Notes and gleanings

Objekttyp: Group

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1928)

Heft 374

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, CIk Siüiss Observer

Telephone : Clerk en well 9595 Pw6/zs/iea! ere-ny Friday at 23, Leonard Street, London, E.G. 2. Telegrams: Freprincc, London.

Vol. 8—NO. 374 LONDON. DECEMBER 22. 1928. Price 3d.

PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES EXTRACTS FROM SWISS PAPERS. Grenzausweis gemäss den soeben genannten Vor- 3 (13 free) 3-6 schriften ausgestellt siein. Die neue Passverordnunig UNITED KINGDOM 2 Months issues, post - AND COLONIES 1 6 (2d „ - 6/6 Schützenverein.—Unter dem Vorsitz bezeichnet im übrigen den Pass als Ausweis gegen- I 12 (52 - 12/- Eidg. von „ 2. über ausländischen Behörden. Ausweis 6 Months (26 issues, post free) - Frs. 7.50 Oberst Schweighauser (Bern) fand am 1. und Der gegenüber 12 (52 - 14.- Dez. in Baistal die gemeinsame Sitzung des Zentral- den Behörden des Inlandes selbst soll in strenger ^5u;iss >u6scripIioni may 6e part/ rnfo Post*c/iecA-/Conton Grenz- und Auslanclsverkehr Bas/e V 57/5;. komitees mit den Abgeordneten der kantonalem Unterscheidung vom Schützenvereine statt. Als Hauptgeschäft stand die der Heimatschein bleiben. Beratung des Entwurfes für die Statutenrevision auf Wenn die neue Verordnung in diesen we.sent- //OAf£ der Traktandenliste. Die Vorlage des Zentral- liehen Punkten den heutigen rechtlichen Zustand komittees wurde ohne we-entiiehe Aendernngen gut- neu bestätigt, so bringt sie anderseits verschiedene The two chambers of the Swiss Parliament at geheis sen. Die endgültige Erledigung des Ge - begrüssenswerte Erleichterungen für das Publikum. their united sitting last: Thursday (Dec. 13th) re- schäftes wird durch die ordentliche Delegierten- Dieselben betreffen speziell die Ausstellungs- und elected thjç..whole of the Federal Council with the Versammlung im Frühjahr 1929 erfolgen. Die Re- maximale Geltungsdauer des Passes. Die Kon- exception of Federal Councillor Chuard, who re- vision der Vorschriften betr. die Kantonal-, Ehr- ferenz der kantonalen Polizeidirektoren hatte sich signed and retires on January 15th. There was a und Freischiessen wird dem neu zu bildenden vor kurzem in dieser Hinsicht übereinstimmend mit separate poll lor each candidate, and the following " Schützenrat" übertragen. Der Entwurf des dem Vertreter des Justiz- und Polizcidepartemientes are the majorities obtained : Molta 177, Schult.hiess Schiessplanes für das Eidg. Schützenfest 1929 in für entgegenkommende Haltung ausgesprochen. Ge- 184, Haab 183, Scheurer 151, Habcrlin ltiO, Musy Bellinzona ist vom Zentralkomitee genehmigt wor- mäss Regelung von 1915 konnte kein Pass über 152, and Pilet-Goiaz (the new " Homo Secret den. Der Bericht des Fcstortes über 'den Stand der das fünfte Jahr seit dem Datum seiner Ausstellung tarv") 141. 4'he total number of councillors present Vorarbeiten zeugt ciafür, dass Bellinzona die über- hinaus verlängert werden; die neue Verordnung at the election varied from between 227 to 234 and nominelle Aufgabe in befriedigender Weise lösen macht Verlängerungen bis zum 10. Jahr seit dem though the Socialist executive had given orders wird. —ZierÄcr 7\gZZ//t, Datum der Ausstellung möglich. Die Ausstellung to its members to refrain from voting it is evident M. Marcel Pilet-Golaz—conseiller fédéral. — Fils durch die zuständigen Amtsstellen wird wie bis that, this instruction has been disregarded. A small d'un président des tribunaux du IVe ressort, hour- anbin nur für einen Teil der möglichen Geltungs- number of votes—in the last poll as manv as (id--- geois de Château-d'Oex, M. Marcel Edouard Ernest datier erfolgen. Statt bloss auf zwei Jahre kann were recorded in favour of the Genevese profeeor Pi let est né le 31 décembre 1889, à Cossonay. aber fortan die erstmalige Ausstellung auf 3-5 Logoz, who had previously refused to be nomin- Il a fait ses études à la faculté de droit de Jahre geschehen. Die gleichen Vorschriften, wie ated. As Federal President for 1929 Dr. Robert Lausanne entre 1907 et 19 IL puis à Leipzig, à Paris sie hiemit für die Kantone gelten, sind auch anzu- tlaab received 178 votes and as Vice-President Mr. en 1912. wenden von den schweizerischen Vertretungen im 159. This is Dr. llaab's -second Ayant obtenu le 10 décembre 1912, après une Ausland, die für Staatsangehörige Pässe ausstellen. term; he is at the head of the post and railway dissertation sur le droit de superficie, son doctorat Der Bundesrat hat in der neuen Verordnung weitere department, the successful re-organisation of which et sa licence en droit, puis le brevet d'avocat, il Punkte, z. B. die Gebühren frage, die in den ver- is mainly due to his wise policy; in former years s'installa comme avocat à Lausanne dès 10 mai schiedenen Kantonen gelegentlich immer noch un- he was for a short time Swiss Minister at Berlin. 1915, en association avec M. Ernest Vallon. not ig abweichend behandelt wird, nicht berührt. * * Député au Grand Conseil dès le 6 mars 1921, Als ein Schritt zur Erleichterung des Grenzverkehrs For the two seats at the Federal Tribunal five il s'était spécialisé dans les questions financières, kann aber die vorliegende neue Verordnung be- candidates .were officially submitted : Dr. Hablützel fiscales et juridiques et a rapporté sur plusieurs im- stimmt begrüsst werden. (Farmers' Party), Dr. Blocher (Socialist), Dr. Im- portants projets de lois; il s'est fait la réputation —77/gèZ«//. hol (Liberal-Conservative), Dr. Nägeli (Liberal), d'un orateur brillant et disert. and Dr. von Arx. In the first poll Dr. Hablützel Il a été élu au Conseil national aux élections (Zurich) obtained 125 votes, none of the other four générales de 1925. 7VOr£S A7VZ) GL£A/V/yVGS. candidates securing the required majority of 113. De plus il est professeur de droit usuel à After another fruitless poll Dr. Lug. Blocher l'Ecole cantonale d'agriculture de Marcelin. Lugano. (Basle) gained 117 votes the 101 his Recruté en 1928 dans in- * against of un- juillet l'infanterie, There is a large number of descriptive articles successful Dr. ImhoL corporé au bataillon 8, il est et commande opponent major relating to sundry winter sports topics in this •-(: 515 le d'infanterie 1 le 24 1924. bataillon depuis juin week's cuttings. The .S7«r (Dec. 14th) publishes Montreux is to have a office, for Pendant ses a de Belles new post études, il fait partie - a " rhapsodic appreciation" of the attractions of the which a credit of 1 ,(> million francs is Lettres de Lausanne a 1909 et purpose lie- qu'il présidée en Maloja Hotel, one of the largest establishments in ing the Federal Council. 1910, dont est honoraire et dont des sought by il il fut l'un the Engadine and situate about one hour's journey * -T * " plus brillants acteurs. It est. resté un amateur pas- by postal coach from St. Moritz. The December is stated that Dr. Eckener, of Graf sionné de suivant les It Zeppelin théâtre, régulièrement repré- issue of Z>/ar/Ue<70<7'.v .l/rtgas/wc gives a detailed fame, is contemplating the acquisition of a large sentations de la de Lausanne. troupe description (22 pages) of a newly discovered route plot of land Basle for the of rie near purpose erecting M. Filet a épousé la fille Donat Golaz, qui for ascending Mont Blanc which, according to the an airship station for trans-Atlantic traffic. de 1885 à 1893. fut député et conseiller d'Etat author, can be followed without guides. * * * r/e Gcz/ùe'c. -/cwzvmZ The Council meeting of the of Nations Towards the construction of a local concert League kühne has focussed this hall Frs. 41,000 have been secured at two concerts Erfolge eines Auslandschweizers Der Ope- at Lugano naturally attention on die des old-world We a sketch from 77ze given by the famous pianist l'aderewski in the raten,r, der Amerikafahrt neuen Zeppelin- town. reproduce Sco/.vwö« : cathedral at Lausanne. schiffes mitgemacht, Hans Rudolf Meyer, ein seit (Dec. 10th) — :fc * :K sieben Jahren in Berlin lebender Auslandschweizer, " Lugano—there is both music and magic in the A—young Zurich aviator, Alfred Elsässer, age der Sohn von alt Konditor Meyer in Zürich, gehört name! I heard a lady visitor breathe it with a die 24. crashed to death when making a trial flight: in zu jenen erfolgreichen Kameraleuten, schnell voice full of wistfulness and longing, as she turned order to be photographed; through same unknown die Aufmerksamkeit der Berliner Ufa-Filmge eil- for a last look at its horseshoe bay of dazzling delect the aeroplane, which was an invention and schaft gefunden haben. Nachdem Mover in Zürich blue, with a guardian mountain at either end. construction of his own, commenced to drop prac- die Kunst der Photographie erlernt hatte, zog er The pictures that: rise in one's mind when one tically perpendicularly without the pilot being able nach München an die Versuchsanstalt für Photo- looks back on Lugano are a colourful series. und siedelte hierauf nach Berlin über, to gain control. graphie wo The delegates, on arriving, will doubtless be er sich privat der schwierigen Mikro-Kinemato - waited speedily away in cars to their hotels at Appel pour la Commemoration de la graphie widmete. Seine guten Leistungen ver - Paradiso. But: it would be wiser, daylight schafften ihm das bei der if Bataille de Giornico Engagement Kulturfilm- still lingers, to proceed thither oil foot. From der für welche zahlreiche Lehr- abteilung Ufa, er the station itself we obtained the first of our • (1478-1928) filme erstellt hat. Darunter Ircfindet sich auch einer pictures, a view of Monte Bré, dotted all over " Von der Schulbank zum Verkehrsflleger," wo er Cette année aura lieu le 450me anniversaire de its sides with little yellow and pink villas, climb- als Schüler der deutschen Reichsfliegerschule auch la bataille de Giornico. Cet événement historique, ing higher and higher in their zest for the best die Regie führte. Im aktiven Flugdienst ist Mever assez célébré être retenu le berceau de l'hel- of all possible views over the lake. Descending pour unlängst mit einem Junkers Sportflugzeug ins Wasser vétisme de notre canton, sera fêté à Giornico by funicular, with masses of rosepink oleanders par gestürzt; derzeit >ind spezielle Luf;aufnahmen mit une importante cérémonie commemorative. En sou - pressed close up to the railway track, we alighted Kunstflieger Stoehr geplant. An der Kulturfilm- venir de oette commémoration et comme témoignage to find ourselves in an open-air bazaar that had abteilunig der Berliner Ufa ist noch ein weiterer de notre reconnaissance envers pères et de notre more than a suggestion of the Orient about it. nos Zürcher, Dr. Rickli, der he- attachement à la patrie suisse, la de Mikrophotographie Great bales of cioth and all manner of articles Municipalité treibt, tätig. Giornico fera placer, dans le village historique, un —ZmWcä. of clothing were there spread out, with a great monument dont l'inauguration aura lieu pendant les Neue Passverordnung. -Der Bundesrat hat, wie scarlet umbrella giving a definite and defiant j ou rnées commémorât iv es. gemeldet, eine neue eidgenössische Passverordnung colour note. L'amour de la patrie et la gratitude envers les erlassen, durch die der Bundesratsbeschluss vom Leaving behind us the narrow, porticoed ancêtres qui nous ont laissé une terre libre et November 1915, der seinerzeit erstmalig bundes- shopping streets, we made our way, by the lake- glorieuse sont profondément enracinés clans le coeur rechtliche Bestimmungen im Passwesen brachte, side, to the hotel suburb of Paradiso, so well die- de chaque citoyen suisse. ersetzt wird und gestützt auf die seit 1915 gemach- serving of its name. The sub-tropical garden Nous nous adressons donc à chaque Suisse en ten Erfahrungen einer in verschiedenen Punkten that borders that lake of sunshine is fascinating patrie et à l'étranger, et à toutes les institutions den heutigen Verhältnissen angepassten Neurege- by reason of the variety of its shrubs, its palm helvétiques, afin que grâce à leur généreux appui lung Platz macht. Festgehalten ist von der his- trees and its banana trees, its oleanders, white financier, cette célébration soit vraiment solennelle. herigen Regelung voir allem der wichtigste Punkt, and pink, its feathery acacias, and its sweet- Nous en graverons le souvenir dans lie granit class nämlich die einst k internalen Pässe durch einen smelling mimosas, and the mingling of their exotic des monts lépontiens près des autres monuments du einheitlichen schweizerischen Pass, ausgestellt von perfumes. passé. den Kantonen, ersetzt sind; ebenso bleibt die Vor- On this garden, as on Paradiso, which lies Nous sollicitons donc votre fraternelle coopé- schrift bestehen, dass die Ausstellung des Passes nearer its base, San Salvatore, the other guardian ration. in jedem Kanton nur noch durch eine einzige Stelle of the bay, is gazing all the time. San Salvatore, Vive la Suisse, Vive le Tessin zu erfolgen hat. Die Schweiz fordert bekanntlich unlike Monte Bré, does not court the attention Pour la Municipalité de Giornico, laut Verordnung vom Jafre 1921 für das Betreten of the ambitious coloured villas. Its sides, up Le 4/a/ze, unseres Staatsgebietes die Vorweisung eines Passes; which one is permitted to climb by funicular, are Z,e Secré/a.Ve. für schweizerische Staai jangehörige muss dieser contrastingly bare. A little church has, how- 17110 FI IE SWISS OBSERVER. DeceMÖer 22, 1$28:

evëfj secü.f-e<3 fifiè sdfiifnit fHi à vilntäge (folHt, appedf in Boliiia and Päfttgu^y: !' It if ffcärcd/'f 'the àfcliëffie "of, deco'fatiÖfi; THfe' poetic.- art Was aria from ii§ Sätnät rcrdöl one fàzes ovëf, ä wide- cäole the coffÉspondéfits, "(lltif hostilitiesitiës nu$nrui^ spf'ëld tiäfiöfämä thät includéi Motifê Rfctèa Ettltl lu. utiiciliner juuuiSÖfith .„^rtièricaili.uaii Avfeput^lics.'Kepiitjlics." MHflte èëfiéroso, ⧠Well as fûrthèf-aistariî MtÖW- at is sffifrifys the xvaf; Trie fife rltnoft^ the bfidft ljd^fitt themselves tttttrrensëty. clad the and the nations one and the peaks of Alps. war among are same. It looks as if we were on the eve of a sausage Market day is the day of days in Lugano. They begin easily, they spread rapidly, they con- boom in this country; if any of our readers still leave a blackened waste Early in the moinirig the country people come sume everything; they hâve cash to spare, ofir advertising column will re- when they are over. trooping into the town, conspicuous among them commend a sound investment. being old women with faces wrinkled and yellow, The delegates at Lugano have great oppor- tiinities them. the world's cärfying on their backs those curious wide - awaiting At present QUOTATIONS from the SWISS Stock exchanges mouthed, sharp-bottomed baskets which are diplomats are gambling on war. Let the dele- Dec. 11 Dec. 18 pè- Bonds. culiar to the villages of the Italian Lakes. In gates, and particularly Sir Austen Chamberlain, 1903 82 AO these g-erZzzv they to market the produce M. Briand, and Dr. Stresernann gamble on peace. Confederation 3°» 82.50 convey 5% 35 of their and Disarmament is the röyäl road to peace. It is 1917, yill Mob.Ln 101.80 102 gardens of their poultry yards. More Federal 31% A—K 87.05 87.05 blocked fear and mistftiSt. is the duty of Railways extensive^ than usual is the display of goods in the by It 1924 IV Elect. Ln. 101.85 102.00 the narrow streets around the Piazza; fruits in great delegates to cleat the road. /17e;i7ë;lrv, /tftVL? ShàiIes. Kom. Dëé. 11 Déc. 18 abundance, cheese that scents the air rather over- zw /ezii /" Frs. Frs. Frs. poweringly, the farinacious foods, Swiss Bank Corporation 5ÖÖ 855 852 polenta, ver- Swiss Military Expenses. Credit Suisse... 500 980 987 rnicelli, and the rest beloved of the Italians, This is what the ZILzzlzcAesTer DzzmZzTzzz (Dec. Dnioti de Banques Suisses.. 500 770 767 strings of'sausages, as well as silks and sàtins, Société pour l'Industrie CHimiqhè 1000 3477 3468 10th) says about the recent increase in our military tfiè bright-coloured handkerchiefs that so ëfiec- Fabrique Chimique ci-dev. Sandot 1000 5337 5275 drape the heätls of clafk-eved beauties, the budget :— Soc. Iiid. pour la Schappe 1000 4330 4315 tivfely S.A. Brown Boveri .350 588 593 fed and siihshadfes 'in " The Swiss Parliament yesterday concluded yellow for which, we our C. F. Billy 1000 1500 1520 more doleful climate have little use, all meet tirid two, days' debates oh the thilitarv Budget for Nestlé & Anglo-SWiss Cbrid. Mfc. Ce. 200 930 929 rrtlngle there in the streets of Lugano. Stalls, 1920, which amounts to 86,500,000 Swiss francs Entreprises Sulzèr S.A. 1000 1210 1240 too, are laid out under the trees where (£3,460,000); notwithstanding the Parliamentary Comp, de Navig'n sur le Lie Létban 500 520 520 profusely Linoleum 100 335 338 the market takes the tesoitition of 1925, in which the Government was A.G. Giubiasco morning place; in midst of Maschinenfabrik Öerlikon 500 805 • 805 tpfem yon will probably find a huge waggon, invited to limit rhilitary expenses to 85,000,000 draifii by two yellow-coloured such a yoke francs (£3,4C0,000). This new increase of oxen, NUMBERS OF as,was familiar in Virgil's day, adding a quaint, 1,500,000 francs (£60,000) was not only met BACK THE "5.O." primitive touch io a scene already sufficiently with sharp opposition from the Socialists and Subscribers back numbers picturesque. Communists, hut some Radical and Catholic iuerti- ordering are requested bers expressed deep disappointment that the Swiss to remit the usual 3d. per ropy, provided that Up behind the principal streets, whose por- Gbverhtaerit did not this increase of the those required do not date back more than twelve ticocs succeed in them cool, there deplore keeping are Budget of Switzeidänd both for months; for earlier' issues, some of which are other streets and alleys, less frequented military pacifist narrow national and international Èven these out of print, an extra charge is made. by the tourist; these lie around the cathedral. reasons. Members of the Governmental parties expressed Every now and then even there one comes upon that AI. Motta's international at house that is brightened by Festooning regret policy a greenery. Geneva is contradicted the of the mili- In the morning will find their bedclothes by policy Tell your English Friends you at Berne. hanging out at these windows to air. tary department to The Swiss Minister of Defence defended the Visit All around the lakeside there are dotted little Budget by reference to new expenses amounting with names that are musical, villages, equally to half a million francs (£20,000) caused by the e.ach of which imprints its own individualistic ähd Switzerland new law increasing military salaries, pointed the fnirtd: these Gandria is the picture on Of out that 1,000,000 francs were necessitated by most, its old-world houses picturesque, rising the repetition of militia exercise's, which had not and to buy their TicKets out of the mellow with and straight water, age been held for ten years ätitl now seeffled in - squalid; but bearing the remains of beautiful evitable. from frescoes on their walls. By numerous steps and The Socialists then proposée!, the rejection and alleys one climbs the hillside to The Swiss Federal Railways, steep narrow of the credits for these exercises, the church, with its characteristic campanile and repetition however, were by 100 votes to Gäflton House, Regëht St., S.W.I. its passing doors, which, approved lib, tiny burving-ground, cottage 69. The of about 50 where cobblers sit at their work under the minority were composed over- Socialists and Communists and 20 Catholics and frellis-work soft and hanging of greenery, of- Radicals. =iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iH!iiiiiiiiiiliiilf!liiiiiliiiifilfiliiillilliililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiilliiiË casionally meeting one of these old women with The vote shows a growing opposition even Téléphone Numbers : "Ben farärino i Tagarii." her gerZzz filled with faggots. Further along the 4302 <7 S the Government parlies against the ex- muséum (rn-iiors) Purpa^orio ;rii\ the the tea among EE MUSEUM 7055 (Ojftc,?) dee lakeside, at Grotto, where gav-painted is "Vèilir se ne giû 5 penditure ol for military needs. It re- EE tra' miei Meschini." tables overhang the edge of the water, there lives money Telegrams : SOUFFLE märkable that all "Catholic and Radical Geneva WESDO, LONDON Z>aw te. /w/erwo. O. aœufi. E a picturesquely-attired lady who, as the delegates as well as the Radical M. Riisca, of will doubtless be reminded by the hotel members, £sfa&/is/iea/Zy Zl/az'Z (Dec. 12th) lias the following and walnuts ripen in the and little g:rev- notice; the heroine is of course a near relative of open, IrÖUR coloured lizards dart hither and thither in the the other distinguished lady .so beloved in our Butt stone and universally the circle old walls. Colonv admired in wide jbuclratfi mes Blue skies, blue lake, dazzling sunshine, of her activity. from duty paid colour everywhere—such is Lugano " "Mlle, Vivienne De Watteville, the young my LÖNDÖN Swiss whose as a big hunter stock We do riot Wish to disturb the feeling of com- girl, reputation game recently led to her being presented to the Prince plete harmbny created after perusing the above but of Wales at Nairobi, has Deen elected a member the following leader headed Messieurs, faites vos of honour of the Berne Natural History Society. îëiix from the Z)«/7y Z)Zs")feZc/z (Dec; 11th) written Four she was on an expedition on the eve of the meeting seerrts to be — years ago opportune: in the African bush with her father, when tie was " Life plays some queer tricks at times with killed by a lion. Instead of returhing home, the called the of puppets men. Yesterday League as many people in her position Would have done, H. H. BAUM ANN, Nations Council opened its quarterly session—in she she had achieved lier pushed forward until 21, Mincing Lane; a gambling room at Lugano It may, or mav father's ambitiori, which was to procure a white not, be an appropriate setting. It was most rhinoceros for the Berne Museum. LONDON; E.C.3. We certainly an appropriate moment. are told The Prince of Wales, it appears, was par- Phone: Royal 4988. millions citizens the that of American are urging ticularly interested in a film, supposed to he the aitao ratification of the Kellogg Treaty; also that first of its kind, which Aille, de Watteville man- a aoBBaagiaiBtaaa has asked President Coolidge Congress to author- aged to get of a fight to the death between two ise the expenditure of an additional £270,000 on btdl elephants. Swiss Sausages çach of the two giant submarines now being To obtain this she waded waist deep with ALL KINDS — HIGHEST QUALITY be- built for the United States Navy. Two days her camera into a river irtfeâted with crocodiles Made daily on premisëà With English meat only assembled in this fore the delegates charming and, disregarding the entreaties of the askari ap- Swiss Prices- - - 2/ to 4/6 per lb. Swiss resort to "make their play" the Par- pointed tti look after her, calmly turned the good liament increased its military Budget for the com- handle until one Of the beasts fell mortally WHy ttdt get a supply or your ing year by £60,000 On the same day Signor wounded." favourite sausage for the cofnitig festivities Mussolini drew attention to the fact that while Sausage Party. all are in favour of peace the whole world is O. BART MÖLÖi, arming. " We clo Hot want to disturb European In reproducing the following from the /AzzZj' 4, CHARLOTTE STREET, LONDON, W. 1. /feeozY/ descent! from the sublime to (iVea?' Tel.: ÄfUSEUM 5762 equilibrium," he added, "but Wc must be ready." (Dec. 7th) we 000^ the but readers not. ouïr That is what they all say. That is what they ridiculous, our will expect RESTAURANT AND CHARCUTERIE. Minister emulate the feat, of other members of (xooiîs se«< Post, said in pre-war days. It is an attitfide of which to Preyairf or Ç.O.D. his in down the white rhinöoeröti ; the average schoolboy would be ashamed; vet family hunting he must of necessity be satisfied with lesser fry. the highest-placed diplomats all over the civilised Af/SCELLAAEOt/5 ADVER775£'M£A'75 (save the mark!) world cànnbt rise above it. We " The ex-King of Greece; the Swiss Minister, carihot wonder at South Arhericah Republics snarl- " Jix," and à host of titled and distinguished folk Not exceeding 3 lines:—Per insertion. 2/6 ; three insertions 5/- oh replies ^ddre^eh c/ogShIss iiig at one airother; ;ind recalling their repres&n- attehded a " säbsage party " held the dthef night Postage extrâ when PbWers such a Säüsagfes tattvès the Great set poor by Mrs. Roslta Forbes, the explorer. INTELLIGENT. BOY wanted for Composing Room ; example. What we can do is to read; mark, in variouâ guises formed the complete menu : one showing promise Would be trained as Compositor. leärn and inwardly digest the portents as they sausage balloons and paintings of sausages formed —Apply F.T;C., 23, Leonard Street, E.C.2.