Yearbook 1988

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Yearbook 1988 YEARBOOK 1988 A Directory of The General Conference, World Divisions, Union and Local Conferences and Missions, Educational Institutions, Food Companies, Health-Care Institutions, Media Center, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Denominational Workers Printed in the U.S.A. by the REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740 For the Office of Archives and Statistics GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS 6840 EASTERN AVENUE, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON, D.C. 20012 Contents Preface and Statistics 4 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists 5 Constitution and Bylaws 9 General Conference and Departments 15 Divisions: Africa-Indian Ocean 39 Eastern Africa 63 Euro-Africa 83 Far Eastern 107 Inter-American 155 North American 193 Health-Care Corporations 265 South American 269 South Pacific 303 Southern Asia 327 Trans-European 343 Middle East Union 361 South African Union 363 Southern Union (Africa) 366 China 371 The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the USSR 373 Institutions: Educational Institutions 377 Food Companies 481 Health-Care Institutions 489 Dispensaries 527 Retirement Homes and Orphanages 534 Media Centers 537 Publishing Houses 541 Periodicals 553 Necrology 568 Calendars of Special Days and Offerings 1988-1989 572 List of Countries With Their Organizational Locations 574 Telex Directory 576 Calendars 1988-1989 578 Index of Institutional Workers 579 Postal Abbreviations 658 Directory of Workers 659 General Index 1021 3 Preface to the 1988 Edition Scope of the Yearbook A world directory of the Seventh-day Adventist Church broke out in the vicinity. The first non-Protestant is given in the following pages. It includes the General Christian country entered was Russia, where an Adventist Conference and its international divisions, union and minister went in 1886. On October 20, 1890, the local conferences and missions, and related institutions. schooner Pitcairn was launched at San Francisco and was Institutions that are managed but not fully owned and soon engaged in carrying missionaries to the Pacific operated by church entities are not included. The islands. Seventh-day Adventist workers first entered information has been furnished by the organizations non-Christian countries in 1894—Gold Coast (Ghana), themselves; but in cases where current reports have not West Africa, and Matabeleland, South Africa. The same been received, the most recent previous records have year saw missionaries entering South America, and in been retained or adjusted. 1896 the Church had its representatives in Japan. In the conference and mission sections, workers are The publication and distribution of literature were listed in the following sequence: ordained ministers major factors in the growth of the Advent Movement. The holding ministerial credentials, credentialed commis- Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (now the Adventist sioned ministers, credentialed missionaries, licensed Review), general church paper, was launched in Paris, ministers, licensed commissioned ministers, licensed Maine, in 1850; the Youth's Instructor in Rochester, New missionaries, and credentialed literature evangelists. The York, in 1852; and the Signs of the Times in Oakland, Directory of Workers gives the names and addresses of all California, in 1874. The first denominational publishing credentialed workers, licensed ministers and licensed house, at Battle Creek, Michigan, began operating in commissioned ministers. Institutional workers are listed 1855 and was duly incorporated in 1861 under the name separately in the Index of Institutional Workers. of Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. The data that appears below has been summarized The Health Reform Institute, later known as the Battle largely from the 1986 Annual Statistical Report, while the Creek Sanitarium, opened its doors in 1866, and figures for the number of churches and for church missionary society work was organized on a statewide membership throughout the Yearbook are drawn from basis in 1870. The first of the Church's worldwide official reports rendered for June 30, 1987. network of schools was established in 1872, and 1877 Denominational History saw the formation of state-wide Sabbath school associa- Although the name "Seventh-day Adventist" was tions. In 1903, the denominational headquarters was chosen in 1860, the denomination was not officially moved from Battle Creek, Michigan, to Washington, organized until May 21, 1863, when the movement D.C., where it continues to form the nerve-center of an included some 125 churches and 3,500 members. Work ever-expanding work. Each year sees further develop- was largely confined to North America until 1874 when ment in the work of the Church. the Church's first missionary, J. N. Andrews, was sent to That the Church's growth and God's blessings may be Switzerland. Africa was penetrated briefly in 1879 when accurately and inspiringly reflected in this Yearbook, is Dr. H. P. Ribton, an early convert in Italy, moved to Egypt the desire of the Archives and Statistics Committee and and opened a school, but the project ended when riots staff. World Statistics for 1986 (except as noted) MEMBERSHIP AND WORKERS HEALTH MINISTRY (as of June 30, 1987) Hospitals and sanitariums 150 Baptized church members 5,203,647 Dispensaries, clinics, and launches 363 Organized churches 27,060 Retirement homes and orphanages 74 Ordained ministers, active 10,812 Physicians, dentists, residents, and Total active workers 108,968 interns 1,107 Baptisms and professions of faith 464,678 Nurses 3,437 (July 1, 1986 to June 30, 1987) Outpatient visits 6,322,762 Assets of health-care institutions ... $2,436,383,709 MISSION WORK (1985 figure) Countries in which church is working (1986).... 183 Food companies 27 (Countries and areas in the world-215) PUBLISHING WORK Number of divisions 10 51 Number of unions 94 Publishing houses Number of conferences, missions Languages in which church is working (1986)... 644 172 and fields 414 Languages, publishing in (1986) 6,990 Missionaries sent 443 Literature evangelists Book and periodical sales $125,046,708 GOOD-NEIGHBOR PROGRAM SABBATH SCHOOLS Persons helped 14,391,184 Sabbath school members 5,597,229 Articles of clothing given 22,163,201 Sabbath schools 50,407 Cash and value of food given $13,686,448 CONTRIBUTIONS Tithe—world $496,770,012 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM North America $337,753,429 Schools operated by church 5,380 Sabbath School—world $32,734,425 Total enrollment 736,673 North America $20,035,980 Primary schools 4,460 Ingathering—world $13,313,884 Secondary schools 834 All contributions—world $790,812,155 Colleges and Universities 86 North America $566,888,604 4 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their John 10:30; 14:9; Rom. 6:23; 2 Cor. 5:17-19; John only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be 5:22; Luke 1:35; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 2:9-18; 1 Cor. the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. These beliefs, as 15:3, 4; Heb. 8:1, 2; John 14:1-3.) set forth here, constitute the church's understanding and expression of the teaching of Scripture. Revision of these statements may be expected at a General 5. The Holy Spirit Conference session when the church is led by the God the eternal Spirit was active with the Father Holy Spirit to a fuller understanding of Bible truth or and the Son in Creation, incarnation, and redemp- finds better language in which to express the teach- tion. He inspired the writers of Scripture. He filled ings of God's Holy Word. Christ's life with power. He draws and convicts hu- man beings; and those who respond He renews and transforms into.the image of God. Sent by the Father 1. The Holy Scriptures and the Son to be always with His children, He ex- The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are tends spiritual gifts to the church, empowers it to the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration bear witness to Christ, and in harmony with the Scrip- through holy men of God who spoke and wrote as tures leads it into all truth. (Gen. 1:1, 2; Luke 1:35; they were moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, 4:18; Acts 10:38; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 4:11, God has committed to man the knowledge necessary 12; Acts 1:8; John 14:16-18, 26; 15:26, 27; 16:7-13.) for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are the infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of charac- ter, the test of experience, the authoritative revealer 6. Creation of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God's acts God is Creator of all things, and has revealed in in history. (2 Peter 1:20, 21; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Ps. Scripture the authentic account of His creative activ- 119:105; Prov. 30:5, 6; Isa. 8:20; John 17:17; 1 Thess. ity. In six days the Lord made "the heaven and the 2:13; Heb. 4:12.) earth" and all living things upon the earth, and rested on the seventh day of that first week. Thus He estab- lished the Sabbath as a perpetual memorial of His 2. The Trinity completed creative work. The first man and woman There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a were made in the image of God as the crowning work unity of three co-eternal Persons. God is immortal, of Creation, given dominion over the world, and all-powerful, all-knowing, above all, and ever pres- charged with responsibility to care for it. When the ent. He is infinite and beyond human comprehen- world was finished it was "very good," declaring the sion, yet known through His self-revelation. He is for- glory of God. (Gen. 1; 2; Ex. 20:8-11; Ps. 19:1-6; 33:6, ever worthy of worship, adoration, and service by the 9; 104; Heb.
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