LIST 31 5 August 2019 Applications Registered between 29.07.2019 – 02.08.2019 PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED The following applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building, Conservation Area and Advertisement Consent and relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas have been made to this Council. A copy of the applications and plans accompanying them may be inspected on our website Representations should be made in writing, quoting the application number and emailed to
[email protected] to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of this list. Note: Representations on Brownfield Permission in Principle applications and/or associated Technical Details Consent applications must arrive not later than 14 days from the date of this list. Application No. Proposal Location DC/19/1534/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - (i) White Gables And VALID DATE: T1 - Holly - remove branches overhanging Panfields 24.07.2019 Hambleden (ii) T2 - Yew - remove branches Mill Lane overhanging Hambleden Barnham EXPIRY DATE: Thetford 04.09.2019 APPLICANT: Mr Ian Clark Suffolk IP24 2NH WARD: Bardwell PARISH: Barnham CASE OFFICER: Falcon Saunders GRID REF: 586875 279254 DC/19/1503/OUT Outline Planning Application (All matters Development Site VALID DATE: reserved) - 1no. dwelling Barrow Road 01.08.2019 Denham APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs D Cornwell Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: 26.09.2019 AGENT: Louise Gregory - Acorus Rural Property Services WARD: Barrow GRID REF: CASE OFFICER: Kerri Cooper 576082 262832 PARISH: Barrow Cum Denham DC/19/1549/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification – 25 The Street VALID DATE: (i) 1no.