27 EDWARD I. 431

1299. Membrane 1C — cont. Aug. 10. Letters for John, abbot of Gerondon, going beyond seas, nominating Alan Kempton. de Shepesheved his attorney until Christmas. By IL Aug. 11. Exemption, for life, of John de Valle Torta from being put on assizes, Kempton. juries or recognisances, on testimony before the king by Otto de Grandisono of his age and infirmity. By K,

MEMBRANE 15. Aug. 8. Grant to the bailiffs and good men of the town of Cardigan of murage Kempton. for five years. By K., on the information of J. de Benstede. Aug. 10. Pardon to Hugh de Veer for taking a doe with a fawn in his park of Kempton. Hanyngfeld, within the metes of the forest of Essex, By K. Aug. 12. Inhibition to all abbots of the Cistercian order congregated in London Kempton. from crossing the seas this time to their general chapter without licence, except however the abbot of Gerudon, to whom the king has given licence. Aug. 12. Appointment of William de Hamelton, archdeacon of York, and John de Kempton. Cobeham to dig for, find and take the treasure which the king understands is in the church of St. Martin-iri-the-fields near Charring or in the neighbourhood, and the sheriffs of London and are to give their aid. Aug. 14. Appointment of John de DrokenesfoH, keeper of the wardrobe, and Kempton. Kalph de Sandwvco, of the , to hear the reasons of Bonaventurus Hu^elyn, sometime merchant of Siena, who has come into the realm against the prohibition, for which he has been arrested in London, and to do him fall justice thereupon. The king has commanded the mayor and sheriffs of the city to be attentive to them. Aug. 14. Letters for John de Fresingfeld, staying in Ireland, nominating Thomas Kempton. le Grom his attorney for two years. By K"., on the information of J. de Benstede, Aug. 15. Pardon to John the Miller (molendinarius) for the death of Thomas le Kempton. Chapeler, as it appears by the record of Ralph de Sandwyco and Stephen de Gravesende, j unices appointed to deliver Neugate gaol, that he killed him in self-defence. By K. Aug. 21. Grant to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, the king's kinsman, of the custody of Woking. the first archbishopric or bishopric which falls void until he has fully raised from the issues thereof 2,000 marks lent by him to the king, to wit, 1,000 marks delivered to John de Drokenesford, king's clerk, keeper of the wardrobe, and 1,000 marks to be delivered within fifteen days. Any deficit is to be made good out of the issues of the next void see. Aug. 18. Appointment of John cle Barr to the custody of the manor of Whytewyk, Chertsey. co. Leicester, lately forfeited by John Comyn, earl of Boghan, enemy and rebel of the king, until his lands and tenements in the realm of France, seized into that king's hands by reason of the recent war with France, be restored to him, or until further order. Aug. 21. Protection with clause volumus, until the Purification, for William de Guildford. Dane, going to the court of Rome on the king's service. By p.s. Aug. 18. Appointment of Peter Amaneui, captal de Bouche (capital?. deBogio), and Chertsey. Poncius, lord of Chatillon, knights, to all the lands which Kobert de 'Stutevill held in before the war with France, and which the king seized into his hands on account of that war; to hold for their maintenance aecordin" to the ordinance for the maintenance of them and other Gascons lately