TRANSACTIONS OF THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REUNION OFTHE OREGON PIONEER ASSOGIATIOX EcER ieso, CONTAINING TB] ANNUAL ADDREss, BY HON. i-I. W. SCOTT, ANDTHiS OCCASIONAL ADDRESS, BY How. ROBERT A. MILLER WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, AND OTHER MATTERS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST. PORTLAND, OREGON A. ANDERSON a CO., PRINTERS ANt] LITHOGRAPHERS. 1851. JOSEFFI wAm'r TRANSACTIONS OF TIlE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REUNION OF THE OREGON PIONEER ASSOGIATION E'cDPt 1890. CONTAINING THE ANNUAL ADDRESS, BY HON. H. W. Scorr, AND THE OCCASIONAL ADDRESS, BY HON. ROBERT A. MILLER, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, AND OTHER MArI'ERS OF HISTORCAL INTEREST. PORTLAND, OREGON A, ANDERSON CO., PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. PORrLAND, OREGON, Tuesday, March 25, 1890. The Board of Directors of the Oregon Pioneer Associa- tion met at ii o'clock to-day, pursuant to call order of President Minto, at the office of R. P. Earhart, in this city, to arrange plans for the annual reunion of i8go. PresentJohn Minto, President, a pioneer of i 844; Hon. H. W. Corbett, Vice President, 1851; John M. Bacon, Treasurer, 1845; Geo. H. Himes, Secretary, 1853; F. X. Matthieu, 1842;R. P. Earhart,1854. The remaining Director, Medorem Crawford, 1842, was unable to be pres- ent on account of important business detention. After some discussion, Portland was selected as the place of next meeting. Hon. H. W. Scott was chosen toleliver the annual ad- dress, and Hon. Rufus Mallory the occasional address, with Col. John McCraken as alternate. On motion, it was dec1ared to be the sense of the Board that it would be a wise thing if President Harrison could be induced to visit Oregon ini8gi, and it was voted that Pres- ident Mintp act as a committee of one to frame suitable resolutions of invitation to be submitted to the annual meeting in June, with the hope that the President might be induced to be present at the reunion in 1891.
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