ENGLISH BOH.llOWINGS IN INDONESIAN ENTERTAINMENT TERMINOLOGY A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial to Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata I Degree NABILAH ALA \VI NO. 103026027629 ENGLISI-I LETTEllS DEPARTMENT LETTEllS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY "SYARIF HIDA YATULLAH" JAKARTA 1428 I-I I 2007 M ABSTRACT Nabilah Alawi, English Borrowings in Indonesian Entertainment Terminology. Paper. Jakarta : English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, July 2007. This research is aimed to know the English Borrowed word into Indonesian language in Entertainment terminology, the important purpose in this research is to know the change of meaning that is happened in the borrowing word from English into Indonesian Language in Entertainment tem1inology. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method, where she describes one by one the borrowed words from English, and analyzes those words in Indonesian Entertainment terminology which are experienced the change of meaning, such as in Extension, Narrowing, and in the same of meaning. To support the analysis the writer uses some dictionaries and the other related references. The writer uses some theories that are the definition oflanguage, terminology, borrowing and the change of meaning. To find the words which are borrowed from English, the writer uses three different magazines as the unit of analysis. They are Cita Cinta, Intisari, and Spice!. The writer has been already found fourty terminologies from those magazines and analyzed them one by one. As the conclusion, the writer found the borrowed words from English in Indonesian entertainment terminology that are presented in this change of meaning are extension, narrowing, and in the same of meaning on the other hand the change of meaning does not happen in regeneration and degeneration. APPROVEMENT ENGLISH BORROWINGS IN INDONESIAN ENTERTAINMENT TERMINOLOGY A Paper Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata I Degree NABILAH ALA WI NO. 103026027629 Approved by Advisor -~~===~ DR. FRANS SAYOGIE, M.PD~ NIP. 150 299 481 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT LETTERS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY "SYARIF HIDAY ATULLAI-I" JAIURTA 1428 HI 2007 M LEGALIZATION A Paper entitled "English Bon-owings in Indonesian Ente1iainment Tenninology" has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty's Examination committee on November 12, 2007. The paper has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Strata 1 degree. Jakarta, November 12, 2007 Examination Committee Chair Person, Secretary, M.Pd. Drs. A. Saefuddin, M. Pd NIP. 150 261 902 Members: Examiner I Examiner II ~ Drs. H. Abd. Hamid, M. Ed. Sholikatus Sa'diyah, M. Pd NIP. 150 181 922 NIP. 150 370 230 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or the other institute of higher learning, Except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text. .. Jakarta, September 24, 2007 ACKNO\VLEDGMENT In the name ofAllah, !he A-1ost Gracious, the Most Mercifiil. All praise be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, who has bestowed upon the writer completing this paper. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companions and his followers. In this occasion the writer would like to convey her heartfelt thanks to these amazing people, especially to Dr. Frans Sayogie, M.Pd., as the writer's advisor for his time, guidance and kindness in correcting and helping her to finishing this paper. I. Her beloved parent H. Alawi Zen, 1\1.A and Hj. Farhiah Thoyyib, for their prayers, trust and support to the writer. They have been and still are ready and patient to assist her education morally and materially until finishing this paper with their various ways, she conveys her truly grateful to have them 2. Dr. H. Abd. Chair, M.A., the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty 3. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Depaitment, and Drs. A. Saefuddin, l\lPd., the Secretary of English Letters Department 4. All lecturers in English Letters Department, especially to Mr. Zaharil Anasyi, S.Pd., who has give his advices and ideas to the writer. 5. The library staff of Letters and Humanities Faculty, the library staff of Cultural Faculty of Indonesia University, and the library staff of 'PKKB' Atmajaya. 6. Her beloved sisters (K'o, Kk Uwa, Suhe, Ndu' and Dende) and also her brothers (A Cory and Oeton) for their support, compassion, contribution, and moral encouragement that they always give to the writer. 7. Her special thanks to her beloved person, Maz Rang Ga, for his advice, time to accompany, helping and editing her paper. 8. And also all her friends and classmates in English Letters Department especially to Yoentze, Paul, Yuni, Emma, and Maz Dew 9. All who have given their support for the writer. The words are not enough to say any appreciation for your help and contribution on this paper. May Allah SWT always guides you and gives all happiness throughout your life. Jakarta, September 24 2007 The Writer TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .............................................................................. APPROVEMENT......................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION......................................................................... iii DECLARATION......................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................. v TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................ vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Backgrouud of the Study ................................ B. Focus of the Study......................................... 3 C. Research Question......................................... 4 D. Significance of the Study.................................. 4 E. Research Methodology.............. .. 4 I. Objective of the Study................................. 4 II. Method of the Study.................................... 5 III. Technique of Data Analysis.......................... 5 IV. Unit of Analysis........................................ 5 V. Instruments of the Research........................... 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Language..................................................... 7 B. Terminology................................................. 9 C. Borrowing.................................................... 13 D. Change of Meaning......................................... 15 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH FINDING A. Description of the Data..................................... 20 B. Analysis of the Data......................................... 23 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions.................................................. 48 B. Suggestions.................................................. 49 BIBLOGRAPHY........................................................................... 50 APPENDIXES.............................................................................. 52 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Human uses language as communication device to interact each other, we use language to ask for, give people infom1ation, and express our mind and feeling. The simple definition of language is a set of signals by which we communicate.1 In linguistics, language is a sound system of signals which is agreed to use by part of group in certain society to cooperate, communicate, and identify theirself. 2 In modem era, people communicate and cooperate with two or more countries. Many people speak foreign language in their daily conversation. Nowadays, educated people and scientists of every kind are induced to learn to read, if not to speak several languages. It is not easy to see how a foreign language which is learned and used by the most influential social classes of a nation may cease to be a foreign language and become a common language which gradually eliminates the ancient nation language, the process being one of dialectalization and fragmentation.3 As a social creator, a person depends on another, enable them to complete their deficiency, it is not impossible if one nation borrowed foreign terms from another nation to complete their vocabularies. Moreover, perhaps it becomes their 1 Lorelo Todd, An Introduction to Linguistics, (Singapore: Longman York Press, 1987), p.6 2 Kushartanti , et.al. ( ed), Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awai Memahami Linguistik, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005), p.3 3 Andre Martinet, Element ofGeneral Linguistics, (london: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1964), p.168 I 2 national terms. By the development of culture, science and technology is definitely think out the new concepts, with the new words or terminologies as the cross- section.• 4 Indonesian language borrowed many foreign vocabularies from several languages. Such as Chinese, Arabic, Latin, Dutch, Germany, and also English. As an International language, many people speak English language in their conversation. Because of that, English borrowing into Indonesian language is used in many fields, such as, in Economic, Law, Education, Medical and also in Entertainment field. Language has meaning and a meaning can experience
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