Apj Ads Buy Sell Want Lists
AAMS EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT APJ ADS BUY SELL WANT LISTS RATES: AEROGRAMMES - Have duplicates to FOUR CENTS PER WORD per insertion. exchange or sell. These include the scarce •\IIinimum charge one dollar. Remittance South African and Korean military sheets . must accompany order and copy. The Richard P. Heffner, 2012 Spring Street, AIRPOST JOURNAL. 350 No. Deere Park West Lawn, Penna. *372 Drive, Highland Park, Ill. EXCHANGE WANTED - Postally us2d 6 3/4 AIRMAIL ENVELOPES, Barber Pole Aerograms UN. M.L Position Blocks. 1st design, 24 lb. Parchment Stock, 100% Rag day. Dr. Keller., Sr., Hilton, N. Y. *371 Content. Prices and Samples Ten Cents. Milton Ehrlich, 34-15A 31st Ave., Long Is OFFERING St. Lawrence Seaway land City 6, N. Y. Member A.A.M.S. 372 Souvenir Wooden Money (2). Want Plate Block Be Champion, or three 4c Commem. YOU OWE it to yourself to join Airmails Plates. John Kitchen, Route 6, 'Voodstock, Exclusively. No cash fees for next sixty Ontario, Canada. *371 days. Join now. Airmails Exclusively, ---· ·----------------- 1757 Henderson St., Chicago 13, 11. *371 50-4c U.S. Mint Comm. will bring you regular 200 kit of Phila-Tex cellulose ace FOREIGN Used Airmail Stamp, Single3 tate for making your own mounts. Ar and Complete sets on and off covers, better, 5319 N. Bernard, Chicago 25, Ill. Want list filled, Price list free. H/R Stamp Co., Box 89-N Long Beach, N. Y. *3'/2 ANTARCTIC Covers: Exchange ship for ship, base for base, flown cover for flown SCOTT #369 - 2c Lincoln 1909, bluish oa cover. Bill S9hneider, Metuchen, New per, very fine to superb.
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