The Texas Union Herald Colonel E
The Texas Union Herald Colonel E. E. Ellsworth Camp #18 Department of Texas Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Volume iii, Number 9, September 2018 definitely rewrite things if necessary. Again, you do not Rattling Sabres have to be a Camp #18 member to submit material. by Continuing with finding photographs of the various Glen E. Zook Civil War battles fought in the month of the newsletter, here is the list, from the Hill’s Manual, of battles fought in I am trying some new features with this edition of September: The Texas Union Herald. The most obvious are the Battle of Boonville, Missouri, September 1, 1861; watermarks on each page. These watermarks are “clip art” Battle of Carniflex Ferry, Virginia, September 10, 1861; from the Internet which, from the information on the various Battle at Cheat Mountain Pass, Virginia, September 12 websites, are free to use without even having to credit the through September 17, 1861; Battle at Blue Mills, Missouri, sources. The use of these watermarks are to give a bit of September 17, 1861; Skirmish at Papinsville, Missouri, “pizzazz” to this publication. I would like to hear from the September 21.1861; Battle at Britton’s Lane, Tennessee, readers as to their opinion of these watermarks. September 1, 1862; Battle at Chantilly, Virginia, September In addition, I am trying to get back on schedule as 1, 1862; Battle at Washington, North Carolina, September to when this newsletter is actually published and is 6, 1862; Battle at Middletown, Maryland, September 12, distributed to the members of Camp #18 and to those 1862; Battle at South Mountain, Maryland, September 14, Department of Texas officials, National SUVCW officials, 1862; Battle of Harper’s Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia), certain DUV members, and others who are on the September 12 through September 15, 1862; Battle of distribution list.
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