DEV/WS/20/011 Development Control Committee 5 February 2020 Planning Application DC/19/0947/FUL – Dwelling 1, Herringswell Manor, Herringswell Road, Herringswell Date 02.05.2019 Expiry Date: 27.06.2019 Registered: Case Jo-Anne Rasmussen Recommendation: Approve Application Officer: Parish: Herringswell Ward: Iceni Proposal: Planning Application - Conversion of garages and stores to 2no Dwellings Site: Dwelling 1, Herringswell Manor, Herringswell Road Applicant: Dr I Dieffenthaller Synopsis: Application under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Associated matters. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Committee determine the attached application and associated matters. CONTACT CASE OFFICER: Jo-Anne Rasmussen Email:
[email protected] Telephone: 01284 757609 Background: This application was considered by the Delegation Panel on 14 January 2020 and referred to the Development Control Committee. The Parish Council object to the application and the recommendation is one of approval. A site visit will take place on Monday 3 February 2020. Proposal: 1. Planning permission is sought for the partial conversion of two garage blocks to create two 1 bed apartments within the grounds of Herringswell Manor. Block 1 on the northwest boundary seeks to convert one of the six ground floor garage spaces to a study (served by a new window in the west elevation) and stairs up to the first floor. The first floor accommodation provides for an open plan kitchen/dining/living area, bedroom and bathroom and will be lit by four new dormer windows on the south facing roof slope. Block 2 is to the south of North Courtyard and seeks to convert one of the five ground floor garage spaces to a cloak room, study and stairs up to the first floor.