Mariner 9 View of Mars' Surface Taken from 5400 Km Range
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FIG.1. Mariner 9 view of Mars' surface taken from 5400 km range. A few control points are marked and the pixel counting grid can be seen. MERTONE. DAVIES Rand Corporation Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 Mariner 9: Primary Control Net The control net of Mars is being computed photogrammetrically from the television pictures taken by the spacecraft during its active year in orbit around Mars. (Abstract on next page) indeed to the planet Earth. WEARE in the midst of what is perhaps Cartography is the language of explora- man's greatest exploration-the explora- tion; it has proved to be the most useful way tion of the major bodies of the solar system. to visualize a region, to locate landmarks This great adventure is a consequence of the within it, and to estimate distances and di- conscious efforts of men with vision to ex- rections. The coordinate system of the map ploit the ingenuity of modem engineering to is the basis for navigation, for describing and seek out and examine distant worlds. This communicating specific locations, and for ancient dream of exploration started soon finding known landmarks. From an historical after the beginning of the space age and now point of view, maps of a region produced at initial contacts have been made with the different periods reflect changes to the region Moon, Venus, and Mars; Mercury will soon with time and also portray the rate of in- be added and then the excitingly distant creased knowledge of the details of the area. outer planetary systems. Like the important Improvement in the positional data of land- explorations of the past, it is difficult to per- marks can be observed as more refined meas- ceive adequately the value of those hitherto urements are introduced into the determina- unknown worlds to future generations, and tion of coordinates. Unmanned missions are of different types the wide-angle lens (the 50-mm focal length -some are flybys, some are orbiters, and lens). The vidicon format was 9.8 mm x some are landers; they carry scientific instru- 12.5 mm, giving a field of view of 11" x 14", ments that are appropriate to the particular a much narrower field of view than is usual mission. A group of experimenters are ap- on mapping cameras. The television readout pointed to the mission to participate in the sampled each line 832 times and scanned design, calibration, and use of each instru- 700 lines per frame. The characteristics of ment to assure the maximum return of use- the wide-angle television camera are sum- ful data. As a member of the television ex- marized in Table 1; also listed are the size perimenter team, I should like to describe of an individual sample or pixel (picturc how a new primary control net of Mars is element) and the footprint measured on the being computed photogrammetrically from object surface with the camera located vari- the pictures taken by the Mariner 9 space- ous distances normal to this plane surface. craft during its active year in orbit around The vidicon camera is a relatively poor in- Mars. First is a discussion of the pictures, strument for making photogrammetric reduc- their characteristics, and distribution, then tions because the format is small and the an examination of the control points, and electronic distortions are large. Difficulties finally, a review of the computation of the in removingu these distortions lead to standard control net and its status. errors of frame measurements of at least 15 ABSTRACT:A planetwide control net of Mars is being derived photo- grammetrically from the television pictures that were returned by Mariner 9. Such a control net is required by cartographers to relate the coordinate system to landmarks and topography. Although the pictures cover the entire Mars surface, there are gaps in the low- resolution coverage. The vidicon camera, which produced the photos used in the control net computations, is a poor instrument for photo- grammetric analysis because the electronic distortions are large and the format is small. The coordinate system incorporates a new direction for the spin axis of Mars, a prime meridian defined by a particular crater (Airy-0) on the surface, and a particular reference spheroid for aero- graphic coordinates. The computation of the primary control net is a continuing project; as of June 1973 it contained 1645 control points. THE PICTURES pm. A useful index of the value of a camera The Mariner 9 spacecraft contained two system for photogrammetric computations is television cameras-one with a 50-mm focal- found by dividing the format dimensions by length lens and the other with a 500-mm the measurement errors. For this vidicon, focal-length lens. All of the pictures used in 9.6/0.015 = 6.4 x 102, 12.5/0.015 = 8.3 the control net computations were taken with x 102. A few years ago Duane Brown (1968) reported on a study of a hypothetical lunar control network. This elegant study demon- strated the power of the photogrammetric Sensor-slow scan vidicon solution of the closed control net to deter- Optics-Zeiss Planar, 50-mm focal length, f/2 mine the geometric shape of a planetary stopped down to f/4 body. Brown assumed that a dedicated Format-9.6 mm x 12.5 mm, 700 x 832 pixels spacecraft was placed in optimum orbit for Field of view-11 " x 14" this mission and that it was instrumented with a 9-in. x 9-in. format photographic film Normal Distance to Plane Surface Pixel Size Footprint camera. The standard error of the measure- (km) (km) (km) ments was assumed to be 3 pm, so that the photogrammetric index was 225/0.003 = 7.5 0.56 380 x 500 x 104. The hypothetical camera is thus two 0.84 580 750 orders of magnitude better than the Mariner 1.1 770 1000 9 vidicon for this type of solution. In addi- 1.4 960 X 1250 1.7 1150 1500 tion, the Mariner 9 orbit was far from optimum. Although it is clear that the ac- MARINER 9: PRIMARY CONTROL NET curacy of the results from Mariner 9 will not region as Fig. 1, thus forming a tie between approach that of Brown's study, his study the sequences. The control points that were was valuable in planning this phase of the measured on these frames have been circled. Mariner 9 experiment. It is also useful in The measurements are made by counting suggesting methods for obtaining improved pixels on frames like these, which have had results on future missions. no geometric processing; the frames have The Mariner 9 spacecraft was in a 12-hour been high-pass filtered and stretched to bring orbit with a 65" inclination; periapsis altitude out details, and a special grid is introduced was 1600 km, initially located at about 2F0 that accentuates every 25 and 100 pixels to south latitude. Highest priority was assigned aid in counting. to mapping sequences designed to obtain In the northern hemisphere, geodesy se- continuous pictures of the entire surface of quences acquired pictures (from a distance the planet at maximum resolution with the of about 3000 km) of the region between 50-mm focal length lens camera. The map- the equator and 30" north. North of these ping frames taken near periapsis have too to the pole, mapping frames taken from dis- small coverage to be useful in the computa- tances of 3000 to 4500 km are used in the tions of the control net. The geodesy se- control net computations. quences contained frames taken from 3000 to The most serious coverage gap exists in 6000 km altitude with considerable overlan.A, the south between latitude -30" and the and were designed for the computation of equator, where the only useful frames are the the planetwide control net. Unfortunately, mapping pictures. These frames have very full coverage of the planet was not obtained little overlap and were taken near periapsis with these pictures, so it is necessary to fill at altitudes of less than 2000 km. At this some gaps in coverage using mapping frames. distance, many hundreds of frames are re- Figure 1 was taken from a distance of quired to obtain full surface coverage. The about 5400 km and is typical of these very primary control net thus contains a few bands useful frames. Pictures from this distance across this region to tie the northern and cover the southern hemisphere from latitude southern hemispheres together. -30" to -70" except for gaps in longitude Most of the control points are the centers at 90" and 270". The south polar region was of craters a few kilometers in diameter. Meas- covered by frames taken from distances of urements, with an origin at the upper left 3000 to 3500 km. Figure 2 is an example hand corner, are made by counting pixels on of one frame that was taken of the same pictures that have had no geometric process- FIG.2. Mariner 9 view of Mars' sur taken f~ 3200 lun range. A few control points are marked and the pixel counting grid can be seen. ing. Using the reseau point locations and a of 1950.0 current use in the American program developed by John Kreznar (1973) Ephemeris is a, = 316."85, 8, = 53."01. to remove the geometric distortions, the pixel The corresponding values for the Mariner 9 measurements are converted to coordinates coordinate system are a, = 317."32, 8, = in the focal plane with the origin at the 52. " 68. principal point. The exact focal length of the The prime meridian is defined in the lens is 52.267 mm.