An Overview of Attacks and Defences on Intelligent Connected Vehicles
1 An Overview of Attacks and Defences on Intelligent Connected Vehicles Mahdi Dibaei, Xi Zheng, Member, IEEE, Kun Jiang, Member, IEEE, Sasa Maric, Robert Abbas, Member, IEEE, Shigang Liu, Member, IEEE, Yuexin Zhang, Member, IEEE, Yao Deng, Sheng Wen, Member, IEEE, Jun Zhang, Member, IEEE, Yang Xiang, Senior Member, IEEE, and Shui Yu, Senior Member, IEEE, Abstract—Cyber security is one of the most significant chal- policies are not followed by the industry standards for in- lenges in connected vehicular systems and connected vehicles vehicle and vehicular communications because of hardware are prone to different cybersecurity attacks that endanger pas- constraints and differences in network configuration [1], [2]. sengers’ safety. Cyber security in intelligent connected vehicles is composed of in-vehicle security and security of inter-vehicle Previous reports have illustrated highly practical wireless communications. Security of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and attacks on core functions of vehicles and disengaging the the Control Area Network (CAN) bus are the most significant engine and the brakes [3], [4], [5], [6]. For instance, by parts of in-vehicle security. Besides, with the development of 4G hijacking the steering and brakes of a Ford Escape and a LTE and 5G remote communication technologies for vehicle-to- Toyota Prius, Miller and Valasek indicated that a vehicle everything (V2X) communications, the security of inter-vehicle communications is another potential problem. After giving a system is not just a simple machine of glass and steel [3]. short introduction to the architecture of next-generation vehicles In contrast, it is important to realize that it is also a hackable including driverless and intelligent vehicles, this review paper network of computers.
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