Department of the Parhamentary Library

Atlas ofUnemployment

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~. ~ , ISSN 1037-2938

Copyright Commonwealth ofAuatralia 1992 Except to the extent ofthe uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including information storage and retrieval system, with the prior written consent of the Department of the Parliamentary Library. other than by Members of the Australian Parliament in the course oftheir official duties. Publishedby the Depanment ofthe Parliamentary Library, 1992 Department ofthe Parliamentary Library

Parliamentary Research Service

Background Paper Number 7 1992 Atlas ofUnemployment

Andrew Kopras Tony Kryger

Telephone: 06 2772483 062772486 Facsimile: 062732711

24 June 1992 This paper has been prepared for general distribution to Members of the Australian Parliament. Readers outside the Parliament are reminded that this is not an Australian Government policy document, but a paper prepared by the author and published by the Parliamentary Research Service to contribute to consideration of the issues by Senators and Members. The views expressed in the paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Research Service and are not to be attributed to the Department ofthe Parliamentary Library. CONTENTS

Introduction 1

Maps -Unemployment Rate, December Qtr 1991 2 New South Wales (excluding Sydney) 3 4 Victoria (excluding Melbourne) 5 Brisbane 6 Queensland (excluding Brisbane) 7 8 Western Australia 9 Tasmania 10 Northern Territory 11 Maps -Increase in Unemployment, June Qtr 1990 to December Qtr 1991 Sydney 12 New South Wales (excluding Sydney) 13 Melbourne 14 Victoria (excluding Melbourne) 15 Brisbane 16 Queensland (excluding Brisbane) 17 South Australia 18 Western Australia 19 Tasmania 20 Northern Territory 21

Tables -Unemployment Estimates New South Wales 22 Victoria 29 Queensland 36 South Australia 45 Western Australia 49 Tasmania 54 Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory 56



In December Quarter 1991, the unemployment rate for Australia was 9.5 per cent, the highest since the 1982-83 recession and one of the highest rates since 1 the Great Depression of 1929-33 , when the unemployment rate in Australia 2 climbed to 19.7 per cent • The burden of unemployment, however, does not fall evenly across all geographic areas of Australia. For example, in the December Quarter 1991, Ku-ring-gai (NSW) had an unemployment rate of 2.5 per cent whereas in Elizabeth (SA) it was as high as 23.8 per cent (which exceeds the unemployment rate reached by Australia during the Depression). 3 The purpose of this paper is to show, in map form , how unemployment is distributed acrossAustralia. This is done in 2 ways: • by mapping the unemployment rate in the December Quarter 1991 of each Local Government Area (LGA) in Australia; and • by mapping the percentage growth in the number of unemployed persons in the 18 months to December Quarter 1991 4 in each LGA in Australia. The unemployment estimates on which these maps are based are those produced by the Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) and which appear in its quarterly publication entitled Small Area Labour Markets - Australia. The DEET estimates of unemployed persons and unemployment rates for LGAs are derived from ABS Labour Force Survey results which are published monthly for 60 geographical regions in Australia. The DEET estimates are generated using a technique based on the Structure Preserving Estimation methodology developed initially by Purcell and Kish (1979) and investigated further at the Australian Bureau of Statistics by Feeney (1985).

lIn the 3 months to March 1992, the unemployment rate for Australia rose to 11.3 per cent, making this the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. 2Vamplew, Wray (cd.). Australians -flistorical Statistics. Broadway: Fairfax, Syme and Weldon Associates, 1987:152. 3Legend values for each map have been selected so that approximately 25 per cent of all Local Government Areas (on an Australia-wide basis) fall within each of the specified range ofvalues. 4 A comparison over the 12 months to December Quarter 1991 would have been preferred, but the necessary data were unavailable. 2 Atlas of Unemployment

UneItlploYItlent Rate - DeceItlber Quarter 1991 Sydney

LEGEND Under 6.5% 6.5% to 8.90/0 9.0% to 11.4% 11.5% and over Atlas of Unemployment 3

UnelIlploYlIlent Rate - DecelIlber Quarter 1991 New South Wales (excluding Sydney)

LEGEND I I Under 6.5% f· I 6.50/0 to 8.90/0 [,cLl.; '.:] 9.0% to 11.4% f&Vn,.. ,' ew er=w 11.5% and over 4 Atlas of Unemployment

Une:rnploy:rnent Rate - Dece:rnber Quarter 1991 Melbourne

LEGEND Under 6.5% 6.5% to 8.9% 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over Atlas of Unemployment 5

UneUlploYUlent Rate - DeceUlber Quarter 1991 Victoria (excluding Melbourne)

LEGEND Under 6.5% 6.5% to 8.90/0 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over 6 Atlas of Unemployment

Unem.ploym.ent Rate - Decem.ber Quarter 1991 Brisbane

LEGEND Under 6.50/0 6.5% to 8.90/0 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over Atlas of Unemployment 7

UneUlploYUlent Rate - DeceUlber Quarter 1991 Queensland (excluding Brisbane) .-

,0"', ,'" ..:0.

LEGEND Under 6.5% 6.5% to 8.90/0 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over 8 Atlas of Unemployment

UnelllploYlllent Rate - Decelllber Quarter 1991 South Australia

LEGEND Under 6.5% 6.50/0 to 8.9% 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over Atlas of Unemployment 9

UneInploYInent Rate - DeceInber Quarter 1991 Western Australia


Perth Inset


LEGEND Under 6.5% 6.5% to 8.90/0 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over 10 Atlas of Unemployment

Une:rnploy:rnent Rate - Dece:rnber Quarter 1991 Tas:rnania




! '""9..l

LEGEND Under 6.5% 6.5% to 8.90/0 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over Atlas of Unemployment 11

UnelllploYlllent Rate - Decelllber Quarter 1991 Northern Territory

LEGEND Under 6.50/0 6.5% to 8.90/0 9.00/0 to 11.4% 11.5% and over 12 Atlas of Unemployment

Increase in Une:mployJllent - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Sydney

LEGEND Under 20.00/0 20.0% to 44.90/0 45.0% to 84.90/0 85.0% and over Atlas of Unemployment 13

Increase in UneIllploynlent - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 NeW" South Wales (excluding Sydney)

0)~ ,

LEGEND II Under 20.00/0 r :1 20.00/0 to 44.90/0 ••j#tJtI\:,~ 46.0% to 84.9% ~tri'W'~f~":it»?,? 85.00/0 and over 14 Atlas of Unemployment

Increase in UnemploYJIlent - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Melbourne

LEGEND II Under 20.00/0 ti~j 20.00/0 to 44.90/0 _If'i~ 45.00/0 to 84.90/0 ii" ·\:::,~,~\,::;:,:",·,§1 85.00/0 and over Atlas of Unemployment 15

Increase in Unemployment - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Victoria (excluding Melbourne)


LEGEND Under 20.00/0 20.00/0 to 44.90/0 45.00/0 to 84.90/0 85.00/0 and over 16 Atlas of Unemployment

Increase in UnemploYJIlent - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Brisbane

LEGEND Under 20.00/0 20.00/0 to 44.90/0 45.00/0 to 84.90/0 85.00/0 and over Atlas of Unemployment 17

Increase in Unemploym.ent - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Queensland (excluding Brisbane)

LEGEND II Under 20.00/0 ·im!i:,~i:::, t·····i··"li!§« ;*::>". 20.00/0 to 44.90/0 ... 45.00/0 to 84.90/0 85.0% and over 18 Atlas of Unemployment

Increase in Unemploylllent - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 South Australia

LEGEND Under 20.00/0 20.00/0 to 44.90/0 45.0% to 84.90/0 85.0% and over Atlas of Unemployment 19

Increase in Unel1lployn1ent - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Western Australia


Perth Inset


LEGEND Under 20.00/0 20.00/0 to 44.9% 45.00/0 to 84.90/0 85.00/0 and over 20 Atlas of Unemployment

Increase in Unemployment - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Tasmania •



'" ! •• .".~

LEGEND Under 20.00/0 20.00/0 to 44.90/0 45.00/0 to 84.90/0 85.00/0 and over Atlas of Unemployment 21

Increase in Unemployment - Jun Qtr 1990 to Dec Qtr 1991 Northern Territory

.. //...




LEGEND II Under 20,00/0 L ,-:J 20,00/0 to 44,90/0 m:1.·£NiiiW£ P..,.Wi i 45.00/0 to 84.90/0

r~ffl '"7;': ··c 85.00/0 and over 22 Atlas of Unemployment

Unemployment Estimates New South Wales

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) Jun Q 90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91

REGION: INNER SYDNEY Botany (M) 572 1045 82.7 6.4 Leichhardt (M) 1335 2331 74.6 7.2 Marrickville (M) 3056 4583 50.0 11.3 South Sydney (C) .. 4326 .. 11.2 Sydney (C) 3836 1015 -73.5 19.7 REGION TOTAL 8799 13300 51.2 10.0


Ashfield (M) 1601 2389 49.2 11.8 Burwood(M) 843 1210 43.5 9.0 Concord (M) 482 732 51.9 6.6 Drummoyne (M) 662 1021 54.2 6.3 Strathfield (M) 714 1048 46.8 8.5 REGION TOTAL 4302 6400 48.8 8.7


Randwick (M) 1718 3929 128.7 6.8 Waverley (M) 1481 2854 92.7 8.9 Woollahra (M) 801 1417 76.9 5.2 REGION TOTAL 4000 8200 105.0 7.0


Hurstville (C) 1432 2695 88.2 7.4 Kogarah (M) 1027 1846 79.7 7.1 Rockdale (M) 2257 4490 98.9 9.6 Sutherland (S) 2284 5269 130.7 4.9 REGION TOTAL 7000 14300 104.3 6.6


Bankstown (C) 5471 9488 73.4 11.7 Canterbury (M) 5529 8912 61.2 12.9 REGION TOTAL 11000 18400 67.3 12.3


Fairfield (C) 10018 15609 55.8 18.9 Liverpool (C) 3982 6791 70.5 13.9 REGION TOTAL 14000 22400 60.0 17.0 Atlas ofUnemployment 23

Unemployment Estimates New South Wales (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91


Camden(M) 342 571 67.0 4.8 CampbeIItown (C) 3790 5838 54.0 8.2 WoIIondiIIy (S) 468 791 69.0 5.2 REGION TOTAL 4600 7200 56.5 7.3


Auburn(M) 2936 4726 61.0 19.8 Holroyd(M) 2767 5588 102.0 12.9 PlUTamatta (C) 4197 7786 85.5 11.1 REGION TOTAL 9900 18100 82.8 13.2


BIue Mountains (C) 1143 1832 60.3 6.1 Hawkesbury (S) 657 1401 113.2 5.7 Penrith (C) 2500 4967 98.7 7.0 REGION TOTAL 4300 8200 90.7 6.5


Baulkham Hills (S) 736 1679 128.1 2.5 BIacktown (C) 6864 12521 82.4 11.4 REGION TOTAL 7600 14200 86.8 8.1


Hunter's Hill (M) 154 337 118.8 6.1 Lane Cove (M) 391 812 107.7 5.1 Mosman (M) 329 828 151.7 5.7 North Sydney (M) 1193 2560 114.6 7.5 Ryde (M) 1496 3585 139.6 7.2 Willoughby (M) 837 1878 124.4 6.8 REGION TOTAL 4400 10000 127.3 6.8


Lord Howe Island Hornsby (S) 1827 2460 34.6 3.4 Ku-ring-gai (M) 973 1440 48.0 2.5 REGION TOTAL 2800 3900 39.3 3.0 24 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates New South Wales (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91


Manly(M) 880 1345 52.8 7.3 Warringah(S) 2320 4155 79.1 4.5 REGION TOTAL 3200 5500 71.9 5.0


Gosford (C) 4536 5526 21.8 9.7 Wyong(S) 5164 6074 17.6 15.5 REGION TOTAL 9700 11600 19.6 12.6

REGION: HUNTER Hunter Cessnock (C) 2088 2464 18.0 12.5 Lake Macquarie (C) 6516 7388 13.4 9.6 Maitland (C) 1741 1963 12.8 8.5 Newcastle (C) 6375 7114 11.6 11.0 Port Stephens (S) 1353 1754 29.6 8.7 Hunter Balance Dungog(S) 237 310 30.8 9.1 Gloucester (S) 223 235 5.4 10.5 Great Lakes (S) 1087 1246 14.6 13.2 Merriwa (S) 61 77 26.2 6.4 Murrurundi (S) 102 92 -9.8 7.5 Muswellbrook (S) 445 481 8.1 6.0 Scone (S) 218 220 0.9 4.3 Singleton (S) 454 555 22.2 5.9 REGION TOTAL 20900 23899 14.3 9.8


Kiama(M) 367 587 59.9 7.9 Shellharbour (M) 2770 4341 56.7 18.3 Wollongong (C) 8563 12872 50.3 14.5 REGION TOTAL 11700 17800 52.1 14.8

REGION: ILLAWARRAAND SOUTH EAST BALANCE lllawarra Balance Shoalhaven (C) 2587 3748 44.9 14.8 Wingecarribee (S) 534 1002 87.6 7.3 Atlas ofUnemployment 25

Unemployment Estimates New South Wales (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q91 % change DecQ 91

Southern Tablelands Queanbeyan (C) 666 978 46.8 7.1 Boorowa (8) 68 95 39.7 8.9 Crookwell (8) 60 93 55.0 4.6 Goulburn (C) 447 694 55.3 7.3 Gunning (8) 28 40 42.9 3.7 Harden (8) 119 161 35.3 10.0 Mulwaree (8) 120 184 53.3 6.9 Tallaganda (8) 71 105 47.9 9.2 Yarrowlumla (8) 104 159 52.9 3.8 Yass (8) 111 198 78,4 4.8 Young (8) 303 638 110.6 13.7 South Coast Bega Valley (8) 811 1203 48.3 10.7 Eurobodalla (8) 1103 1741 57.8 18.7 Snowy Bombala (8) 47 89 89,4 6,4 Cooma-Monaro (8) 230 322 40.0 7.0 8nowy River (8) 191 249 30,4 7,4 REGION TOTAL 7600 11699 53.9 10.2


Richmond Tweed Tweed (8) 2312 3400 47.1 14.3 BaIIina (8) 1118 1495 33.7 12.0 Byron (8) 1471 2036 38,4 21.8 Casino (M) 593 789 33.1 16.2 Kyogle (8) 491 632 28.7 13.8 Lismore (C) 1890 2570 36.0 13.3 Richmond River (8) 456 531 16,4 15.0 Mid-North Coast, Clarence BeIIingen (8) 567 782 37.9 16.2 Coff's Harbour (C) 2238 3413 52.5 14.8 Copmanhurst (8) 147 199 35,4 8.8 Grafton (C) 712 1012 42.1 14.1 Maclean (8) 545 753 38.2 14.6 Nambucca (8) 754 952 26.3 13.8 Nymboida (8) 127 173 36.2 9.6 mmarra(8) 222 336 51.4 13.5 Hastings Greater Taree (C) 1603 2273 41.8 12.9 Hastings (M) 1804 2606 44.5 13.0 Kempsey(8) 1449 1948 34,4 18.0 REGION TOTAL 18499 25900 40.0 14,4 26 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates New South Wales (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ 90 Dec Q91 % change DecQ 91


Northern Slopes Barraba (S) 74 125 68.9 10.8 Bingara (S) 56 89 58.9 8.5 Gunnedah (S) 305 536 75.7 8.0 Inverell (S) 389 697 79.2 9.5 Manilla (S) 117 212 81.2 14.6 Nundle (S) 37 56 51.4 7.5 Parry (S) 285 379 33.0 6.2 Quirindi (S) 106 188 77.4 6.7 Tamworth (C) 901 1371 52.2 8.0 Yallaroi (S) 68 129 89.7 6.5

Northern Tablelonds Armidale (C) 343 629 83.4 6.6 Dumaresq (S) 66 120 81.8 5.9 Glen Innes (M) 152 253 66.4 9.5 Guyra (S) 141 248 75.9 10.4 Severn (S) 76 143 88.2 8.8 Tenterfield (S) 171 284 66.1 9.5 Uralla (S) 94 190 102.1 6.7 Walcha(S) 83 119 43.4 6.6 North Central Plains Moree Plains (S) 522 1145 119.3 13.2 Narrabri (S) 345 704 104.1 8.9

Central Macquarie Coolah (S) 86 192 123.3 9.2 Coonabarabran (S) 213 342 60.6 10.0 Dubbo (C) 709 1303 83.8 8.0 Gilgandra (S) 109 206 89.0 8.7 Mudgee (S) 491 847 72.5 11.4 Narromine (S) 145 295 103.4 9.0 Wellington (S) 304 590 94.1 14.7

Macquarie, Barwon Bogan (S) 81 171 111.1 9.5 Coonamble (S) 190 277 45.8 10.3 Walgett (S) 430 711 65.3 19.1 Warren (S) 97 167 72.2 9.0 Atlas ofUnemployment 27

Unemployment Estimates New South Wales (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91

Upper Darling Bourke (8) 148 263 77.7 12.3 Brewarrina (8) 110 146 32.7 14.0 Cobar (8) 80 216 170.0 7.4 Bathurst (C) 429 690 60.8 5.4 Cabonne (8) 207 403 94.7 7.2 Evans (8) 83 134 61.4 5.4 Orange (C) 696 1185 70.3 7.5 Blayney (8) 121 174 43.8 5.9 Greater Lithgow (C) 478 702 46.9 7.2 Oberon (8) 54 94 74.1 4.4 Rylstone (8) 139 217 56.1 12.0

Lachlan Bland (8) 103 202 96.1 5.6 Cowra(8) 324 505 55.9 9.2 Forbes (8) 228 405 77.6 8.2 Lachlan (8) 176 353 100.6 8.7 Parkes (8) 305 607 99.0 9.2 Weddin (8) 83 165 98.8 8.6

Far West Broken Hill (C) 686 1202 75.2 12.4 Central Darling (8) 122 243 99.2 15.8 Unincorp Far West 41 77 87.8 6.3 REGION TOTAL 11799 20701 75.4 8.8


Central Murrumbidgee Coolamon (8) 103 140 35.9 7.7 Cootamundra (8) 204 274 34.3 8.2 Gundagai (8) 103 141 36.9 8.3 June (8) 170 225 32.4 10.8 Lockhart (8) 75 92 22.7 5.4 Narrandera (8) 212 335 58.0 10.8 Temora(8) 189 287 51.9 10.9 Tumut(8) 321 457 42.4 8.7 Wagga Wagga (C) 1441 1984 37.7 8.0

Lower Murrumbidgee Carrathool (8) 58 142 144.8 9.0 Griffith (C) 494 885 79.1 8.7 Hay (8) 67 158 135.8 9.2 Leeton (8) 258 380 47.3 7.7 Murrumbidgee (8) 17 70 311.8 6.1

Albury Albury (C) 1211 2089 72.5 10.8 Hume (8) 99 175 76.8 5.5 28 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates New South Wales (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91

Upper Murray (Excluding Albury) Corowa (8) 82 216 163.4 6.0 Culcaim (8) 100 154 54.0 7.8 Holbrook (8) 35 80 128.6 6.3 Tumbarumba (8) 59 87 47.5 4.9 Urana(8) 32 55 71.9 6.9

Central Murray Berngan (8) 101 249 146.5 6.9 Conargo (8) 34 70 105.9 6.8 Deniliquin (M) 153 314 105.2 8.5 Jerilderie (8) 18 45 150.0 4.5 Murray (8) 81 178 119.8 7.8 Wakool (8) 90 188 108.9 8.3 Windouran (8) 6 12 100.0 4.2 Balranald (8) 63 104 65.1 7.6 Wentworth (8) 24 314 1208.3 8.6 REGION TOTAL 5900 9900 67.8 8.5

8TATETOTAL 171999 271599 57.9 9.5 Atlas ofUnemployment 29

Unemployment Estimates Victoria

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 0/0 change DecQ 91


Broadmeadows (C) 3645 8022 120.1 16.3 Brunswick (C) 2221 3785 70.4 19.1 Bulla(S) 473 1398 195.6 8.2 Coburg (C) 1962 3495 78.1 15.0 REGION TOTAL 8301 16700 101.2 15.3


Altona (C) 1046 2200 110.3 11.6 Essendon (C) 1352 2692 99.1 9.6 Footscray (C) 2888 4899 69.6 21.1 Keilor (C) 2461 6304 156.2 11.4 Melton (S) 530 1754 230.9 10.7 Sunshine (C) 3989 8568 114.8 18.2 Werribee (C) 1199 3485 190.7 9.4 Williamstown (C) 734 1398 90.5 12.1 REGION TOTAL 14199 31300 120.4 13.2


Collingwood (C) 702 1187 69.1 15.5 Fitzroy (C) 936 1494 59.6 14.2 Melbourne (C) 2151 3515 63.4 11.9 Port Melbourne (C) 234 419 79.1 10.4 Prahran (C) 925 1740 88.1 6.5 Richmond (C) 957 1778 85.8 13.7 StKilda (C) 1985 3245 63.5 11.9 South Melbourne (C) 410 822 100.5 7.8 REGION TOTAL 8300 14200 71.1 11.0


Diamond Valley (S) 797 1874 135.1 5.9 Eltham (S) 598 1299 117.2 5.6 Heidelberg (C) 1809 2487 37.5 7.8 Northcote (C) 2687 3452 28.5 13.9 Preston (C) 4105 5752 40.1 15.2 Whittlesea (C) 2806 5735 104.4 12.3 REGION TOTAL 12802 20599 60.9 10.5


Box Hill (C) 1087 2164 99.1 8.3 Camberwell (C) 1390 2906 109.1 6.5 Doncaster & Templestowe (c) 1702 4294 152.3 7.1 Hawthorn (C) 777 1316 69.4 7.2 Kew(C) 577 971 68.3 6.3 Waverley (C) 1867 4949 165.1 7.0 REGION TOTAL 7400 16600 124.3 7.0 30 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Victoria (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91


Brighton (C) 390 985 152.6 6.3 Caulfield (C) 1456 3177 118.2 9.1 Malvern (C) 487 1378 183.0 6.3 Moorabbin (C) 1223 3948 222.8 8.4 Mordialloc (C) 390 1190 205.1 9.1 Oakleigh (C) 1130 3442 204.6 12.3 8andringham (C) 324 880 171.6 5.9 REGION TOTAL 5400 15000 177.8 8.5


Croydon (C) 1092 2051 87.8 8.4 Healesville (8) - PtA 344 613 78.2 11.9 Knox (C) 2517 4822 91.6 7.4 Lillydale (8) 1807 3430 89.8 8.4 Nunawading (C) 2253 3330 47.8 6.4 Ringwood (C) 1073 1954 82.1 8.7 8herbrooke (8) 714 1501 110.2 7.6 REGION TOTAL 9800 17701 80.6 7.7


Berwick (C) 1270 3417 169.1 8.7 Chelsea (C) 775 1780 129.7 11.6 Cranbourne (8) - PtA 1140 2965 160.1 8.0 Dandenong (C) 2443 5006 104.9 14.6 Flinders (8) 1332 2519 89.1 15.8 Frankston (C) 2778 5904 112.5 11.6 Hastings (8) 663 1516 128.7 9.7 Mornington (8) 656 1489 127.0 9.4 Pakenham (8) - PtA 134 371 176.9 8.5 8pringvale (C) 3509 7032 100.4 13.4 REGION TOTAL 14700 31999 117.7 11.4 Atlas ofUnemployment 31

Unemployment Estimates Victoria (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q91 % change DecQ 91


Barwon Bannockburn (S) 64 171 167.2 7.9 Barrabool (S) 158 406 157.0 9.0 Bellarine (S) 922 2317 151.3 11.5 Corio (S) 1792 4524 152.5 16.5 (C) 415 988 138.1 15.2 Geelong West (C) 494 982 98.8 13.9 Newtown (C) 267 612 129.2 12.1 South Barwon (C) 741 1958 164.2 9.2 Colac (C) 232 563 142.7 12.6 Colac (S) 124 237 91.1 6.7 Leigh (S) 25 75 200.0 6.8 Otway(S) 64 196 206.3 9.7 Queenscliffe (B) 52 112 115.4 8.3 Winchelsea (S) 71 240 238.0 10.8 South Western Belfast (S) 16 51 218.8 6.1 Camperdown (T) 91 189 107.7 12.2 Dundas (S) 44 83 88.6 3.8 Glenelg (S) 86 172 100.0 7.6 Hamilton (C) 265 490 84.9 9.7 Hampden (S) 170 379 122.9 10.6 Heytesbury (S) 141 337 139.0 8.0 Koroit (B) Minhamite (S) 21 60 185.7 5.4 Mortlake (S) 70 102 45.7 5.8 Mount Rouse (S) 49 133 171.4 11.6 Port Fairy (B) 73 127 74.0 10.9 Portland (C) 276 765 177.2 13.0 Heywood (S) 125 311 148.8 7.3 Wannon (S) 52 95 82.7 5.8 Warrnambool (C) 797 1581 98.4 12.8 Warrnambool (S) 103 245 137.9 5.2 REGION TOTAL 7800 18501 137.2 11.4 32 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Victoria (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91


Central Highland Ballaarat (C) 1234 2032 64.7 12.5 (S) 656 998 52.1 11.3 Bungaree (S) 140 235 67.9 10.1 Buninyong (S) 301 522 73.4 9.4 Grenville (S) 222 321 44.6 8.9 Sebastopol (B) 244 417 70.9 12.2 Ararat (C) 183 313 71.0 8.9 Ararat (S) 81 134 65.4 5.7 Avoca (S) 83 127 53.0 13.2 Bacchus Marsh (S) 164 399 143.3 7.2 BalIan (S) 124 222 79.0 11.4 Creswick (S) 139 211 51.8 9.6 Daylesford & G1enlyon (S) 242 351 45.0 14.6 Lexton (S) 37 64 73.0 9.2 Ripon (S) 118 135 14.4 8.0 Talbot & Clunes (S) 130 162 24.6 16.2

Wimmera Arapiles (S) 29 51 75.9 4.9 Birchip (S) 26 50 92.3 7.6 Dimboola (S) 99 126 27.3 6.6 Donald (S) 26 76 192.3 6.0 Dunmunkle (S) 46 70 52.2 5.1 Horsham (C) 311 551 77.2 8.5 Kaniva (S) 19 28 47.4 3.1 Karkarooc (S) 36 66 83.3 4.4 Kowree (S) 68 113 66.2 5.4 Lawan (S) 40 68 70.0 3.8 Stawell (T) 48 262 445.8 8.8 Stawell (S) 133 90 -32.3 6.5 Warracknabeal (S) 54 93 72.2 4.8 Wimmera(S) 46 86 87.0 5.2 Northern Mallee Kerang(B) 117 162 38.5 9.2 Kerang (S) 106 150 41.5 6.4 Mildura (C) 1249 1587 27.1 15.8 Mildura (S) 788 894 13.5 8.3 Swan Hill (C) 268 420 56.7 9.3 Swan Hill (S) 383 607 58.5 10.1 Walpeup (S) 65 93 43.1 5.1 Wycheproof (S) 45 113 151.1 6.7 REGION TOTAL 8100 12399 53.1 9.7 Atlas ofUnemployment 33

Unemployment Estimates Victoria (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91


Bendigo Bendigo (C) 992 2187 120.5 14.9 Eaglehawk (B) 308 722 134.4 18.4 Huntly (8) 196 349 78.1 15.7 Marong(8) 487 1062 118.1 15.8 8trathfieldsaye (8) 550 1089 98.0 12.5

Loddon-Campase SD Bal BetBet (8) 135 250 85.2 25.9 Castlemaine (C) 186 524 181.7 17.1 Charlton (8) 27 66 144.4 6.7 Cohuna (8) 58 153 163.8 7.0 East Loddon (8) 15 51 240.0 7.3 Echuca (C) 152 454 198.7 10.4 Gisborne (8) 81 280 245.7 5.6 Gordon (8) 50 138 176.0 8.8 Kara Kara (8) 25 71 184.0 9.9 Korong (8) 123 286 132.5 17.3 Kyneton (8) 172 476 176.7 11.9 McIvor (8) 111 301 171.2 20.8 Maldon (8) 52 158 203.8 12.4 Maryborough (C) 335 682 103.6 21.4 Metcalfe (8) 115 255 121.7 17.4 Newham & Woodend (8) 86 257 198.8 10.2 Newstead (8) 77 190 146.8 15.8 Pyalong(8) 5 17 240.0 4.0 Rochester (8) 111 364 227.9 9.5 Romsey (8) 75 260 246.7 7.0 8tArnaud (T) 63 184 192.1 14.7 Tullaroop (8) 92 195 112.0 14.8

Shepparton-Mooroopna Rodney (8) 475 1329 179.8 16.6 8hepparton (C) 1050 2658 153.1 20.4 8hepparton (8) 124 373 200.8 7.7 34 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates "ictoriaCcontinued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q91 % change Dec Q 91

Goulburn SD Bal Alexandra (8) 90 253 18Ll 8.4 Benalla (C) 236 612 159.3 14.1 Benalla (8) 62 216 248.4 7.3 Broadford (8) 62 245 295.2 12.9 Cobram (8) 135 394 191.9 13.5 Deakin (8) 99 292 194.9 9.4 Euroa (8) 71 254 257.7 11.6 Goulburn (8) 41 140 241.5 11.7 Kilmore (8) 80 375 368.8 9.4 Kyabram (T) 121 336 177.7 13.2 Mansfield (8) 104 398 282.7 13.3 Nathalia (8) 53 145 173.6 8.1 Numurkah (8) 106 327 208.5 10.2 8eymour (8) 192 601 213.0 10.0 Tungamah (8) 39 138 253.8 8.6 Violet Town (8) 21 85 304.8 ILl Waranga(8) 86 220 155.8 10.4 Yea (8) 38 234 515.8 9.7 Wodonga Beechworth (8) 67 204 204.5 8.7 Chiltem (8) 45 120 166.7 9.8 Tallangatta (8) 66 172 160.6 8.0 Wodonga (RC) 550 1709 210.7 12.2 Yackandandah (8) 48 125 160.4 5.6

North Eastern SD Bal Bright (8) 104 397 281.7 11.3 Myrtleford (8) 96 281 192.7 13.0 Oxley (8) 89 268 20Ll 8.4 Rutherglen (8) 43 127 195.3 7.6 Upper Murray (8) 56 95 69.6 7.5 Wangaratta (C) 353 981 177.9 12.6 Wangaratta (8j 33 132 300.0 7.7 Yarrawonga (8) 83 238 186.7 10.3 Unincorporated Area Victoria 1 6 500.0 1.0 REGION TOTAL 9598 25495 165.6 12.5


East Gippsland Avon (8) 100 143 43.0 6.5 Baimsdale (T) 415 488 17.6 10.9 Baimsdale (8) 155 213 37.4 6.4 Maffioa (8) 312 390 25.0 8.3 Omeo(8) 55 49 -10.9 5.2 Orbost (8) 208 253 21.6 8.9 8ale (C) 482 537 11.4 8.4 Tambo (8) 416 445 7.0 10.4 Atlas ofUnemployment 35

Unemployment Estimates Victoria (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ 91 % change Dec Q 91

Morwell Morwell (8) 1177 1334 13.3 10.2

Central Gippsland SD Bal Alberton (8) 253 268 5.9 9.2 Buln Buln (8) 172 398 131.4 7.9 Korumburra (8) 108 220 103.7 6.4 Mirboo (8) 60 66 10.0 5.5 Moe (C) 686 856 24.8 10.9 Narracan (8) 331 414 25.1 7.6 Rosedale (8) 205 245 19.5 5.7 80uth Gippsland (8) 124 146 17.7 5.1 Traralgon (C) 664 709 6.8 7.0 Traralgon (8) 146 156 6.8 6.6 Warragul (8) 267 431 61.4 7.2 Woorayl(8) 202 308 52.5 5.7

East Central Bass (8) 80 160 100.0 7.8 Cranbourne (8) - Pt B 71 149 109.9 7.1 Healesville (8) - PtB 30 72 140.0 12.1 Pakenham (8) - Pt B 252 653 159.1 7.0 Phillip Island (8) 106 170 60.4 9.1 Upper Yarra (8) 340 640 88.2 9.6 Wonthaggi (B) 181 287 58.6 11.1 REGION TOTAL 7598 10200 34.2 8.2

8TATETOTAL 113998 230697 102.4 10.4 36 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Queensland

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91


City Core Bowen Hills 41 35 -14.6 7.4 City-Inner 203 179 -11.8 38.5 City - Remainder Dutton Park 134 140 4.5 21.5 Eagle Farm 0 0 0.0 0.0 Fortitude Valley 69 58 -15.9 10.3 Herston 146 124 -15.1 10.6 Highgate Hill 376 404 7.4 14.4 Kangaroo Point 264 303 14.8 15.1 Kelvin Grove 172 198 15.1 9.3 Milton 80 86 7.5 8.4 New Farm 681 776 14.0 16.1 Newstead 51 43 -15.7 7.7 Paddington 313 338 8.0 7.9 Red HiIl 215 247 14.9 9.1 South Brisbane 238 255 7.1 19.9 SpringHill 205 174 -15.1 12.1 West End 477 512 7.3 15.5 Woolloongabba 340 355 4.4 14.2 Northern Sector - Inner Albion 141 138 -2.1 10.0 Alderley 132 181 37.1 7.3 Ascot 118 146 23.7 6.1 Ashgrove 261 343 31.4 6.3 Bardon 184 215 16.8 5.2 Bulimba 139 139 0.0 7.0 Clayfield 276 331 19.9 6.3 Enoggera (incl Mltry Camp) 156 219 40.4 6.0 Grange 98 134 36.7 7.4 Hamilton 115 142 23.5 6.0 Hendra 115 138 20.0 7.4 Kedron 310 405 30.6 6.7 Lutwyche 96 121 26.0 8.2 Newmarket 103 141 36.9 7.1 Nundah 193 266 37.8 6.2 Stafford 111 163 46.8 5.3 Stafford Heights 137 202 47.4 4.5 Wilston 92 127 38.0 7.0 Windsor 233 294 26.2 8.6 Wooloowin 205 259 26.3 8.4 Atlas ofUnemployment 37

Unemployment Estimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q91 % change Dec Q 91

Eastern Sector - Inner Balmoral 116 116 0.0 6.7 Camp Hill 282 341 20.9 7.1 Cannon Hill 144 171 18.8 7.8 Carindale 153 185 20.9 4.6 Carina 216 261 20.8 6.5 Carina Heights 149 181 21.5 7.9 Coorparoo 404 463 14.6 6.7 East Brisbane 292 335 14.7 12.1 Hawthorne 135 134 -0.7 6.9 Morningside 226 268 18.6 7.6 Norman Park 206 245 18.9 7.7 Southern and South·Eastern Sector-Inner Annerley 442 481 8.8 10.2 Fairfield 117 127 8.5 10.5 Greenslopes 270 341 26.3 8.4 Holland Park 203 214 5.4 6.1 Holland Park West 147 155 5.4 5.5 Moorooka 206 321 55.8 7.0 Tarragindi 265 279 5.3 5.3 Yeerongpilly 49 76 55.1 6.9 Yeronga 122 155 27.0 5.6 Western and South-Western Sector - Inner Chelmer 62 84 35.5 6.1 Corinda 104 125 20.2 6.1 Graceville 90 108 20.0 6.1 Indooroopilly 199 273 37.2 5.1 StLucia 136 159 16.9 3.8 Sherwood 104 125 20.2 5.5 Taringa 119 163 37.0 4.4 Toowong 421 481 14.3 6.6 REGION TOTAL 12599 14698 16.7 7.7 38 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91


Northern Sector - Outer Aspley 334 453 35.6 7.6 Bald HiIls 136 193 41.9 6.4 Boondall 185 251 35.7 8.4 Bracken Ridge 412 532 29.1 9.1 Bridgeman Downs 20 40 100.0 4.7 Brighton 351 453 29.1 10.5 Carseldine 124 168 35.5 6.8 Chermside 161 271 68.3 9.9 Chermside West 157 265 68.8 7.0 Deagon 130 168 29.2 10.7 Everton Park 171 263 53.8 6.1 Ferny Grove 60 102 70.0 5.3 Fitzgibbon Geebung 153 208 35.9 8.7 Keperra 159 237 49.1 7.3 McDowall 73 113 54.8 4.9 Mitchelton 131 202 54.2 6.5 Northgate 175 206 17.7 11.2 Nudgee 62 77 24.2 8.3 Nudgee Beach 20 34 70.0 25.4 Pinkenba 21 42 100.0 25.6 Sandgate 252 325 29.0 11.4 Taigum 48 65 35.4 8.6 The Gap (incl Enoggera SF) 252 316 25.4 3.9 Upper Kedron 3 5 66.7 4.2 Virginia 69 85 23.2 8.8 WaveIl Heights 272 398 46.3 9.7 ZiIImere 243 331 36.2 9.2

Eastern Sector - Outer Banyo 176 217 23.3 8.7 Belmont 57 97 70.2 7.9 Burbank 31 35 12.9 5.4 Capalaba West 15 19 26.7 10.5 Chandler 37 45 21.6 8.0 Gumdale 35 41 17.1 8.9 Hemmant 84 100 19.0 11.9 Lota 115 122 6.1 10.0 Mackenzie 31 44 41.9 64.2 Manly 148 157 6.1 9.6 Manly West 338 358 5.9 8.6 Moreton Island 21 88 319.0 50.8 Murarrie 178 141 -20.8 10.7 Ransome 9 11 22.2 6.3 Tingalpa 231 302 30.7 11.4 Wakerley 20 23 15.0 6.6 Wynnum 510 601 17.8 12.2 WynnumWest 375 442 17.9 10.8 Atlas ofUnemployment 39

Unemployment Estimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q91 % change DecQ 91

Southern and South-Eastern Sector - Outer Acacia Ridge 467 545 16.7 13.7 Algester 156 240 53.8 5.7 Archerfield 40 51 27.5 11.0 Beninba 14 15 7.1 11.3 Calamvale 55 68 23.6 6.1 Coopers Plains 224 287 28.1 13.9 Eight Mile Plains 122 140 14.8 4.3 Karawatha 8 9 12.5 55.3 Kuraby 58 67 15.5 13.0 MacGregor 161 229 42.2 7.2 Mansfield 296 375 26.7 8.1 Mount Gravatt 117 148 26.5 7.8 Mount Gravatt East 329 416 26.4 8.9 Nathan 30 46 53.3 5.6 Pallara 47 55 17.0 14.5 Parkinson 3 4 33.3 3.3 Robertson 88 125 42.0 6.6 Rochedale 31 35 12.9 5.5 Rocklea 143 155 8.4 18.6 Runcorn 400 579 44.8 15.5 Salisbury 253 261 3.2 9.1 Sunnybank 227 323 42.3 7.5 Sunnybank Hills 310 442 42.6 6.5 Underwood 6 Upper Mount Gravatt 296 375 26.7 8.9 Willawong 19 22 15.8 14.8 Wishart 264 334 26.5 8.4 40 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91

Western and South-Western - Outer Anstead (incl Moggill SF) 10 22 120.0 4.7 Bellbowrie 28 64 128.6 4.1 Brookfield(incl Mt C'tha Pk) 30 39 30.0 4.5 Chapel Hill 137 175 27.7 3.7 Darra 247 339 37.2 16.9 Doolandella 34 40 17.6 19.4 Durack 350 410 17.1 16.3 Ellen Grove 47 55 17.0 17.8 Fig Tree Pocket 43 55 27.9 4.0 Inala 1538 1799 17.0 27.4 Jamboree Heights 83 107 28.9 5.0 Jindalee 140 180 28.6 5.3 Kenmore 160 205 28.1 4.1 Kenmore Hills 25 32 28.0 3.9 Middle Park 39 50 28.2 3.9 Moggill 9 20 122.2 4.9 Mount Ommaney 24 30 25.0 4.4 Oxley 192 244 27.1 7.6 Pinjarra Hills 8 11 37.5 3.9 Pullenvale 26 33 26.9 4.3 Richlands 57 66 15.8 20.7 Riverhills 67 86 28.4 4.7 Seventeen Mile Rocks 26 56 115.4 4.8 Stretton 12 15 25.0 3.7 Upper Brookfield 8 11 37.5 3.7 Wacol 175 240 37.1 35.4 Westlake 34 44 29.4 3.5 REGION-TOTAL 14298 18420 28.8 8.9


Albert (S) - PtA 1977 1910 -3.4 13.9 B'desert (S) - Pt A 678 659 -2.8 24.2 Logan 7744 7663 -1.0 10.4 Redland 3001 2768 -7.8 7.0 REGION TOTAL 13400 13000 -3.0 10.0


Caboolture (S) - Pt A 1903 2439 28.2 12.1 Ipswich (C) 3269 3974 21.6 10.2 Pine Rivers (S) - Pt A 1916 2469 28.9 5.2 Redcliffe (C) 2529 2882 14.0 12.6 Moreton (S) - Pt A 1384 1637 18.3 8.5 REGION TOTAL 11001 13401 21.8 9.0 Atlas ofUnemployment 41

Unemployment Estimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91


Gold Coast (C) 6647 8797 32.3 11.7 Albert (8) - Pt B 4002 5397 34.9 8.7 Beaudesert (8) - PtB 751 906 20.6 5.4 REGION TOTAL 11400 15100 32.5 9.8


Caloundra (C) 2814 2608 -7.3 12.5 Maroochy 4481 4266 -4.8 12.7 Noosa(8)-PtA 1671 1564 -6.4 13.2 Boonab (8) 159 182 14.5 5.6 Caboolture (8) - Pt B 1032 1152 11.6 11.2 Esk (8) 644 659 2.3 13.3 Gatton (8) 316 325 2.8 4.6 Kilcoy (8) 75 76 1.3 5.1 Laidley (8) 259 253 -2.3 6.6 Moreton (8) - PtB 315 374 18.7 5.6 Pine Rivers (8) - Pt B 34 41 20.6 2.1 REGION TOTAL 11799 11500 -2.5 10.9


Bundaberg Bundaberg (C) 2072 2006 -3.2 13.5 Gooburrum (8) 367 377 2.7 10.7 Woongarra (8) 786 761 -3.2 10.7 Wide Bay - Burnett SD Bal Biggenden (8) 73 76 4.1 9.6 Eidsvold (8) 45 71 57.8 12.0 Gayndah (8) 72 149 106.9 10.3 Gympie (C) 607 583 -4.0 11.0 Hervey Bay (C) 1632 1677 2.8 17.4 Isis (8) 245 211 -13.9 10.2 Kilkivan (8) 105 98 -6.7 6.7 Kingaroy (8) 370 364 -1.6 6.7 Kolan (8) 134 203 51.5 14.5 Maryborough (C) 977 985 0.8 9.3 Miriam Vale (8) 197 183 -7.1 16.3 Monto (8) 90 84 -6.7 5.1 Mundubbera (8) 54 58 7.4 4.4 Murgon (8) 297 248 -16.5 11.6 Nanango (8) 385 403 4.7 13.6 Perry (8) 16 24 50.0 13.9 Tiaro (8) 125 123 -1.6 8.6 Widgee (8) 789 758 -3.9 9.9 Wondai (8) 141 137 -2.8 6.9 Woocoo (8) 119 121 1.7 7.3 REGION TOTAL 9698 9700 0.0 11.2 42 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Esctimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91

REGION: DARLING DOWN8 - 80UTH WE8T Darling Downs Allora (8) 41 39 -4.9 4.5 Cambooya (8) 74 49 -33.8 3.5 Chinchilla (8) 120 116 -3.3 4.5 Clifton (8) 75 40 -46.7 3.5 Crow's Nest (8) 152 144 -5.3 4.8 Dalby (T) 281 264 -6.0 6.0 Glengallan (8) 60 70 16.7 4.0 Goondiwindi (T) 69 77 11.6 3.7 Inglewood (8) 100 82 -18.0 5.9 Jondaryan (8) 261 218 -16.5 4.5 Millmerran (8) 95 82 -13.7 5.7 Murilla (8) 76 55 -27.6 3.8 Pittsworth (8) 77 76 -1.3 3.8 Rosalie (8) 225 177 -21.3 5.2 Rosenthal (8) 58 49 -15.5 5.2 Stanthorpe (8) 289 289 0.0 7.1 Tara (8) 171 135 -21.1 7.4 Taroom (8) 33 37 12.1 2.2 Toowoomba (C) 2256 2061 -8.6 6.0 Waggamba (8) 34 42 23.5 3.1 Wambo(8) 141 114 -19.1 4.2 Warwick (C) 262 241 -8.0 6.0

South West Balonne (8) 154 133 -13.6 5.4 Bendemere (8) 13 10 -23.1 1.8 Booringa (8) 76 50 -34.2 4.8 Bulloo (8) 6 15 150.0 4.3 Bungil (8) 38 32 -15.8 2.9 Murweh (8) 200 181 -9.5 7.3 Parao (8) 169 151 -10.7 12.2 Quilpie (8) 22 31 40.9 4.2 Roma(T) 142 109 -23.2 3.2 Warreo (8) 29 29 0.0 4.9 REGION TOTAL 5799 5198 -lOA 5.4


Rockhampton Fitzroy (8) 214 273 27.6 7.4 Rockhampton (C) 2530 2842 12.3 9.8

Gladstone Calliope (8) 372 540 45.2 11.0 Gladstone (C) 995 1533 54.1 13.2 Atlas ofUnemployment 43

Unemployment Estimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91

Fitzroy SD Bal Banana(S) 427 564 32.1 6.4 Bauhinia (S) 45 71 57.8 5.0 Duaringa (S) 253 344 36.0 6.7 Emerald (S) 208 313 50.5 6.3 Jericho(S) 14 15 7.1 2.6 Livingstone (S) 771 845 9.6 11.1 Mount Morgan (S) 281 305 8.5 29.7 Peak Downs (S) 80 102 27.5 5.5 Central West Aramac(S) 13 39 200.0 6.6 Barcaldine (S) 17 51 200.0 5.7 Barcoo (S) 7 18 157.1 6.4 Blackall (S) 42 119 183.3 11.7 Boulia (S) 25 49 96.0 18.0 Diamantina (S) 9 3 -66.7 2.7 llfracombe (S) 7 8 14.3 4.6 Isisford (S) 7 7 0.0 3.8 Longreach (S) 83 151 81.9 7.0 Tambo (S) 13 25 92.3 7.3 Winton (S) 26 66 153.8 6.6 Mackay Mackay (C) 1053 1440 36.8 12.9 Pioneer (S) - PtA 1897 2509 32.3 13.3

Mackay SD Bal Belyando (S) 214 304 42.1 5.0 Broadsound (S) 113 205 81.4 4.7 Mirani (S) 342 477 39.5 19.4 Nebo (S) 54 81 50.0 6.9 Sarina (S) 411 580 41.1 16.0 Whitsunday (S) 484 725 49.8 10.7 REGION TOTAL 11007 14604 32.7 10.3


Townsville Townsville (C) 2544 4523 77.8 10.2 Thuringowa (C) 751 1456 93.9 7.6

Northern SD Bal Bowen (S) 512 608 18.8 8.9 Burdekin (S) 413 708 71.4 8.2 Charters Towers (C) 240 388 61.7 11.2 Dalrymple (S) 273 508 86.1 22.6 Hinchinbrook (S) 401 666 66.1 11.0 44 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Queensland (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q91 % change Dec Q 91

North West Burke (S) 7 29 314.3 5.2 Carpentaria (S) 148 169 14.2 12.9 Cloncurry (S) 83 132 59.0 7.2 Flinders (S) 96 184 91.7 11.7 McKinlay (S) 7 35 400.0 4.3 Mornington (S) 4 18 350.0 4.8 Mount Isa (C) 700 1210 72.9 9.5 Richmond (S) 22 64 190.9 9.2 Unincorp Islands 0 1 .. 3.6 REGION TOTAL 6201 10698 72.5 9.7


Cairns Cairns (C) 1604 2741 70.9 11.2 Mulgrave (S) 1308 2157 64.9 7.8 Far North SD Bal Atherton (S) 306 395 29.1 8.2 Aurukun (S) 14 25 78.6 9.6 Cardwell (S) 260 372 43.1 8.3 Cook (S) 65 121 86.2 5.2 Croydon (S) 5 9 80.0 4.8 Douglas (S) 210 378 80.0 9.2 Eacham (S) 143 253 76.9 8.5 Etheridge (S) 17 32 88.2 4.3 Herberton (S) 225 289 28.4 13.0 Johnstone (S) 609 873 43.3 9.7 Mareeba (S) 1178 1811 53.7 21.4 Torres (S) 145 319 120.0 12.2 Weipa (T) 9 28 211.1 1.7 REGION TOTAL 6098 9803 60.8 10.2

STATE TOTAL 113300 136123 20.1 9.3 Atlas ofUnemployment 45

Unemployment Estimates South Australia

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91


Elizabeth (C) 2181 3157 44.8 23.8 Enfield (C) - Pt A 2138 3063 43.3 13.6 Gawler(M) 532 811 52.4 10.9 Munno Para (C) 1802 2788 54.7 17.9 Salisbury (C) 4427 6966 57.4 12.0 Tea Tree Gully (C) 1820 3115 71.2 6.6 REGION TOTAL 12900 19900 54.3 12.1


Enfield (C) - Pt B 1254 1604 27.9 24.3 Henley & Grange (C) 426 609 43.0 7.8 Hindmarsh (M) 502 658 31.1 16.2 PortAdelaide (C) 1865 2403 28.8 13.3 Thebarton (M) 604 769 27.3 18.2 West Torrens (C) 1611 2411 49.7 10.7 Woodville (C) 3238 4545 40.4 11.6 REGION TOTAL 9500 12999 36.8 12.7


Adelaide (C) 604 1096 81.5 17.0 Burnside (C) 616 1146 86.0 6.7 Campbelltown (C) 1020 1888 85.1 8.5 East Torrens (DC) 109 217 99.1 6.6 Kensington & Norwood (C) 290 506 74.5 10.8 Payneham (C) 404 747 84.9 10.3 Prospect (C) 674 1049 55.6 11.6 St Peters (M) 269 413 53.5 9.9 Stirling (DC) 253 512 102.4 6.5 Unley (C) 941 1588 68.8 9.1 Walkerville (M) 121 235 94.2 7.3 REGION TOTAL 5301 9397 77.3 9.2


Brighton (C) 451 763 69.2 8.3 Glenelg (C) 516 973 88.6 14.4 Happy Valley (C) 435 938 115.6 4.7 Marion (C) 2104 3785 79.9 9.3 Mitcham (C) 1259 2147 70.5 6.2 Noarlunga (C) 2670 5598 109.7 13.6 Willunga (DC) 364 696 91.2 11.3 REGION TOTAL 7799 14900 91.1 9.4 46 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates South Australia (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ 90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91

REGION: OUTER ADELAIDE, MURRAYLANDS & SOUTH EAST Barossa Angaston (DC) 150 275 83.3 6.9 Barossa (DC) 96 160 66.7 6.3 Gumeracha (DC) 103 167 62.1 4.6 Kapunda (DC) 88 138 56.8 7.9 Light (DC) 121 242 100.0 7.8 Mallala (DC) 186 283 52.2 9.5 Mount Pleasant (DC) 45 72 60.0 5.6 Tanunda (DC) 46 94 104.3 4.7 Dudley (DC) 31 39 25.8 9.8 Kingscote (DC) 66 146 121.2 7.2 Onkaparinga Mount Barker (DC) 427 746 74.7 7.5 Onkaparinga (DC) 133 250 88.0 5.5 Fleurieu Port Elliot & Goolwa (DC) 286 344 20.3 11.3 Strathalbyn (DC) 168 283 68.5 8.5 Victor Harbor (DC) 245 379 54.7 11.9 Yankalilla (DC) 96 147 53.1 8.0 Riverland Barmera (DC) 189 367 94.2 15.4 Berri (DC) 382 631 65.2 16.0 Browns Well (DC) 8 18 125.0 9.9 Loxton (DC) 312 411 31.7 10.1 Morgan (DC) 27 50 85.2 7.6 Paringa (DC) 60 114 90.0 11.4 Renmark(M) 346 719 107.8 16.4 Truro (DC) 31 58 87.1 14.7 Waikerie (DC) 143 294 105.6 10.7

Murray Mallee Coonalpyll Downs (DC) 10 32 220.0 3.0 Karoonda-East Murray (DC) 25 71 184.0 8.3 Lameroo (DC) 22 39 77.3 4.3 Mannum (DC) 179 270 50.8 17.9 Meningie (DC) 227 310 36.6 14.2 Murray Bridge (DC) 829 1215 46.6 14.4 Peake (DC) 14 30 114.3 5.3 Pinnaroo (DC) 24 49 104.2 6.4 Ridley (DC) 97 153 57.7 12.5 Atlas ofUnemployment 47

Unemployment Estimates South Australia (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91

Upper South East Lacepede (DC) 60 99 65.0 7.6 Lucindale (DC) 6 19 216.7 1.8 Naracoorte (M) 24 82 241.7 3.3 Naracoorte (DC) 72 186 158.3 13.6 Robe (DC) 29 47 62.1 6.6 Tatiara (DC) 66 167 153.0 3.8

Lower South East Beachport (DC) 62 109 75.8 10.9 Millicent (DC) 284 419 47.5 9.4 Mount Gambier (C) 617 1150 86.4 9.3 Mount Gambier (DC) 221 402 81.9 13.5 Penola (DC) 80 140 75.0 6.8 Port MacDonnell (DC) 66 83 25.8 5.8 REGION TOTAL 6799 11499 69.1 9.4


Yorke Bute (DC) 30 45 50.0 9.5 Central Yorke Peninsula (DC) 182 213 17.0 9.9 Minlaton (DC) 75 108 44.0 10.9 Northern Yorke Peninsula (DC) 323 418 29.4 16.0 Port Broughton (DC) 58 59 1.7 11.8 Wallaroo (M) 153 169 10.5 22.4 Warooka (DC) 35 41 17.1 9.7 Yorketown (DC) 86 134 55.8 11.7

Lower North Blyth-Snowtown (DC) 52 87 67.3 9.5 Burra Burra (DC) 49 113 130.6 12.3 Clare (DC) 109 146 33.9 8.6 Eudunda (DC) 33 52 57.6 9.1 Riverton (DC) 51 58 13.7 8.8 Robertstown (DC) 20 28 40.0 8.9 Saddleworth & Auburn (DC) 49 106 116.3 10.9 Spalding (DC) 17 26 52.9 11.1 Wakefield Plains (DC) 154 217 40.9 12.2

Cleve Cleve (DC) 38 79 107.9 8.0 Elliston (DC) 38 67 76.3 10.3 Franklin Harbor (DC) 33 54 63.6 9.8 Kimba(DC) 13 28 115.4 4.1 Le Hunte (DC) 30 54 80.0 6.7 Lower Eyre Peninsula (DC) 129 172 33.3 10.3 Port Lincoln (C) 604 804 33.1 15.5 Tumby Bay (DC) 74 119 60.8 10.5 48 Atlas ofUnemployment ,

Unemployment Estimates South Australia (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q91 % change DecQ 91

West Coast Murat Bay (DC) 103 132 28.2 8.2 Streaky Bay (DC) 53 93 75.5 9.9

Whyalla Whyalla (C) 1534 1619 5.5 14.9

Pirie Crystal Brook-Redhill (DC) 65 89 36.9 13.8 Hallett (DC) 33 34 3.0 12.4 Jamestown (M) 31 37 19.4 7.3 Jamestown (DC) 21 32 52.4 7.4 Orroroo (DC) 9 20 122.2 4.2 Peterborough (M) 121 141 16.5 16.9 Peterborough (DC) 11 19 72.7 14.1 Pirie (DC) 77 95 23.4 14.6 Port Pirie (C) 825 1012 22.7 17.4 Rocky River (DC) 89 114 28.1 12.0

Flinders Ranges Carrieton (DC) 1 1 0.0 1.5 Hawker (DC) 3 11 266.7 4.9 Kanyaka-Quom (DC) 40 67 67.5 12.5 Mount Remarkable (DC) 89 135 51.7 9.8 PortAugusta (C) 798 938 17.5 14.4

FarNorth Coober Pedy (DC) 161 176 9.3 19.8 Unincorporated Area SA 285 339 18.9 5.4 REGION TOTAL 7094 8501 19.8 12.4

STATE TOTAL 49393 77196 56.3 10.7 _ Atlas ofUnemployment 49

Unemployment Estimates .Western Australia

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91


Claremont (T) 177 246 39.0 6.3 Cottesloe (T) 248 357 44.0 9.9 Mosman Park (T) 332 447 34.6 12.5 Nedlands (C) 329 449 36.5 5.1 Peppermint Grove (8) 45 65 44.4 9.0 Perth (C) 4765 5330 11.9 12.9 8ubiaco (C) 505 606 20.0 6.9 REGION TOTAL 6401 7500 17.2 8.9


Bassendean (T) 858 919 7.1 12.6 Bayswater (C) 1882 2229 18.4 8.6 KaIamunda (8) 1090 1511 38.6 5.9 Mundarlng (8) 1039 1270 22.2 8.3 Swan (8) 2030 2572 26.7 10.1 REGION TOTAL 6899 8501 23.2 8.5


Stirling (C) 9042 13019 44.0 12.5 Wanneroo (C) 5258 8781 67.0 9.7 REGION TOTAL 14300 21800 52.4 11.2


Cockburn (C) 2276 3266 43.5 . 12.3 East Fremantle (T) 323 411 27.2 12.1 Fremantle (C) 1909 2347 22.9 19.5 Kwinana (T) 1405 1618 15.2 20.1 Melville (C) 2354 2807 19.2 6.1 Rockingham (C) 2034 2451 20.5 12.5 REGION TOTAL 10301 12900 25.2 11.1


Armadale (C) 1781 3788 112.7 16.8 Belmont (C) 1489 2729 83.3 18.6 Canning (C) 2052 2378 15.9 6.7 Gosnells (C) 2686 5027 87.2 14.1 Serpentine - Jarrahdale (S) 196 454 131.6 12.2 South Perth (C) 1297 2425 87.0 13.0 REGION TOTAL 9501 16801 76.8 12.8 50 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Western Australia (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91


Dale Mandurah (T) 1357 1907 40.5 17.7 Murray (8) 344 430 25.0 10.1 Waroona(8) 90 133 47.8 9.4 Preston Bunbury(C) 1139 1618 42.1 10.9 Capel (8) 123 214 74.0 7.4 Collie (8) 352 443 25.9 8.7 Dardanup (8) 21 56 166.7 2.0 Donnybrook - Balingup (8) 136 229 68.4 9.6 Harvey (8) 598 785 31.3 12.2

Vasse Augusta - Margaret River (8) 290 342 17.9 10.7 Busselton (8) 432 705 63.2 9.9

Blackwood Boyup Brook (8) 46 60 30.4 5.4 Bridgetown - Greenbushes (8) 113 138 22.1 6.6 Manjimup (8) 176 418 137.5 7.3 Nannup (8) 64 80 25.0 12.0

Pallinup Broomehill (8) 9 10 11.1 2.9 Gnowangerup (8) 41 88 114.6 7.4 Jerramungup (8) 3 44 1366.6 4.8 Katanning (8) 130 218 67.7 7.7 Kent (8) 10 22 120.0 3.3 Kojonup (8) 39 56 43.6 3.6 Tambellup (8) 21 21 0.0 4.1 Woodanilling (8) 4 6 50.0 2.2 King Albany (T) 673 918 36.4 11.7 Albany (8) 342 466 36.3 8.2 Cranbrook (8) 20 23 15.0 2.9 Denmark (8) 104 183 76.0 11.7 Plantagenet (8) 126 179 42.1 7.1 Atlas ofUnemployment 51

Unemployment Estimates Western Australia (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91

Hotham Boddington (8) 17 38 123.5 4.8 Brookton (8) 52 52 0.0 8.3 Cuballing (8) 11 18 63.6 4.2 Dumbleyung (8) 5 17 240.0 2.6 Narrogin (T) 129 161 24.8 5.9 Narrogin (8) 16 24 50.0 4.9 Pingelly (8) 50 52 4.0 7.0 Wagin (8) 61 85 39.3 7.0 Wandering (8) 17 18 5.9 6.9 West Arthur (8) 20 33 65.0 4.5 Wickepin (8) 35 33 -5.7 5.5 Williams (8) 8 27 237.5 3.7 Lakes Corrigin (8) 27 41 51.9 4.4 Kondinin (8) 18 34 88.9 4.4 Kulin (8) 25 34 36.0 4.2 Lake Grace (8) 12 42 250.0 3.0 REGION TOTAL 7306 10501 43.7 9.4


Moore Chittering (8) 34 65 91.2 7.5 Dandaragan (8) 52 154 196.2 11.7 Gingin (8) 59 194 228.8 14.2 Moora (8) 74 113 52.7 7.6 Victoria Plains (8) 8 19 137.5 2.9 Avon Beverley (8) 40 81 102.5 10.1 Cunderdin (8) 31 25 -19.4 3.3 Dalwallinu (8) 29 64 120.7 6.0 Dowerin (8) 10 21 110.0 4.3 Goomalling (8) 36 42 16.7 7.3 Koorda (8) 7 11 57.1 2.8 Northam (T) 260 287 10.4 9.3 Northam (8) 125 123 -1.6 9.2 Quairading (8) 29 26 -10.3 3.9 Tammin (8) 20 15 -25.0 5.5 Toodyay (8) 91 114 25.3 10.5 Wongan - Ballidu (8) 17 51 200.0 5.1 Wyalkatchem (8) 19 31 63.2 7.5 York (8) 77 110 42.9 9.5 52 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Western Australia (continued)

Unemployed Persons· Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change Dec Q 91

Campion Bruce Rock (8) 32 31 -3.1 4.7 Kellerberrin (8) 59 81 37.3 11.2 Merredin (8) 86 128 48.8 6.1 Mount Marshall (8) 7 23 228.6 4.8 Mukinbudin (8) 19 15 -21.1 3.3 Narembeen (8) 18 28 55.6 4.0 Nungarin (8) 4 12 200.0 7.5 Trayning (8) 5 16 220.0 5.2 Westonia (8) .. 8 .. 3.2 Yilgarn (8) 28 50 78.6 3.3 Lefroy Coolgardie (8) 112 164 46.4 6.0 KalgoorlieIBoulder (C) 834 1028 23.3 7.3 Laverton (8) 89 90 1.1 8.6 Leonora (8) 98 102 4.1 6.2 Menzies (8) 22 21 -4.5 10.5

Johnston Dundas (8) 102 128 25.5 11.8 Esperance (8) 297 500 68.4 9.2 Ravensthorpe(8) 34 61 79.4 7.9

Gascoyne Carnarvon (8) 404 414 2.5 10.6 Exmouth (8) 34 70 105.9 4.5 8hark Bay (8) 9 17 88.9 3.3 Upper Gascoyne (8) 10 13 30.0 9.8

Carnegie Cue (8) 30 44 46.7 9.4 Meekatharra (8) 72 84 16.7 6.7 Mount Magnet (8) 29 58 100.0 7.0 Murchison (8) 11 12 9.1 13.5 8andstone (8) .. 4 .. 2.8 Wiluna (8) 18 18 0.0 2.6 Yalgoo (8) 11 6 -45.5 1.7 Atlas ofUnemployment 53

Unemployment Estimates Western Australia (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ 90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91

Greenough River Carnamah (S) 21 34 61.9 3.8 Chapman Valley (S) 2 3 50.0 0.7 Coorow (S) 10 33 230.0 3.9 Geraldton (C) 1053 1683 59.8 16.7 Greenough (S) 271 428 57.9 13.0 Irwin (S) 50 173 246.0 15.9 Mingenew (S) 19 28 4704 8.0 Morawa(S) 17 42 147.1 6.6 Mullewa (S) 75 110 46.7 16.6 Northampton (S) 71 171 140.8 11.0 Perenjori (S) 14 25 78.6 4.8 Three Springs (S) 6 10 66.7 2.0

De Grey East Pilbara (S) 204 249 22.1 5.1 Port Hedland (T) 383 400 4.4 504

Fortescue Ashburton (S) 118 143 21.2 2.9 Roebourne (S) 539 597 10.8 6.5

Ord Halls Creek (S) 102 100 -2.0 10.6 Wyndham - East Kimberley (S) 269 321 19.3 9.8

Fitzroy Broome (S) 564 608 7.8 17.9 Derby - West Kimberley (S) 220 277 25.9 8.0 REGION TOTAL 8335 10207 22.5 804

STATE TOTAL 63043 88210 39.9 lOA 54 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Tasmania

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 DecQ91 % change DecQ 91


Greater Hobart Brighton (M) 929 1218 31.1 25.2 Clarence (C) 1682 2079 23.6 9.0 Glenorchy (C) 1782 2319 30.1 10.9 Hobart (C) 1800 2407 33.7 9.8 Kingborough (M) 567 726 28.0 6.8 New Norfolk (M) 465 578 24.3 12.8 Sorell (M) 318 456 43.4 12.2

Southern Bothwell (M) 65 84 29.2 23.9 Bruny(M) 38 40 5.3 19.5 Esperance (M) 133 182 36.8 12.6 Glamorgan (M) 107 141 31.8 16.3 Green Ponds (M) 89 116 30.3 20.1 Hamilton (M) 120 148 23.3 12.7 Huon(M) 234 414 76.9 15.4 Oatlands (M) 114 110 -3.5 11.7 Port Cygnet (M) 119 158 32.8 12.1 Richmond (M) 51 77 51.0 6.5 Spring Bay (M) 94 135 43.6 14.4 Tasman(M) 95 111 16.8 15.4 REGION TOTAL 8802 11499 30.6 10.9


Greater Launceston Beaconsfield (M) 597 703 17.8 8.6 Evandale (M) 46 54 17.4 4.4 George Town (M) 294 306 4.1 9.9 Launceston (C) 2408 2725 13.2 9.1 Longford (M) 206 252 22.3 8.0 Westbury (M) 247 287 16.2 6.3

Central North Deloraine (M) 288 302 4.9 12.0

North Eastern Campbell Town (M) 53 62 17.0 10.2 Fingal (M) 186 193 3.8 15.9 Flinders (M) 29 33 13.8 5.8 Portland (M) 140 163 16.4 12.8 Ringarooma (M) 72 79 9.7 7.9 Ross (M) 18 17 -5.6 8.3 Scottsdale (M) 116 124 6.9 5.6 REGION TOTAL 4700 5300 12.8 8.9 Atlas ofUnemployment 55

Unemployment Estimates Tasmania (continued)

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) JunQ90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91


Burnie-Devonport Burnie (C) 1142 1542 35.0 15.6 Devonport (C) 1317 1991 51.2 16.9 Latrobe (M) 266 394 48.1 12.4 Penguin(M) 276 326 18.1 12.1 Ulverstone (M) 626 905 44.6 13.9 Wynyard(M) 581 794 36.7 13.3 North Western Rural Circular Head (M) 221 422 91.0 10.8 Kentish (M) 297 365 22.9 15.9 King Island (M) 23 46 100.0 4.6 Western Lyell (M) 155 203 31.0 11.1 Strahan (M) 23 32 39.1 11.9 Waratah(M) 35 41 17.1 5.2 Zeehan(M) 138 238 72.5 10.8 REGION TOTAL 5100 7299 43.1 14.0

STATE TOTAL 18602 24098 29.5 11.1 56 Atlas ofUnemployment

Unemployment Estimates Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory

Unemployed Persons Unemployment Rate(%) Jun Q 90 Dec Q 91 % change DecQ 91


Darwin (C) 1440 3100 115.3 8.4 Palmerston (T) 195 522 167.7 14.3 Katherine (T) 307 449 46.3 11.1 Tennant Creek (T) 194 456 135.1 27.7 Alice Springs (T) 900 1118 24.2 8.1 Other Areas 2555 12.4

TOTAL 4301 8200 90.7 10.2


TOTAL 7900 10397 31.6 6.5 Atlas ofUnemployment 57


Australian Bureau of Statistics. The Labour Force - Data on Microfiche.

Department of Employment, Education and Training. Small Area Labour Markets -Australia, December Quarter 1991. Canberra: AGPS, 1992.

Feeney, G.A. The Estimation of the Number of Unemployed at the Small Area Level. Presented to the International Symposium on Small Area Statistics, Ottawa, Canada, May 22-24, 1985.

Purcell, N.J. and Kish, L. Estimation ofSmall Domains. Biometrics, 35, 1979.

Vamplew, Wray (ed.). Australians - Historical Statistics. Broadway: Fairfax, Syme and Weldon Associates, 1987.