Local Development Area Structure Plans East Deep Creek, Victory Heights & Southside Planning Report 23 June 2016 Gympie Regional Council Disclaimer Gympie Regional Council (Council) publishes the information in this report as a DRAFT ONLY for stakeholder engagement purposes. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information published, Council makes no representations and gives no warranties in relation to the information provided (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, quality, or suitability). The data (including 3rd party sourced data) that underpins the mapping in this draft report is subject to change without notice as additions, improvements and other edits are made. Council disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including through negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the use of the information in this draft report. Town Planning Information The mapping in the draft report does not replace the formal planning scheme maps published on the Gympie Regional Council website and, to the extent of any inconsistency between the draft mapping in this report and the formal planning scheme maps, the formal planning scheme maps prevail. This report is a draft and is not intended to be used for official purposes such as property transactions or settlements. You should NOT rely upon this draft report to make any decisions, and not use this draft report as a basis to decide whether to purchase or finance property. This document has been prepared for: Contact: Planning Strategy and Major Projects 1300 307 800 29 Channon St, Gympie, QLD, 4570
[email protected].