MONDAY, February 1, 1875. Met According to Adjournment. Prayer Was Offered by the Chaplain. Petitions Presented. by Mr. Wood Of
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MONDAY, February 1, 1875. Met according to adjournment. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. Petitions Presented. Taunton River By Mr. Wood of Swansea, the remonstrance of citizens fisheries. of Somerset against any change in the lishing laws per- taining to Taunton Great River. Referred to the committee on Fisheries. Abington. By Mr. Grose of Abington, petition of Lewis E. Noyes and 99 others, in aid of the petition of Joseph Vaughn and others, for the division of the town of Abington. Re- ferred to the committee on Towns. Southbridge— By Mr. Litchfield of Southbridge, petition of a com- water-supply. mittee of the town of Southbridge for authority to supply said town with water. Referred to the committee on Water Supply and Drainage. These papers were severally sent up for concurrence. Lowell- •city By Mr. Tyler of Lowell, petition of the mayor of charter. Lowell for revision of the charter of that city. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Census. By Mr. Codman of Boston, petition of the mayor of Boston for an Act authorizing the appointment of agents to take the census. Referred to the committee on Finance. Order. On motion of Mr. Towne of Worcester,— Contracts with Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider oilicer8 of cities. the expediency of repealing chapter 274 of the Acts of 1872, relating to contracts with the officers of cities. Papers from the Senate. Third Parish in A Bill to change the name of the Third Parish in Abing- Abington. ton, passed to be engrossed by the Senate, was read and ordered to a second reading. Pegan Brook. The remonstrance of Waldo Colburn and 44 others, citizens of Dedham, against the petitions of the city of Boston and the town of Natick, for leave to divert the waters of Pegan Brook, etc., was referred in concurrence to the committee on Water Supply and Drainage. Lexington cen- The petition of the town of Lexington, for an appropri- tenninl. ation towards their centennial celebration and the statues of Hancock and Adams; also to raise money by taxation or otherwise not exceeding one-fifth of one per cent, on their valuation, was referred in concurrence to committee on Towns. Reports of Committees. Mr. Torrey of South Scituate, from the committee on county expen- Printing, reported that the order relative to printing two dituros- thousand additional copies of the Report of the Committee on County Expenditures, ought not to be adopted. Read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Mr. Mahony of Boston, from the same committee, on Vienna reports, the order relative to the distribution of the reports of the Commissioners to the Vienna Exposition, reported that in their opinion the disposition of the volumes should be left to the discretion of the joint committee on Printing, and recommending that the order be referred to that com- mittee. Under suspension of the rule the report was accepted, and the order was so referred, and sent up for concurrence. Mr. Codman of Boston, from the committee on the Grand jury of Judiciary, reported the bill concerning the grand jury for 8uffolk- the county of Suffolk, ought to pass with an amendment, striking out the words " and to have been " in the 9th line of section 1. Placed in the orders of the day for to- morrow. Mr. Coffin of Winchester, from the committee on Elec- saimonD.nooa tions, on petition of Salmon D. Hood, for the seat as declaredelected- representative from the Twentieth Essex District now held by John H. Potter, reported the facts in the case, and the following resolution :— Resolution concerning the seat of Representative for the Twentieth Essex District. Resolved, That at the election held on the third day of November last, Salmon D. Hood of Topsfield was duly elected representative to the General Court from the Twen- tieth Essex Representative District, and that he is entitled to the seat in this House now occupied by John H. Potter. Read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Orders of the Day. Bills concerning the recording of liens under chapter orders of the 150 of the General Statutes; and in addition to an Act day" for supplying the town of Pittsfield with pure water, were severally read, passed to be engrossed, and sent up for concurrence. The Bill relative to bonds to dissolve attachments and in writs of review, was reported by Mr. Long of Hing- ham, from the committee on Bills in the Third Reading, recommending the amendment of the same by substituting a new bill with the same title. On motion of Mr. Morse of Boston, the bill was recom- mitted, with the proposed amendment, to the committee on the Judiciary. At 2.30 the House Adjourned. TUESDAY, February 2, 1875. , Met according to adjournment. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. Petitions Presented. Bay state Brick By Mr. Kimball of Boston, petition of the Bay State Co. Brick Company for leave to cross a highway with a rail- road, and to operate the same. Referred to the committee on Railroads. American Ins. By Mr. Coveney of Cambridge, petition of the Ameri- Co. can Insurance Company for extension of charter. Referred to the committee on Insurance. Severally sent up for concurrence. Joel Hayden— Hayden Foun- By Mr. Stone of Northampton, petition of Joel Hayden dry and Ma- for an Act confirming the proceedings of the Hayden chine Co. Foundry and Machine Company. Referred to the com- mittee on the Judiciary. Sergeant-at- Arms' em- A communication was received from the Auditor, rela- ployós. tive to expenses incurred for the employment of messen- gers, etc., by the Sergeant-at-Arms from 1855 to 1874, inclusive; which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Introduced on Leave. United States By Mr. Fuller of Boston, a Bill ceding jurisdiction to lands. the United States over lands used for customs offices or marine hospitals. Read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. King of Boston, a Resolve in favor of the Disabled Sold iers' Employment Bureau. Read and referred to Disabledsoi- the committee on Finance. JSKBSSET" Papers from the Senate. Papers were referred in concurrence as follows :— Remonstrances of Alfred W. Paul and 34 others of Taunton River Dighton; A. B. Crane and 32 others of Berkeley; and fl8her'ee' of F. A. Hathaway and 49 others, against the petition of Allen H. Ingalls and others relative to the fisheries of Taunton Great River. Severally to the committee on Fisheries. Petition of the school committee of the town of Scituate scituate. for its proportion of the income of the school fund for 1873. To the committee on Education. The petition of Edward Crane and associates to be E. crane, et ais. incorporated under the name of the Atlantic and Ontario Railroad Trust Company, was referred to the committee on the Hoosac Tunnel Line of Railroads in non-concur- rence with the Senate, having been referred by that branch to the committee on Railroads. Sent up for concur- rence. A Bill to change the name of the East Abington EastAbington Savings Bank, passed to be engrossed by the Senate, was Savings BaDk- read and ordered to a second readingo . Orders. On motion of Mr. Ropes of Boston,— Ordered, That the committee on Mercantile Affairs be coiiat«ai Loan instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the Co' charter of the Collateral Loan Company of Boston. 'Sent up for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Allen of Duxbury,— Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Highway cross, and report whether any amendment of the 175th and lng8" 176th sections of the 372d chapter of the laws of 1874, or any further legislation, is necessary to secure or protect the rights of persons or corporations owning the soil of a highway in crossing the same for the transaction of their business, and if so, report a bill for that purpose. On motion of Mr. Codman of Boston,— Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Boston-courts, whether any legislation is necessary in relation to the municipal courts of the city of Boston. Bill Enacted. Hingham Hut. An engrossed Bill to further extend the charter of the Ins. Co. Hingham Mutual Fire Insurance Company (which origi- nated in the House of Representatives), was passed to be enacted, signed and sent to the Senate. Taken from the Table. Scientific sur- On motion of Mr. White of Williamstown, report of vey. the State Board of Education on the proposed survey of the Commonwealth. Referred to the committee on Education. Lunacy. On motion of Mr. Kimball of Boston, report of the Commission on Lunacy. Referred to the committee on Public Charitable Institutions. Gas. On motion of the same gentleman, annual report of the State Inspector of Gas and Gas-meters. Referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. Severally sent up for concurrence. Auditor's re- On motion of the same gentleman, annual report of the port. Auditor of the Commonwealth. Referred to the committee on Finance. Reports of Committees. Registers of Mr. Codman of Boston, from the committee on the deeds. Judiciary, reported that no legislation is necessary on the Sheriffs. abstracts of returns of Registers of Deeds and of Sheriffs. Brewster. Mr. Johnson of Nahant, from the committee on the Fisheries, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of the selectmen of Brewster for the better protection of its shell-fisheries. These reports were read, and, under a suspension of the rule, considered and accepted, and the last named was sent up for concurrence. Mr.