich Poor Glenda Choate, Historian Archivist Gary H.
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