Organic News, Events, Certification Updates, Member Profiles and More! MAGAZINE Winter 2010 CertifiedCertified OrganicOrganic Change from the Ground Up: Organic farming as a solution to global warming IN THIS ISSUE: $4.95 Member Spotlight Tips for Exporting Certification Updates Organic News ISSN 1940-8870 ® ®® BioFlora biological solutions take crop yields to the next BioFlorBioFloraa nurturesnurtures level—naturally. Synthetic fertilizers alone can’t thethe partnershippartnership create the microbially diverse soils needed to maximize yields and achieve the highest profits. betweenbetween cropscrops Maximum crop yields always come from fertile, bio-active, carbon-rich soils. andand soil.soil. The world’s best soil fertility programs start with BioFlora® biological solutions, which are scientifically formulated to create microbially diverse soils, increase soil humus, and add carbon-rich organic acids. BioFlora® products create bio-active soils that stimulate microbe proliferation — converting soil organic matter into plant-available forms and storing nutrients and moisture for plant use. Highest yields come from this symbiotic relationship between soils and plants. The reciprocal arrangement between crops and soil results in increased crop production, improved synthetic fertilizer conversion, and long-range soil fertility. Contact BioFlora® and create the perfect partnership today. E-mail:
[email protected] Toll-Free: 1-888-bioflora Web: 16121 W. Eddie Albert Way Goodyear, Arizona 85338 14902 04.23.09 Global Organics Final 2009 CCOF Certified Organic Mag 1 Dave/Brian Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Printed Printed Color Color MAGAZINE CCOF Inc. CCOF Certification Contents BoardCertified of Services, LLC Organic Directors Management Committee First Words 4 Emily Brown Rosen Will Daniels, Letter to the Editor 5 Chair/Treasurer Ron Enomoto Member News 6 Malcolm Ricci, Karen Klonsky, Ph.D.