Congressional Record—Senate S2014
S2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 9, 2018 (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2578, a bill to amend title 13, Whereas October 18, 1915, marked the ar- of S. 2391, a bill to prohibit the United United States Code, to require the Sec- rival at the Navy Installation of Connecticut States Government from using or con- retary of Commerce to provide ad- of the submarines G–1, G–2, and G–4 under tracting with an entity that uses cer- vanced notice to Congress before the care of the tender USS Ozark, soon fol- lowed by the arrival of submarines E–1, D–1, tain telecommunications services or changing any questions on the decen- and D–3 under the care of the tender USS equipment, and for other purposes. nial census, and for other purposes. Tonopah, and on November 1, 1915, the ar- S. 2393 S. 2580 rival of the first ship built as a submarine At the request of Mr. COONS, the At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the tender, the USS Fulton; names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. name of the Senator from California Whereas, on June 21, 1916, Commander Yates Stirling, Jr., assumed the command of BROWN), the Senator from Georgia (Mr. (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 2580, a bill to amend title the newly designated Naval Submarine Base PERDUE), the Senator from South Caro- New London, the New London Submarine lina (Mr. GRAHAM), the Senator from 13, United States Code, to make clear Flotilla, and the Submarine School; West Virginia (Mr.
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