Congressional Record-House. 7925
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1888. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 7925 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. To Mr. ALLEN, of !Iassachusetts,·indefinitely, on acconntof sickness. To Mr. CAMPBELL, cf Ohio, for ten days. FRIDAY, .Augus~ 24, 1888. To Mr. BuTTERWORTH, for six days, on account of important busi The House was called to order at l2 o'clock m. by Mr. CRISP, as ness. Speaker pro tempore, who directed the reading of the following com To Mr. THOMAS H. n. BROWNE, for five days, on acoount of busi munication: ness. SPEAKER's RooM, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, APPRAISERS' WAREHOuSE, NEW YORK. Washington, D. C., August 24, 188S. Mr. DIBBLE. Mr. Speaker, I desira to present a conference report. Srn: Hon. C. F. CRISP is designated to preside nt the session of the House to- The report was read, as follows: day as Speaker pm tempore. · J. G. CARLISLE, Spea~r . The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on Hon. JoHN B. CLARK, the amendments of the Senate to the bill of the House (1661) for the erection Clerk House of Rep.~·esentatives. of nn appraisers' warehouse in the city of New York, and for other purposes, hav ing met, after full c.nd free conference have agreed to recommend and do rec Prayer by Rev. J. H. CUTHBERT, D. D. ommend to their respective Houses as follows: The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. That the House recede from its disagreement t{) the amendments of the Sen ate numbered 1. 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, nnd agree to the same with the following amend ment: In lines 17 and 18 of the first page, strike out the words" seven hun UNITED PEORIAS AND MIAMIES. dred" and insert" six hundred and fifty;" and the Senate agree to the same. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before the House the bill (H. R. 8074) That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Sen ate numbered 5, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows : Strike .... to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to the United Peorias out the word "three" in said amendment and insert" two" in lieu thereof; and and Miamies in the Indian Territory with Senate amendments. the Senate agree to the same. SAMUEL DIBBLE, Mr. PERKINS. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the· Senate amendments s. s. cox, be non-concurred in, and that the conference asked for be agreed to. 1Ianage1·s on the part of the House. I would say in explanation that this bill provides for the allotment of JOHN C. SPOONER, lands in severalty to the United Peorias and Miamies in the Indian :WM. M. EVARTS, Territory. The bill in the first instance authorized the sale of land in JOHN W. DANIEL, excess of 260 acres, and that provision has been stricken out by the ~tanagers on the part of the Senate. Senate, and it confines the allotment to 200 acres and provides that The conferees on the part of the IIouse submitted the following state the excess shall be held for them. Then it also strikes from the orig ment: inal bill the proviso which authorizes the sale of the land which the The managers on the part nf the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill (H. R. 1661) for the erection of an appraisers' warehouse in Indians owned in Kansas. It has been found that these lands were the city of New York, and for other purposes, respectfully submit the following sold and that there is no necessity for that provision, and we ask that statement with the conference report, for the information of the House: the amendments be non-concurred in and the conference agreed to. All of the Senate amendments except the fift,h simply add words providing I for acquiring a. site by condemnation as well as by purchase, and to these the Mr. ADAMS. That was the reason that objected to it before. House agree, with an amendment changing $700,000 as the limit for the build Mr. HOOKER. I call for the reading of the amendments. 'ing to ~.000, elsewhere provided in the bill for buildin..... The Clerk proceeded to read the amendments. The fifth Senate amendment will be understood from the following explana tion: The bill provides for the purchase of a site not t{) exceed in cost 5850,000, Mr. HOOKER. I ask now that the further reading be dispensed and the erection of an appraisers' warehouse thereon, not to exceed in cost with. Does it require unanimous consent to consider this at this time? $650,000, and the House and Senate have not disagreed on this. but the bill also The SPEAKER pro tempore. It does. provides that the Secret.ary of the Treasury shaJ.l have the discretion to pur Mr. I chase a site large enough to embrace a custom-house building a.lso, as well as HOOKER. Then object. an appraisers' warehouse, or two sites near each other, for these two purposes, Mr. PERKINS. I hope the gentleman will withdraw the objection. instead of a site for an appraisers' warehouse only: and in this contingency I would like to say that the bill as it passed the House had the unan the House bill fixed a limit of $1,500,000 for the cost of such double site or sites, and the Senate increased this limit to $3,000,000. The conference report recom imous report of the Committee on Indian Affairs. It does not provide mends $2,000,000, the House conceding 8500,000 and the Senate conceding $1,000,- for the sale of any of this land; it does not open it to settlement, and 000 in order to an agreement. does not take it out of the possession of the Indians. The Indians had SAMUEL DIBBLE, is s. s. cox, a delegation here asking for this legislation; it recommen4ed by the Managers on the pm·t of the House. Interior Department. The House committee have reported unani mously in its favor, and I do hope that there will be no objection. The Mr. DIBBLE. Mr. Speaker, unless some gentleman desires some ad chairman of the committee [Mr. PEEL] will be appointed one of the ditional information on this subject or desires to discuss this report, I conferees. move its adoption. Mr. HOOKER: Do you move to non-concur in the Senate amend- Mr. HOLMAN. I wish to inquire of the gentleman whether there menta? is not an entirely new item in the bHl which has not been considered Mr. PERKINS. That is the motion that I make. by the Committee of the Whole. Mr. HOOKER. Then I will withdraw my objection. :Mr. DIBBLE. There is no new item in the bill that I know ofwhich The SPEAKER pro tempore. The request is that the House non has not been considered by the Committee of the Whole. There was a concur in the Senate amendments and agree to the conference asked. clerical error in the bill where in one place it prescribed that the cost Is there objection. The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. of the appraisers' warehouse should not exceed $650, OOO,and in the next sentence said that the plans for it should not exceed an estimate of SUPPRESSION OF INFECTION. $70(1,000. We corrected that latter amount by bringing it down to The SPEAKER pro tempore also laid before the House the joint reso- ~650, 000. The part of the bill relating to the appraisers' warehouse lotion (S. R. 102) appropriating $200,000 to suppress infection in the $850,000 for the site and $650,000 for the building-has lJeen agreed ·interstate commerce of the United States. ] 'Upon by both Houses, and also some amendments in relation to putting Mr. HOOKER. ,I ask, in reference to the resolution which has just in words of condemnation as well as of purchase. The other part of been read by the Clerk, whether it is in order to consider it now? the bil1, giving the Secretary discretion to purchase a double site so as The SPEAKER pro tempore. It would noj; be except by unanimous to put custom-house near the appraisers' warehouse, which is gen- consent. erally regarded as desirable or necessary, was in the House bill and Mr. HOOKER. I was about to ask unanimous consent for its con- was considered in' Committee of the Whole, and the B;ouse fixed the sideration, but my friend from Florida [Mr. DAVIDSON] says that he limit for the purchase of such a site at $1,500,000. · desires to propose an amendment. I do not make the request. Mr. BLOUNT. A double site? ! The SPEAKER pro tempore. The resolution will be referred to the Mr. DIBBLE. A double site; that is, in case the Secretary thinks Committee on Appropriations. that it is better than to put the building on the single site, which is pro- Mr. DAVIDSON, of Florida. I ask that the Committee on Appro- vided for, and the provision for which has passed both Houses regularly. priations have leave to report at any time. That has all been considered in Committee of the Whole, and the House 1-'he HPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Florida asks unan- in Committee of the Whole fixed the limit for the purchase of that imous consent that the Committee on Appropriations have ]eave tore- double site at $1,500,000. The only change made in the Senate was a.s port at any time upon the joint resolution which has just been referred to the amount.