Galaxy 19 Channel Guide
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Maximize Your Revenue Opportunities MEDIA with a High-quality Viewing Experience The Galaxy 19 Neighborhood Delivers Instant Access to North American Viewers The Galaxy 19 neighborhood is the largest independent direct- to-home (DTH) TV and radio community in North America. The Galaxy 19 community is designed to connect millions of North American viewers with diverse multicultural and faith- based programming originating from more than 60 countries in 30 languages. It empowers you to: Grow your audience, not your cost Guarantee a quality viewing experience with satellite reliability Connect with an engaged audience that has grown consistently over 15 years Intelsat, in collaboration with its partners, provides content programmers with the most efficient media distribution system in North America. The Galaxy 19 neighborhood is a single, reliable distribution solution for the U.S., Canada and Mexico that ensures your viewers can easily find and watch your SD and HD content. Channel Guide CHANNEL LAN FR P CHANNEL LAN FR P 2M Monde ara 11898 V Umdurman Radio ara 12146 V Abu Dhabi TV Europe ara 12146 V Yemen TV ara 11836 V AL ARABI ara 12028 H ABN aii/amw 11867 V Al Hayat 2 ara 12060 H Kentron TV hye 12028 H Al Horreya TV ara 11867 V International Al Kalema TV ara 11867 V USArmenia hye 12053 V Al Karma 2 ara 11867 V 1 Respublika aze 11966 H Al Kass Two ara 12084 V AzTV aze 11966 H Al Maghribia ara 11898 V Hwazan Satellite TV zho 11836 V Al Mayadeen TV ara 12177 V HRT SAT hrv 11867 V Al Sirat ara 12177 V Narodni Radio hrv 11867 V Al-Fady TV ara 12152 H Nova World hrv 11867 V Al-Iraqiya 2 ara 12152 H Radio Mir hrv 11867 V Al-Iraqiya News ara 12146 V Radio Voice of Croatia hrv 11867 V Alkarma TV North 3ABN English eng 11842 H America 1 ara 12177 V 3ABN Proclaim eng 11842 H Canal Algérie ara 11898 V 3ABN Radio eng 11842 H Chaîne 1 ara 11898 V AABC TV eng 11836 V Coptic TV ara 11867 V Agape FM eng 11966 H El-Bernameg Al-Aam ara 12146 V Aljazeera English eng 11867 V Emarat FM ara 12146 V Aljazeera English eng 12152 H Holy Quran Radio ara 12146 V Amazing eng 11842 H Imam Hussein TV 3 ara 12146 V Discoveries TV Iman TV ara 12115 V Amazing Facts TV eng 11842 H American Voice Radio Jeddah Radio ara 12146 V Network 1 eng 12115 V Jeddah Radio ara 12152 H ANB eng 11867 V Jordan TV ara 12146 V Apostolic Oneness KTV 1 ara 12028 H Network eng 12060 H Libya Al Watanya ara 12146 V Bible Explorations TV eng 12115 V LLBN Arabic ara 11842 H Celebration TV eng 12060 H Logos TV ara 11867 V CityLife Radio eng 11966 H Oman TV ara 12146 V CJTL Radio eng 12060 H Palestinian Satellite ara 11898 V CNC World English eng 12053 V Channel CTN eng 12060 H Qatar Radio ara 12146 V Dare to Dream Network eng 11842 H Qatar TV ara 12146 V Daystar TV eng 11966 H Quran Radio ara 12146 V Divine TV USA eng 11966 H Quran TV ara 12152 H Emmanuel TV eng 12060 H Radio Algérie Internationale ara 11898 V GCN America eng 12053 V Radio Kuwait Program 1 ara 12028 H GEM USA eng 11867 V Radio Kuwait Program 2 ara 12028 H Global Star 1 eng 11836 V Radio Kuwait Quran ara 12028 H Global Star 3 eng 11836 V Radio Oman ara 12146 V Global Star 5 eng 11836 V Radio Sana’a ara 12146 V God’s Learning Channel eng 12177 V Radio Sout Al-Sha’ab ara 12146 V Guide US TV eng 11836 V Radio Sout Al-Shbab ara 12146 V Hillsong Channel eng 12053 V Republic of Iraq Radio ara 12146 V Hope Channel eng 11842 H Riyadh Radio ara 12146 V Hope Channel Church eng 11842 H Saudi 2 ara 12152 H IBN TV eng 12115 V Saudi TV ara 12146 V IFilm English eng 11960 V Saudia Radio ara 12152 H Imam Hussein TV 2 eng 12053 V Sharjah Radio ara 12146 V IRIB World Service 7 eng 12115 V Sharjah TV ara 12146 V Juce TV eng 12053 V SSBC TV ara 12146 V Kingdom Life Network eng 11966 H Sudan TV ara 12146 V KTV 3 eng 12028 H Sunna TV ara 12152 H LifeTalk Radio eng 11842 H Toheed TV ara 11960 V TV Radio LAN – Language FR – Frequency P – Polarity 2020 CHANNEL LAN FR P CHANNEL LAN FR P LifeTalk Translator eng 11842 H Duna World hun 11966 H LLBN His Word eng 11842 H Duna World Rádió hun 11966 H NTA International eng 11898 V Kazakh TV kaz 12177 V OCN eng 12177 V Kazakh TV kaz 12152 H Press TV eng 11960 V TVK khm 12152 H Qur’an Hidayah English eng 11898 V LRT Lituanica lit 11898 V Radio 74 Internationale eng 11842 H i Tele 5 pol 11867 V Republic Broadcasting eng 11836 V Polskie Radio Jedynka pol 11867 V Network Polskie Radi Trójka pol 11867 V Royal Time TV eng 11836 V Radio Maryja pol 11960 V RT America eng 12152 H TV TRWAM pol 11960 V Smart LifeStyle TV eng 11842 H TVP Polonia pol 11867 V Smile TV eng 12053 V RTP Internacional Sonshine Radio eng 11898 V América por 12060 H Sputnik International eng 12060 H Belarus 24 rus 11898 V TBN US eng 12053 V CNL Amerika rus 11966 H The Micro Effect eng 12060 H Impact TV Network rus 12152 H The Overcomer eng 11966 H Vozrozhdeniye rus 12060 H The University Network eng 12115 V Radio Beograd 1 srp 11867 V The Word Network eng 11842 H RTS SAT srp 11867 V WRN English North eng 12177 V Somali National TV som 12177 V America 3ABN Latino spa 11842 H Andisheh TV fas 12084 V 3ABN Radio Latino spa 11842 H Appadana International fas 12060 H Bethel TV spa 12115 V Ariana Afghanistan TV fas 12028 H Corán Hidaiah Español spa 11898 V Ariana TV International fas 11898 V EEE Network spa 12115 V Didar Global TV fas 12115 V Enlace spa 12053 V Ganj e Hozour TV fas 12084 V Esperanza TV spa 11842 H HPTV Persian fas 12177 V Fútbol de Primera spa 12152 H Imam Hussein TV 1 fas 12053 V Hispan TV spa 12115 V Iran e Aryaee TV fas 12115 V LLBN Latino spa 11842 H Iran TV Network fas 12084 V Nacion Radio spa 12177 V IRIB World Service 4 fas 12115 V Radio Libertad spa 12060 H IRIB World Service 5 fas 12115 V AssyriaSat syr 12115 V Jame Jam TV fas 12115 SMNI tgl 11898 V Merci TV Network fas 12084 V Angel TV America tam 11966 H Omid-e-Iran fas 12084 V 94 EFM tha 11966 H Pars TV fas 12084 V Dhamma Media Payam-e-Doost fas 1215 H Channel tha 11966 H Persian Radio fas 11966 H Global Mall – Lao Thai tha 12177 V Persian TV One fas 11836 V TV Radio Iran fas 12115 V G-Star TV tha 12177 V Radio Maaref fas 12115 V ISTV tha 12177 V Radio Quran fas 12115 V Thai TV Global Network tha 11966 H Rangarang TV Network fas 12060 H DFH Network tur 11836 V RTA Afghanistan fas 12177 V TRT 1 +8 tur 11960 V Simay-Azadi Iran TRT Çocuk – TRT Belge- tur 11960 V National TV fas 12053 V sel +8 Tin TV fas 12084 V TRT EL Arabia tur 11960 V Velayat TV Network fas 11836 V TRT Müzik tur 11960 V Coran Hidaiah Français fra 11898 V TSR tur 11960 V IRIB World Service 1 fra 12115 V Voice of Turkey World tur 11960 V ORTM fra 12060 H Little Saigon TV vie 12060 H Radio Congo fra 12053 V NetViet vie 11966 H RTI 1 fra 12028 H Saigon TV vie 12060 H RTS TV fra 11867 V Viet Sky TV vie 11836 V Tele Congo fra 12053 V VTC 10 vie 11990 V TV Radio LAN – Language FR – Frequency P – Polarity Globecast has created the number one global hybrid fiber and satellite network for video contribution and distribution. It delivers any type of video service including: TV Everywhere OTT, satellite, cable, video-on-demand and CDN delivery using cloud-enabled media solutions. Learn more at Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (310) 845-3800 STN is a leading innovative, forward-thinking global teleport facility. Its satellite, fiber and IP connections offer clients end- to-end, managed service communication solutions worldwide, all supported by a 24/7 network operations center. Learn more at Email: [email protected] – Phone: 00386 1 527 2440 MX1 is a leading global infrastructure-independent solution provider of media services. The world’s first media globalizer works with leading media businesses to transform content into the ultimate viewer experience for a global audience. Learn more at Email: [email protected] As the foundational architects of satellite technology, Intelsat operates the largest, most advanced satellite fleet and connectivity infrastructure in the world. We apply our unparalleled expertise and global scale to reliably and seamlessly connect people, devices and networks in even the most challenging and remote locations. Transformation happens when businesses, governments and communities build a ubiquitous connected future through Intelsat’s next- generation global network and simplified managed services. At Intelsat, we turn possibilities into reality.