HUMANISTIC JUDAISM Volume XLII Number 3-4 Summer/Autumn 2014 HUMANISTIC and JEWISH: WHY BOTH? Rabbi Adam Chalom Joseph Chuman Rabbi Jeffrey L. Falick Cantor Jonathan L. Friedmann Rabbi Denise Handlarski Rabbi Miriam Jerris Michael J. Prival Wisdom from Wine: Thoughts on Humanism & Humanistic Judaism Rational Judaism: It’s Not New Secularism, Atheism, Humor & Jewish Identity and more Humanistic Judaism is a voice for Jews who value their Jewish identity and who seek an alternative to conventional Judaism. Humanistic Judaism affirms the right of individuals to shape their own lives independent Humanistic Judaism is published quarterly by the of supernatural authority. Society for Humanistic Judaism, a non-profit orga- nization, 28611 West Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334, (248) 478-7610, Fax (248) 478-3159,
[email protected], This is a combined issue: Vol. XLII Number 3 - 4, Summer/Autumn 2014. Signed articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoints or policies of the Society for Humanistic Judaism. Transliterations used in articles reflect the author’s preferences. All material © Copyright 2014 by the Society for Humanistic Judaism. No portion of this work may be reprinted or copied without written permission of the publisher. Subscription Rates: $21.00 per year. Canadian Subscriptions $31.00. Overseas Subscriptions $43.00 per year (U.S. Dollars). No refunds. Sample copies available at single issue price plus postage. Addi- tional copies of a single issue are available from the Society for Humanistic Judaism at the cover price plus postage. Address all inquiries and subscriptions to Humanistic Judaism, 28611 West Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334.