Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Tables of Contents
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Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Tables of Contents Vol. 1 (1979) M.J. Kister Some reports concerning al-T. ¯a-if 1 Etan Kohlberg Man¯ahijal-,¯arif¯ın. A treatise on S. ¯ufism 19 by Ab¯u ,Abd al-Rah. m¯anal-Sulam¯ı Uri Rubin Prophets and progenitors in the early 41 Sh¯ı,a tradition David Ayalon On the eunuchs in Islam 67 F. Klein-Franke The Arabic Version of Galen's 125 Περὶἐθωn Ronald L. Nettler Ibn Khald¯un'sproof for God's unity: 151 A problematic passage in the Muqad- dimah Aryeh Levin S¯ıbawayhi's view of the syntactical 185 structure of k¯anawa -axaw¯atuh¯a Joshua Blau Some observations on a Middle Arabic 215 Egyptian text in Coptic Characters Moshe Piamenta Jerusalem sub-standard Arabic. Lin- 263 guistic analysis of an idiolect 1 2 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Vol. 2 (1980) Sh. Shaked Mihr the Judge 1 M.J. Kister On a monotheistic aspect of a J¯ahiliyya 33 practice P. Crone Islam, Judeo-Christianity and Byzan- 59 tine iconoclasm G. Kunazi, Al-Ris¯alatul-M¯assa by Ab¯uHil¯alal- 97 ,Askar¯ı Sh. Pines Sh¯ı,ite terms and conceptions in Judah 165 Halevi's Kuzari I.R. Netton Brotherhood versus Imamate: Ikhw¯an 253 al-S. af¯a- and the Ism¯a,¯ıl¯ıs L.V. Berman & I. Alon Socrates on law and philosophy 263 J. Hecker Some notes on Kit¯abal-Tawl¯ıd from the 281 Mughn¯ı of the Q¯ad.¯ı ,Abd al-Jabb¯ar D. Ayalon Maml¯ukiyy¯at 321 J. Blau Studies in Arabic morphology and syn- 351 tax S. Soroudi Islamization of the Iranian national 365 hero Rustam as reflected in Persian folktales Tables of Contents 3 Vol. 3 (1981{1982) A. Arazi Al-Tad. allu, f¯ı ma,n¯a l-taqannu, de 1 Djal¯alal-D¯ınal-Suy¯ut.¯ı G. Kanazi ,Ubaydull¯ahb. al-H. urr al-Ju,f¯ı,his life 49 and poetry C. Bailey Bedouin war poems from the Negev 131 Y. Lev F¯at.imid policy towards Damascus 165 (358/968{386/996): military, political and social aspects M. Idel Magic temples and cities in the Middle 185 Ages and the Renaissance A. Ravitzky Hebrew quotations from the lost Arabic 191 recension of Parva Naturalia N. Kinberg A study of la--in clauses in early literary 203 Arabic J. Blau On some Proto-Neo-Arabic and early 223 Neo-Arabic features differing from Classical Arabic Notes M.J. Kister and Y. Friedmann 237 Reviews E. Kohlberg, O. Kapeliuk and 241 T. Langermann 4 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Vol. 4 (1984) From J¯ahiliyya to Islam Colloquium 1, Jerusalem, June 1980, (I) Ph. Gignoux L'organisation administrative sasanide: 1 le cas du marzb¯an Sh. Shaked From Iran to Islam: notes on some 31 themes in transition M. Rosen Ayalon Themes of Sasanian origin in Islamic 69 art R.N. Frye Comparative observations on conver- 81 sion to Islam in Iran and Central Asia J.B. Segal Arabs in Syriac literature before the 89 rise of Islam C. Rabin On the probability of South-Arabian in- 125 fluence on the Arabic vocabulary Sh. Pines Notes on Islam and on Arabic Chris- 135 tianity and Judaeo-Christianity P. Crone J¯ahil¯ıand Jewish law: the qas¯ama 153 M. Gil The origin of the Jews of Yathrib 203 Tables of Contents 5 Vol. 5 (1984) From J¯ahiliyya to Islam Colloquium 1, Jerusalem, June 1980, (II) M. Lecker The H. udaybiyya-treaty and the expedi- 1 tion against Khaybar U. Rubin Bar¯a-a: a study of some Qur-¯anicpas- 13 sages M.J. Kister . ill¯abi-h. aqqihi. : a study of an early 33 h. ad¯ıth E. Landau-Tasseron The participation of T. ayyi- in the ridda 53 H. Busse ,Omar b. al-Hat.t.¯abin Jerusalem 73 M. Sharon The development˘ of the debate around 121 the legitimacy of authority in early Is- lam E. Kohlberg Some Im¯am¯ıSh¯ı,¯ıviews on the S. ah. ¯aba 143 A. Arazi Mat´eriaux pour l'´etude du conflit de 177 pr´es´eanceentre la Mekka et M´edine Kh. Athamina The sources of al-Bal¯adhur¯ı’s Ans¯abal- 237 ashr¯af G.H.A. Juynboll Muslim's introduction to his S. ah.¯ıh. 263 translated and annotated with an ex- cursus on the chronology of fitna and bid,a M. Zwettler The poet and the Prophet: towards un- 313 derstanding the evolution of a narrative S.A. Bonebakker Early Arabic literature and the term 389 adab 6 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Vol. 6 (1985) Eliyahu Ashtor Memorial volume J. Blau Eliyahu Ashtor, 1914{1984: In Memo- i riam B.Z. Kedar Eliyahu Ashtor: list of publications iii E. Landau-Tasseron Asad from J¯ahiliyya to Islam 1 M. Lecker Muh. ammad at Medina | a geographi- 29 cal approach M. Muranyi Das Kit¯abal-siyar von Ab¯uIs.h. ¯aqal- 63 Faz¯ar¯ı E. Kohlberg Non-Im¯am¯ıMuslims in Im¯am¯ı fiqh 99 Sh. Pines Studies in Christianity and in Judaeo- 107 Christianity based on Arabic sources I. Alon The Arabic version of Theophrastus' 163 Metaphysica S. Harvey A 14th century Kabbalist's excerpt 219 from the lost Arabic original of Averroes' Middle commentary on the Physics S. Stroumsa The Bar¯ahima in early Kal¯am 229 H. Ben-Shammai Studies in Karaite Atomism 243 A. Levin The syntactic technical term al- 299 mabniyy ,alayhi N. Kinberg Adverbial clauses as topics in Arabic 353 J. Blau and S. Hopkins A vocalized Judaeo-Arabic letter from 417 the Cairo Geniza Notes J.A. Bellamy and G.J. van Gelder 477 Review articles U. Rubin and E. Landau-Tasseron 481 Tables of Contents 7 Vol. 7 (1986) From J¯ahiliyya to Islam Colloquium 2, Jerusalem, July 1982 (I) Y. Grunfest Language and style of the South- 1 Arabian inscriptions: votive inscrip- tions from M^arib J. Blau The J¯ahiliyya and the emergence of the 35 Neo-Arabic lingual type S. Hopkins Early materials in Middle (Neo-) Ara- 45 bic G. Stroumsa \Seal of the Prophets": the nature of a 61 Manichaean metaphor Sh. Shaked From Iran to Islam: on some symbols 75 of royalty Ph. Gignoux Pour une esquisse des fonctions re- 93 ligieuses sous les Sasanides A. Shiloah Music in the Pre-Islamic period as re- 109 flected in Arabic writings of the first Is- lamic centuries G.D. Newby The S¯ıra as a source for Arabian Jewish 121 history: problems and perspectives E. Kohlberg Bar¯a-a in Sh¯ı,¯ıdoctrine 139 Y. Friedmann Finality of prophethood in Sunn¯ıIslam 177 M. Cook Early Islamic dietary law 217 8 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Vol. 8 (1986) From J¯ahiliyya to Islam Colloquium 2, Jerusalem, July 1982 (II) G.R. Hawting H. udaybiyya and the conquest of Mecca: 1 a reconsideration of the tradition about the Muslim takeover of the sanctuary M. Muranyi Die ersten Muslime von Mekka | 25 soziale Basis einer neuen Religion? E. Landau-Tasseron The sinful wars: religious, social and 37 historical aspects of h. ur¯ubal-fij¯ar M.J. Kister The massacre of the Ban¯uQurayz.a: a 61 re-examination of a tradition U. Rubin The Ka,ba: aspects of its ritual func- 97 tions and position in pre-Islamic and early Islamic times M. Lecker On the markets of Medina (Yathrib) in 133 pre-Islamic and early Islamic times H. Busse ,Omar's image as the conqueror of 149 Jerusalem M. Sharon Ahl al-bayt | people of the House 169 Kh. ,Athamina Arab settlement during the Umayyad 185 Caliphate Tables of Contents 9 Vol. 9 (1987) J¯ahiliyya and Islamic studies In honour of M.J. Kister Septuagenarian (I) Bibliography of M.J. Kister i S.D. Goitein The humanistic aspects of Oriental 1 studies R.N. Frye Feudalism in Sasanian and early Islamic 13 Iran Ph. Gignoux Une cat´egorie de mages `a la fin de 19 l'´epoque sasanide: les mogv¯eh Sh. Shaked A facetious recipe and two wisdoms: 24 Iranian themes in Muslim garb J.C. Greenfield The verb sallat.a in the Qur-¯anin the 36 light of Aramaic usage E. Ullendorf Hebrew elements in the Ethiopic Old 42 Testament S.P. Brock North Mesopotamia in the late sev- 51 enth century: Book XV of John Bar Penk¯ay¯e's R¯ıˇsMell¯e I. Lichtenstadter and W. Heinrichs A South-Arabian vessel 76 J. Blau and S. Hopkins Judaeo-Arabic papyri | collected, 87 edited, translated and analysed M. Cook ,Anan and Islam: the origins of Karaite 161 scripturalism S. Noja La question se pose encore une fois: \La 183 puret´erituelle de l'Islam d´erive-t-elle ou non de celle du Juda¨ısme?” Sh. Pines Gospel quotations and cognate topics 195 in ,Abd al-Jabb¯ar's Tathb¯ıt in relation to early Christian and Judaeo-Christian readings and traditions H. Busse The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the 279 Church of Agony, and the Temple: the reflection of a Christian belief in Islamic tradition A. Noth Abgrenzungsproblemezwischen Mus- 290 limen und nicht-Muslimen: Die \Bedingungen ,Umars (aˇs-ˇsur¯ut. al- ,umariyya)" unter einem anderen Adpekt gelesen S. Sviri Between fear and hope: on the coinci- 316 dence of opposites in Islamic mysticism A. Schimmel The primordial dot: some thoughts 350 about S. ¯uf¯ıletter mysticism M. Rosen-Ayalon Vivas vita 357 In Hebrew 10 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Z.