Art & Culture August 11, 2016 3 This Day in History Rio Hosts Cultural (August 11)

Today is Thursday; 21st of the Iranian month of Mordad 1395 solar hijri; corresponding to 8th of the Islamic month of Zi’l-Qa’dah 1437 lunar hijri; and August 11, 2016 of the Christian Gregorian Calendar. Exhibition 5130 solar years ago, on this day in approximately 3114 BC, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, used by several pre-European civilizations of the Americas, notably the RIO DE JANEIRO (IRNA) – Con- derway to the end of August. Mayans, began. The natives of Central and South America had a flourishing civilization that was destroyed by the Spanish invaders. current with the 5th day of 2016 Rio Different aspects of the Iranian art 4508 solar years ago, on this day in 2492 BC, the Babylonian tyrant, Bel, was defeated Olympic Games, Iran’s Cultural Ex- including its handicrafts, hand-wo- by Hayk the progenitor and founder of the Armenian nation. Descended from Japheth, hibition was opened in the Brazil in ven carpets, pictures and tourism in- the son of Prophet Noah (PuH), he originally lived in Mesopotamia – in present day the presence of Iran’s ambassador to formation are put on display in the Iraq – from where he migrated to the Caucasus with his kinsmen to escape oppression, the Latin American country Moham- and founded the nation of Armenia. exhibition. 1058 lunar years ago, on this day in 379 AH, the Iranian Islamic astronomer, mad Ali Ghane Zadeh. The Rio 2016 Olympic Games is mathematician, and historian of science, Abu Hamed Ahmad Ibn Mohammed as- The inaugural ceremony was underway with 10,500 athletes from Saghani al-Asturlabi, passed away in . He was from the town of Saghan in also attended by officials of Iran’s 205 countries who are to compete in Khorasan near the city of Merv, which is presently in Turkmenistan, and lived most of Chamber of Commerce, Iranians re- 44 articles of 28 sports fields. his life in Baghdad. As is evident from his last surname “al-Asturlabi”, he was a maker of astrolabes and invented many other instruments, while working in the observatory siding in Brazil and those interested Iran’s squad consists of 64 athletes built by the Sharaf od-Dowla Daylami, the Iranian Buwaiyhid ruler of Iraq. He worked in Iran’s art and culture. in 14 fields namely boxing, ping on the trisection of the angle. He wrote some of the earliest comments on the history Speaking in the opening ceremony pong, shooting, archery, sailing, of science. These included comparison between the “ancients” that is, the Babylonians, of the event, the Iranian ambassador lifting, track and field, taekwondo, Egyptians, , Greeks and Indians, and the “modern scholars”, that is, the Muslim referred to the country’s ancient his- judo, fencing, volleyball, wrestling, scientists of his time. 1052 lunar years ago, on this day in 385 AH, the Shafei hadith scholar Ali Ibn Omar tory and civilization. swimming and cycling. Dar Qutni, passed away in his hometown Baghdad. After basic studies in Baghdad, ‘Iran is the cradle of scholars, po- Kufa, Waset and Basra, he traveled to and Greater , in search of hadith. He ets and scientists namely Avicenna, was an authority on poetry and literature as well. Among his works, mention can be Al-Biruni, Hafez, Omar Khayyam Iran’s Music Office to Step Up Coop. made of the book known as “Sunan Dar Qutni”, in which he has collected the hadith through different sources, and has mentioned some of the merits of the Infallible Ahl and Ferdowsi who played the major al-Bayt of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). role in the formation and develop- With Italy’s Sapienza Univ. 757 solar years ago, on this day in 1259 AD, Mongke Khan, the 4th Khaqaan or Great ment of the world science and civi- Khan of the Mongol Empire died of cholera at the age of 51in Chongqing in China after TEHRAN (MNA) – In a trilateral meeting here on The meeting aimed at arriving at a common point lization,’ said the ambassador. Wed., the Music Office in the Ministry of Culture in of view in regard to the educational and technical a reign of 8 years during which western Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Anatolia – in present day Iran’s cultural exhibition is being – were overrun and incursions made into what is now Pakistan. Son of Tolui Tehran and Sapienza University of Rome agreed to ex- aspects of bilateral relations between Iran and Italy. and grandson of the bloodthirsty Chengiz Khan, he carried out administrative reforms held with the contribution of Iran’s pand music cooperation in educational and technical The two sides called for needs assessment and feasi- of the vast empire by employing Chinese, Muslim, and Uyghur officials. Nine of his embassy in Brazil and will be un- fields. bility studies in designing related programs, creating 16 provincial executive chiefs were Muslims, such as Mahmoud Yalavach in China, Concurrent with the visit of young musicians of the proper conditions for engineered infrastructures, and Masoud Beg in Turkestan, and Argun Agha in Iran. He ordered his brother, Hulagu World Youth Orchestra to Iran, a trilateral meeting joint scientific-research efforts for implementing de- Khan exterminate the Ismailis of Alamut in Iran (in 1256) and sack Baghdad (in 1258) Knowledge if the Abbasid caliph refused to personally submit. Despite his unsuccessful plan to was held on Monday in Tehran between Hamidreza sired strategies. forge an alliance with Christian Europe for attacking Syria and Egypt, he favoured Dibazar, Head of the Music School at the Universi- The World Youth Orchestra and the Tehran Sym- Muslim perceptions. He and Hulagu made the people of the holy city of Najaf an About China ty of the Arts, Damiano Giuranna, conductor of the phony Orchestra are scheduled to perform joint con- autonomous tax-exempt ecclesiastical polity. He exempted clerics, monks, doctors, World Youth Orchestra, and Hossein Sarvari, an of- certs at Tehran’s Vahdat Hall from August 10 to 12, churches, mosques and monasteries from taxation. Presented in ficial from the Music Office in Iranian Ministry of organized by the National Academy of St. Cecilia 749 lunar years ago, on this day in 688 AH, Iranian philosopher, Sufi writer, and Culture. and the Sapienza University of Rome. Persian poet, Fakhr od-Din Ibrahim bin Bozorgmehr Iraqi, passed away in at the age of 80, and was laid to rest beside the tomb of the famous Spanish Muslim Persian Book Gnostic, Sheikh Mohy od-Din ibn al-Arabi. Born in Hamadan, western Iran, he spent TEHRAN (IBNA) The book many years in Multan, (present day Pakistan) as well as in Konya and Toqat in present ‘Knowing about China” by Fa Plastic Chemical BPS Harms day Turkey. He was highly educated in both theology and literary disciplines and not only knew the Holy Qur’an, hadith and its exegesis, but also Persian and Wang, introduces China in Persian literature. In Multan he became a disciple of the Head of the Suhrawardi Sufi Order, and tries to present a real picture Reproductive System Shaikh Baha od-Din Zakariyya, married his daughter, and stayed for twenty-five years. of this country to the people of the He then traveled first to Mecca and Medina, and later visited Konya, where he became world. of BPA and/or BPS that approxi- a good friend of the famous Persian mystical poet, Mowlana Jalal od-Din Rumi. He According to IBNA correspon- mate the levels of BPA and/or BPS also met Sadr od-Din Qunawi, who helped to shape him intellectually, as Shaikh Baha dent, ‘Knowing about China’ by found in humans. They followed the od-Din Zakariyya had shaped him spiritually. After Rumi’s death, he moved to Toqat, at Fa Wang and edited by Amir Jalil- worms through the duration of their a time when there was much upheaval on the Byzantine border. The local ruler did not reproductive periods and measured like him because of his influence over the people; so he fled to Cairo in Egypt. Later he zadeh is arranged in 16 chapters settled in Damascus. His writings include “Lama’at” (Divine Flashes). His Diwan has with the titles: ‘Situation in Peo- their fertility. been published in Iran under the title of “Kulliyaat-e Iraqi”. Another of his works is ple’s Republic of China’, ‘Poli- They observed that, worms ex- “Ushshaq-Namah” written during his stay in Multan and dedicated to the vizier Shams tics’, ‘Economy’, ‘Diplomacy’, posed to either BPA or BPS, or com- od-Din Juwayni. ‘Tourism’, Ethnic and Religious bination of the two, had decreased 543 solar years ago, on this day in 1473 AD, the decisive Battle of Otlukbeli took Groups’, ‘Chinese Architecture’, fertility. Notably, these effects were place in central Anatolia in what is now Turkey resulting in the victory of the Ottomans seen at lower internal BPS doses over the Aq Qoyunlu or White Sheep Dynasty – appointed as governors of Diyarbakr ‘Education, Science and Tech- and the adjoining regions by the Turkic conqueror, Amir Timur, following his victory nology’, ‘Environmental Protec- than those of BPA meaning that BPS over and capture of the Ottoman Sultan, Bayezid I in the Battle of Ankara in 1402. The tion’, ‘Taiwan’, ‘Xinjiang Uyghur may be more damaging to the repro- Ottomans were led by Sultan Mohammad II – the Conqueror of and Autonomous Region’, ‘Tibet’, ductive system. the Byzantine Empire in 1453 – while the Aq Qoyunlu were led by Uzun Hassan, who Traditional Chinese Medicine’, The study reveals that this is a had recently expanded his dominions eastward by defeating the rival Qara Qoyunlu or ‘Chinese History’, Customs and cause for concern in humans as the Black Sheep Dynasty to annex Iraq and western Iran in 1467 and then routed the army traditions of Chinese People’, and LOS ANGELES (Dispatches) Re- which BPS replaced. same reproductive processes that of his nominal overlord, Sultan Abu Sa’eed of the Samarqand-based Timurid Empire ‘World Heritage in China’. searchers have found that bisphenol In a new study, scientists from the are disrupted by BPS in round- in 1469. The power of the Aq Qoyunlu who were goaded by the Venetians to start University of California - Los Ange- hostilities with the Ottomans to divert the attention from Italy of Mohammad II, was The first chapter of the book S (BPS), a chemical used in the man- worms are found in mammals. Also, not completely destroyed until the rise of Shah Ismail I of Iran in 1501 and his founding discusses the general situation ufacture of plastic bottles and other les Health Sciences, exposed a com- as mentioned, BPS products are of the Safavid Empire. of People’s Republic of China. products, is as harmful to the repro- mon laboratory model, the round- already found in a large amount of 389 solar years ago, on this day in 1627 AD, the last Battle of La Rochelle broke out Issues such as flag, insignia, na- ductive system as bisphenol A (BPA), worm, to several concentrations consumer products. between the French Catholics and Protestants. The battle was the result of instigations tional anthem and Chinese capi- by England. The Catholics, under command of Cardinal Richelieu emerged victorious in the battle of La Rochelle in western France. tal, maritime territory and islands, 120 solar years ago, on this day in 1896 AD, the courageous revolutionary, Mirza terrain, mountains and rivers, Reza Kermani, was hanged and attained martyrdom for his revolutionary execution China’s administrative structure, of the repressive Qajarid king, Nasser od-Din Shah. Years earlier, during the Tobacco land, natural resources, and pop- Movement against British colonialism, he had been jailed for four years on the alleged ulation of China are discussed in provoking of people against the regime. Following his release, he went to where this chapter. he became familiar with the exiled pan Islamic Iranian thinker, Seyyed Jamal od-Din Other topics such as China’s po- Asadabadi. He came to Tehran in 1896 and decided to eliminate Nasser od-Din Shah, who was the root cause of corruption in the country. He carried out his revolutionary act litical affairs and system, state in- in the city of Rayy at the shrine of Seyyed Abdul-Azim al-Hasani (AS). stitutions and political parties are 84 lunar years ago, on this day in 1353 AH, the prominent jurisprudent Mullah discussed in the second chapter. Mohammad Hussain Fesharaki, passed away in his hometown Isfahan at the age of 87. The next chapter is devoted to After initial study under his elder brother Shaikh Mohammad Baqer Fesharaki, he left China’s diplomacy. Tourism is for Iraq for higher religious studies at the famous seminary of holy Najaf, where his dealt with in the fifth chapter. teachers included Ayatollah Mirza Habibollah Rashti, Ayatollah Shaikh Zain al-Abedin The sixth chapter, gives a general Mazandarani, and Ayatollah Mirza Hassan Shirazi (famous for the fatwa against tobacco consumption in order to save Iranian economy from British exploitation). On picture of the situation of ethnic his return to Iran, he served as teacher at the seminary of Isfahan, and was active both groups and religions in China. socially and politically, in order to counter un-Islamic trends and laws creeping into ‘Educational system’ is dis- the Iranian society. He formed a council of ulema in Isfahan in support of the ulema cussed in chapter eight, and the of Tehran who were active against the despotic policies of the Qajarid monarchy, and author writes about the general in order to safeguard Iranian economy, issued a 5-point declaration specifying that the condition of environmental pro- ulema will not attest any document written on imported paper, and will not perform the funeral prayer of any deceased person whose shroud is made of imported cloth tection in China. Chinese tradi- instead of Iranian cloth. Even the British installed Pahlavi dictator, Reza Khan, despite tional medicine, customs and tra- his disdain and maltreatment of ulema, was afraid of Ayatollah Mohammad Hussain ditions and festivals are discussed Fesharaki. in the following chapters with the 73 solar years ago, on this day in 1943 AD, former Pakistani president, Pervez World Cultural and Natural Heri- Musharraf was born in New Delhi. Four years later with the partition of the Indian tage discussed in the final chapter. Subcontinent, his family migrated to Pakistan, where on growing up he joined the army The book ‘Knowing about Chi- and was gradually promoted to the rank of general. In 1999 he seized power through a bloodless military coup by ousting Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. On 18 August he had na’ by Fa Wang, edited by Amir Jalilzadeh, is released in 443 pag- to resign amidst threats of impeachment for the many corruption cases against him and Double-sided rugs made in Doidukh village in North Khorasan Province, Iran, have attracted quite a his government. es with a print run of two thousand (Courtesy: IRIB English Radio – copies by Sabbah Publications. number of tourists to the village. Courtesy: Mehr News Agency