Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Wednesday, 27 November 2019] p9438b-9439a Mrs Liza Harvey; Mr Mark McGowan; Mr

COLLINS-CLASS SUBMARINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 1084. Mrs L.M. HARVEY to the Premier: I have a supplementary question. Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members! Mrs L.M. HARVEY: Has the Premier’s do-nothing government compromised ’s — Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members! Members to my right, I want to hear it. Mr M.P. Murray: I am sure that was a Christmas joke! The SPEAKER: Yes, you might be 70 years of age, but I call you to order for the first time, Minister for Sport and Recreation. Mrs L.M. HARVEY: Has the Premier’s do-nothing government compromised Western Australia’s chances of getting the entire full-cycle docking maintenance program through its complete inaction, just as when it lost — Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members! When you ask questions in question time, they are heard in silence. Start again, Leader of the Opposition. Mrs L.M. HARVEY: Thank you, Mr Speaker. What an extraordinary display. Has the Premier’s do-nothing government compromised Western Australia’s chances of getting the entire full-cycle docking maintenance program because of its inaction — Ms M.M. Quirk interjected. The SPEAKER: Member for Girrawheen! Mrs L.M. HARVEY: — just like it lost the space agency? Mr M. McGOWAN replied: Mr Speaker — Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members, your Premier is on his feet. Mr M. McGOWAN: Mr Speaker — Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members, your Premier is on his feet. You might think you are funny, but you are not. Mr M. McGOWAN: This government has done more to secure defence work than any government in recent Western Australian history—probably any government in Western Australian history. When all the major contracts were being handed out for the submarine builds—for 12 Barracuda-class submarines and nine new Hunter-class frigates—they were going to South Australia, and the former Liberal–National government did nothing. It did not establish Defence West, as we have done, and it did not organise the Defence Advocate. It just let South Australia run riot. That is what the former government did when it was in office. It was sloth-like, it was indolent and it was amateurish. It was absolutely and completely useless. We have established Defence West and we have created a Minister for Defence Issues. Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members! Mr M. McGOWAN: We have appointed a former naval officer ship captain to head up the issue as a minister in the government, which is something that no-one in the opposition is even capable of. For us then to be accused of doing nothing—I suppose the Leader of the Opposition sometimes does things. For instance, last Friday, she went to the Flashpoint program, when she was not even on it. I am sure they were thrilled to see her there. When she was not even scheduled to go on, she showed up raring to go! Point of Order Mr Z.R.F. KIRKUP: Point of order, Mr Speaker. Several members interjected.

[1] Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Wednesday, 27 November 2019] p9438b-9439a Mrs Liza Harvey; Mr Mark McGowan; Mr Zak Kirkup

The SPEAKER: I do not know whether you will ever get on to Q&A, member for Armadale, but I will call you to order for the first time. Members, I will hear points of order in order. Anyone who interjects, I will call to order. Mr Z.R.F. KIRKUP: Aside from the Premier’s continual attacks on the Leader of the Opposition, I question the relevancy of what he is doing and trying to achieve here. Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: So you are all experts on points of order, are you? I agree with the point of order. I am sure the Premier will get back to the original question. Questions without Notice Resumed Mr M. McGOWAN: Just so members opposite understand, we presented a full business case to the federal Minister for Defence. Mrs L.M. Harvey interjected. The SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition! Mr M. McGOWAN: The Leader of the Opposition should table the report that Mr Whyte stopped. Why does she not table that? Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Members! Mr M. McGOWAN: What is the Leader of the Opposition trying to hide? I think it is very interesting that the Liberal Party has not asked me any questions about that matter. Why do they not ask me some questions? Maybe the Liberal Party has something to hide. Maybe the National Party has something to hide. For eight and a half years alleged corruption was allowed to flourish under the Liberals and the Nationals, and they do not come in here and ask me a single question about it. Please do. Bring on the submarine matter of public importance! Bring on questions about Mr Whyte, because we have a few things to say about members opposite in relation to that matter. Ms M.J. Davies interjected. The SPEAKER: Leader of the Nationals! Mr M. McGOWAN: I urge the Liberal Party to understand that we put in a full business case to the commonwealth. We got various reports, in particular one done by PricewaterhouseCoopers, to work out the case for Western Australia to secure the full-cycle docking work here in Western Australia. All I ask the state opposition to do is join us in trying to secure this work for Western Australia rather than coming up with these ridiculous criticisms that only give encouragement to the federal government to give the work to South Australia, which does not deserve it.
