Anaphora and in Narratives

Daniel Altshuler, Hampshire College Julian J. Schlöder, University of Amsterdam ESSLLI 2019, Day 1

1 / 72 Not A Narrative

A Narrative

The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who for many years of his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister. But her death, which happened ten years before his own, produced a great alteration in his home; for to supply her loss, he invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. (Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility)

2 / 72 A Narrative

The late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who for many years of his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister.

Not A Narrative

The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance.

But her death, which happened ten years before his own, produced a great alteration in his home; for to supply her loss, he invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. (Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility)

2 / 72 (2) Romeo cried. Juliet left.

Two Narratives

(1) Juliet left. Romeo cried.

3 / 72 Two Narratives

(1) Juliet left. Romeo cried.

(2) Romeo cried. Juliet left.

3 / 72 (4) a. Tonkee had a paper in Glossa. b. But they didn’t get tenure.

(5) a. I had a great dinner. b. I made steak.

(6) a. B: I burned my dinner. b. B: I made steak.

More than the sums of their parts

(3) a. Max owns several classic sports cars. b. He has two 1967 Spiders!

4 / 72 (5) a. I had a great dinner. b. I made steak.

(6) a. B: I burned my dinner. b. B: I made steak.

More than the sums of their parts

(3) a. Max owns several classic sports cars. b. He has two 1967 Spiders!

(4) a. Tonkee had a paper in Glossa. b. But they didn’t get tenure.

4 / 72 (6) a. B: I burned my dinner. b. B: I made steak.

More than the sums of their parts

(3) a. Max owns several classic sports cars. b. He has two 1967 Spiders!

(4) a. Tonkee had a paper in Glossa. b. But they didn’t get tenure.

(5) a. I had a great dinner. b. I made steak.

4 / 72 More than the sums of their parts

(3) a. Max owns several classic sports cars. b. He has two 1967 Spiders!

(4) a. Tonkee had a paper in Glossa. b. But they didn’t get tenure.

(5) a. I had a great dinner. b. I made steak.

(6) a. B: I burned my dinner. b. B: I made steak.

4 / 72 Like words compose to sentences, sentences compose to narratives.

5 / 72 The of narratives is the same.

What are the parts? And how do they combine? And to what?

Compositional Semantics

1. You know the meaning of a sentence if you know what is required for the sentence to be true.

2. The meaning of a complex expression is determined by what its parts are and how they are combined.

6 / 72 What are the parts? And how do they combine? And to what?

Compositional Semantics

1. You know the meaning of a sentence if you know what is required for the sentence to be true.

2. The meaning of a complex expression is determined by what its parts are and how they are combined.

The semantics of narratives is the same.

6 / 72 Compositional Semantics

1. You know the meaning of a sentence if you know what is required for the sentence to be true.

2. The meaning of a complex expression is determined by what its parts are and how they are combined.

The semantics of narratives is the same.

What are the parts? And how do they combine? And to what?

6 / 72 Anaphora such sentences are parts of bigger wholes

◦ What about sentences like this: (7) He walks.

(8) Then someone walked.

(9) So am I.

◦ Do you know what is required for these sentences to be true?

Anaphora 8 / 72 ◦ What about sentences like this: (7) He walks.

(8) Then someone walked.

(9) So am I.

◦ Do you know what is required for these sentences to be true?

such sentences are parts of bigger wholes

Anaphora 8 / 72 Anaphora

◦ An expression whose meaning depends on a prior expression is called an anaphor. (roughly)

(10) There is a man. He walks.

(11) Nobody was moving. Later, someone walked.

(12) Damaya is upset. So am I.

Anaphora 9 / 72 (13) There is nobody. He walks.


◦ Call a narrative incoherent if you cannot understand it. > More precise definitions of “incoherence” in due time.

◦ There are different reasons for a sentence to be incoherent, but we will first on incoherent use of anaphora.

Anaphora 10 / 72 Incoherence

◦ Call a narrative incoherent if you cannot understand it. > More precise definitions of “incoherence” in due time.

◦ There are different reasons for a sentence to be incoherent, but we will focus first on incoherent use of anaphora.

(13) There is nobody. He walks.

Anaphora 10 / 72 There are a lot of them!

◦ We saw pronominal anaphora (“he”), temporal anaphora (“later”), adjectival anaphora (“so”).

◦ Event anaphora:

(14) Tonkee hit Binof. It caused a fight.

◦ Propositional anaphora:

(15) Damaya believes it is raining. Essun doubts that.

◦ Type anaphora:

(16) Hoa gave a presentation. Jija gave one too.

Anaphora 11 / 72 ◦ If you think that, you are very very clever!

... and they are not trivial

◦ You may now think:

Say I have two sentences. I understand the truth-conditions of the first, but the second contains a “he”. If the truth-conditions of the first are such that there is a male person in every situation where the sentence is true, then “he” refers to this person.

Anaphora 12 / 72 ... and they are not trivial

◦ You may now think:

Say I have two sentences. I understand the truth-conditions of the first, but the second contains a “he”. If the truth-conditions of the first are such that there is a male person in every situation where the sentence is true, then “he” refers to this person.

◦ If you think that, you are very very clever!

Anaphora 12 / 72 ◦ These are Partee sentences (for the great Barbara Partee).

◦ This is her example:

(18) Nine of my ten marbles are in the bag. It must be under the sofa.

◦ The Partee observation is universal to anaphora. > Try to find your own examples for other cases!

Not just truth-conditions

◦ But wrong.

(17) I have three siblings, two of whom are female. My sisters are here. He is somewhere else.

Anaphora 13 / 72 ◦ The Partee observation is universal to anaphora. > Try to find your own examples for other cases!

Not just truth-conditions

◦ But wrong.

(17) I have three siblings, two of whom are female. My sisters are here. He is somewhere else. ◦ These are Partee sentences (for the great Barbara Partee).

◦ This is her example:

(18) Nine of my ten marbles are in the bag. It must be under the sofa.

Anaphora 13 / 72 Not just truth-conditions

◦ But wrong.

(17) I have three siblings, two of whom are female. My sisters are here. He is somewhere else. ◦ These are Partee sentences (for the great Barbara Partee).

◦ This is her example:

(18) Nine of my ten marbles are in the bag. It must be under the sofa.

◦ The Partee observation is universal to anaphora. > Try to find your own examples for other cases!

Anaphora 13 / 72 More like this

(19) There are some men. They walk.

◦ Double :

(20) There aren’t no men. They walk.

◦ Quantifier duality:

(21) It is not the case that everyone is not a man. They walk.

Anaphora 14 / 72 There is only one conclusion to draw:

The referents that an anaphor refers back to are not (merely) part of what is true, but instead they are tied to particular linguistic expressions.

Anaphora 15 / 72 ◦ A little joke I found on the internet:

(22) a. Human: What do you want? b. Computer: To understand anaphora! c. Human: When do you want it? d. Computer: When do I want what?

◦ Anaphora is a central part of human language use.

Anaphora 16 / 72 b. Computer: To understand anaphora! c. Human: When do you want it? d. Computer: When do I want what?

◦ Anaphora is a central part of human language use.

◦ A little joke I found on the internet:

(22) a. Human: What do you want?

Anaphora 16 / 72 c. Human: When do you want it? d. Computer: When do I want what?

◦ Anaphora is a central part of human language use.

◦ A little joke I found on the internet:

(22) a. Human: What do you want? b. Computer: To understand anaphora!

Anaphora 16 / 72 d. Computer: When do I want what?

◦ Anaphora is a central part of human language use.

◦ A little joke I found on the internet:

(22) a. Human: What do you want? b. Computer: To understand anaphora! c. Human: When do you want it?

Anaphora 16 / 72 ◦ Anaphora is a central part of human language use.

◦ A little joke I found on the internet:

(22) a. Human: What do you want? b. Computer: To understand anaphora! c. Human: When do you want it? d. Computer: When do I want what?

Anaphora 16 / 72 Some terminology

◦ Let’s say that an anaphor binds to a previous expression.

(23) A woman is in the park. She walks.

◦ Let’s say that such expressions that anaphora can bind to have potential.

Anaphora 17 / 72 Blocked potential

◦ “someone” has binding potential for pronominal anaphora.

(24) Someone walks. She looks happy.

◦ But not in all sentences:

(25) It is not the case that someone walks. She looks happy.

(26) Either someone walks or it rains. She looks happy.

(27) If someone walks, it is sunny. She looks happy.

Anaphora 18 / 72 We want a systematic theory

of what binding potential is

and of when we can access this potential.

Anaphora 19 / 72 Binding Sentential Connectives

◦ We already know some expressions that compose sentences.

◦ and ∧

◦ or ∨

◦ if ... then →

◦ And some expressions that modify sentences.

◦ not ¬

◦ maybe ♦

Binding 21 / 72 Sentential Connectives (contd.)

◦ If you have two sentences A and B which you understand, then you also understand:

◦ A and B is true if A is true and B is true.

◦ A or B is true if A is true or B is true.

◦ if A then B is true if A is false or B is true.

◦ not A is true if A is false.

◦ (let’s not worry about maybe right now)

Binding 22 / 72 A first attempt

◦ A logician would say that expressions with binding potential are like existential quantifiers.

someone ≈ ∃x

(28) Someone walks. She looks happy.

∃x.walk(x) ∧ looks-happy(x)

Binding 23 / 72 ◦ Universal quantification does not have binding potential for singular pronominal anaphora.

(29)  Everyone walks. She is happy.

∀x.walk(x) ∧ looks-happy(x) 

Binding 24 / 72 ◦ Donkey sentences (Peter Geach, 1962)

(30) If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

∃x∃y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y)) Supposed to mean: all farmers beat all the donkeys they own. ∀x∀y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y))

Donkey Anaphora

◦ This won’t work out.

Binding 25 / 72 Supposed to mean: all farmers beat all the donkeys they own. ∀x∀y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y))

Donkey Anaphora

◦ This won’t work out.

◦ Donkey sentences (Peter Geach, 1962)

(30) If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

∃x∃y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y))

Binding 25 / 72 ∀x∀y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y))

Donkey Anaphora

◦ This won’t work out.

◦ Donkey sentences (Peter Geach, 1962)

(30) If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

∃x∃y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y)) Supposed to mean: all farmers beat all the donkeys they own.

Binding 25 / 72 Donkey Anaphora

◦ This won’t work out.

◦ Donkey sentences (Peter Geach, 1962)

(30) If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

∃x∃y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y)) Supposed to mean: all farmers beat all the donkeys they own. ∀x∀y.((farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x, y)) → beat(x, y))

Binding 25 / 72 ◦ It’s not because “a farmer” is different from “someone”: (32) If someone loves something, he won’t beat it.

◦ It’s not because of the “if... then”: (33) Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.

It really is the anaphor’s fault

◦ It’s not because there are two anaphora:

(31) If a donkey is not beaten, it’s happy.

Binding 26 / 72 ◦ It’s not because of the “if... then”: (33) Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.

It really is the anaphor’s fault

◦ It’s not because there are two anaphora:

(31) If a donkey is not beaten, it’s happy.

◦ It’s not because “a farmer” is different from “someone”: (32) If someone loves something, he won’t beat it.

Binding 26 / 72 It really is the anaphor’s fault

◦ It’s not because there are two anaphora:

(31) If a donkey is not beaten, it’s happy.

◦ It’s not because “a farmer” is different from “someone”: (32) If someone loves something, he won’t beat it.

◦ It’s not because of the “if... then”: (33) Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.

Binding 26 / 72 ◦ Again, this is a general property of anaphora.


(34) If Hoa is away, then so is Damaya. (They are always together) Temporal:

(35) If I drink, then I’m hungover the next morning.


(36) If Damaya says something, Essun will question it.

Binding 27 / 72 Representation Theory Discourse and Story

◦ In literary criticism, one separates a narrative into story and discourse.

◦ A discourse is a text. What happens might be reported out of order.

◦ A story is the sequence of happenings that is described in the text.

◦ If we are reading a discourse and we cannot determine the story, we find the discourse incoherent.

Discourse Representation Theory 29 / 72 What is a story?

◦ What’s in a story? Think of it like a theatre play.

1. The referents. (or dramatis personae). 2. The conditions: what the referents do / what happens to the referents.

◦ The sentence “He beats it” does not have truth-conditions.

◦ It only has meaning if we know which actor “he” is.

Discourse Representation Theory 30 / 72 Discourse is HOW a narrative is told.

Story is WHAT happens in the narrative.

A story contains things we talk about and what happens to these things.

Discourse Representation Theory 31 / 72 ◦ We use a universal language to describe stories called discourse representation theory (DRT).

◦ Stories contain actors, and say something about these actors.

actors Natural Language Truth Conditions ◦ Stories 7→ Meaning events

Discourse Representation Theory

◦ So let’s just do exactly that.

Discourse Representation Theory 32 / 72 ◦ Stories contain actors, and say something about these actors.

actors Natural Language Truth Conditions ◦ Stories 7→ Meaning Discourses events

Discourse Representation Theory

◦ So let’s just do exactly that.

◦ We use a universal language to describe stories called discourse representation theory (DRT).

Discourse Representation Theory 32 / 72 Discourse Representation Theory

◦ So let’s just do exactly that.

◦ We use a universal language to describe stories called discourse representation theory (DRT).

◦ Stories contain actors, and say something about these actors.

actors Natural Language Truth Conditions ◦ Stories 7→ Meaning Discourses events

Discourse Representation Theory 32 / 72 ◦ A “box” that keeps track of what there is separately of what these things do is called a Discourse Representation Structure.

, , ..., x1 x2 xn ← the things we talk about


ϕ2 . ← what we say about these things .


Discourse Representation Structures

◦ Previously, we tried to assign truth conditions to discourses directly, but we didn’t get far.

◦ So we construct an intermediate representation for stories.

Discourse Representation Theory 33 / 72 Discourse Representation Structures

◦ Previously, we tried to assign truth conditions to discourses directly, but we didn’t get far.

◦ So we construct an intermediate representation for stories.

◦ A “box” that keeps track of what there is separately of what these things do is called a Discourse Representation Structure.

, , ..., x1 x2 xn ← the things we talk about


ϕ2 . ← what we say about these things .


Discourse Representation Theory 33 / 72 (38) a. Hoa: There is a cat outside. b. Jija: It is not the case that there is a cat outside. It’s a dog.

(39) a. Hoa: There is a cat outside. b. Jija: There is no cat outside. It’s a dog.

Separation of and Predication

◦ I think it is an extremely good idea to do it like this.

◦ We won’t do dialogues just now, but consider this:

(37) a. Hoa: There is a cat outside. b. Jija: No, it’s a dog.

Discourse Representation Theory 34 / 72 Separation of Reference and Predication

◦ I think it is an extremely good idea to do it like this.

◦ We won’t do dialogues just now, but consider this:

(37) a. Hoa: There is a cat outside. b. Jija: No, it’s a dog.

(38) a. Hoa: There is a cat outside. b. Jija: It is not the case that there is a cat outside. It’s a dog.

(39) a. Hoa: There is a cat outside. b. Jija: There is no cat outside. It’s a dog.

Discourse Representation Theory 34 / 72 A Simple DRS

◦ “A farmer beats a donkey.”

f, d ◦ farmer(f) donkey(d) beat(f, d)

◦ {f, d}, {farmer(f), donkey(d), beat(f, d)} .

Discourse Representation Theory 35 / 72 Now, the stroke of genius ():

Stories have Sub-stories.

Boxes can appear in boxes.

Discourse Representation Theory 36 / 72 A Less Simple DRS

(40) I’m having a party. If Damaya is coming to it, she will bring wine.

j, p Julian(j) party(p) have(j, p)

d w Damaya(d) ⇒ wine(w) coming(d, p) bring(d, w)

Discourse Representation Theory 37 / 72 ◦ CONs are constructed as follows: ◦ if N is a NAME and x is a REF, N(x) is a CON; ◦ if P is a PRED and x1, ..., xn are REFs, P(x1, ..., xn) is a CON; ◦ if x and y are REFs, x = y is a CON; ◦ if K is a DRS, then ¬K and ♦K are CONs; 0 W 0 ◦ if K and K are DRSs, then K K is a CON; 0 0 ◦ if K and K are DRSs, then K ⇒ K is a CON.

The Language of DRSs

◦ Take REF a set of variables.

◦ Take NAME a set of designators (“names”).

◦ Take PRED a set of predicates / properties.

REFs ◦ A Discourse Representation Structure is a box K = CONs

Discourse Representation Theory 38 / 72 ◦ if K is a DRS, then ¬K and ♦K are CONs; 0 W 0 ◦ if K and K are DRSs, then K K is a CON; 0 0 ◦ if K and K are DRSs, then K ⇒ K is a CON.

The Language of DRSs

◦ Take REF a set of variables.

◦ Take NAME a set of designators (“names”).

◦ Take PRED a set of predicates / properties.

REFs ◦ A Discourse Representation Structure is a box K = CONs

◦ CONs are constructed as follows: ◦ if N is a NAME and x is a REF, N(x) is a CON; ◦ if P is a PRED and x1, ..., xn are REFs, P(x1, ..., xn) is a CON; ◦ if x and y are REFs, x = y is a CON;

Discourse Representation Theory 38 / 72 The Language of DRSs

◦ Take REF a set of variables.

◦ Take NAME a set of designators (“names”).

◦ Take PRED a set of predicates / properties.

REFs ◦ A Discourse Representation Structure is a box K = CONs

◦ CONs are constructed as follows: ◦ if N is a NAME and x is a REF, N(x) is a CON; ◦ if P is a PRED and x1, ..., xn are REFs, P(x1, ..., xn) is a CON; ◦ if x and y are REFs, x = y is a CON; ◦ if K is a DRS, then ¬K and ♦K are CONs; 0 W 0 ◦ if K and K are DRSs, then K K is a CON; 0 0 ◦ if K and K are DRSs, then K ⇒ K is a CON. Discourse Representation Theory 38 / 72 A new way to think About if and every

◦ The idea:

◦ “If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it” is a bit like Whenever a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

◦ Better yet, write Whenever the story is such that it contains a farmer, a donkey and the farmer owns the donkey, then the story is such that the farmer beats the donkey.

Discourse Representation Theory 39 / 72 Indefinites vs Quantifiers

“Every man walks.” “A man walks.”

x man( ) x x ⇒ walks(x) man(x) walk(x)

Discourse Representation Theory 40 / 72 Binding Potential

◦ The conditions in a box can talk about the referents on the top of the same box.

◦ But sometimes, referents on top of one box are available to talk about in other boxes.

◦ Intuitively, in a sub-story you can talk about the actors of the bigger story.

◦ But in the bigger story you are not (always) allowed to speak about actors of a sub-story.

Discourse Representation Theory 41 / 72 j, p Julian(j) party(p) have(j, p)

d w Damaya(d) ⇒ wine(w) coming(d, p) bring(d, w)

Binding: The Rules (informal)

◦ You can go left in conditionals.

0 0 ◦ If a DRS K is contained in a DRS K, then in K you can talk about referents in K.

Discourse Representation Theory 42 / 72 Binding: The Rules (informal)

◦ You can go left in conditionals.

0 0 ◦ If a DRS K is contained in a DRS K, then in K you can talk about referents in K. j, p Julian(j) party(p) have(j, p)

d w Damaya(d) ⇒ wine(w) coming(d, p) bring(d, w)

Discourse Representation Theory 42 / 72 0 0 K is subordinate to K if K is connected to K via immediate subor- dination (“up or left in conditionals”). 0 That is, if there is a chain K = K1, K2, ..., Kn−1, Kn = K where for all i, Ki is immediately subordinate to Ki−1.

0 0 ◦ Now, a in K can access referents in all DRSs K that K is subordinate to.

And Formally (not as bad as it looks)

Subordination 0 A DRS K is immediately subordinate to a DRS K iff: 0 0 1. K contains the condition ¬K or ♦K ; or 0 00 00 0 2. K contains a condition of the form K ∨ K or K ∨ K . 0 00 3. K contains a condition of the form K ⇒ K . 0 00 4. There is a condition K ⇒ K in some K .

Discourse Representation Theory 43 / 72 And Formally (not as bad as it looks)

Subordination 0 A DRS K is immediately subordinate to a DRS K iff: 0 0 1. K contains the condition ¬K or ♦K ; or 0 00 00 0 2. K contains a condition of the form K ∨ K or K ∨ K . 0 00 3. K contains a condition of the form K ⇒ K . 0 00 4. There is a condition K ⇒ K in some K . 0 0 K is subordinate to K if K is connected to K via immediate subor- dination (“up or left in conditionals”). 0 That is, if there is a chain K = K1, K2, ..., Kn−1, Kn = K where for all i, Ki is immediately subordinate to Ki−1.

0 0 ◦ Now, a pronoun in K can access referents in all DRSs K that K is subordinate to.

Discourse Representation Theory 43 / 72 ◦ This is actually fine, but for different reasons (later!):

(42) It is not the case that Jija is running. He takes his time.

Accessibility (Negation)

◦ Negation blocks binding. # (41) It is not the case that a man is running. He takes his time.

x ¬ man(x) runs(x)

? take_time( x)

Discourse Representation Theory 44 / 72 Accessibility (Negation)

◦ Negation blocks binding. # (41) It is not the case that a man is running. He takes his time.

x ¬ man(x) runs(x)

? take_time( x)

◦ This is actually fine, but for different reasons (later!):

(42) It is not the case that Jija is running. He takes his time.

Discourse Representation Theory 44 / 72 Accessibility (Negation)

◦ Negation blocks binding—but only if the referent is below the negation.

(43) A man is not running. He takes his time.

x man(x)

¬ runs(x)


Discourse Representation Theory 45 / 72 Accessibility (Negation)

# (44) Not every man is running. He takes his time.

¬ x ⇒ man(x) runs(x)

? take_time( x)

Discourse Representation Theory 46 / 72 ◦ This is actually fine, but for different reasons (later!):

(46) Either Jija is having tea or he is having coffee.

Accessibility (Disjunction)

◦ Can’t go left or right in disjunction (this is actually controversial). ? (45) Either a man is having tea or he is having coffee.

x, y z man(x) W coffee(z) tea(y) ? have( x, z) have(x, z)

Discourse Representation Theory 47 / 72 Accessibility (Disjunction)

◦ Can’t go left or right in disjunction (this is actually controversial). ? (45) Either a man is having tea or he is having coffee.

x, y z man(x) W coffee(z) tea(y) ? have( x, z) have(x, z)

◦ This is actually fine, but for different reasons (later!):

(46) Either Jija is having tea or he is having coffee.

Discourse Representation Theory 47 / 72 Truth ◦ A sentence like “Julian is happy” is true in M, w iff the set PM(w, happy) contains the thing NM(Julian).

◦ We write M, w |= ϕ for “ϕ is true in w according to M”.

Interpretation of DRSs: World Model

◦ We want to have a mathematical notion of truth conditions.

◦ A model is a tuple M = (WM, DM, NM, PM) where

◦ WM is a set of possible worlds,

◦ DM is a set of things (the domain of reference),

◦ NM is an assignment of names to things (NM : NAME → DM),

◦ and PM is an assignment of properties to the set of all things that : × PROP → P( <ω) have that property in a world (PM W DM .

Truth 49 / 72 Interpretation of DRSs: World Model

◦ We want to have a mathematical notion of truth conditions.

◦ A model is a tuple M = (WM, DM, NM, PM) where

◦ WM is a set of possible worlds,

◦ DM is a set of things (the domain of reference),

◦ NM is an assignment of names to things (NM : NAME → DM),

◦ and PM is an assignment of properties to the set of all things that : × PROP → P( <ω) have that property in a world (PM W DM .

◦ A sentence like “Julian is happy” is true in M, w iff the set PM(w, happy) contains the thing NM(Julian).

◦ We write M, w |= ϕ for “ϕ is true in w according to M”.

Truth 49 / 72 Referent Assignments

Let M = (WM, DM, NM, PM) be a model. Let f, g : REF → DM be partial functions from variables to objects in the model. Write g > f (“g extends f”) if dom(g) ⊇ dom(f) and for all x ∈ dom(f), f(x) = g(x).

Interpretation of DRSs: Referent

◦ The idea is this: a DRSs tells us a story about how some things have some properties.

◦ To evaluate whether it is true, we need to find people in a world model that have these properties.

◦ New DRSs may add new people to talk about.

Truth 50 / 72 Interpretation of DRSs: Referent Extension

◦ The idea is this: a DRSs tells us a story about how some things have some properties.

◦ To evaluate whether it is true, we need to find people in a world model that have these properties.

◦ New DRSs may add new people to talk about.

Referent Assignments

Let M = (WM, DM, NM, PM) be a model. Let f, g : REF → DM be partial functions from variables to objects in the model. Write g > f (“g extends f”) if dom(g) ⊇ dom(f) and for all x ∈ dom(f), f(x) = g(x).

Truth 50 / 72 2. M, w, f |=DRT R(x1, ··· , xn) iff M, w, f |= R(f(x1), ··· , f(xn)).

3. M, w, f |=DRT ¬K iff there is no g with f K M,wg. J K 4. M, w, f |=DRT ♦K iff there is a v ∈ W and a g with f K M,vg. W J K 5. M, w, f |=DRT K1 K2 iff there is a g with f K1 M,wg or f K2 M,wg. J K J K 6. M, w, f |=DRT K1 ⇒ K2 iff for every g with f K1 M,wg, there is a h J K with g K2 M,wh. J K

Interpretation of DRSs: Truth

◦ Referents extend variable assignments. ◦ The conditions impose tests on assignments.

DRT Semantics

Let M be a model. Define by simultaneous recursion for any w ∈ WM and any assignments f, g:

1. f hU, Consi M,wg iff g > f, U ⊆ dom(g) and M, w, g |=DRT C for all J K C ∈ Cons.

Truth 51 / 72 3. M, w, f |=DRT ¬K iff there is no g with f K M,wg. J K 4. M, w, f |=DRT ♦K iff there is a v ∈ W and a g with f K M,vg. W J K 5. M, w, f |=DRT K1 K2 iff there is a g with f K1 M,wg or f K2 M,wg. J K J K 6. M, w, f |=DRT K1 ⇒ K2 iff for every g with f K1 M,wg, there is a h J K with g K2 M,wh. J K

Interpretation of DRSs: Truth

◦ Referents extend variable assignments. ◦ The conditions impose tests on assignments.

DRT Semantics

Let M be a model. Define by simultaneous recursion for any w ∈ WM and any assignments f, g:

1. f hU, Consi M,wg iff g > f, U ⊆ dom(g) and M, w, g |=DRT C for all J K C ∈ Cons.

2. M, w, f |=DRT R(x1, ··· , xn) iff M, w, f |= R(f(x1), ··· , f(xn)).

Truth 51 / 72 4. M, w, f |=DRT ♦K iff there is a v ∈ W and a g with f K M,vg. W J K 5. M, w, f |=DRT K1 K2 iff there is a g with f K1 M,wg or f K2 M,wg. J K J K 6. M, w, f |=DRT K1 ⇒ K2 iff for every g with f K1 M,wg, there is a h J K with g K2 M,wh. J K

Interpretation of DRSs: Truth

◦ Referents extend variable assignments. ◦ The conditions impose tests on assignments.

DRT Semantics

Let M be a model. Define by simultaneous recursion for any w ∈ WM and any assignments f, g:

1. f hU, Consi M,wg iff g > f, U ⊆ dom(g) and M, w, g |=DRT C for all J K C ∈ Cons.

2. M, w, f |=DRT R(x1, ··· , xn) iff M, w, f |= R(f(x1), ··· , f(xn)).

3. M, w, f |=DRT ¬K iff there is no g with f K M,wg. J K

Truth 51 / 72 W 5. M, w, f |=DRT K1 K2 iff there is a g with f K1 M,wg or f K2 M,wg. J K J K 6. M, w, f |=DRT K1 ⇒ K2 iff for every g with f K1 M,wg, there is a h J K with g K2 M,wh. J K

Interpretation of DRSs: Truth

◦ Referents extend variable assignments. ◦ The conditions impose tests on assignments.

DRT Semantics

Let M be a model. Define by simultaneous recursion for any w ∈ WM and any assignments f, g:

1. f hU, Consi M,wg iff g > f, U ⊆ dom(g) and M, w, g |=DRT C for all J K C ∈ Cons.

2. M, w, f |=DRT R(x1, ··· , xn) iff M, w, f |= R(f(x1), ··· , f(xn)).

3. M, w, f |=DRT ¬K iff there is no g with f K M,wg. J K 4. M, w, f |=DRT ♦K iff there is a v ∈ W and a g with f K M,vg. J K

Truth 51 / 72 6. M, w, f |=DRT K1 ⇒ K2 iff for every g with f K1 M,wg, there is a h J K with g K2 M,wh. J K

Interpretation of DRSs: Truth

◦ Referents extend variable assignments. ◦ The conditions impose tests on assignments.

DRT Semantics

Let M be a model. Define by simultaneous recursion for any w ∈ WM and any assignments f, g:

1. f hU, Consi M,wg iff g > f, U ⊆ dom(g) and M, w, g |=DRT C for all J K C ∈ Cons.

2. M, w, f |=DRT R(x1, ··· , xn) iff M, w, f |= R(f(x1), ··· , f(xn)).

3. M, w, f |=DRT ¬K iff there is no g with f K M,wg. J K 4. M, w, f |=DRT ♦K iff there is a v ∈ W and a g with f K M,vg. W J K 5. M, w, f |=DRT K1 K2 iff there is a g with f K1 M,wg or f K2 M,wg. J K J K

Truth 51 / 72 Interpretation of DRSs: Truth

◦ Referents extend variable assignments. ◦ The conditions impose tests on assignments.

DRT Semantics

Let M be a model. Define by simultaneous recursion for any w ∈ WM and any assignments f, g:

1. f hU, Consi M,wg iff g > f, U ⊆ dom(g) and M, w, g |=DRT C for all J K C ∈ Cons.

2. M, w, f |=DRT R(x1, ··· , xn) iff M, w, f |= R(f(x1), ··· , f(xn)).

3. M, w, f |=DRT ¬K iff there is no g with f K M,wg. J K 4. M, w, f |=DRT ♦K iff there is a v ∈ W and a g with f K M,vg. W J K 5. M, w, f |=DRT K1 K2 iff there is a g with f K1 M,wg or f K2 M,wg. J K J K 6. M, w, f |=DRT K1 ⇒ K2 iff for every g with f K1 M,wg, there is a h J K with g K2 M,wh. Truth J K 51 / 72 DRT embeds into Modal Logic (S5) Define recursively:

k ♥ k ◦ (P (x1,..., xk)) = P x1,..., xk; ♥ (xi = xj) = (xi = xj); ♥ ♥ (¬K) = ¬K ; ( ∨ )♥ ( ♥ ∨ ♥) K1 K2 = K1 K2 ;

◦ If K1 = h{x1,..., xn}, {Con1,..., Conm}i, then ♥ ∃ ... ∃ (Con♥ ∧ ... ∧ Con♥) K1 = x1 xn 1 m ; ( ⇒ )♥ ∀ ... ∀ ((Con♥ ∧ ... ∧ Con♥) → ♥) K1 K2 = x1 xn 1 m K2 .

♥ ◦ M, w, f |= K iff M, w, f |=MPL K .

◦ If you want something that looks more like a truth-condition: M, w, f |= K iff there is a g, f K , g J KM w

Truth 52 / 72 ♥ ◦ M, w, f |= K iff M, w, f |=MPL K .

◦ If you want something that looks more like a truth-condition: M, w, f |= K iff there is a g, f K , g J KM w

DRT embeds into Modal Predicate Logic (S5) Define recursively:

k ♥ k ◦ (P (x1,..., xk)) = P x1,..., xk; ♥ (xi = xj) = (xi = xj); ♥ ♥ (¬K) = ¬K ; ( ∨ )♥ ( ♥ ∨ ♥) K1 K2 = K1 K2 ;

◦ If K1 = h{x1,..., xn}, {Con1,..., Conm}i, then ♥ ∃ ... ∃ (Con♥ ∧ ... ∧ Con♥) K1 = x1 xn 1 m ; ( ⇒ )♥ ∀ ... ∀ ((Con♥ ∧ ... ∧ Con♥) → ♥) K1 K2 = x1 xn 1 m K2 .

Truth 52 / 72 ◦ If you want something that looks more like a truth-condition: M, w, f |= K iff there is a g, f K , g J KM w

DRT embeds into Modal Predicate Logic (S5) Define recursively:

k ♥ k ◦ (P (x1,..., xk)) = P x1,..., xk; ♥ (xi = xj) = (xi = xj); ♥ ♥ (¬K) = ¬K ; ( ∨ )♥ ( ♥ ∨ ♥) K1 K2 = K1 K2 ;

◦ If K1 = h{x1,..., xn}, {Con1,..., Conm}i, then ♥ ∃ ... ∃ (Con♥ ∧ ... ∧ Con♥) K1 = x1 xn 1 m ; ( ⇒ )♥ ∀ ... ∀ ((Con♥ ∧ ... ∧ Con♥) → ♥) K1 K2 = x1 xn 1 m K2 .

♥ ◦ M, w, f |= K iff M, w, f |=MPL K .

Truth 52 / 72 Donkey Sentences, Informally

◦ “If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.”

f, d ◦ farmer( ) f ⇒ donkey(d) beat(f, d) owns(f, d)

◦≈ Whenever we have a farmer and we have a donkey and the farmer owns the donkey, then the farmer beats the donkey.

Truth 53 / 72 Donkey Sentences, Formally

f, d ◦ farmer( ) , , ∅ f ⇒ is true for M w iff donkey(d) beat(f, d) owns(f, d)

f, d farmer(f) ◦ For every g > ∅ with M, w, g |= donkey(d) owns(f, d)

There is a h > g with M, w, h |= beat(f, d)

Truth 54 / 72 This is true exactly if (in M) all farmers beat all their donkeys!

Donkey Sentences, Formally

f, d ◦ farmer( ) , , ∅ f ⇒ is true for M w iff donkey(d) beat(f, d) owns(f, d)

◦ Because the top part of the right box is empty, h = g. f, d farmer(f) For every g with M, g |= , M, g |= donkey(d) beat(f, d) owns(f, d)

Truth 55 / 72 Donkey Sentences, Formally

f, d ◦ farmer( ) , , ∅ f ⇒ is true for M w iff donkey(d) beat(f, d) owns(f, d)

◦ Because the top part of the right box is empty, h = g. f, d farmer(f) For every g with M, g |= , M, g |= donkey(d) beat(f, d) owns(f, d)

This is true exactly if (in M) all farmers beat all their donkeys!

Truth 55 / 72 Constructing DRSs ◦ So now we speak not of the truth of sentences (should not do that anyway!) but of the truth of semantic representations.

◦ “To understand (the meaning of) a sentence is to know the circumstances in which its semantic representation is true.”

◦ Natural Language Sentences DRSs 7→ Models , where: := the discourse representation construction algorithm, 7→:= a truth-conditional model-theoretic embedding.


◦ “To understand (the meaning of) a sentence is to know the circumstances in which it is true.”

◦ We have seen some sentences that we cannot seem to understand. > incoherent sentences.

Constructing DRSs 57 / 72 ◦ Natural Language Sentences DRSs 7→ Models , where: := the discourse representation construction algorithm, 7→:= a truth-conditional model-theoretic embedding.


◦ “To understand (the meaning of) a sentence is to know the circumstances in which it is true.”

◦ We have seen some sentences that we cannot seem to understand. > incoherent sentences.

◦ So now we speak not of the truth of sentences (should not do that anyway!) but of the truth of semantic representations.

◦ “To understand (the meaning of) a sentence is to know the circumstances in which its semantic representation is true.”

Constructing DRSs 57 / 72 Recap

◦ “To understand (the meaning of) a sentence is to know the circumstances in which it is true.”

◦ We have seen some sentences that we cannot seem to understand. > incoherent sentences.

◦ So now we speak not of the truth of sentences (should not do that anyway!) but of the truth of semantic representations.

◦ “To understand (the meaning of) a sentence is to know the circumstances in which its semantic representation is true.”

◦ Natural Language Sentences DRSs 7→ Models , where: := the discourse representation construction algorithm, 7→:= a truth-conditional model-theoretic embedding.

Constructing DRSs 57 / 72 DRS Construction Algorithm (Kamp and Reyle 1993)

◦ (It’s a shift-reduce algorithm, in case that means something to someone.)

Constructing DRSs 58 / 72 Segmentation

x1,..., xn x1,..., xn φ φ 1 ◦ 1 L , 0,... . L 0,... . S S . S . φm φm S

◦ If this stops before all S have been dealt with, the discourse is incoherent.

Constructing DRSs 59 / 72 DRS Construction Algorithm: Names

Constructing DRSs 60 / 72 j j

Julian(j) L Julian(j) L He saw a cat He saw a cat Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m j smiled. smile(j)

Example: Names

Julian smiled. He saw a cat.

L L Julian smiled He saw a cat.

L He saw a cat. Julian smiled.

Constructing DRSs 61 / 72 j

Julian(j) L He saw a cat Gen(j) = m smile(j)

Example: Names

Julian smiled. He saw a cat.

L L Julian smiled He saw a cat.

L He saw a cat. Julian smiled.


Julian(j) L He saw a cat Gen(j) = m j smiled.

Constructing DRSs 61 / 72 Example: Names

Julian smiled. He saw a cat.

L L Julian smiled He saw a cat.

L He saw a cat. Julian smiled.

j j

Julian(j) L Julian(j) L He saw a cat He saw a cat Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m j smiled. smile(j)

Constructing DRSs 61 / 72 DRS Construction Algorithm:

Constructing DRSs 62 / 72 j, u

j Julian(j) Julian(j) Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m smile(j) smile(j) u = j He saw a cat. Gen(u) = m u saw a cat.

Example: Pronouns


Julian(j) L He saw a cat. Gen(j) = m smile(j)

Constructing DRSs 63 / 72 j, u

Julian(j) Gen(j) = m smile(j) u = j Gen(u) = m u saw a cat.

Example: Pronouns


Julian(j) L He saw a cat. Gen(j) = m smile(j)


Julian(j) Gen(j) = m smile(j) He saw a cat.

Constructing DRSs 63 / 72 Example: Pronouns


Julian(j) L He saw a cat. Gen(j) = m smile(j)

j, u

j Julian(j) Julian(j) Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m smile(j) smile(j) u = j He saw a cat. Gen(u) = m u saw a cat.

Constructing DRSs 63 / 72 DRS Construction Algorithm: Indefinites

Constructing DRSs 64 / 72 j,u,v j,u,v Julian(j) Julian(j) Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m smile(j) smile(j) u = j u = j Gen(u) = m Gen(u) = m Gen(v) = n Gen(v) = n [cat](v) cat(v) u saw v. u saw v.

Example: Indefinites

j,u Julian(j) Gen(j) = m smile(j) u = j Gen(u) = m u saw a cat.

Constructing DRSs 65 / 72 j,u,v Julian(j) Gen(j) = m smile(j) u = j Gen(u) = m Gen(v) = n cat(v) u saw v.

Example: Indefinites

j,u,v j,u Julian(j) Julian(j) Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m smile(j) smile(j) u = j u = j Gen(u) = m Gen(u) = m Gen(v) = n u saw a cat. [cat](v) u saw v.

Constructing DRSs 65 / 72 Example: Indefinites

j,u,v j,u,v j,u Julian(j) Julian(j) Julian(j) Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m Gen(j) = m smile(j) smile(j) smile(j) u = j u = j u = j Gen(u) = m Gen(u) = m Gen(u) = m Gen(v) = n Gen(v) = n u saw a cat. [cat](v) cat(v) u saw v. u saw v.

Constructing DRSs 65 / 72 DRS Construction Algorithm: Negation

Constructing DRSs 66 / 72 Example: Negation

# (47) A man is not seeing a cat. He smiles, it does not.

x man(x)

A man is not seeing a cat ¬ x sees a cat

x man(x) y ¬ cat(y) see(x, y)

Constructing DRSs 67 / 72 DRS Construction Algorithm: Conditionals

Constructing DRSs 68 / 72 Example: Conditionals

(48) If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

⇒ A farmer owns a donkey He beats it

0 0 x, y x , y 0 0 farmer(x) beat(x , y ) ⇒ 0 donkey(y) x = x 0 owns(x, y) y = y

Constructing DRSs 69 / 72 Partee Sentences

(49) Maria has three siblings, two of whom are female. Her sisters are here. He is somewhere else.

m, sib, sis Maria(m) siblings(sib, m) #sib = 3 #sis = 2 part-of(sis, sib) female(sis) sister(sis, m) here(sis)

¬ here(x) Gen(x) = m

Constructing DRSs 70 / 72 (51) Julian smiled. He saw a horrible accident.

But something is missing...

(50) Julian smiled. He saw a cat. ◦ This tells you something about why Julian is smiling.

Constructing DRSs 71 / 72 But something is missing...

(50) Julian smiled. He saw a cat. ◦ This tells you something about why Julian is smiling. (51) Julian smiled. He saw a horrible accident.

Constructing DRSs 71 / 72 ◦ There is much more to how sentences compose than is captured by DRT.

And what about these?

(52) Julian smiled because he saw a cat.

(53) Julian smiled, ??but he saw a cat.

(54) Julian smiled. ?Therefore he saw a cat.

Constructing DRSs 72 / 72 And what about these?

(52) Julian smiled because he saw a cat.

(53) Julian smiled, ??but he saw a cat.

(54) Julian smiled. ?Therefore he saw a cat.

◦ There is much more to how sentences compose than is captured by DRT.

Constructing DRSs 72 / 72