Comité Technique Technical Committee

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Comité Technique Technical Committee Français Comité International de Coordination pour la Sauvegarde et le Développement du Site Historique d'Angkor International Co-ordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor Comité Technique Technical Committee co-présidé par / co-chaired by M./Mr. Dominique Freslon M./Mr. Norio Maruyama Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action culturelle Ministre Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs Minister Ambassade de France Ambassade du Japon Embassy of France Embassy of Japan Siem Reap – 5 & 6 juillet 2007 – Hôtel Sokha-Angkor Siem Reap – July 5 & 6, 2007 – Sokha-Angkor Hotel Comité International de Coordination pour la Sauvegarde et le Développement du Site Historique d'Angkor International Co-ordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor co-présidé par / co-chaired by M./Mr. Dominique Freslon M./Mr. Norio Maruyama Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action culturelle Ministre Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs Minister Ambassade de France Ambassade du Japon Embassy of France Embassy of Japan Siem Reap – 5 & 6 juillet 2007 – Hôtel Sokha-Angkor Siem Reap – July 5 & 6, 2007 – Sokha-Angkor Hotel Secrétariat permanent du C.I.C. Angkor #38 Bld Samdech Sothearos, B.P. 29, UNESCO Phnom Penh, Cambodge Tél.: (855-23) 723 054 / 426 726 Fax (855-23) 426 163 / 217 022 Mél.: [email protected] 16th Technical Committee / 16e Comité Technique SECRÉTARIAT PERMANENT • Bureau de l’UNESCO Adresse : 38, bd Samdech Sothearos BP 29 Phnom Penh Cambodge Tél. : (855) (23) 426 726 (855) (23) 723 054 / 725 071 (855) (12) 556 277 (855) (16) 831 520 Fax : (855) (23) 426 163 / 217 022 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] • Secrétariat permanent à Paris M. Azedine BESCHAOUCH Secrétaire sccientifique permanent à Phnom Penh M. Philippe Delanghe M. Lim Bun Hok Mme CHAU SUN Kérya (ANA) International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Devel- Comité international de coordination pour la sauvegarde et le dévelop- opment of the Historic Site of Angkor pement du site historique d’Angkor Sixteenth Technical Committee—July 5&6, 2007 Seizième Comité Technique – 5&6 juillet 2007 16th Technical Session / 16e Session Technique 1/105 TABLE OF CONTENTS RECORD OF THE DISCUSSIONS........................................................................................................... 4 I. OPENING SESSION ..................................................................................................... 4 I.1. Opening Statement by the Co-chairman for France, Mr Dominique Freslon, Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs, Embassy of France in Cambodia .......... 4 I.2. Opening Statement by the Co-chairman for Japan, Mr Norio Maruyama, Minister with the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia......................................................................... 6 I.3. Statement by the Representative of the Royal Government of Cambodia, HE Mr Veng Sereyvuth, Senior Minister and Chairman of the National Tourism Authority. 7 I.4. Introduction by Mr Teruo Jinnai, Representative of the Director-General of UNESCO in Cambodia ....................................................................................................................... 8 I.5. Contribution from Mr Mounir Bouchenaki, Director General of ICCROM.................... 9 II. RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION .............................................................................. 9 II.1. Report from the ICC Permanent Secretariat, by Mr Azedine Beschaouch ........... 9 II.2. APSARA National Authority .....................................................................................12 II.2.1. Introduction by Mr Bun Narith, Director General ....................................................... 12 II.2.2. Report on the Western Baray.................................................................................. 13 II.2.3. Report from the Western Baray Commission, Chaired by Mr Chuch Phoeurn, Secretary of State with the Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Presented by the Secretariat ...... 17 II.2.4. Report on the Northern Baray, by Mr Hang Peou, Director, Department of Water and Forestry.......................................................................................................................... 18 II.2.5. Run Ta Ek Project, by Mr Khuon Khun Neay, Director, Department of Monuments and Archaeology 2 ................................................................................................................. 20 II.2.6. Report on Research on Ancient Features, Including Hospitals, on the Angkor to Phimai Road, by Mr Im Sok Rithy, Department of Population and Development ............................... 22 II.3. Report from the Ad Hoc Group of Experts...............................................................26 II.3.1. Mr Giorgio Croci: ................................................................................................... 26 II.3.2. Mr Pierre-André Lablaude:...................................................................................... 26 II.3.3. M. Hiroyuki Suzuki:................................................................................................ 28 II.3.4. Mr Bouchenaki (report given by Mr Beschaouch): ..................................................... 28 GENERAL DISCUSSION ................................................................................................ 29 II.4. Activity Reports from International Teams.............................................................33 II.4.1. Bayon Temple Safeguarding, JASA (Japan-Cambodia) Project; New Framework for Implementation of the Bayon Safeguarding Project, by Professor Takeshi Nakagawa, Co-director..33 II.4.2. Activities of the World Monuments Fund, Presented by John Stubbs, Vice President for Field Projects ...............................................................................35 II.4.3. GACP Flying Squad Activities in Angkor, Kulen and Koh Ker, by Professor Hans Leisen . 40 II.4.4. Baphuon Temple Restoration Program: Progress Report, by Mr Pascal Royère, EFEO-FSP ...42 II.4.5. Outline of the 2007 Excavation Campaign, France-Cambodia Mission on Structuring of Angkorian Territory, by Christophe Pottier, EFEO ................................................................ 44 II.4.6. New Archaeological Data on the Angkor Thom Outer Moat, by Professor Jacques Gaucher, Director, French Archaeological Mission at Angkor Thom, EFEO Scientific Research .. 46 II.4.7. Petrographic and Elemental Characterization of the Sandstone Used in Construction of the Angkor Monuments, by Dr Jan Kucera et al,1 Nuclear Physics Institute, ASCR, Czech Republic.......48 II.4.8. Safeguarding Ta Prohm Temple, by Mr Vijai Madan, Director General of ASI............. 52 II.4.9. Activities of the Sophia University International Mission at Angkor .............................. 56 II.4.10. Report on the Restoration Work on Chau Say Tevoda Temple from January to June 2007, Presented by Dr Wu Yuhua, CSA (China).................................................................. 59 II.4.11. The Ta Keo Project: Evaluation of the Impact of Tree Removal on the Acceleration of Stone Weathering on the Angkor Site, by Professor Marie-Françoise André, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France ................................................................................ 59 International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development Comité international de coordination pour la sauvegarde et le développement of the Historic Site of Angkor du site historique d’Angkor Sixteenth Technical Session—July 5 & 6, 2007 Seizième Session Technique – 5 et 6 juillet 2007 16th Technical Session / 16e Session Technique 2/105 II.4.12. Investigation and Research on Prasat Top West, by Messrs Susumu Morimoto and Keo Sok Sovannara, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan .........60 II.4.13. Joint Research Project on Stone Conservation at Ta Nei, presented by Ms Yoko Futagami and Ms Tomoko Uno, Researchers, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan ............................................................................................. 62 II.4.14. Joint Project on the Banteay Srei Temple Approach Area Conducted by BSCP (Switzerland) and the APSARA Authority (Cambodia), by Mr Ueli Salzman, Director of the Banteay Srei Project ........................................................................................................ 63 II.4.15. A New Comprehensive Map of the Archaeological Region of Greater Angkor, by Mr Damian Evans, University of Sydney, Australia................................................................... 64 II.4.16. Conservation and Context—Collections and Historical Sites, by Mr Beschaouch on Behalf of ICCROM........................................................................................................... 66 GENERAL DISCUSSION ................................................................................................ 66 III. Sustainable Development ...................................................................................... 70 III.1. Report on Temple Approach Area Work and Work on the Banteay Srei Approach Area, by Ms Chau Sun Kérya, Director, Angkor Tourism Development Department....70 III.2. Urban Heritage Rehabilitation, With Particular Focus on Current Efforts to Clean Up the Seam Reap River Banks, by Mme Tep Vattho, Director, Department of Urban Planning and Development of the Siem
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