A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial to Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata I Degree

NABILAH ALA \VI NO. 103026027629


Nabilah Alawi, English Borrowings in Indonesian Entertainment Terminology. Paper. Jakarta : English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, July 2007.

This research is aimed to know the English Borrowed word into Indonesian language in Entertainment terminology, the important purpose in this research is to know the change of meaning that is happened in the borrowing word from English into Indonesian Language in Entertainment tem1inology. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method, where she describes one by one the borrowed words from English, and analyzes those words in Indonesian Entertainment terminology which are experienced the change of meaning, such as in Extension, Narrowing, and in the same of meaning. To support the analysis the writer uses some dictionaries and the other related references. The writer uses some theories that are the definition oflanguage, terminology, borrowing and the change of meaning. To find the words which are borrowed from English, the writer uses three different magazines as the unit of analysis. They are Cita Cinta, Intisari, and Spice!. The writer has been already found fourty terminologies from those magazines and analyzed them one by one. As the conclusion, the writer found the borrowed words from English in Indonesian entertainment terminology that are presented in this change of meaning are extension, narrowing, and in the same of meaning on the other hand the change of meaning does not happen in regeneration and degeneration. APPROVEMENT


A Paper Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata I Degree

NABILAH ALA WI NO. 103026027629

Approved by Advisor


DR. FRANS SAYOGIE, M.PD~ NIP. 150 299 481


A Paper entitled "English Bon-owings in Indonesian Ente1iainment

Tenninology" has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty's

Examination committee on November 12, 2007. The paper has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Strata 1 degree.

Jakarta, November 12, 2007

Examination Committee

Chair Person, Secretary,

M.Pd. Drs. A. Saefuddin, M. Pd NIP. 150 261 902


Examiner I Examiner II


Drs. H. Abd. Hamid, M. Ed. Sholikatus Sa'diyah, M. Pd NIP. 150 181 922 NIP. 150 370 230 DECLARATION

I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or the other institute of higher learning, Except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

.. Jakarta, September 24, 2007 ACKNO\VLEDGMENT

In the name ofAllah, !he A-1ost Gracious, the Most Mercifiil. All praise be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, who has bestowed upon the writer completing this paper. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companions and his followers. In this occasion the writer would like to convey her heartfelt thanks to these amazing people, especially to Dr. Frans Sayogie, M.Pd., as the writer's advisor for his time, guidance and kindness in correcting and helping her to finishing this paper.

I. Her beloved parent H. Alawi Zen, 1\1.A and Hj. Farhiah Thoyyib, for their prayers, trust and support to the writer. They have been and still are ready and patient to assist her education morally and materially until finishing this paper with their various ways, she conveys her truly grateful to have them 2. Dr. H. Abd. Chair, M.A., the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty 3. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Depaitment, and Drs. A. Saefuddin, l\lPd., the Secretary of English Letters Department 4. All lecturers in English Letters Department, especially to Mr. Zaharil Anasyi, S.Pd., who has give his advices and ideas to the writer. 5. The library staff of Letters and Humanities Faculty, the library staff of Cultural Faculty of University, and the library staff of 'PKKB' Atmajaya. 6. Her beloved sisters (K'o, Kk Uwa, Suhe, Ndu' and Dende) and also her brothers (A Cory and Oeton) for their support, compassion, contribution, and moral encouragement that they always give to the writer. 7. Her special thanks to her beloved person, Maz Rang Ga, for his advice, time to accompany, helping and editing her paper. 8. And also all her friends and classmates in English Letters Department especially to Yoentze, Paul, Yuni, Emma, and Maz Dew 9. All who have given their support for the writer. The words are not enough to say any appreciation for your help and contribution on this paper. May Allah SWT always guides you and gives all happiness throughout your life.

Jakarta, September 24 2007









A. Backgrouud of the Study ......

B. Focus of the Study...... 3

C. Research Question...... 4

D. Significance of the Study...... 4

E. Research Methodology...... 4

I. Objective of the Study...... 4

II. Method of the Study...... 5

III. Technique of Data Analysis...... 5

IV. Unit of Analysis...... 5

V. Instruments of the Research...... 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

A. Language...... 7

B. Terminology...... 9

C. Borrowing...... 13

D. Change of Meaning...... 15


A. Description of the Data...... 20

B. Analysis of the Data...... 23


A. Conclusions...... 48

B. Suggestions...... 49




A. Background of the Study

Human uses language as communication device to interact each other, we use language to ask for, give people infom1ation, and express our mind and feeling. The simple definition of language is a set of signals by which we communicate.1 In linguistics, language is a sound system of signals which is agreed to use by part of group in certain society to cooperate, communicate, and identify theirself. 2

In modem era, people communicate and cooperate with two or more countries. Many people speak foreign language in their daily conversation.

Nowadays, educated people and scientists of every kind are induced to learn to read, if not to speak several languages. It is not easy to see how a foreign language which is learned and used by the most influential social classes of a nation may cease to be a foreign language and become a common language which gradually eliminates the ancient nation language, the process being one of dialectalization and fragmentation.3

As a social creator, a person depends on another, enable them to complete their deficiency, it is not impossible if one nation borrowed foreign terms from another nation to complete their vocabularies. Moreover, perhaps it becomes their

1 Lorelo Todd, An Introduction to Linguistics, (Singapore: Longman York Press, 1987), p.6 2 Kushartanti , et.al. ( ed), Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awai Memahami Linguistik, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005), p.3 3 Andre Martinet, Element ofGeneral Linguistics, (london: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1964), p.168

I 2

national terms. By the development of culture, science and technology is definitely think out the new concepts, with the new words or terminologies as the cross- section.• 4

Indonesian language borrowed many foreign vocabularies from several languages. Such as Chinese, Arabic, Latin, Dutch, Germany, and also English. As an

International language, many people speak English language in their conversation.

Because of that, English borrowing into Indonesian language is used in many fields, such as, in Economic, Law, Education, Medical and also in Entertainment field.

Language has meaning and a meaning can experience to change, because language has dynamic characteristic. A change of meaning happens because of time and place in certain district or country which is urge the meaning changing. In meaning, changes result from language contact, from cultural development requiring new vocabulary, and from reshaping existing meanings.5

Synchronically, meaning of word does not change, but in diachronically it enables to change. It means, in a very short period meaning of a word is same does not changed, but in a long periods it enables the meaning of word will be changed. 6

The words which are borrowed from foreign language will get the change of meaning based on time and place.

In Indonesian Entertainment terminology which is borrowed from English language, ·because English is International language in this world. Some of those

4 Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 1994), p. 54 5 Ronald Wardhaugh, Introduction to linguistics, (USA: Mc Graw-Hill, Inc, 1972), p. 185 6 Abdul Chaer (1994), op.cit, p. 310-311 3

terminologies which are borrowed experience to have the change of meaning. For example, the word "artis" is taken from English language "artist.J. This word gets the change of meaning in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, it means "ahli seni; seniman; seniwati (seperti penyanyi, pemain film, pelukis dan pemain drama) ". 7 In

Oxford dictionary it means "a person who paints or draw picture, produces

SCULPTURE, " 8 Nowadays, Indonesian language calls the word of "artis" as a person who acts in a film, drama or a singer than an artist (painter), as a person who draws picture. It means that the word of "artist" in Indonesian Entertainment terminology 'artis" gets the change of meaning, that is generalization or it is changed from the narrow meaning into the general one. In this research, the writer will analyze the English borrowings in Indonesian Entertainment terminology whether it has the change of meaning or not.

B. Focus of the Study

The writer focused this research on Indonesian Entertainment terminology which was borrowed from English into Indonesian language and the change of meaning that happened in it.

7 Depdikbud, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT. Balai Pustaka, 2005), p. 57 8 A S Homby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p. 57 4

C. Research Question

The question in this research is how does the change of meaning in English borrowings into Indonesian language in Entertainment terminology happen?

D. Significance of the Study

As one of the references in studying of the linguistic work, this research dedicates as a requirement to finish undergraduate study in English Letters

Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty of State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah. Generally, the writer hopes that the result of this research can be useful for the readers and to get more understanding and knowledge about the borrowing and the change of meaning that happen in Entertainment terminology. Such as on music, film, and mode as the contents of Entertainment.

F. Research Methodology

I. Objective of the Study

The objective of this research is to know the Indonesian Entertainment terminologies which are borrowed from English. Besides that, this research is also aimed to know the change of meaning that happens in the English borrowing in

Indonesian Entertainment terminology. 5

II. Method of the Study

The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, the writer will describes the data which are found in three different magazines about

English borrowing into Indonesian language in Entertainment terminology. After that, the writer will classify the data that experience in the change of meaning.

III. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the writer uses the technique of analytic descriptive by comparing the English borrowing into Indonesian Entertainment terminology with the general tem1inology of Indonesian language. To support this research, the writer will use some dictionaries, and books as reference.

IV. Unit of Analysis

The unit analysis that is used in this research is three different monthly

magazines that are CitaCinta ( May - June 2007, No. I !NII), Intisari (November

2006, No.250), and Spice! (June 2007). Because they are popular magazines, and

contains many words of Entertainment. The writer will analyze the Indonesian

Entertainment terminology that have the change of meaning in those magazines. 6

V. Instrument of the Research

In this research, the writer is an instrument of the research on as the subject who is collecting, reading, and analyzing the data from some of reference books, marking the words which are found in three different monthly magazines. CHAPTER II


A. Language

Language is a sound system of signals which is agreed to use by part of group in certain society to cooperate, communicate, and identify theirself.9 Victoria

Fromkin and Robert Rodman said in their book An Introduction to Language, that when you know a language, you can speak and be understood by others who know that language. This means, you are able to produce sounds which signify certain meanings to understand or interpret the sounds produced by other. IO

From those statements, we know that a language is communication device.

People talk use a language because their live in a world of words because people talk, communicate, and cooperate by others with a language every day, more than any other attributes, distinguishes human from other animals.

The other definition about language is language as a finite system of elements and principles that make it possible for speakers to construct sentences to do particular communicative jobs. 11

9Kushartanti, et.al. (ed), op. cit., p.3 10Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Languge, second edition (Tokyo: Holt-Saunders Japan Ltd, 1981), p. 1-2 11 Ralph Faso Id and Jeff Connorlinton, (ed), An Introduction to Language and Linguistics, (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 9 8

The most aspect of knowing a language is knowing that certain sounds or

sound sequences signify or represent different concept or "meanings". 12 Knowing a

language therefore knows the system which relates sounds and meanings. It means that when you do not !mow a language, the sounds spoken to you from foreign tongue mean nothing to you. So, you can not understand what the speaker's message is.

Language has many functions, there are five important communicative

functions of language:

I. Informational function

Language is used for giving information to another people

2. Expressive function

Language can be used to express our feelings

3. Directive function

Language can be aimed to influence the other behaviors or attitudes

4. Aesthetic function

Language can be used to sake the linguistic artifact, although with ulterior


3 5. Phatic function 1

In this function the communicative work is done by language, by keeping

commtmicative lines open and social relationship in good repair.

"Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, op. cit., p.2 "Geoffrey Leech, Semantics, (England: Penguin Book Ltd., 1974) p. 47-48 9

B. Terminology

Term is a lexical unit consisting of one or more than one word which represents a concept inside a domain, and the terminology is the vocabulary of a subject field. 14

Terminology is a word or the combination of words that express a concept meaning, process, condition or special characteristics in a certain field and give the term which is known generally or specifically. 15 Terminology is special terms or vocabularies customarily used by those engaged in a specific activity or field of endeavor. 16

It is necessary for every science to have its own terminology in its work.

Terminology is the expression which has certain meaning that is used in branch of science. 17 Terminology is different from word, terminology have a meaning which is certain, clear and unhesitatingly, although without context sentence. 18 The terminology is free from context on the contrary word is not free from context. For example, the word of tangan and lengan as the terminology in Medical term, both of them have different meaning in medical field. Tangan is a part from circle until

14Kyo Kageura, The Dynamic of Terminology, (Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing, 2002), p.9 15 John S. Hartanto, Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Jstilah dan Pedoman Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia Yang di Sempurnakan (EYD), (Surabaya: lndah, 1995), p. 8 16 Mario Pei and Frank Gaynor, Dictionary oflinguistics (New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams&C0.1975. 17Harimurti Kridalaksana, Fungsi Bahasa dan Sikap Bahasa, (Jakarta: PT. Nusa lndah, 1982), p.73 "Abdul Chaer, op.cit., p. 295 10

fingers, and lengan is a part from circle until shoulder. Whereas in word, tangan and lengan is have the same meaning.

In development of language there are numbers of terminology which are often used become general vocabulary. It means, that terminology is not only used in its own science field but also used generally outside the field. 19 For example the terminology of spiral, and virus have been become general vocabulary.

There are seven sources of terminology according to John S Hartanto, as follow:

I. Indonesia vocabularies

This source has to fulfill one or more requisite that is concise, the meaning is

not deviate, there is no bad meaning (connotation), pleasant to hear and by

generalization or specialization of the origin meaning. Such as: Garis !bu and


2. Family language vocabularies

If the terminology in Indonesian language is not found, it is desirable to find

the terminology in family language vocabularies. Such as: Nyeri from Sunda,

Pain from English.

3. Foreign language vocabularies

If the terminology is not found neither in Indonesia nor family language

vocabularies, foreign language vocabulary can be used as the source to find

the terminology. Such as: Music in English and music in Indonesia.

19ibid 11

4. Absorbed the foreign terminology

The process of absorbed can be done with or without change in adaptation

spelling and pronunciation. Such as the term of Kimia in Indonesia and

Chemistry in English, it means ilmu urai but we do not use this terminology

in the dialogue, we often use the term ofKimia only.

5. Types of absorption

These types are the context of situation and bound of sentence, easy to learn

language and practicality. Such as the term of electron, in Indonesia language

is e!ektron.

6. Common foreign terminology usage

The usage of common foreign terminology can be used as the Indonesian

terminology. Such as fabriek becomes pabrik

7. Constants foreign terminology spelling.20

We can use it with requisite give italics or underline the word. Such as Cum

Loude means graduated from university with cumulative achievement index

between 3.50 without C value until 4.00

Word with general meaning have a function as the te1minology. George Yule in his book The Study of Language explained that the processes to fonn the word.

There are etymology, coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping,

0 ' John S. Hartanto, op. cit., p. 11-14 12

backformation, conversion, acronyms. Derivation, prefixes and suffixes, infixes and multiple processes. 21 These are the explanation about the word formation:

I. Etymology It is known as the origin and history of a word. For example: the word of etymology itself 2. Coinage It is by invention the totally new tenns, it is used for commercial products or for any version of that product. For example: aspirin and teflon 3. Borrowing It is by taking over the words from other language. For example: yogurt (borrowed from French) 4. Compounding It is joining or compounds the two separate words to produce a single form. For example: wallpaper 5. Blending It is combination the two separate forms to produce a single new term. For example: infotainment (information I entertainment) 6. Clipping It is happened when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form. For example: flu (influenza) 7. Backformation The process is by reduced one type of word to form a word of another type. For example: televise (verb) into television (noun) 8. Conversion It is changed the version n of word. As when a noun comes to be used a verb without any reduction. For example chair (noun) become verb in someone has to chair the meeting. 9. Acronyms It is formed a new word from the initial letters of a set of other words. For example: CD (compact disk) and radar (radio detecting and ranging). I 0. Derivation It is accomplished affixes of the English language. For example: unhappy with affixes tm. 11. Prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes is added .the affixes in the beginning of the word. For example: mislead Suffixes is added the affixes in the end of the word. For example: foolishness

21 George Yule, The Study oflanguage, (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p.53-59 13

12. Infixes It is incorporated inside another word and possible to see in certain expression. For example: unfuckingbelievable! With infixes fucking 13. Multiple processes It is can be done by trace the operation of more than one process at work. For example: problems with the project have snowballed. The word snow and ball were combined to form the nom1 snowball, the tum in the verb through conversion.

C. Borrowing

Languages often change as a result of contact with a speaker of another language. Language contact occurs when there is increased social interaction between people from neighboring territories who have traditionally spoken different language. 22 Borrowing is one of the language contact studies that overlaps with the discipline of historical linguistics.

According to Ronald Wardhaugh m his book, Introduction to Linguistics borrowing is another way of adding new vocabulary items to a language.23 Borrowing is a technical term for the incorporation of an item from one language into another. 24

Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman said that borrowing occurs when one language adds to its own lexicon a word or morphemes from another language, often altering its pronunciation to fit the phonological rules of the borrowing language.25

A language may borrow a word directly and indirectly. A direct borrowing is the borrowing items of native word that language from which it is borrowed. For

22 Rajend Mesthrie, et.al., Introduction to Sosiolinguistics, (Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, 2000), p.248 "Ronald Wardhaugh, op.cit., p.181 24Rajend Mesthrie, et.al. op.cit., p.249 25 Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Languge, sixth edition (USA: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998), p. 459 14

example: the word feast was borrowed directly from French and can traces back to

Latinfestum. Indirect borrowing is the borrowing items of native word that language from which it is not borrowed. For example the word algebra was indirectly borrowed from Arabic with Spanish as an intermediary.

Grosjean (1982) distinguishes between speech and language borrowing.26

Speech borrowing is when an individual speaker spontaneously uses a form from another language in his utterance, perhaps by adapting phonologically and morphologically. Language borrowing is when word from one language have been borrowed by another and used by monolingual speakers of that recipient language.

Leonard Bloomfield, classifies three types of borrowing, they are:

1. Cultural borrowing

It is happened where the borrowed features come from different language. For

example: garage and camouflage that borrowed from French

2. Imitate borrowing

It is occurs when two languages are spoken in what is topographically and

politically a single community. For example: the word Jury was borrowed

from English language from French in Law tenninology.

3. Dialect borrowing

Where the borrowed features come from within the same speech area. For

example: the native London development of Old English [y] is probably [i] as

26Fredric W. Field, Linguistic Borrowing in Bi/lingual Context, (Amsterdam: JohnBenjamin Publishing Company, 2002), p. 4 15

in fill and kiss. 27

There are two different factors why one language borrows other language:

I. Social factors a. the intensity and length of contact b. the relative number of speakers of each variety c. cultural, political and economic dominance of one group of speaker. 2. linguistic factors a. frequency a. I. contact items. Such as: noun, verbs and adjective. a.2. vocabulary items. Such as: word for certain basic parts of body. a.3. particular content items b. equivalence.28

Borrowing is a technical term for the incorporation of an item from one language into another, the items could be words, grammatical elements or sounds.

Borrowing usually involves the adaptation of a word into the phonetic and grammatical system of the other language.

D. Change of Meaning

Change of meaning means change of references.29 The reference which has changed with the new reference, meaning can be changed based on the times and places. A known word with the origin meaning by all language society, once time will have shift of meaning in a certain area.

27Leonard Bloomfield, Language, (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1935), p. 444 & 461 "Fredric W. Field, op.cit., p. 4-6 29J.D. Parera, Teori Semantik, Edisi Kedua, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004), p. 107 16

Leonardo Bloomfield said in his book Language is the innovation which change the lexical meaning rather than the grammatical function of a form, are classes as the change of meaning. 30

The vocabulary of language always add and develop, one of the meaning of vocabulary in language is not static but dynamic, so it can be changed appropriate with period development and the human which is used. Changes in the meaning of a speech form is merely the result of change in the use of it and use the other speech form that related semantically. For example, the word "canggih" is used to means

"suka mengganggu (ribut, bawel, dsb) ", But now "canggih" is changed become

"sangat rumit dan ruwet dalam bidang teknologi karena keterikatan antar komponen atau unsur".31

There are five factors that caused the meaning of word changed:

I. The science and technology development

The development of science and technology can caused the origin word

changed to a different meaning from its origin word. The meaning of words in

the science and technology based on the general word in society, then

experience reducing, restriction and constriction that appropriate with its field.

30 Leonardo Bloomfield, op.cit., p. 425 31 ibid 17

2. The social and cultural development.

The change of meaning also can cause by the social and cultural development,

a user of Indonesian language caused the word of meaning to describing their


3. The using of word development

Every science fields have their own vocabularies, but the vocabularies of

theirs can be used to other fields with the new meaning or different with the

origin meaning. Finally, the vocabulmy become general and has several

meaning because its use not only in one field but also another fields, it means

that the meaning can be general from one vocabulary changes from its

original meaning.

4. The conception of sense exchange

All of the conceptions of sense have their own function to feel what happen

with them. In development of language using, many cases of the conception

of sense exchange from the one sense into another. Such as sweet taste, it

should be received by the sense of seeing.

5. Because of Association. 32

There is a relationship between forms of utterance with something else that is

related with its fonn of utterance.

32Abdul Chaer, op.cit., p. 311-313 18

According to Albert C. Baugh in his book A story of English language stated that there are four kinds of the change of meaning:

I. Extension of meaning

That is a process of word experience the change of meaning from specific into

general meaning. It is also called widening or generalization, it means the

word is widening from the special meaning. When the word became widening

its meaning, that word means have several meaning, not only in one field of

science but also in another field. For exan1ple: the word of putera and puteri

used to mean King's sons or daughters, but now boy also can called put era

and girl also can called puteri.

2. Narrowing of meaning

Narrawing also called specialization. This is a process of word experience of

meaning from general into specific meaning, In narrowing, the general word

change became narrow meaning. For example: The word of sarjana used to

mean a smart person, but now sarjana have a meaning university graduated.

3. Regeneration of meaning

Regeneration is a process of meaning change, the new meaning go up more

higher or better then the old meaning, regeneration is also called ameliorative,

the positive and pleasant meaning is aimed in it. For example: the word of

wanita is better to use than perempuan. 19

4. Degeneration ofmeaning33

Degeneration also called pejorative is aprocess of meaning changes where the

new meaning changed go down more lower than the old meaning.

Degeneration aim to the negative or unpleasant meaning. For example: the

word of hastes now have negative or lower meaning whereas originally the

meaning of hos/es is was not low.

33 Albert C. Baugh, A History of The English Language, Fourth Edition, (London: Routledge, 1993), p. 302-303 CHAPTER III



In this data description, the writer takes the Indonesian Entertainment terminologies which are borrowed from English language, those terminologies taken from three different magazines as the unit analysis ofresearcher, as follow:

a CitaCinta (May - June 2007, No.l lNII)

b. Intisari (November 2006, No.250)

c. Spice! (June 2007)

In this research, the writer uses three dictionaries to support her research to find the meaning of each word, the dictionaries are;

a The meaning is collected from the current English dictionary (Homby AS,

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Fifth edition, 1995)

b. The meaning is collected from Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Departemen

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Edisi ketiga, 2005)

c. The meaning is collected from Kamus Kata-Kata Serapan Asing dalam Bahasa

Indonesia (J.S. Badudu, 2003), and Kamus Kata Serapan (Surawan Martinus,


From those magazines above, the writer collects fourty Indonesian

Entertainment terminologies, and then the writer tries to analyze them. 21

There are eleven terminologies which get the change of meaning in extension of meaning or generalization:

Table. J. The terminologies which get the change of meaning in extension.

English Words Indonesian Words

Album Album

Artist Artis

Collaboration Kolaborasi

Lyric Lirik

Model Model

Musical Musikal

Musician Musisi

Radio Radio

Shooting Syuting

Studio Studio

Vocalist Vokalis

There are seven terminologies which get the change of meaning in narrowing of meaning or specialization:

Table. 2. The terminologies which get the change of meaning in narrowing.

English Words Indonesian Words

Arrangement Aransemen 22

Dramatic Dramatis

Film Film

Hit Hits

Idol !do/a

Modeling Modeling

Theatre Teater

There are twenty two terminologies which do not get the change of meaning or have the same of meaning:

Table. 3. The terminologies which have the same of meaning

English Words Indonesian Words

Acoustic Akustik

Acting Akting

Actor Akt or

Actress Aktris

Choreography Koreograji

Concert Konser

Dance Dansa

Drama Drama

Drummer Drum er 23

Glamour Glamor

Gossip Gosip

Guitarist Gitaris

Jazz Jazz

Mode Mode

Music Musik

Opera Opera

Orchestra Orchestra

Popular Populer

Popularity Popularitas

Poster Poster

Scenario Skenario

Superstar Superstar


From the data description, the writer tries to analyze the Indonesian

Entertainment terminology by giving the meaning of words from each terminology.

Then, the writer will classify the data by categorizing based on the kind of meaning changing. Such as extension of meaning, narrowing of meaning and no changing of meaning. 24

These are the 40 Indonesian Entertainment terminologies, which one presented by alphabethical order, these analyses are as follows:

B.1. Extension of Meaning.

I. "Album" is taken to Indonesia language "Album"

a. A book in which a collection of photograph, stamps, etc can be kept (Oxford


b. Buku tempat menyimpan kumpulan Joto a/au potret, gambar-gambar,

perangko dan sebagainya (KBBI)

c. Sekumpulan lagu yang direkam dalam kaset atau CD atau piringan hitam


From three different meanings, we can know that this terminology gets the change of meaning in extension of meaning or generalization, because the terminology of Album refers to the collection of songs which are recorded in a cassette, CD, or phonograph record. Such as in example:

Album (n) = "We can put our picture in this album."

Album (n) = "Album debut Norah Jones terjual sebanyak 20 juta keping."

2. "Artist" is taken to Indonesia language "Artis"

a. A person who paints or draws pictures, produces sculpture (Oxford


b. Ahli seni; seniman, seniwati (seperti penyanyi, pemain film, pelukis, pemain

drama) (KBBI) 25

c. Seniman dan seniwati (penyanyi, pemain film atau sinetron, dramawanl-

wati) (KKSABI)

This terminology gets the change of meaning that is widening or extension

meaning or generalization. The terminology of Artis changes into general meaning,

because in Entertainment terminology this term means not only a painter but also it

could be a celebrity, a movie star, a singer or an actor. Such as in example:

Artist (n) ="Leonardo Da Vinci was a great artist."

Artis (n) = "Agnes Monica adalah seorang artis multi talenta. "

3. "Collaboration" is taken to Indonesia language "Kolaborasi"

a. The action of collaborating (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Kerjasama dengan musuh (KBBI)

c. (Perbuatan) Kerja sama dengan musuh (KKSABI)

The terminology of Kolaborasi gets the change of meaning in generalization or extension of meaning, because the word of Kolaborasi just refers to cooperation.

Such as in example:

Collaboration (n) = "He was suspected of collaboration with the enemy." Kolaborasi (n) = "Album kolaborasi Melly dengan Krisdayanti terjual habis. "

4. "Lyric" is taken to Indonesia language "Lirik:'

a. Expressing the writer feeling (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Puisi yang berisi curahan perasaan pribadi (KBBI) 26

c. Lagu yang dinyanyikan dengan perasaan yang ringan atau bebas dengan

iringan lira (syair lagu) (KKS)

Based on those meanings, this tenninology gets the change of meaning in generalization or extension of meaning, because the meaning of Lirik becomes general not only means the poem contains of personal feeling but also means the poem of song. Such as in example:

Lyric (adj) ="As a good artist, he able to compose a good poem lyric. " Lirik (n) = "Anang adalah pencipta lirik lagu itu. "

5. "Model" is taken to Indonesia language "ModeI"

a. A representation of something, usually smaller than original (Oxford


b. Pola (contoh, acuan ragam dsb) dari sesuatu yang akan dibuat atau

dihasilkan (KBBI)

c. Gadis-gadis cantik yang memamerkan pakaian-pakaian bercorak baru


The specialization or narrowing of meaning happens in this tenninology, because the meaning is change into narrow from general meaning. In Entertainment tenninology the word of Model means beautiful girls who display the new design clothes. Such as in example:

Model (n) ="We use this picture for the model of our design." Model (n) = "Baju-baju rancangan Oscar diperagakan oleh para model yang cantik-cantik. " 27

6. "Musical" is taken to Indonesia language "Musikaf'

a. Usually attribute of or for music (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Berkenaan dengan music (KBBI)

c. Cerita atau pentas yang sering kali jenaka dan sentimental, menggunakan

nyanyian, tari dan dialog (KKS)

This terminology gets the change of meaning that is extension of meaning or

generalization, the word of Musikal is widening into general meaning that means

humorous or funny and sentimental story which is shown used song, dance and

dialogue. Such as in example:

Musical (a

7. "Musician" is taken to Indonesia language "Musisf'

a. A person who plays a musical instrument (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Para musikus (KBBI)

c. Pencipta dan pemain musik (KKSABI)

This terminology gets the change of meaning that is extension of meaning or

generalization, the word of Musisi is widening into general meaning that has meaning

not only a person who plays a musical instruments, but also an instruments composer.

Such as in example:

Mucisian (n) ="The band consist often mucisians."

Musisi (n) = "Melly Goes/aw adalah seorang musisi yang he bat." 28

8. "Radio" is taken to Indonesia language "Radio"

a. The process of sending and receiving messages through the air by

electromagnetic waves (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Siaran {pengiriman) suara atau bunyi melalui udara (KBBI)

c. Pesawat radio (KKSABI)

The meaning of Radio in Entertainment terminology gets the change of meaning in generalization. It is not only mean the process of sending and receiving messages through the air by electromagnetic waves, but also radio tape that has functions to listen music, news, etc. Such as in example:

Radio (n) = "They are communicate each other by radio at sea." Radio (n) = "Kakek saya selalu mendengarkan berita melalui radio."

9. "Shooting" is taken to Indonesia language "Syuting"

a. An occasion when a professional photographer takes photograph or a

particular purpose (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Melakukan pengambilan gambar untuk pembuatan film dengan kamera


c. Pengambilan gambar dengan kamera untuk pembuatan film (KKSABI)

The word of Syuting gets the change of meaning that is generalization or extension of meaning, because it is widening becomes taking picture and scene with a camera for making a movie. It has changed from its first meaning that is taking 29

picture or photograph by the professional photographer for particular purpose. Such as in example:

Shooting (n) : "He is shooting a picture for calendar." Syuting (n) : "Syutingfllm Naga Bonar itu dilakukan selama 2 tahun."

I 0. "Studio" is taken to Indonesia language "Studio"

a. A room from which radio or television programmes are regularly broadcast

or in which they are recorded (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Ruang yang dipakai untuk menyiarkan acara-acara radio atau televise


c. Ruang yang digunakan untuk tempat bekerja (pelukis, Joto, musik)


The meaning of Studio in Entertainment terminology is a place for working for an artist or painter, photograph or music, it changes from broadcasting and recording room for radio or television programmes. It means that this terminology gets the change of meaning in generalization or extension of meaning. Such as in example:

Studio (n) ="The minister was interviewed in the BBC's Oxford studio." Studio (n) = "Pelukis itu mengerjakan lukisannya di dalam studionya."

11. "Vocalist" is taken to Indonesia language "Vaka/is" a. a singer, especially in a Jazz or Pop group (Oxford Dictionary)

b. penyanyi (tunggal) (KBBI) 30

c. penyanyi (terutama penyanyi tungga/) (KKSABI)

Vokalis gets the change of meaning in this terminology that is extension Sor generalization, this terminology is not only specific with the jazz or pop music but also in any kinds of music. Such as in these examples:

Vocalist (n) ="She was a cute vocalist in the concert last sunday." Vaka/is (n) = "Kaka ada/ah vokalis band Slank."

B.2. Narrowing of Meaning.

I. "Arrangement" is taken to Indonesia language "Aransemen"

a. The action of putting something in order the arranging of something (Oxford


b. Penyesuaian komposisi music dengan nomor suara penyanyi atau instrument

lain yang didasarkan pada sebuah komposisi yang telah ada sehingga

essensi musuknya tidak berubah (KBBI)

c. Penyusunan komposisi lagu atau musik dengan instrument dan

penyesuaiannya supaya hasi/nya harmonis (KKSABI)

The terminology of Aransemen gets the change of meaning in specification or narrowing because it just refers to the action of putting song composition or music instrument. Such as in example:

Arrangement (n) = "Can I leave the arrangement of the tables to you?" Aransemen (n) = "Hobi saya ada/ah mengaransemen /agu-lagu klasik. " 31

2. "Dramatic" is taken to Indonesia language "Dramatis"

a. Attribute of or in the form of drama (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Bersifat drama (KBBI)

c. Peristiwa yang menyedihkan atau mengharukan (KKSABI)

The change of meaning happens in this tenninology that is narrowing of

meaning or specialization, the terminology just refers to the events that is saddened or

touch someone's emotions. Such as in example:

Dramatic (adj ) = "The dramatic drama is the representation of a real event."

Dramatis (a) = "Saya menangis ketika menyaksikanjilm yang sangat drama/is seperli ilu."

3. "Film" is taken to Indonesia language "Film"

a. A story, etc recorded as asset of moving pictures to be shown on television

or at cinema (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Selaput tipis yang dibuat dari seluloid untuk tempat gambar negative (yang

akan dibuat potret) atau untuk tempat gambar positif (yang akan dimainkan

di bioskop) (KBBI)

c. Cerita yang diputar di bioskap (KKSABI)

The terminology of Film gets the change of meaning that is narrowing of meaning or specialization, the word of Film in Entertainment terminology is a story that is shown at the cinema. Such as in example:

Film (n) = "I saw the honor film at home with my sister." Film (n) = "Saya melihatfl/m Coklat Strobery di bioskop 21." 32

4. "Hit" is taken to Indonesia language "Hits"

a. An act of hitting somebody or something (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Lagu yang sangal populer dalarn rnusik hiburan (KBBI)

c. Musik populer yang berada pada tangga puncak tentang lagu-lagu


The change of meaning happens in this terminology that is specialization or narrowing of meaning. The terminology of Hits just refers to the popular music that is in the top of songs chart. Such as in example:

Hit (n) ="It is ironic when we find the hit of innocent people."

Hit (a) = "Lagu-lagu yang diputar di radio itu adalah lagu-lagu hit lerkini."

5. "Idol" is taken to Indonesia language "/do/a"

a. A person or thing that is greatly loved or admired (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Orang, gambar dan sebagainya yang rnenjadi pujaan (KBBI)

c. Orang a/au tokoh yang dijadikan pujaan (KKSABI)

From three different meanings we can know that the terminology of Jdola gets the change of meaning in specialization or narrowing of meaning. In the entertainment terminology, it has specific meaning that refers to a person or figure that is greatly loved or admired. Such as in example:

Idol (n) = "His great painting becomes the idol in this art exhibition." Jdo/a (n) = "Rini le/ah rnenjadi idola baru dalarn belantika rnusik Indonesia. " 33

6. "Modeling" is taken to Indonesia language "Modeling"

a. The art of making model (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Hal menjadi (gadis, pria) model (KBBI)

c. Hal menjadi gadis atau pria model (KKSABI)

The terminology of Modeling gets the change of meaning in specialization or narrowing of meaning. In the entertainment terminology, it has specific meaning that refers to the art of making model. Such as in example:

Modeling (n) ="My father made the architectural modeling for his project." Modeling (n) ="Para model itu sebelumnya be/ajar di sekolah-sekolah modeling."

7. "Theatre" is taken to Indonesia language "Teater"

a. a building or outdoor area where plays and similar entertainments are

performed (Oxford Dictionary)

b. gedung atau ruangan tempat pertunjukanjilm atau sandiwara (KBBI)

c. sandiwara, senidrama (KKSABI)

Based on those meanings, we know that the terminology of Teater gets the change of meaning that is narrowing of meaning or specialization, this terminology used to a building or a place where a film or drama plays. In Entertainment terminology Teater means drama or play. Such as in example:

Theatre (n) = "She plays a scene of drama in the Broadway theatre." Teater (n) = "Cornelia Agatha senang sekali bermain /eater." 34

B.3. The Same Meaning.

I. "Acoustic" is taken to Indonesia language "Akustik"

a. Relating to sound or the sense of hearing (Oxford Advanced Learner's


b. Mengenai atau berhubungan dengan organ pendengar, dengan suara atau

dengan ilmu bunyi (Kam us Besar Bahasa Indonesia/ KBBI)

c. Berhubungan dengan pendengaran atau suara (Kamus Kata Serapan/ KKS)

From three meanings above, we can know that the terminology of Akustik does not get the change of meaning because it has the same of meaning that is relating to sound or the sense of hearing. Such as in example:

Acoustic (adjective/adj) ="We find the acoustic properties in the music studio."

Akustik (adjektivala) ="Kami menyaksikan pertunjukan musik akustik di JCC."

2. "Acting" is taken to Indonesia language "Akting'

a. The art of occupation of performing in plays, films, televisions, etc. (Oxford


b. Seni atau profesi berperan diatas pentas, televisi ataufilm (KBBI)

c. Seni berperan diatas pentas (panggung) atau di film (Kamus Kata-Kata

Serapan Asing dalam Bahasa Indonesia/ KKSABI)

From those meaning, the meaning of Akting is same, the art of occupation of performing in plays, film, television and other. The change of meaning does not happen in it. Such as in example: 35

Acting (nounln) ="She did a lot of acting while he was at collage."

Akting (nominaln) = "Dian Sastro beradu akting dengan Nicholas Saputra di AADC."

3. "Actor" is taken to Indonesia language "Akting "

a. A person who acts on the stage on televisions or in film (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Pria yang berperan sebagai pelaku di pementasan cerita, drama, dan

sebagainya di panggung, radio, televisi ataufilm (KBBI)

c. Pria yang melakonkon cerita diatas pen/as (drama), di radio, televisi atau

film (KKSABI)

From three meanings above, we can know that this terminology also does not

get the change of meaning, it has the same meaning that is a person who acts on

stage, radio, television or film. Such as in example:

Actor (n) = "He is a Bollywood actor." Aktor (n) ="Dia adalah seorang aktor di film Candy."

4. "Actress" is taken to Indonesia language "Aktris"

a. A woman actor (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Wanita yang berperan sebagai pelaku dalam pementasan cerita (KBBI)

c. Wanita pemegang peran dalam lakon sandiwara atau drama, radio, televisi

ataufilm (KKSABI) 36

From those meanings we can know that this terminology does not get the change of meaning because has the same of meaning that is a woman actor who acts on stage, radio, television or film. Such as in example:

Actress (n) ="Angelina Jolie is a beautiful actress in Hollywood."

Aktris (n) = "Ira Maya Sopha adalah aktris Indonesia era l 980an. "

5. "Choreography" is taken to Indonesia language "Koreograji"

a. The art of designing and arranging the step and movements in dances,

especially ballet (Oxford Dictionary).

b. Seni tari (KBBI)

c. Seni mencipta dan mengubah tari (Ba/et) (KKSABI)

From those three meanings, we can know that this terminology does not get the change of meaning. Such as in example:

Choreography (n) = "He is a student of choreography school."

Koreograji (n) = "Dia berhasil memasukkan unsur-unsur tari itu ke dalam koreograjinya. "

6. "Concert" is taken to Indonesia language "Konser"

a. A musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers (Oxford


b. Pertunjukan musik didepan umum atau perturifukan sekelompok pemain

musik yang terjadi di beberapa komposisi perseorangan (KBBI)

c. Pertunjukan musik didepan umum (KKSABI) 37

The change of meaning does not happen in this tenninology, because it has the same of meaning. Such as in example:

Concert (n) ="We will see a Jazz concert tonight." Konser (n) ="Kami menyaksikan konser Tiga Diva di Malaysia."

7. "Dance" is taken to Indonesia language "Dansa"

a. A series of movements and steps that match the speed and rhythm of music

(Oxford Dictionary)

b. Tari cara barat yang dilakukan oleh pasangan pria wanita dengan

berpegangan tangan atau berpelukan yang diiringi musik (KBBI)

c. Menari atau tarian gaya barat yang ditarikan secara berpasangan dan

diiringi musik (KKS)

We can know that it has the same of meaning, so this tem1inology does not get the change of meaning. Such as in example:

Dance (n) ="We always learn Bali dance steps every month." Dansa (n) ="Kami menghadiri pesta dansa semalam."

8. "Drama" is taken to Indonesia language "Drama"

a. A play for the theatre, radio or television (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Komposisi syair atau prosa yang diharapkan dapat menggambarkan

kehidupan · dan watak me/alui tlngkah laku (akling) atau dialog yang

dipentaskan (KBBI) 38

c. Sandiwara yang dipentaskan; cerita atau kisah yang berisi konjlik antara

pelaku-pelakunya (yang dipentaskan) (KKSABI)

The change of meaning does not happen in this terminology, because it has the same of meaning. Such as in example:

Drama (n) ="She will play a classical drama tomorrow." Drama (n) ="Film itu memenangkan penghargaan sebagaifilm drama terbaik."

9. "Drummer" is taken to Indonesia language "Drumer"

a. A person who plays a drum or drums (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Pemain drum (KBBI)

c. Penabuh gendang atau drum (KKSABI)

This terminology has the same of meaning, it means that the change of meaning does not happen in this terminology. Such as in example:

Drummer (n) = "He is the drummer of band." Drumer (n) ="Tio adalah drumer band Dewa."

I 0. "Glamour" is taken to Indonesia language "Glamor"

a. The attractive or exciting quality that makes certain activities, jobs, etc seem

special (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Serba gemerlapan (KBBI)

c. Kemewahan yang luar biasa serba gemerlapan 39

This Entertainment terminology does not get the change of meaning, because it has the same of meaning. Such as in example:

Glamour (n) ="Paris Hilton is the glamour Hollywood celebrity." Glamor(n) ="Para undangan datang ke acara FF/ dengan dandanan yang serba glamour."

11. "Gossip" is taken to Indonesia language "Gosip"

a. Casual talk about the affair of other people (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Obrolan tentang orang-orang lain (KBBI)

c. Gwyingan, desas-desus, perkataan unruk menjelekkan nama orang yang

digosipkanitu (KKSABI)

From those meaning, we know that the change of meaning does not happen in this terminology, because it has the same meaning. Such as in example:

Gossip (n) = "It is a common gossip that they are having an affair." Gosip (n) = "Dia pulus dengan kekasihnya karena gossip perselingkuhannya terbuka."

12. "Guitarist" is taken to Indonesia language "Gitaris"

b. A guitar player (Oxford Dictionary)

c. Orang yang ahli bermain gitar (KBBI)

d. Orang yang pandai memainkan gitar (KKSABI)

The terminology of gitaris does not get the change of meaning. Such as in example: 40

Guitarist (n) = "He is a great guitarist."

Gitaris (n) = "Dewa Budjana ada/ah gitaris band Gigi. "

13. "Jazz" is taken to Indonesia language "Jazz"

a. Music of African-American origin with strong rhythms that are freely

developed by players during a performance (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Musik dengan ciri irama yang hidup dan dramatis, intonasi yang menarik

serta peranan improvisasi yang besar (KBBI)

c. Jenis musik yang dimainkan secara bebas atau improvisasi namun se/aras


Historically the terminology of Jazz gets the change of meaning that is extension of meaning or generalization, because this terminology is widening from special meaning. Jazz is the music of African-American, but nowadays, the music of

Jazz can be played by all people in many countries.

But, in Entertainment terminology the word of Jazz does not get the change of

meaning, because has the same of meaning. Such as in example:

Jazz (n) ="He is a famous Jazz mucisian."

Jazz (n) = "Saya suka seka/i musik Jazz."

14. "Mode" is taken to Indonesia language "Mode"

a. A · way or manner in which something happens or 1s done (Oxford

Dictionary) 41

b. Ragam (cara, bentuk) yang terbaru pada suatu waktu tertentu (tentang

pakaian, potongan rambut, corak hiasan dan sebagainya) (KBBI)

c. Bentuk, cara, ragam (pakaian, rambut, dll) (KKSABI)

The change of meaning does not happen in this terminology. Such as in example:

Mode (n) = "His collection will become a mode of the latest bag."

Mode (n) = "Pakaiannya se/alu mengikuti trend mode terkini."

15. "Music" is taken to Indonesia language "Musil<'

a. The arrangement of sounds in pleasing sequence or combination to be sung

or played on instruments (Oxford Dictionary)

b. I/mu atau seni menyusun nada atau suara dalam urutan atau kombinasi dan

hubungan temporal untuk menghasilkan komposisi suara yang mempunyai

kesatuan dan kesinambungan (KBBI)

c. Susunan nada yang indah yang dimainkan dengan a/at-a/at (musik) yang

enak didengar karena beriram yang harmonis (KKSABI)

Based on the meanings above, we can know that this terminology does not get the change of meaning because has the same of meaning. Such as in example:

Music (n) ="My hobby is listening to the music." Musik(n) = "Saya suka seka/i musik pop."

16. "Opera" is taken to Indonesia language "Opera" a. A dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music (Oxford 42


b. Bentuk drama panggung yang seluruhnya atau sebagian dinyanyikan dengan

iringan orkes (KBBI)

c. Drama yang dimainkan dipanggung dilakukan dengan lagu dan nyanyian dan iringan (KKSABI) From those different meanings, the terminology of Opera does not get the change of meaning because it has the same of meaning. Such as in example: Opera (n) ="We saw the opera show of Verdi and Puccini last night." Opera (n) = "Kita bisa menyaksikan pertunjukan opera di Singapura besok"

17. "Orchestra" is taken to Indonesia language "Orkestra"

a. A large group of people playing various musical instruments together

(Oxford Dictionary)

b. Kelompok pemain musik yang bermain bersama pada seperangkat a/at

musiknya (KBBI)

c. Kelompok pemain musik dengan perangkat a/at-a/at musiknya yang

beraneka ragam (KKSABI)

The change of meaning does not happen in this terminology, because from three different meaning above it has the same of meaning. Such as in example:

Orchestra = "She plays the flute in the school orchestra."

Orkestra = "Pagelaran musik itu dimeriahkan oleh

orkestra. " 43

18. "Popular" is taken to Indonesia language "Populer"

a. Like, admired, or enjoyed by many people (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Dikenal dan disukai orang banyak (KBBI)

c. Terkenal dan disukai orang banyak atau masyarakat /uas (KKSABI)

It has the same of meaning, so the change of meaning does not happen in this terminology. Such as in example:

Popular (adj) ="He is a popular artist." Populer (a) = "Lagu Kucing Garong menjadi lagu yang sangat popu/er sekarang ini."

19. "Popularity" is taken to Indonesia language "Popularitas"

a. The quality or state of being liked or admired by many people (Oxford


b. Periha/ popu/er, kepopuleran (KBBI)

c. Kepopulerean, ketenaran, kemasyhuran (KKSABI)

Same as the Popu/er, the word of Popularitas does not get the change of meaning. Such as in example:

Popularity (n) ="Harry Potter JK. Rowling's novel has grown in popularity recently."

Popularitas (n) = "Demi sebuah popularitas seorang se/ebritis dapat melakukan segalanya. " 44

20. "Poster" is taken to Indonesia language "Poster"

a. A large notice, often with a picture on it, that is displayed in public place

(Oxford Dictionary)

b. Plakat yang dipasang di tempat umum berupa pengumuman atau ik/an


c. Plakat atau dipasang di tempat yang mudah terlihat oleh umum berisi suatu

pengumuman (KKSABI)

We can know from those meanings that the word of Poster does not get the

change of meaning because it has the same of meaning. Such as in example:

Poster (n) ="Put on this poster on the wall!" Poster (n) ="Poster itu berisi bahayanya penyakit HIV."

21. "Scenario" is taken to Indonesia language "Skenario"

a. A written outline of a film, play, etc giving details of the scenes and plot

(Oxford Dictionary)

b. Rencana lakon sandiwara a/au film berupa adegan demi adegan yang

tertulis secara terperinci (KBBI)

c. Lakon sandiwara atau film yang tersusun dalam adegan demi adegan secara

rinci yang akan dipentaskan atau dimainkan (KKSABI)

From those of meanings, we do not see the change of meaning happens in this terminology. Such as in example: 45

Scenario (n) ="The scenario of this movie is based on the true story." Skenario (n) = "Dia aktifsekali dalam menu/is skenario film."

22. "Superstar" is taken to Indonesia language "Superstar"

a. A very famous actor, singer, sport player, etc (Oxford Dictionary)

b. (Orang) yang unggul (cemerlang dsb) dalam tugasnya (profesinya dsb)

mahabintang (KBBI)

c. Bintang lapangan. bintang panggung dsb (KKSABI)

It has the same of meaning, the change of meaning does not happen in this terminology. Such as in example:

Superstar (n) = "Madonna is a Hollywood superstar."

Superstar (n) = "Pele dan Elvis Presley adalah superstar legendaris yang dikagumi. "

From the data analysis above, we can see that many Indonesian

Entertainment terminologies do not experience the change of meaning, because they have the same of meaning. The writer also found the change of meaning in extension or generalization and narrowing or specialization but she did not find the change of meaning in regeneration or ameliorative, and degeneration or pejorative.

The fomty analyzed words can be seen in the table below: 46

Table.4. The fourty terminologies which get the change of meaning in extension, narrowing, and have the same meaning.

Tenninologies of Words Change of meaning Have the same No. Entertainment English Indonesian EX NR RO DO meaning I Acoustic Acoustic Akustik - - - - v 2 Acting Acting Aktinf! -- - - v 3 Actor Actor A kt or - - - - v 4 Actress Actress Aktris -- - - v 5 Album Album Album v - - - - 6 Arrangement Arrangement Aransemen - v - - - 7 Artist Artist Artis .../ - -- - 8 Choreograohv Choreography Koreografi - - - - .../ 9 Collaboration Collaboration Kolaborasi .../ - - - - IO Concert Concert Konser - --- .../ 11 Dance Dance Dans a - - - - .../ 12 Drama Drama Drama - - - - .../ 13 Dramatic Dramatic Dram at is - .../ - - - 14 Drummer Drummer Dru1ner - - - - .../ 15 Film Film Film - .../ -- - 16 Glamour Glamour Glamor - - - - v 17 Gossip Gossin Gosio - - - - v 18 Guitarist Guitarist Gilaris - - - - v 19 Hit Hit Hits - .../ - - - 20 Idol Idol !do/a - .../ ·- - - 21 Jazz Jazz Jazz - - - - .../ 22 Lvric Lvric Urik v - - - - 23 Mode Mode Mode - - - - .../ 24 Model Model Model .../ - - - - 25 Modelin!! Modelinrr Mode/inf! - .../ -- - 26 Music Music Musik .../ - - - - 27 Musical Musical Musikal .../ - - - - 28 Musician Musician Musisi - - - - .../ 29 Ooera Ooera Opera - - - - v 30 Orchestra Orchestra Orkestra - - -- - .../ 47

31 Popular Popular Pop11/er - - - - 32 Popularitv Pooularitv Popu/arilas -- - - " 33 Poster Poster Poster - -- "- 34 Radio Radio Radio "- - - - 35 Scenario Scenario Skenario - - - "- 36 Shooting Shooting SyutinJ! " - --- 37 Studio Studio Studio "- - - - 38 Superstar Suoerstar Suoerstar - - - - " 39 Theatre Theatre Teater - - - -" 40 Vocalist Vocalist Vokalis " "- - - - Note: Changes or Meaning: Sign: EX : Extension (generalization) ../:Yes NR: Narrowing (specialization) -:No RG : Regeneration DG : Degeneration CHAPTER IV


A. Conclusions

After analyzing the data, the writer would like to draw some conclusions about her research, as follows:

• In her research, the writer has found a lot of terminologies which experienced the

change of meaning such as in Extension, Narrowing, and in the same of meaning.

From the fourty terminologies, the majority of terminologies or about twenty two

words have the same meaning.

• English borrowed words in Entertainment terminology are often happened in

Indonesian, and there are many words which get the change of meaning as have

been mentioned above. It means that, the borrowing and absorption from English

language into Indonesian language, especially in Entertainment terminology is

quite high.

• The writer can categorize those fourty words of Indonesian Entertainment

terminology that experience the change of meaning in each terminology. The

details of the nwnber are:

a. The extension of meaning or generalization : 11 terminologies

b. The narrowing of meaning or specialization : 7 terminologies

c. Have the same meaning : 22 terminologies 49

B. Suggestions

After finishing this paper, the writer would like to suggest to whom are interested in studying of Indonesian Lexical borrowings especially on entertainment terminologies, they should understand the types of the change of meaning.

She also suggests to the readers especially the students of English Letters

Department to study and discuss about the borrowing Indonesian Language from

English especially in Entertainment tenninology, in order to know that there are many words which are borrowed from English have changed either in the pronunciation, the meaning, or the other part of language component. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Badudu, J.S. Kamus Kata-kata Serapan Asing Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta:

Kompas, 2003.

Baugh, Albert. C. A History of the English Language, Fourth Edition. London:

Routledge, 1993.

Bloomfield, Ronald. Language. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1935.

Chaer, Abdul. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 1994.

Depdikbud. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: PT. Balai

Pustaka, 2005.

Fasold, Ralph and Connor-linton, Jeff. An Introduction to Language ang Linguistics.

UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Field, Fredric. W. Linguistics Borrowing in Bilingual Context. Amsterdam: John

Benyamin Publishing Company, 2002.

Fromkin, Victoria and Rodman, Robert. An Introduction to Language, Second

Edition. Tokyo: Holt-Saunders Japan Ltd, 1981.

____ . An introduction to Language, sixth edition. USA: Harcourt Brace College

Publishers, 1998.

Hartanto, John. S. Pedoman Umum Pembentukan lstilah dan Pedoman Ejaan Bahasa

Indonesia Yang di Sempurnakan (EYD). Surabaya: Indah, 1995.

Homby, AS. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Fifth

Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. 51

Kageura, Kyo. The Dynamic of Terminology. Amsterdam: John Benyamin

Publishing. 2002.

Kridalaksana, Harimukti. Fungsi Bahasa dan Sikap Bahasa. Jakarta: PT. Nusa Indah,


Kushartanti, et.al. Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awai Memahami Linguistik. Jakarta: PT.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005.

Leech, Geoffrey. Semantics. England: Penguin Book, Ltd, 1974.

Martinet, Andre. Element ofGeneral Linguistics. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1964.

Mesthrie, Rajend, et.al. Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Edinburg: Edinburgh

University Press, 2000.

Parera, J.D. Teori Semantic, Edisi Kedua. Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004.

Pei, Mario and Gaynor, Frank. Dictionary of linguistics. New Jersey: Littlefield

Adam &CO, 1975.

Surawan, Martinus. Kamus kata serapan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,


Todd, Lorelo. An Introduction to Linguistics. Singapore: Longman York Press, 1987.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. Introduction to Linguistics. USA: Mc Graw-Hill, Inc, 1972.

Yule, George. The Study ofLanguage. UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006. IN i t!j:~il 1) f4j.Jjijtt11111J:lil~tfflj~llifj/diil~tm www.citacinta.com

N0.11/Vlll e 23 MEI - 6 JUNI 2007 DWIMINGGUAN WANITA Cll Rp 12.000


Gaya & Canti " MOD SWING· • HITAMPL ";?'-.-' ,(>

All Afoou<:t . Body Image S~sua1 .~· Hati-hati Obes1tas • ·- He0oh :. · merilis album kedua. LEE DONG Penantlan Hidup, WOOK akhir Mei ini. "Nalll!f Penantian Hidup di~ Akhir April lalu pecinta dr.!'J: llh karena di album in1 Korea heboh menyambut kaml berhasil mewu· kedalangan salah salu akin< judkan keinginan ter· gantang Korea, LEE ooNG' dalam. yaitu · WOOK. Ak1or yang akrab dipang­ berl

38 I Cita Clnta ·; mett55tl KttrtWL Cewek Multibakat

ubuhnya boleh mungil, tapl potensl : Safera. Dari dia saya belajar banyal< banget, dan ... dia Juga guru yang oke banget! dan bal

62 I Clta CJnta deal," ujar Mike. Taman bermain baru Delson sebagai Artist & Sejak pertama kali mengenal Setelah rnengerjakan album Repertoire {A&R} di bawah label musik hip hop, Mike langsung Collision Course, yang meru­ Machine Shop Records. Mike jatuh hati. "Hip-hop tipe musik pakan kolaborasi Linkin Park sengaja tidak menggaet nama­ yang pertama bikin saya ter­ dengan Jay Z, di acara Mash Up nama besar di dunia rap/hip-hop buai," katanya. Awalnya, Mike di MTV dua tahun lalu, Linkin AS, seperti Eminem, Neptunes, hanya membuat beats. Lama­ Park memutuskan untuk sejenak 50 Cent, atau Timberland, dan lama, dia sanggup bikin lagu 'mendekam dalam gua'. malah tnerangkul para sababat hip-hop. "Saya suka sekali LL Tupi Mike justru tidak betah dan keluarga dekatnya saja. Cool J. Tapi LL Cool J yang dulu berlama-lama 'berada dalam "Mereka lebih dekat dengan ya, waktu dia belum jadi rapper gua'. Bersama sahabat-sahabat­ saya," ujar Mike. ''centil' dan bling-bling seperti nya {Jay-Z, , Meski album The Rising Tied sekarang, ha ha ha!" kata Mike, Common, John Legend, dan lain­ amat pekat unsur nepotisme (he cuek. lain), Mike membangun 'taman he he), patut diakui lagu-lagu berrnain' baru, , dan 'hip-hop organik' di album ini Bikin 'taman bermain' merilis album The Rising Tied. benar-benar dashyat! Dengar Mike punya banyak sekali "Maklum, dulu saya produser saja Petrified, Believe Me, Right teman yang selalu kompak mem­ musik hip-hop. Waktu sibuk de­ Now, dan Kenji (yang menceri­ buat beats dan merekam lagu ngan Link.in Park, saya lupa de­ takan sejarah keluarga Mike hip-hop, salah satunya Brad ngan musik hip-hop yang sebe­ sebagai imigran asal Jepang), Delson (gitarls):' Lulus SMA, ,narnya. Makanya sekarang saya juga Where'd You Go, yang diakui Mike bertemu bikin Fort Minor," jelas Mike Mike selalu membuat istrinya, (drummer). Trio ini membentuk soal taman bermain barunya. Anna Lovejoy, menangis kala band Xero. Mesiti masih remaja, Dalam proyek solo ini, dua mendengar lagu itu. ketiganya cukup serius personel Linkin Park ikut mem­ Ah, Shin(oda)-chan bisa saja! CC bermusik. bantu, yaitu DJ Hahn di lagu Kemudian, Mike bertemu te­ Slip Out The Back, dan Brad V[GAPllOt'IO man kuliah, Phoenix Farrell (gi­ taris), DJ Joseph Halm dan ·····················••@••········ (vokalis). : Crayon Shi11-chan Pada tahun 1999, cowok-cowok • ini sepakat membuat 'taman ber- • Selain suka musik, waktu kecil Mike sangat main' bernama Linkin Park. Dan : SUka melukis, Se]ak usia 3 tahun, Shinoda-chan senang mem- selanjutnya, semua tahu sendiri e buat coretan 'abstrak' dengan crayon atau pensit gambar. kalau hingga kini Linkin Park • "Jadi saya nggak bosan lagi. dan nggak mengganggu sudah menjual lebih dari 35 juta 0 ortu, he he he," cerita Mike. keping album-album mereka. • Menurut lulusan Art Center College of Design di "Saat kami berenam meramu • Pasadena ini, melukis benar-benar membuat musik, segala idenya muncul • dlrinya merasa rileks. Bila sedang santal di rumah, begitu saja secara natural. Itu e Mike pasU melukis. jadi bagian musik Link.in Park • Tahu kalau Mike jago melukis, teman· yang kita dengar.'' kata Mike. : teman sesama r.nusisi, antara lain rapper Musik ;Linkin Park memang e Saukrates, Styles of Beyond, dan Linkin unik, dengan ramuan hip-hop • Park, sering minta dibuatkan artwork dan roCk metal, plus imbuhan : sampul album. juga poster dan kaus. strings dan piano. Mike juga o Mike juga membuat 10 lukisan untuk art- suka iseng menyelipkan bunyi • work sampul album The Rising Tied. suling tradisional Jepang, • Mumpung, ya Shin-chan •••• shakuhachi. • ••••• @. 0 •••••••••

74 I Ota Clnta ,,!.. l•- ' .._.: ·. • ..: ~I \\ "' - - ranjang terbalik. Unik, Big Durian terletal:: tidak jauh . . "' ' . 5 ( plus ' . sebab seluruh atapnya dari bangunan yang sudah ke- Hr. BUKU OALAM JIWA seperti bersisik, ditutupi C1.1 Iture sohor sebelumnya, yakni The besi-besi berbentuk duri­ Merlion dan Fullerton Hotel. Merlion merupa· WIEN MULDIAN duri tajam. Bangunan kan patung raksasa simbol negeri Singapura itu mirip durian! Dipa· yang berbentuk ikan berkepala singa. Sedangkan / dang dari sudut mana Fullerton adalah sebuah hotel anlik yang di­ pun, bentuk Esplanade bangun sejak 1928. Konon, hotel tua cantik ini memang seperti durian · dahulu pemah digunakan sebagai kantor pos. i buah asli Asia Tenggara Tak jauh dari Fullerton, saya menemukan yang beraroma sangat I khas itu. Tak jarang, banyak orang • bahkan warga lokal • menjulu­ kinya dengan sebutan , Big Durian. l Esplanade bisa jadi sudah mewakili salah satu pusat pertunjukan musik dan teater kelas dunia. Beberapa waktu lalu, Esplanade mengge­ lar pertunjukan The Sound of Music. Lakon klasik berdasar kisah § nyata itu diperankan ·i oleh aktor-aktris Teater • Broadway. Saat it;Jke': lompok teater yang ber· Asian Civilisation Museum serta Victoria Con­ markas di New York cert & Memorial Hall. itu memang sedang Di pelataran depan Esplanade berdiri patung menggelar tur dunia penemu Kepulauan Singapura, Sir Thomas Stand­ bertajuk The Sound of ford Bingley Raffles. Yang menarik., patung yang Music. Pasti membang­ dipahat oleh Thomas Woolner ini pertama kali gakan, sebab Singapura dipamerkan di Padang tahun 1887, tepat pada dapat menjadi salah peringatan 50 tahun kekuasaan Ratu Victoria. satu tuan rumah untuk Lalu, di tahun 1919 • hingga sekarang • patung menggelar pertunjukan itu dipindahkan ke Singapura dalarn rangka I musikal I itu. peringatan I 00 tahun kota itu. ·I -- 94 lliTlSA!l! NO'IEMSER 1005 Menurut seorang warga lokal, rr.enemukan dua rl!ang pertunjukan kualitas akustik yang me­ Singapura biasa 1nengg11nakan Hrna besar, n1asing-1nasing untuk pe11un­ madai. Untung saja, pe­ kata berawalan C untuk mengung­ jukan musik dan teater. T1dak se­ merintah Singapura ak­ kapknn kebahagiaan. yaitu car. cash, perti yang biasa terja

  • pura. Selain biaya hidup· yang tinggi, dua secara otornatis menjadi petisi inlemasional guna ma Russell Johnson. yang "ditarik .. ga kaum muda Singapura pada saat itu landmark baru bagi kota kU d (I memncang arsilektur Es­ dari ARTEC Consultants foe. Am· melanjutkan studi ke luar negeri. Maka, berpenduduk empat juta plann

    96 IHTISA!ll ll!IVEMllER 1005 ll!IVEliBER 2006 i1mSA!U 95

    1nya. Sekarang, jalan menuju untuk di terkenal temyata semakin gampang. k jalan plntas kalau kamu bemiat menjadl model, seperti ikutan ajang 1an. •ti kamu sudah tahu, paluang apa saja ~sa kamu dapat Jika kamu te~un di cukup dikenal, kamu harus menjalankannya dan mulai perhatikan 'asetmu' baik-baik. modeling. Kalau kamu bisa mellhat tidak setengah-setengah. g kerja di dunla entertaiment, kamu Nggak sediklt, yang memberikan WARNING! lenjadi bintang lklan, aktris sinetron pandangan negatif dengan profe:si model fni. Yang paling panting, jangan gampang ter­ Im, jika kamu punya bakat menyanyi Karena mereka menganggap, profesl model makan rayuan gombal ajakan kastlng atau blsa menjadl penyanyl. Tldak hanya hanya sebagal objek belaka. Pandangan penawaran imingwlmlng menjadl model kl wajah dl atas rata-rata, sebaiknya negatif inl muncul setelah banyak pang· atau bintang iklan dari oknum yang tldak uga harus menglngat dan menyadari, gunaan model hanya dlgunakan untuk slsl bertanggung jawab. Karena, banyak orang mana bakat yang kamu mlflkl agar blsnis saja. awam yang tertlpu dan mudah sekall mengl­ iu nggak berumur setahun atau dua Jlka kamu benar-benar tertarik untuk yakan ajakan tersebut. Hasllnya? Bukan 1aja. berk:arier di dunla model, sekarang waktu­ jadi terkenal tetapl malah kamu dlmanfaat­ tor kedua yang blkin kamu semakin nya untuk n:engetahui kelebihan yang kamu kan. Inga! dengan kasus VCD kasting iklan untuk terjun di dunia modeling inl millki. Nggak hanya punya bentuk tubuh sabun beberapa waktu yang lalu, atau men­ ' mudah untuk mendapatkan uang. yang proposlonal dan wajah yang cantik, jamumya agensl palsu yang mematok tarif ~ sekali show kamu blsa mendapatkan kamu juga harus memilikl daya tanggap tinggl tetapl hanya menawarkan janji-janji l •atan yang lebih dari cukup. Temyata, yang cepat. Selaln itu, banyak juga lklan palsu. Biasanya oknum sepertl lni banyak nendapatkannya tldak semudah yang yang nggak sepenuhnya menoojolk~n wajah berkellaran di tempat-tempat nongkrong an 1lam dunia modeling, memang nggak hanya satu macaftl, ada pelatihan took Mcidei. Awainya slh, saya maslh mpang susah. Selain faktor .._....,akting, koreografi sarnpai.. 6ahasa lnggris malu-ffialu, ' tetapi karona tema,,.. ~r. kamu juga harus berusaha, dan Mandarin, fho! teman mendukung, akh!mya saya Memang, Jebih baik kamu masuk dalam ikut Jugs. Senangnya, saya meoang ell pemlilhan tersebut, kemudian dlta­ kamu bisa mengawalinya satu agensi atau manajemen artis. karena wari .untuk tlnggal di J~ :uk sekolah modeling, yang karier kamu akan semakin berkembang dan MeOi.uUt saYa. karlBr· model bls3 ah banyak ditemukan. Tujuan­ terarah. Walaupun semua pekerjaan harus )adl masa depan. Aj'.ialagl, kalau ke dalam sekolah modeling melewati agensi atau pihak manajemen, model yang punya kualltas yang lsah kemampuanmu, dari cara kamu sebagai model atau orang kedua ber· tinggl. Blsa dijadlkan pegllllglill hidup • untuk momenuhl kebutuhanmu. ose, dan belajar blocking yang hak untuk mengatakan 'Tidak' jika keten­ • Memang slh, modeling nii93k liiiia'. m 1 kamu mendapat cukup ilmu, tuan pekerjaan yang diberikan tidak sesuai menjadl ksrler selamanya. tet3p1; ·· ·E lberi job untuk membawakan dengan perjanjian sebelumnya. Kamu berhak saya menjadlkan mcidellng men-·· 11 1an seorang desainer. It's a tahu detail pekerjaan yang akan diberikan jadl batu loncatan untuk karier saya II• kepadamu. Karena agansi atau manajemen selanJu!!lya. , . Model.cian ag'\flSI II Ja, kamu blsa ikut pemilihan artis bersifat kekeluargaan, saling terbuka memang ~ bl\18. dii)lsaiikari. Keuniungan rioasul< 11 hitung, ada berapa banyak dan nggak boleh terjadi kecurangan. a9ens1 adS!aii ·agarleblh p;61iiS1oriii( 11 in model di Indonesia? Jawa­ Nah, kalau kamu, sudah bertekad •· 1•gl: Api.1al)ruritu~yan\i blll\J~·. 11 rak. So, lni bisa kamu jadi­ bulat untuk berkarier di b!dang modeling. • IEIJ ksrler i sangat imern)>antwsa~ll.9; .~ tan untuk memulal karierrnu SPICE! sangat mendukung cita--cita kamu. y~tH~2.me.~g9rn~iJ~ri~:- 1 Jpru~:t:--~,~ karnu juga harus berhatl,hati,Jan- m sini kamu harus berusaha Tetapl, sebaiknya kamu berhati~hati dalam Di 1 mungkin, karena temyata • "' g~o1ml!!!.~u;:t~roi~~·cll9M!'.!i.~w-1.J mengambil keputusan, karena nggak sediklt m oknum yang nggak be~ariggung . · m

    dan Norah Jones. Kurt lebih senang kalau audlenslnya tidak banyak. Norah Jones mengaku panik ketika album penamanya, Come Away with Me, mencapai angka pen~ jualan 1 juta keping. Dia meminta Blue Note, labelnya, untuk menghentikan penjualan. Sampai sekarang, album debutnya terjual 20 juta keping di seluruh dunia. BREAKDOWN Di kalangan seJeb, ada yang tidak sanggup menerima perhatian dari publlk-terutama yang menyudutkan mereka. Mereka pun menderita apa yang dlsebut orang public breakdown. Mariah Carey sampai menja· Makin jarang ketemu aja gue jal bunuh dirl, Macaulay Culkin jadl drug dengan mereka," kata Audy. addict, Mary-Kate Olsen mendelita anorek· sia. Britney Spears jadl haus sensasi dengan menggunduli kepala. Kasihan. lkut acara amal, menyan­ tuni penderita ini, mengunju­ JAKARTA MINDED ngi korban itu, dan sederet~ Di Indonesia, publik masih mematok sukses an kegiatan lain bisa bikin di Jakarta sebagai ukuran ketenaran seorang seleb. Maklum, selain ibukota. Jakarta acJa .. "kendaraan" untuk men~ !ah pusat dunia hiburan, mau itu tefevisi, radio, !!.!!!!: dan ~ Banyak seleb dari luar Jakarta bedol desa. naran. Uhat saja Drew SIAP MENTAL Kalau diperhatikan, justru di luar Jakarta Banymore (mantan lah seleb lebih dihargal. Jadl, ada tren untuk drug addict sejak seorang akan dihadap~ ekspansl ke daerah·daerah. Pemyataan lnl kecil), Charlie Sheen keluar dari mulut seteb sendlri, lho• ..Jangan [setelah mengaku suka salah, penghargaan orang-orang daerah ~uar Tialn dengan pekerja seks yang llegal. Kayaknya nggak Jakarta, Red) jauh lebih besar. Kami sangat comersiaQ, Hugh Grant (tar· perfu disebutkan deh nama~ diapresiasi dengan baik, .. kata Pia, vokalis angkap basah dengan PSK), Marla nama seleb lokal yang terjerumus Utopia. Hal senada dlutarakan Anlma,- Ribas, :va (film pendek yang menghebohkan), dan karena tergoda narkoba dan seks bebas. dan Balm. ~ara LestM (pose di majalah prta dewasa). Di belahan dunia lain, ada juga seleb yang nggak slap karena nggak menyangka AKHIR KATA JAIM mereka bakal jadl superstar. Siapa yang maslh menyimpan obsesl jadl t'arena diperhatikan dari ujung rambut sam· Tengok kasus K~n seleb? SI 1al ujung jempol kaki, di kalangan seleb da aturan tidak tertulls untuk jafm. Gfmana ggak? Siapa yang mau senyum tapi masih da sayur menyefip di gigi, berpose pede etika saJah kosturn, dan makan lahap ketlka ~oto? Apa kata orang nantl. AM KERJA BEBAS ~ntu saja ada enaknya: blsa bangun slang, lur sampal larut tanpa berplklr menyerah· m paperesok hart jam 07.00 di meja dosen. 1pl ada juga nggak enaknya. "Teman~ man gua banyak pegawal kantoran, jadl ereka available pas akhir pekan. Glllran 1h saya maslh lancar. Ada pengalaman Menurut saya mereka rajanya kuis, coba diajak rnereka untuk ikut lomba modeling~ 1 nggak bisa dilupakan, waktu ltu saya deh, slapa yang nggak kenal dengan mere­ Saya pun jadi juara. Sejak ltu, banyak teman­ mg syuting FlV di Puncak selama lima ka berdua. Selain smart. mereka juga bisa teman modeling yang mengajak saya ikutan dan- kebanyakan adegan saya scene- membawakan acara dengan baik dan nggak casting. Ternyata saya dapat peran juga, di malarn hari, sementara kuliah belum ngebosenln, dan jago menyanyi pula. walaupun figuran. Karena 'ketagihan' ikut . Karena sistem absensl di kampus yang Banyak orang yang tanya sama saya, lomba, akhimya saya mengikuti pemilihan t, saya jadi takut kalau absen. Saya "Ndra, cita-cita elo jadi selebritl ya?" Saya Abang-None tahun 1997. Tetapi saya melaku­ -belain nyetir sendiri pulang jam enam langsung jawab "Ya". Menjadi seorang enter~ kan sedikit kesalahan saat ltu. Kebl

    1 harus terbiasa dengan hal-hal seperti itu yang saya lihat di televisl. mana yang menawarkan lebih dahulu. na saya sadar itu salalJ satu konsekwensl Awalnya saya ikut macam-macam lomba Pekerjaan saya menjadl entertainer t harus dijalani." modeling, baca puisi, dan lomba apapun ini memang banyak pro dan kontra~nya. / yang bisa membanggakan nama seko­ Untungnya, saya dldukung oleh keluarga, IRA BEKTI (29), lah. Di sekolah, saya termasuk anak terutania ayah dan tante. Tante sering buatln TERTAINER. yang aktif. Meskipun, nggak selalu baju untuk saya, kalau saya mau ikut casting. A.walnya saya menang juga sih. Mereka mendukung sekali pekerjaan saya 1ng melihat Ada beberapa juga sekarang. Hmm... banyak teman yang sadar g yang suk- yang kalah, tapl kalau saya 'banci tampil'. Sekarang, saya ttu nggak bikin sudah membuktikan kepada temarrteman saya jadi patah kalau saya bisa. pemain Setelah sukses, saya merasa lebih ber~ etron, · memacu saya untuk syukur karena bisa berka!ya. Dan saya juga senter, labih baik lagi. pasrah, tetapl tentu saja tetap berusalia Saya ain film, Lalu, kelasduaSMP. berusaha untuk menjadi penghibur yang bail<. peny:;yf. saya ditawari casting Nggak boleh sombong, karena nanll banyak ~tulan, saya iklan. Karena ingin masuk orang yang kece\va. Dan yang penting, jangan lSa punya kemampuan di televisl, akhlmya saya pemah merasa puas. Karena, artl popularltas kemauan untuk suk­ coba. Walaupun masih sendiri adalah satu bentuk dart hasil yang sebagal entertainer. tahap casting, saya sudah kamu kerjakan, yang membutuhkan tanggung kecil, saya memang bangga banget, saya cerita ke jawab yang besar. Popularttas nggak hanya ng tampil. Nggak keluarga dan teman-temiin. Setelah sekadar dikenal, tetapl juga harus menjaga i kalau saya punya . beberapa hart, kok, saya nggak tingkah laku• ak teman di sekolah. dipanggil-panggil lagi. Akhirnya Sebenamya, mudah untuk menjadl , saya sempat ber­ . saya tanya ke mereka tetapl, saya popular. Yang pertama, harus tahu kemam­ mungkln orangtua , malah dicuekin. Temyata yang ~ngan memaksakan diri kalau nggak dapat bukan saya, tetapl Teuku blsa. Jadl lerkenal ada dua.kategorl, terkenal sukses dan Ryan. Awalnya sebal juga sih, karena prestasi atau karena gosip, kamu ting· i 1kTV. berarti jalan saya, bukan gal pllih. Saya ingin jadl entertainer sampal I anyak -di situ. Lalu tahun 1993, tua, pokoknya jadi entertainer sejatil Saya I ·1 1et orang­ saya ditawari jadl dub­ ingin niain teater seperti di Broadway dan g sukses ber. Dari situ, saya punya album solo. menjadl banyak bertemu Sebelum lnl, saya sampat kuliah di London rasi untuk dengan orang· School. Setelah lulus kullah, saya baru sibuk . Sepertl orang di bldang dengan dunla saya. Ada kelnglnan untuk senter entertain­ melanjutkan kullah leg!, karena saya mendapat >wi Yahya ment, seperti beasiswa di London School, mudah;nuda­ Koes Elma Theana. han saya bisa meneruskan pendldikan saya. Al.l.t-•.- --··- ·~--··- .... --··- ___ ... ,_.,. ___ ..... ___ ., __ ...... " ' rilis musik ' '

    rRrl?.;.Ho·Po TIKA Frozen Love Songs (Aksara Records) Di tengah kerumunan penyanyi cewek pop, lika muncul dengan karakter musik yang beda banget plus karakter vokal yang jazzy. Selaln unsur trip-hop yang terkesan misterius, tambahan brass section di beber· apa lagunya bikin nuansa lagu jadi megah . Lagu panting pi-lihan Seventeen: "Under Their Feet', "Waiting For 2.ocr, "Fever Fairytale" dan "Premortem Wound'. Two thumbs upl

    Feist Souljah Breaking the Roots Let it Die (Universal Music) (Naga Swarasakti} Nggak asing dong sama lagu Bosan dengar musik R n B, pop "Inside & Our yang sering di pu­ atau garage? Lefs turn to reggae! tar di radio? Vokalnya yang khas Di "Jamaica's Away" yang penuh dan unik inl memang enak banget dan sering dibandingkan kocokan gitar dan pennainan bass yang khas reggae, sama Sade sampai Astrud Gilberto, ratu Bossa-Nova tahun Souijah kelihatan serius mengusung jenis musik ini. Cek 60-an. Album yang berisi lagu-lagu easy listening seperti juga kolaborasi mereka bareng penyanyi keroncong lerl

    antik periu modal. Tapi kafau sampaJ melatui jalan operasi, C wah itu sih bukan pilihan yang oke, selaln harganya juga yang nggak pas untuk cewek kampus. Klinik kecan­ tikan baru Thalassa Skln Centre- & Spa yang berada di bilangan Jakarta Selatan menyediakan berbagal produk kosmetik untuk perawatan di rumah. Setain itu tersedia pula skin & body treatment untuk mengatasi berbagai masalahmu mutal dari penumpukan lemak, pengecilan betis, sampai pe­ rawatan payudara. hotdeals kamu DI sinl juga Cuaca panas nggak berarti bisa berkonsultasi, selanjutnya beauty expert akan merekomendasikan produk harus terlihat lusuh dengan dari Ericson Laboratolre Paris tersebut peluh di dahi. Dengan sebagal soluslnya. Harga? Bervar!asi, alas makeup tapl pe­ tergantung dari kandungan dan konserr ngentetap terlihat stun­ beberapa produk berikut trasl. Tapi untuk produk perawatan kullt, Mning? Apalagf kalau kamu sudah bisa terlihat harga di slnl·termasuk lumrah. Tertarik? kamu sedang pergl berllbur. Kayaknya buat mencari memukau, tanpa perlu Langsung saja ke Jin. Barito II No. 7, atau hubungl (021) 72793846/ 47. 'nyawa• baru yang bisa terlihat berlebihan. menggerakkan kamu buat makeup saja kok susah banget. Anna Sul, baru- baru lnl mengeluarkan maskara dengan tiga varlan yang disesualkan dengan kebutuhanmu. Untuk hasil bulu mata tebal p/lih maskara vo-­ lume, Jong untuk hasn bulu mata panjang, dan full untuk hasil pe­ nuh. Untuk apllkasl, je­ pit deh bulu matamu terleblh dahulu, ke­ mudlan dengan ge­ rakan zig-zag, ofes­ kan maskara hanya di ujung bulu mata ataumulaldarlpang­ kal ke arah ujung. Sudah merasa can- says

    arl kecil, gue pengon banget jadl seleb. Kelnglnan ltu kuat banget, sampai-sampal ) gue hljrah ko Jakarta waktu maslh duduk di bangku SMA tegardibadai 1. Gue merasakan pahit-manlsnya jkak darl bawah: casting, modeling, ~' sampai main slnetron. gos1p nasa-masa itu, gue harus plsah den­ nan-teman dan keluarga di Bandung. oleh Dwi Andhika, pemain sinetron. aja, awal-awalnya gus sering menan­ au lag! kangen sama keluarga. Habis, 1a gue ltu erat banget, sampai-sampai gu dan prinsip gue untuk tidak terganggu dari kejamnya gosip. Kalau gosip-gosip kecil n baru dimulal kalau semua anggota adalah menjadi diri gue apa adanya. Gimana saja dan yang nggak merugikan kehldupan lengkap dan sebagalnya. nggak? Semakin gue dan nggak transparan, pribadi, gue nggak akan tanggapi serius. elah lumayan dlkenal, gue mulal semakin gue dicap negatif dan yang tidak­ Gosip itu gue anggap sebagai risiko yang bahwa orang-orang juga ingln tahu tidak. Jadi, gue memilih membuka diri. harus dihadapi. Tapi yang satu ini sempat pan gue. Gue slh nggak tergang- Temyata, tetap saja gue nggak luput bikin gue shocked banget. Ceritanya, gue sedang pemotretan. Pas gue keluar dari ~tudio, tiba-tiba banyak wartawan infotain­ ment mengerubung, bertanya apa benar gUE mengidap suatu penyakit yang mematikan. Gue heran, mereka dapat berita dari mana? Gue pikir, apakah itu karena gue sering ke rumah sakit? {Metabolisme gue memang rendah dan gue sering bolak-balik ke dokter). Awalnya, gue nggakterlalu menanggapi samq pal gue merasa disudutkan dengan pemberi­ taan itu. Gue sampai harus pergi ke ruma! sakit, minta hasil check-up dokter untuk membuk1ikan-klarifikasi-bahwa gue ngga~) mengidap penyakit yang mematikan itu. ltu adalah kejadian yang paling menga­ getkan dalarn karier gue sejauh ini. Karen!l nggak kuat menghadaplnya, gue sempat menangis (FYI, gue memang perasa). Sele pas ke)adlan itu, gue mencoba menjalanl hidup secara normal, tapl kali lni dengan lebih hatl­ hatl karena bahkan seorang teman pun bisa n1enikam dari belakang. Terus hubungan gue dengan fans atau publik yang mengenal gue pun thank goodness tetap berjalan brul~ Gue menganggap mereka sebagai teman, jadl gue merangkul mereka, toh tanpa mereka, gue nggak eksis di dunia entertainment. Terkadang, ada juga ·hal y3ng meng--: ganggu dan sempat membuat gue menye­ sal selama lima tahun berkarier. Setelah ,. blsa menggapal cita-cita, bisa bell rumah di Jakarta dan memboyong semua keluarga ke t Gue sampai merasa harus pergi Jakarta, bokap gue menlnggal bulan Januari 2007 kemarin. Gue kehllangan banget. Tapl, rumah sakit, minta hasil check-up sekarang gue bangkit dan hal inl justru blkln ,ltf~r 11nt11k kl~rifik~u~i_ 88 guetambah semangat, bahwa segala sesuatu shanty Cewek ini memang 'suka mencari'. Mau tahu hasil temuannya? arak dua setengah tahun nggak dianggap lama buat Shanty sampal akhirnya dia mengeluar­ kan satu album lagi. Yup, inl bisajadi 1emuan'­ J nya yang pertama. Dibantu produser Denny Chasmala, Shanty mengaku puas banget. "Album ini paling personal dari album sebelumnya dan bukan al­ bum karbitan, karena seluruh pikiran dan perasaan gue betul-betul tercurah buat album inl. Betul-betul apa yang gue earl!" Jadi nggak heran deh, kalau sepuluh lagu di album "Seperli Langi!" memang teriihat beda dari hits-hits Shanty sebelumnya. Cewek Capricorn ini kayaknya juga suka berbu­ ru nada-nada bandel yang selama ini mungkin nggak disentuh olehnya. Pengen buat kaget fans kamu ya, Shan? "Nggak juga, gue cuma pengen musik gue berkembang, sama halnya dengan umur dan wawasan gue yang bertambah," jawab Shanty. Keinginan Shanty merubah gaya panggung dan corak musik jadi temuan yang kedua dalam pencarian­ nya. Kai au di dua album sebelumnya, Shanty tampil dinamis dengan musik pop- dance, sekarang Shanty muncul nge-rocld Gaya panggung minus one dengan penari latar bakal ditinggalkannya. Sebaliknya, Shanty sekarang bakal membaW;l band sendiri setiap mang­ gung, "Pokoknya tampilan baru! Lebih maskulin, dan lebih garang. Hehehe ..." tegasnya. Terbuk11 deh kalau jiwa tomboy mantan VJ MTV ini masih melekat dalam hari-harinya. Biar begitu, Shanty ngaku kalau dla pun­ ya dua sisi dalam dirinya, tomboy dan girlie. Ibara! bunglon, cewek inl bebas berubah-ubah tiap waktu."Gue rocker, tapl centil juga," tambahnya sambll ter1awa lebar. Nggak cukup di situ, Shanty juga punya hobl baru, yaitu baca buku biografi pemuslk terkenal buat encari lnspirasi yang menambah molivasi diri seba- 1entertainer yang bagus. Kesenusan Shanty seal di entertainer inl memang patut diacungi jempol. at saja dan awal karimya sampai sekarang, profesi ari, model, VJ, penyanyi, dan sekarang main film, uanya pernah digeluti."Gue termasuk orang yang islus, selalu pengen impian gue tercapai." ujar ty. Terus apa lmpian Shanty sekarang? "Seperli lagu di album baru gue lni, gue pengen mencari ejati." Ii> who's wh

    indy Bernadette yang dulu luar Jakarta dan Bandung." dikenal dengan album Cindy Wish Na. 1 terdengar ' (2005) dan hit Aku Sahabatmu Joblh bersemangat. J yang Manclntalmu, Rlntangan "Aku banyak memasuk­ 1t dengan Glenn Fredly), dan Pesta kan unsur pop, ~1 dan t. Rio Febrlan dan Ello), klnl kemball R&B. Aku dllrlng andku, gan album kedua berjudul Wish No. 1, Tho Playa, yang terdlrt alas :tuksi label barunya, X Records. teman~temanku sendirl. t tahun lalu, Cindy bllang ke Single pertamanya adalah CEt, 'befum ada penyanyl laln Nlkmatl Sa}a Bardua. Dart 10 namanya Cindy saJa'. sebelas lagu, aku menclp­ haha. aku hanya melangkapl a]a, supa~ takan sepuluh dan diban- 1ggaktertukar dengan Cindy lalnnya." dlngkan album sebelumnya '~ mutuakan blldn album aendlrl yang mallow, mood Wish 1gan hengkang darl label lama? No. 1 lnl lebih upbeat." rena di album partama, aku hanya Gaya kamu pun Juga lklt sekall terllbat dalrun pambuatan· Jadl leblh upbeat. O Iyo, . Aku merasa kreatlvitasku sangat SPICE! dengar enam lagumu di MySpace laman pendengar seperU teman Jatuh atas. Aku akhfmya pamlt darl label dan suka banget Hatl Seorang Wanita. clnta dengan sosama teman di Aini Mla dengan balk-balk. DI album Jnl, Llrllmya: Jangan malnkan hatl seorang Sahabatmu yang llfenclnfalmu1 dall yang aku pagang pun jauh leblh wanlt& SetuJu banget. Kamu memang "Secara taknls, aku sendlrt nggak pemah ber· ar. I put myseff a hundred percent haro. ouka menclptakan .!!l;l!i. yang dekat plklr manulis lagu berdasarkan apa yang klra· rnoslnya. aku gerak sendirt. Sejak awal dengan klra nyambung dengan kehldupan pandengar." juga melak*Jkan promosl sendlrian di penga .. Pengalaman prlbadl, dongi. "Hahaha, iya. Makanya, penulisannya mengallr apa adanya. • B7W,maslhadayan9b1lan9wajah kamu mlrlp Kelly Clarlcson? "Haha, masihl It's okay with me."' SI

    ima tahun tak begitu terdengar lmlau sedang senang." kiprahnya, Sinna Balik ke tujuh tahun lalu, dengan (16) menggebrak dengan album vokal serak, SPICE! menduga kamu L Prfmadona yang dirills baru-bartiini.' bakal Jad1 alto atau mezzOsopnino. Berlkut obrolan Sherina di markas SPICE!: Ternyata sekarang vokalmu becla .. Prlmadona terdengar seporti prlma baf.. "Mungkin secara tldak sadar vokatku Jerlna di balet. jadi 'lepas' karena aku sekarang yang "Kebetulan aku sendiri pebalet ya, jadl kata ttu menggarap albumku sendiri. Jadi, aku dalam maknanya dalam albumku. lni mewakili merssa babas mangeksplorasi vokalku. unsur elegan dan aku juga memaki-maki sang Menurutku, suaraku yang dulu justru cem­ primadona. Maksudku, tiap orang punya pri­ preng, hehehe.11 madonanya sendlrl: di sekolah, di rumah, di Dl ularan pers, kamu bifang 1cewek tempat kerja. Pastl ada orang yang domi­ ltu cantik dan momafikan'.. Wow. nan dan menyebalkan. Dan di hldupku ada "Aku kan lkut oleh raga wushu dan salah orang seperti itu yang menjadi insplraslku. Aku satu alat yang harus dlkuasai adalah banyak dapat lnsplrasl kalau sedang marah.'' pedang. Aku analogikan cewekitupedang: ltu dlsalurkan ke lagu? cantik, elegan, feminin dan kuat.• "Ya, daripada marah-marah nggak jelas, aku 1Bik1n cowok gentar .... memilih blkln lagu ... "Nggak tahu ya. Yang pasti cowok nggak ltu alasan banyak distorst gltar di bebe.. bakal main~main, hahaha." rapa lagu? Kamu .sangat memerhatikan "Musik rock adalah satah satu saja unsur yang penampilan. mewaklll ekspresiku. Tapl, aku banyak juga "Aku rutin baca majalah fashion, slit" memasukkan jenls ~ yang lain dalam Oke. Kalau kullah nanU, mau ambH albumku. Kafau lag! marah, aku suka rock. Jurusan apa? Kalau sedih, aku pillh R&B, dan muslk akustik "Sekarang aku belum tahu pasti." SI ~ r t:vrevv

    c ''"

    =c '"'"

    empat jam aja aku nggak makan, aku bakal kelaparan!" America Ferrera, bintang Betty La Fea. ••.-; "Album p/aylist-ku: Judie at Carnegie Hall (Judy Garland), Martha Wainwright (album ~~-v;~~,,_B!'mll!.)FIU'!'ft\I'.~ adikku). La Divina (Maria Mau dapat hadiah 1O CO Primadona •• dari Sherina Munaf? Kirimkan bioda· r ·Callas). dan Dancer with· II ta lengkapmu plus komentar tentang Bruised Knee (Kate & Anna , musik Sherina ke redaksJ@splee. ~ co.Id dengan subject; Primadona. Tersedia ii McGarrigle, mama dan sepuluh CD dan sepuluh notebook untuk tanteku)." fi sepuluh pemenang, persembahan SPICE! S - dan Trinity Optima Production. Rufus Wainwright. •G-FILES -

    )if~id ,.,~dP - la rela mengguball lagu darl rock ko pop demi ' lstli ierbtritaiij.ia; ROSSa. Iittled rum m 8 r ·~w:.:. Didi yang jugae•:• h posi/Jel(Oo ~~ 0 membawa stik kQ marui~~ll:~ :_ .-:: '.: ', boys :'·,?.Ji'.':~

    'l'rltvls 'llllnl< ' ' · iBll' lla•kllli,.•:P: Gabun\j ieliikhlr1i "' diln moriJ8di : ' tron1man aaiam Waktu sfngliili di · Blink 10:b1f«i'l"$' i pasangan kerajaan Kaisar Franz Joseph dan Ratu Elisabeth. Ada total 40 ruangan dalam istana In!, kamu blsa memilih jenis yang dlkehendaki, dari mulal paket tur yang paling murah yaitu 1enal Tour dengan mengeluarkan biaya 8,90 Euro, hlngga paket nahal yaitu Grand Tour. (Pssttt, tenang aja, kalau masih maha­ va kamu dapat diskon khusus, kokl) rerletak di bagian tenggara pusat kota, lstana Belvedere 1ngun oleh Johann Lukas sebagal tempat peristirahatan musim as untuk Pangeran Eugene, komandan militer handal di abad Selain bisa melihat megahnya istana, kamu juga bisa melihat 1gam koleksi lukisan. Belum caP,ek? Coba kunjungi taman 1ran Prater yang terletak di timur pusat kota, tepat di sisi danau 1au yang membelah kota Vienna. Di sini terdapat berbagai jenis 1ngan seperti: blanglala dan planetarium. Seru, kan? I/ah, tak jauh dari danau Donau terdapat kompleks baru milik .atuan Bangsa-bangsa yang diberi nama UNO city atau Vienna rnational Centre. Kantor perwakilan PBB di Austria lni menye­ an tur dengan perjanjian terlebih dahulu. Browsing dulu ke v.unis.unvienna.org atau email ke: [email protected] (alau kamu ingin mencoba menonton opera, jangan lewat* pertunjukan opera yang ada di opera house- Vienna dengan :>goh kocek mulai 15 Euro hingga 65 euro. Cek jadwal pertun­ n dan cara memesan tiket di www.volksoper.at atau e-mail ke: [email protected] Atau kamu lebih memilih menonton orkestra? a pertunjukan orkestra di kompleks Hofburg tentu sayang dile­ tan, untuk reservasi kamu bisa menghubungi [email protected]. S!