Guilin) Tour Code : CGY07-AK

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Guilin) Tour Code : CGY07-AK Guiyang/ Anshun Huangguoshu/ Xingyi/ Kaili-Xijiang Miao Village (Guilin) Tour Code : CGY07-AK Tour Code : CGY07-AK 7Days 6Nights Guiyang/ Anshun/ Xingyi/ Kaili-Xijiang (Guilin) 7 天 6 晚 贵阳/安顺-黄果树/兴义/凯里-西江千户苗寨 (桂林) 【TOUR HIGHTLIGHTS / 行程特色】 ** No Shopping Tour 全程不进定点购物站 ◆【黄果树瀑布】: 贵州第一胜景,中国第一大瀑布,亚洲最大的瀑布,世界最阔大壮观的瀑布之一 ◆【西江千戶苗寨】: 中国乃至全世界最大的苗族聚居村寨 第一天 吉隆坡 桂林 高铁 贵阳 午 晚 Day 1 KUL Guilin (speed train) Guiyang (--/L/D) ( ) ( --/ / ) Day 2 Guiyang/ Anshun (Huangguoshu) (B/L/D) 第二天 贵阳/ 安顺 (黄果树) (早/午/晚) Day 3 Huangguoshu/ Xingyi (B/L/D) 第三天 黄果树/ 兴义 (早/午/晚) Day 4 Xingyi/ Guiyang (B/L/D) 第四天 兴义/ 贵阳 (早/午/晚) Day 5 Guiyang/ Kaili (B/L/D) 第五天 贵阳/ 凯里 (早/午/晚) Day 6 Kaili/ Xijiang/ Duyun (speed train) Guilin (B/L/D) 第六天 凯里/ 西江/ 都匀 (高铁) 桂林 (早/午/晚) Day 7 Guilin Kuala Lumpur (B/--/--) 第七天 桂林 吉隆坡 (早/ --/ --) Guiyang 贵阳 : Jia Xiulou 甲秀楼,Qianling Mountain 黔灵公园,Car Park Wetland Park 小车河湿地公 园,Carey National Museum 凯里民俗风情博物馆 Anshun 安顺 : Steep Pond Waterfall 徒坡塘瀑布,Tianxingqiao Scenic Area (include 1 way cable car) + Silver Pendant Lake Falls + Water Forest,天星桥景区 (含单趟缆车) + 银链坠潭瀑布 + 水 上石林,Huangguoshu Waterfall (include 1 way elevator and local sightseeing car) + The Water-Curtain Cave 黄果树瀑布 (含单程电扶梯 +环保公交车) +水濂洞 Xingyi 兴义 : Maling River Canyon (Star Gallery +1 way elevator),马岭河峡谷 (天星画廊景区 +单程观 光电梯,Wanfenglin (include 1 way buggy car) ,万峰林 (含电瓶车+远观峰群+远观八卦 田),Wanfenglin Lake with boat tour 船游万峰湖 Kaili 凯里 : Xijiang Miao Village 西江千户苗寨 Guiyang 贵阳 (local 4*) Jiahe Tianhao Hotel/ similar 嘉禾天豪酒店/ 同级 Anshun 安顺 (local 4*) Huangguoshu Guest House/ similar 黄果树宾馆 (屯堡园)/ 同级 Xingyi 兴义 (local 4*) Wenzhou Hotel/ similar 温州大酒店/ 同级 Kaili 凯里 (local 4*) Heaven-sent Dragon Hotel/ similar 腾龙假日/ 同级 Guilin 桂林 (local 4*) Minfeng International/ similar 民丰国际酒店/ 同级 Guizhou Cuisine 贵州风味,Huangguoshu Chicken 黄果树土鸡, Farm House Flavor 农家风味,Mushroom Hot Pot 菌王火锅, 酸汤鱼风味,长桌宴 Sour Soup Fish Flavor Long Table Feast “Colorful Guizhou” Performance 多彩贵州风秀 RMB300/人 Tour Fare / 团费: Departure Date / 出发日期: Airport tax 机场税 Tip for Guide and Driver China Visa Agency Collection Fee Travel Insurance (subject to change) 导游与司机小费 (Normal single entry) 旅游社附加手续费 旅游保险费 中国签证 (普通一次入境) RM RM RM RM * Flight Details (subject to change) / 预计航班时间 : DAY 1 KUL/ KWL AK156 0605/ 1005 // DAY 7 KWL/ KUL AK157 1110/1510 * 最后行程确认,将以团队抵达各地后由接待社安排为准 !!! * The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator !!! 7 天 6 晚 贵阳/ 安顺-黄果树/ 兴义/ 凯里-西江千户苗寨 (桂林) Tour Code : 7CGY_AK 第一天 吉隆坡 桂林 (高铁预计 3HRS) 贵阳 飞机 / 高铁-二等座 (---/便当午餐/晚) 搭乘直航班機飛往廣西省—桂林市,再转乘动车前往中国西南部重要城市─贵阳。贵州省位于中国西南部,海拔在 一千公尺以上,自然风光奇特秀丽,典型的喀斯特岩溶地貌,其山石、水景、洞穴等风光千姿百态;有苗、布依、 侗等 17 个世居少数民族,民族风情浓郁古朴;省会城市贵阳气候四季如春,温暖湿润。 【甲秀楼】甲秀楼是贵阳的标志性建筑,它始建于明代,坐落于市区内南明河中的一块巨石上,是一座三层的 木质阁楼。甲秀楼是第一次来贵阳的游客必去的景点。甲秀楼景区主要分为三部分,即浮玉桥、甲秀楼、翠微 园。甲秀楼建于明代万历年间,其名字取 “科甲挺秀” 之意。这座木楼高 22.9 米,共有三层,顶层题 “甲秀楼”三字,游客可登楼俯瞰南明河岸风光。 第二天 贵阳 2.5HRS 安顺(黄果树) 车 (早/午/晚) 【黄果树景区】它位于安顺市西南 45 公里。景区以黄果树瀑布为中心,地面有 18 个瀑布,地表下有 14 个瀑布。 游览景区包括:【陡坡塘瀑布/天星桥景区-单趟缆车:银链坠潭瀑布、水上石林/黄果树瀑布-含单程电扶梯+环 保公交车、水濂洞】 【陡坡塘瀑布】它位于安顺市西南 45 公里处。黄果树瀑布上游 1 公里处,瀑顶宽 105 米,高 21 米,是黄果树 瀑布群中瀑顶最宽的瀑布。瀑布顶上是一个面积达 1.5 万平方的巨大溶潭,瀑布则是形成在逶迤 100 多米长的 钙化滩坝上。 【天星桥景区-含单趟缆车】位于黄果树瀑布下游 6 公里处,这里有 3 个连接的区块, 即「天星盆景区」、「天星 洞景区」、「水上石林区」。天星桥景区石笋密集,植被茂盛,集山、水、林、洞 一体,被游人称赞:『风刀水 剑刻就』的『万倾盆景』,『根笔藤墨绘帛』的『千古绝画』。【银链坠潭瀑布】位于天星桥景区水上石林区,其 形如斗,其声如歌,其状如链。在黄果树瀑布群中,它是不是以高取胜,也不是以阔或大惊人,而是以它那千 丝万缕的情态和如泣如诉的瀑声,让人看见就不想离开。【水上石林】是黄果树下游 6 公里处。这里有一片长 约 1 公里、宽约 500 米的袖珍型石林,一部分在陆地,一部分在水中。 【黄果树瀑布-含单程电扶梯+环保公交车】它是贵州最著名的景点,也是外地游客到贵州必游的景点。黄果 树瀑布最奇特的地方是在瀑布背后隐藏着一条百公尺长的【水濂洞】。洞中除了观赏千奇百怪的钟乳石、更可 置身洞中观赏瀑布、令您此生难忘。 第三天 黄果树 3.5HRS 兴义 车 (早/午/晚) 【马岭河大峡谷-天星画廊景区+单程观光电梯】位于兴义市东北 4 公里处,长约 15 公里的峡谷中,两岸峭崖对 峙,这是一个以雄、奇、险、秀为特色,由彩崖峡、天赐石窟、彩虹锁天、回峰崖、五里幽谷、瀑布群、壁挂 崖、龙头岛等景点组成的自然风景区。马岭河发源于乌蒙山脉,是南盘江北岸的重要支流,由于水量充沛,落 差大,河水的下切能力强,竟在平川上沏出一条狭窄幽深的地缝峡谷。地缝,当地人称《地球上美丽的疤痕》, 这种结构在全球极为罕见,因而马岭河峡谷有《天下第一缝》之称。而闻名于全球的【天星画廊景区】是峡谷 景区精华核心部分。是全中国大陆峡谷风光中最美丽、最精华的,其规模宏大,气势壮观。 【万峰林-含电瓶车+远观峰群+远观八卦田】万峰林毗邻马岭河大峡谷,是中国西南三大喀斯特地貌之一,堪称 中国锥状喀斯特博物馆,被称誉为“天下奇观” 。它总面积 200 多平方公里,是国内最大、最具典型性的喀斯 特峰林。 第四天 兴义 5HRS 贵阳 车 (早/午/晚) 【万峰湖–船游】這裡號稱是世界上最大的人工湖,因位於萬峰叢巒之中而得名,湖面面積 176 平方公里,湖 內有 30 餘個島嶼,58 個半島,82 個港灣,湖水環繞,峰巒參差,湖光山色,盡收眼底。 第五天 贵阳 3HRS 凯里 车 (早/午/晚) 【黔灵公园】這裡素有『貴陽的後花園』及『黔南第一山』之稱,位於貴陽市西北角區域。園內古木參天,植 被茂密,集貴州高原靈氣於一身。山上生長著 1500 餘種樹木花卉和 1000 多種名貴藥材。清泉怪石,隨處可見, 並有成群的羅猴和鳥類棲息於此。 【小车河湿地公园】位于贵阳城区西南部,这里汇集了溪流、山谷、溶洞、森林等自然景观,风光优美,是贵 阳近郊一处郊游胜地。花季时五彩缤纷,游人们可以在这里惬意漫步,享受最优良的自然生态环境。 【凯里民族风情博物馆】位于民族文化广场内,占地 11000 平方米,建筑面积 7421 平方米,外观宏伟雄壮,融 苗侗建筑艺术风格为一体。它是凯里市城区的一幢标志性建筑,是黔东南州民族文化的收藏、保护、研究和展 示中心。博物馆共设有 12 个开放馆,目前只有 4 个馆开放参观。 第六天 凯里 0.5HR 西江 2HRS 都匀(高铁 2HRS) 桂林 车 / 高铁-二等座 (早/午/晚) 【西江千户苗寨】它是一个保存苗族“原始生态”文化完整的地方,由 10 余个依山而建的自然村寨相连成片, 是目前中国乃至全世界最大的苗族聚居村寨。它是领略和认识中国苗族漫长历史与发展之地。西江每年的苗年 节、吃新节、十三年一次的牯藏节等均名扬四海,西江千户苗寨是一座露天博物馆,展览着一部苗族发展史诗, 成为观赏和研究苗族传统文化的大看台。若时间配合得上,您还可在苗寨的表演廣場,觀賞最道地的【傳統民 族歌舞表演】。 第七天 桂林 吉隆坡 飞机 (早/---/---) 早餐后,送机场。乘搭客机飞返美丽家园 。 ** 最后确认行程,将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准 !!! ** Tour Code : 7CGY_AK 7Days 6Nights Guiyang/ Anshun/ Xingyi/ Kaili-Xijiang (Guilin) Day 01 Kuala Lumpur Guilin (Speed Train 3HRS) Guiyang flight / speed train-2nd class (---/train Lunch box/ D) Assemble at airport for your direct flight to Guilin - Guangxi. Take Speed Train to Guiyang, an important city in southwest China. Guizhou is located in the southwest of China at an altitude of 1,000 meters. There are 17 living in Miao, Buyi, ethnic minorities, ethnic customs and rich ancient; four seasons of Guiyang climate such as spring. 【Jia Xiulou】– is a landmark building in Guiyang. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. It is located on a piece of stone in the Nanming River in the urban area. It is a three-storey wooden attic. Jia Xiulou is a must go attraction for the first time visitors to Guiyang. Jia Xiulou scenic area is divided into three parts, namely, Floating Jade Bridge, Jia Xiulou, Cuiwei Park. A Xiulou was built in the Ming Dynasty, the wooden floor of 22.9 meters high, total of three floor, the top floor inscribe "Jia Xiulou," the word, visitors can board overlooking the Nanming River scenery. Day 02 Guiyang 2.5HRS Anshun (Huangguoshu) coach (B/L/D) 【Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area】It is 45 km southwest of Anshun City. The Huangguoshu Waterfall is the main attraction in the scenic area which has 18 waterfalls on the ground and 14 waterfalls under the surface. 【Steep Pond Waterfall】is located 1 km upstream from the top of Huangguoshu Waterfall, width of 105 meters, 21 meters high and it is the widest waterfall. There is a huge dissolved lake of 15,000 square meters on the top and the waterfall is formed in the meandering more than 100 meters long calcified beach dam. 【Tianxingqiao Scenic Area –include 1way cable car】located about 6km downstream of the Huangguoshu Waterfall which consists of three main areas: 'Potted Landscape' on water, Tianxing Cave and Stone Forest in Water. The scenic area is featured various grotesque limestone formations, caves, waterfalls, forest, lakes …. 【Silver Pendant Lake Falls】 is located at Tianxingqiao Scenic Area, Water Shilin District which is shaped like a bucket and sound like songs, its look like a chain. Between the Huangguoshu Waterfall spot, it is not the highest and wide or huge, but it is inextricably linked to the modality and the waterfall sound make people not willing to leave. 【Water Forest】is 6 kilometers downstream of Huangguoshu Scenic Area. Here is a length of about 1 km wide and about 500 meters of small stone forest, part of the land, part of the water. 【Huangguoshu Waterfall –include 1way elevator and local sightseeing car】It is the most famous scenic spots in Guizhou and also a must visit attraction by foreigner. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the most peculiar with the waterfall hidden behind a 100-meter-long named【The Water-Curtain Cave】. Inside, you not only watching the cave in the strange stalactites, but also exposure the cave with waterfall. The scenery will make you unforgettable. Day 03 Huangguoshu 3.5HRS Xingyi coach (B/L/D) 【Maling River Canyon – include 1 way elevator】located in 4 km northeast from Xingyi City, canyon about 15 km, the cross-strait cliff confrontation, the waterfalls, wall cliffs, leading islands and other attractions form the natural landscape area. Maling River originated in the Wumeng Mountains, is an important tributary of the north bank of the Nanpan River, due to the water abundant, a large gap, the river cut ability, actually in Pingchuan brew a narrow deep sewn canyon. The local people called the canyon "beautiful scar on the earth", this structure is extremely rare in the world, so the Maling River Gorge has "the best seam in the world seam" said. 【Star Gallery】is the core of the essence of Canyon area. The spectacular momentum of the canyon, make it become the most beautiful, most elite and a large-scale waterfalls in China. 【Wanfenglin-include buggy car +overlooking Peak Groups +overlooking Baguo Field】 is located near to Maling River Canyon. It is one of three karst in Southwestern China, called China cone karst museum, was praised as "The World Wonders". A total area of Wanfenglin over 200 square kilometers, is the largest and the most typical karst peaks. Day 04 Xingyi 5HRS Guiyang coach (B/L/D) 【Wanfenglin Lake with boat tour】 Here is known as the world's largest artificial lake, the lake area of 176 square kilometers, the lake has more than 30 islands, 58 peninsulas, 82 harbors . You will enjoy the panoramic view surrounded. Day 05 Guiyang 3HRS Kaili coach (B/L/D) 【Qianling Mountain】known as "The Back Garden of Guiyang" and "The First Mountain of Qiannan" which is located in the northwest corner of Guiyang City. The mountains grow more than 1,500 kinds of trees and flowers and more than 1,000 kinds of valuable medicines.
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