United States Patent 19 11) Patent Number: 4,600,787 Marhold Et Al
United States Patent 19 11) Patent Number: 4,600,787 Marhold et al. 45) Date of Patent: Jul. 15, 1986 (54 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF 4,157,344 6/1979 Feiring ................................ 568/588 AROMATC COMPOUNDS WHICH 4,377,711 3/1983 Rico et al. ........................... 568/649 CONTAIN PERFLUORINATED 4,438,275 3/1984 Lantzsch et al. ................... 549/434 SDE-CHAINS BONDED WIAA 4,496,750 1/1985 Anderson et al. .................. 549/455 HETEROATOM FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 75) Inventors: Albrecht Marhold, Leverkusen; Erich 2329625 5/1977 France . Klauke, Odenthal, both of Fed. Rep. of Germany OTHER PUBLICATIONS 73) Assignee: Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, Sheppard, Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. 83, pp. 4860-4861, Leverkusen, Fed. Rep. of Germany (1961). 21 Appl. No.: 602,849 The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Band 44, Nr. 16, Aug. 3, 1979, Seiten 2907-2910; H. O. House et al.: 22 Filed: Apr. 23, 1984 "Enones With Strained Double Bonds. 2. the bicyclo 30) Foreign Application Priority Data 4.3.1) decane System'. Apr. 27, 1983 (DE) Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 331547 Primary Examiner-Ethel G. Love Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sprung, Horn, Kramer & 51 Int. Cl. .................... C07D 319/14: CO7C 51/00; Woods CO7C 43/20 52 U.S. Cl. ................................ 549/362; 260/543 F; 57 ABSTRACT 260/543 R; 549/434; 568/649; 568/655 58) Field of Search ....................... 549/380, 434, 362; Aromatic compounds which contain perfluorinated 568/649, 655; 260/543 F, 543 R side-chains bonded via a heteroatom are prepared by treating aromatic compounds, which contain side 56) References Cited chains which are perhalogenated, but only partially U.S.
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