Issue No. 224 Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 ORDER DELIVERY TO Bagel Беjгл: Beer Australia's YOUR DOOR +381 11 4030 303 Good food museums: Tommy [email protected] - ISSN 1820-8339 1 for a good Another reason Emmanuel to BELGRADE INSIGHT IS PUBLISHED BY 0 1 cause to visit headline Guitar Art Festival Page 4 Page 10 Page 13 9 7 7 1 8 2 0 8 3 3 0 0 0 Even when the Democrats longas continue to likely is This also are negotiations Drawn-out Surely the situation is urgent Vučić's Many of us who have experi - We feel in-the-know because bia has shown us that (a.) no single no (a.) that us shown has bia party or coalition will ever gain the governa - form to required majority negotiations political (b.) and ment, will never be quickly concluded. achieved their surprising result at last month’s general election, quickly it became clear that the - re sult was actually more-or-less the result election other every as same in Serbia, i.e. inconclusive. as Serbia’s politicians form new political parties every time disagree with they their current party - reg 342 currently are (there leader political parties in Serbia). istered the norm. One Ambassador Belgrade-based recently told me he was also alarmed by the distinct lack of urgency among politicians. Serbian “The country is standstill at and a I don’t understand their logic. If they are so eager to progress towards the EU and en - theycome how investors, courage go home at 5pm sharp and don’t work weekends?” overtime. little a warrant to enough EDITOR’S WORD Predictability Political By Mark R. Pullen elections Serbian numerous enced rate ourselves as pundits when it comes to predicting election - re sults and post-election moves. our experience of elections in Ser

Millennials see hope for call for - - - change in April election customsNEWS

unionNEWS Defying draws

stereotypes “The situation in the party seems “Dacic will eventually side with Nikolic agreed: “The question is Fearing they might not cross the Pensioners leader, Jovan Krkoba - The reported price is the post of In addition, the Socialists are bar Tadic has denied talk of horse- At the same time, Dacic seems re - reach an agreement “If we don’t Source: Balkan Insight ( Balkan Insight ( Source: about apathetic faint party over which way to turn. extremely complicated, as we try to convince the few remaining lag - gards that we need to move out of one Socialist shadow,” Milosevic’s Party official complained. in a bid to guide his party into Tadic the European mainstream, but much of the membership and many offi - cials may oppose that move.” will the party split or ‘old- back down,” he noted. timers’ threshold to enter parlia - 5-per-cent ment, the Socialists teamed up with Association of Pensioners and the the led by business - United Serbia Party, man Dragan Markovic “Palma”. bic, Palma and Dacic are all pushing for a deal with the Democrats. of deputy PM, with a brief in charge security for the Socialist leader. gaining for other ministries, includ - ing capital investments, Kosovo and education, Belgrade media reported. trading with the Socialists, maintain - ing that ministries would go only to those committed to working for the “strategic goal”. government’s negotiations with luctant to call off the nationalists. with the DSS and Radicals, par ty leadership will decide on future steps”, Dacic announced, following par new country’s of session first the liament on Wednesday. youngsters, most praise Serbian millennials page 10 at home and Economists have given the Serbian abroad plan to Prime Minister's hile the football world watch - es events unfold at the Euro -

vote in April - a strong current also However, Mihajlo Markovic, a founder of Markovic, a prominent supporter Some younger Socialist officials Neighbourhood Matters faces extinction unless it changes. flows in the opposite direction, led by party veterans enraged the Tadic. prospect of a deal with recently warned of a crisis the party, if Dacic opts for the pro-European “nat - bloc, abandoning the Socialists’ ural” ideological partners. of Milosevic during the 1990s, is seen as representative of the “old- timers” in the party who want to stay policies, true to the former regime’s even though these almost ruined the Socialists for good. have voiced frustration over the con - tinuing impasse within their own Football Rebellion Football pean Championships in Austria and pean Championships in Switzerland, Bosnia is experiencing led by fans, play - a soccer rebellion, enraged ers and former stars who are by what they see as corrupt leaders football association of the country’s leaders. call for a new W seeing political June 13, 2008 Issue No. 1 / Friday, customs participation union only a page 5 as essential for cool welcome - change. saying the region's

Vanja ĐURIĆ political instability conomists are warning that pro - over Serbia’s uncertainty longed “This year has been lost, from the After eight years of stagnation, the pro-European and nation - With Nikolic believes the Socialists, led “The group of younger Socialists

and poor business Business Insight Costs Mounting future could scare off investors, lead investors, lead future could scare off to higher inflation and jeopardise prosperity for years to come. says standpoint of economic policy,” Econom - the of Stamenkovic Stojan ics Institute in Belgrade. to Serbia’s late president, Slobodan to Serbia’s Milosevic, and reformists who want the party to become a modern Euro - pean social democrat organisation. the Socialists returned to centre stage after winning 20 of the 250 seats in elections. parliament in the May 11 alist blocs almost evenly matched, the Socialists now have the final say on the fate of country. by Ivica Dacic, will come over to if only out of a pragmatic de - Tadic, sire to ensure their political survival. gathered around Dacic seems to be adding said, Nikolic majority”, the in that these reformists believe the party ournalism students from E Serbia’s second city of framework is a have launched an online campaign bigger problem called “Go and Vote” to Friday • June 13 2008 motivate fellow students than lack of free toJ go to the polls in the April presiden- tial election. trade. THIS ISSUE OF

Stevan VELJOVIĆ Belgrade Insight IS SUPPORTED BY: IS SUPPORTED Continued on pages 2 and 3 Well over half of Serbia’s millennials, 59.3 per cent, plan to go to the polls in the upcoming presidential election on April 2nd. Photo: Beta on a new gov - ense negotiations ernment have divided the ranks “It looks as if the Socialists will Simultaneous negotiations held This divides “old-timers” loyal Socialist leader Ivica Dacic remains the Serbian kingmaker Socialist leader Ivica Dacic remains Lure of Tadic Alliance Splits Socialists Tadic Lure of government, old pro-EU While younger Socialists support joining a new, over the prospect. revolt Milosevic loyalists threaten in Belgrade By Rade Maroevic erbian Prime Minister which holds of the Socialist Party, of the balance power between the blocs and has yet to announce main which side they will support. move towards a government led by the Democrats,” political analyst Mi - lan Nikolic, of the independent Cen - tre of Policy Studies, said. “But such a move might provoke deeper divi - sions and even split the party.” with the pro-European and national - ist blocs have drawn attention to a deep rift inside the Socialists. T Aleksandar Vučić recently announced plans to create a new free-trade market and customs union in the Centenary of strange vanishing Balkans. SEconomists warn that while this might potentially deliver some bene- act still haunts fits, it would not bring many more than already exist under the terms of the Central European Free Trade Associa- But they certainly shook Montenegro. Western powers - the same countries that tion, CEFTA. As the hundredth anniversary of the Indeed, the aftershocks have continued claimed to have gone to war against Impe- The main goal – to make the region to shape politics in that country, as recent rial Germany and Austria-Hungary in de- more attractive to investors – would sudden abolition of the Montenegrin events, including last October's alleged fence of the rights of small nations. scarcely be achieved, as first each coun- state looms next year, it is time to take pro-Russian coup last year, go to show. Despite that, they treated Montenegro, try in the region would have to become The old white-and-green divide, be- a victim of the aggression of the Central competitive in all fields business, while another look at one of the strangest tween supporters and opponents of union Powers, as if it were no better than one of one of the main preconditions would with Serbia, remains as firmly in place now the belligerents. also be political stability. disappearing acts in history. as it did in 1918. In fact, they treated it worse than the Debate on a new regional customs What happened almost a century ago Central Powers. Germany, Austria, Hun- union started in mid-February when Marcus TANNER lution, an equally divisive centenary is in Montenegro was certainly an extraordi- gary and were all barred from Vučić presented the idea to Austrian looming the following year on a much nary affair. An ancient European state was taking part in the deliberations of the Ver- Chancellor Christian Kern during hile the world waits to smaller scale in Montenegro. wiped off the map in a matter of days - hun- sailles peace conference of 1919 – but at Kern's visit to Belgrade. see when, how or even No one can seriously liken the events of dreds of years of unbroken existence con- least they were summoned to sign up to whether Russia marks November 1918 in Montenegro to the "ten signed abruptly to the dustbin of history. the results. the 100th anniversary days that shook the world" in Russia, of What is even more extraordinary is Wof the Bolshevik Revo- course. that it all happened under the eyes of the Continued on page 8 Continued on page 7

+381 11 4030 306 [email protected] 2 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 3 SERBIA SERBIA

Continued from page 1 Millennials see hope for change in April election

an end to the abuse of political power in Serbia. Katarina Antonić, a sociology stu- dent from Šabac, in western Serbia, told BIRN she rarely votes for anyone, but will vote this time. “I think we can change the authori- tarian policies of the current ruling parties in the elections in April,” she said. “If we want bigger changes, citizens must become more active in public policies - creating them, not just wait- ing for elections,” she added. Antonić wants better education made available to everybody, fi- nanced from the state budget. “Educa- tion is a precondition for a society in which there are equal chances,” she said. “We need to build new places for students, like dormitories and restau- rants … We also need a long-term plan for economic development, we have to actually implement laws and make the media free,” she added. Although millennials account for some 27 per cent of the electorate in Serbia, the political parties pay them little attention, beyond offering gen- eral, vague promises. Jelena Kleut, a communications re- searcher at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, who is following the elec- tion campaign, said the politicians should organise panels for young people and come up with some mes- sages for them. “The problem is that our candi- dates or parties never had any spe- Nenad Šušnjar, 25, says his motivation for voting is a better life for his rural community. Photo: Courtesy of Nenad Šušnjar cific programmes for the youth. It usually The problem ends up with Millennials also make up a sig- tem that is trying to push them an awareness is awakening,” he just words: is that our nificant number of the support- into passivity and keep them told BIRN. ‘The young candidates or ers of the “Let’s Not Drown Bel- obedient. need jobs’, grade” campaign. This “Let’s Not Drown Belgrade” ‘We have to parties never “People are ready to take a risk; campaigner said professional stop the brain This protest movement staged they see that the reality they politicians and parties have drain’, etc., but no one is actually is had any specific a series of large street pro- live has nothing to offer them, done their best to create an at- dealing with problems of the young,” tests against the government- so they have to fight for them- mosphere in which people think Kleut said. programmes for backed plan to redevelop the selves. But, they can’t be alone they can’t make any changes if She said young people are still mo- Belgrade riverbank, following in that battle, that is the key they are not a part of a conven- tivated to vote, despite feeling they the youth controversial nocturnal demo- thing,” activist Radomir Lazović tional political organisation. can’t change much, because they litions in the Savamala district said. want to show at least a minimal level linked to the redevelopment. “Politicians like situations in Millennials make up a significant number of the supporters of the “Let’s Not Drown Belgrade” campaign. Photo: BIRN/Natalia Žaba Jelena Kleut, “We have to recognize each which citizens think they can’t of participation in political life. The leaders of the protest, who other and forge new relations do anything and leave the poli- “Young people see what is happen- communications re- are also millennials, say a new based on solidarity, common ticians to work for their own in- e decided in the upcoming presidential election “I hope the “Like people, like government. ing in their community and country, searcher at the Faculty generation of young people is work, helping and caring for terests and for the groups close to make on April 2nd, according to research change [that If we want bigger We have to vote for the sake of our and they see different initiatives run of Philosophy in Novi coming up who will resist a sys- those closest to us. I think such to them,” he warned. voting published in early March by Partner may come] friends and families,” he said. by citizens. That engagement is much Sad. closer to Research Solution Agency from Bel- might also changes, citizens “Perhaps we can’t change any- bigger than voting,” Kleut concluded. students grade. change what thing by voting, but passivity is the “Wthrough an easy, fun and educative Data from Serbia’s Statistical office I think about must become worst [outcome],” this student, who way,” Lea Kotlica, a student who par- show that around 1.8 million people, going back,” is also mulling moving to Germany, ticipated in creating the campaign, or about 26 per cent of the population, Marković told more active in said. told BIRN. count as millennials, meaning that BIRN. He said he was aware that one per- “We’re calling on the youth to vote they were born between 1980 and Millennials are the age group that public policies - son can’t change anything alone. “If with posters, videos, infographics and 2000. is leaving the country in the largest creating them, not people with the same goal act togeth- gifs. It is not important if someone is Most of them, including those now number, mostly due to the poor eco- er, good things can happen in our lo- left or right-wing oriented, what’s im- living abroad as well as those in the nomic situation. The top destination just waiting for cal communities. If everyone does portant is voting,” Kotlica added. country, say they will go to the polls, countries for millennials leaving Ser- their best, we can gain something,” She and her colleagues say the as it is their obligation to try to shape bia are Austria, Germany, Switzer- elections” he said. young have no right to complain a better future. land, France and the US. “In the end, knowledge and skills about the situation in Serbia if they do Isidora Marković, a ballerina who Research last year conducted by are something that no one can take not try to change it. left Serbia for Germany in 2013, says the Belgrade-based agency for mar- from us,” Šušnjar added. She also thinks that people feel she will be voting in Munich, Bavaria, ket research, MASMI, showed that He hopes that young people will turned off from politics, thanks to the the closest city to her where Serbs liv- this category of the population has Katarina Antonić, a “wake up” and make the changes that generation of politicians now ruling ing in Germany can cast their votes. a higher level of education than any bring them better employment op- the country. “I left Serbia because I expected other in the country. sociology student from portunities. “Some of the students among us more from the ballet school than I was Lazar Glišić, 25, a medical student Šabac. Munkaš Tamaš, a 26-year-old from think we should change the whole receiving and because I knew that my currently also living in Germany, says Doroslovo, a village in the majority- electoral system, or only see democ- career as a professional ballet dancer he would like to vote in the elections Hungarian part of Serbia’s northern racy as the lesser of two evils - but would end before it could even begin if he can get transport for the 120 km- Vojvodina province, will also vote, al- we think we should make changes in Serbia,” she said. long journey to Munich. am coming,” he said. though he doubts he can make much through the institutions and mecha- “But I will vote this year because I “I have the motivation to vote. It is Nenad Šušnjar, 25, a student of ag- of a change himself. nisms that we have at our disposal,” have hope and because I want a bet- just that I have to go to the consulate riculture, lives in the small village of “I don’t have any influence on how Kotlica said. ter life and future for my sister and for and travel about 120 km to the polling Kljajićevo in the north of Serbia. His our society will look; that’s a job for Well over half of Serbia’s millenni- the many talented young people in station - and before that I have to call motivation for voting is a better life for high-ranking politicians,” Tamaš said, als, 59.3 per cent, plan to go to the polls Serbia,” she added. the Serbian consulate to announce I his rural community. adding, however, that he hopes to see 4 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 5 BELGRADE BELGRADE

Reconstruction work to begin in centre

Downtown Njegoševa Street is soon to be refurbished, with Bagel : Good Belgrade works set to begin on March th Беjгл 11 and reportedly continue until March 20th. "This street is full of holes, it is unsafe for traffic," Milan Nedeljković, the Belgrade in brief in brief Belgrade food for a good cause Night head of the Vračar municipal- ity, told media. As well as the road maintenance, the traffic lights will also be upgraded, Run by an Nedeljković added, calling Market: on local residents to remove NGO that their vehicles from the part of the street which will undergo reconstruction, from Kursulina helps female to Maksima Gorkog Street. survivors of Heaven for Ottoman handover of Belgrade gender-based commemorated Marking 150 years since violence and foodies Serbian leader Prince Mihailo received the keys to the city trafficking, of Belgrade from the Otto- Now something ingredients that will be presented dur- man Turks in 1867, the local Belgrade's first ing the night market. authorities are planning a of a tradition, the Belgraders who visit the Blok 44 mar- full month of events, includ- bagel shop is ket will also have the chance to buy do- ing concerts, exhibitions and first Belgrade Night mestic products, taste various special- walking tours. The handover set to expand. ties as well as buy fresh vegetables, fruit of the keys to the city, which Market of 2017 and drinks. was still part of the Ottoman Designers, artists, craftsmen and Bel- Empire at the time, meant Mathilde DE KERCHOVE aims to promote grade bars and restaurants will also be that Serbian leaders were promoted during the night. A total of given the capital and several his April, the Atina the city as a tourist 100 exhibitors and more than 20,000 other cities "to guard and NGO – which supports visitors are expected. run". According to Belgrade survivors of domestic destination and "This attractive event… aims to ad- City Manager Goran Vesić, violence, gender-based vance Belgrade's touristic offer and the central event will be a violence and human "turn markets into turn markets into good places to have big concert at Kalemegdan trafficking – will cele- fun," the organisers said in a press re- Fortress on April 16th, and the Tbrate the two-year anniversary of open- good places to lease. celebrations will conclude on ing its bagel café: Bagel . During the event, Belgraders will also April 30th, when International Бејгл have a chance to enjoy jazz and soul Jazz Day will be celebrated. Located in the centre of Belgrade, this have fun". little restaurant offers a huge variety of music, while a children's choir will also ‘Baby parking lots' bagels - satisfying carnivores, vegetar- perform as part of the programme. help maternity wards ians, and big and small appetites alike. Ivana NIKOLIĆ This unique event first took place last "The bagel was the one thing that was June at the Bajloni market and it was missing in Serbia, Belgrade didn't have nder the name Coolin- followed by the one at the Kalenić mar- Public company Parking Ser- There is a cosy and relaxing atmosphere at Bagel Беjгл. Photo: BIRN/Mathilde de Kerchove vice is launching a new initia- bagels. And every city needs its proper arenje u Bloku (Cooking ket. The last one was organised in Sep- tive on March 20th which aims bagel restaurant," Marijana Savić, direc- In Serbia, the issue of domestic vio- abuse and violence by traffickers. shop. It is just about sitting there, having in the Neighbourhood), tember 2016, also at the Blok 44 market. to help maternity hospitals tor of Atina, says. lence and trafficking – exacerbated by Smuggling adds another layer of vul- a coffee, eating bagels, having Wi-Fi and this year's first night mar- Another Belgrade Night Market will in the capital, entitled Bebi However, this restaurant has a much the current refugee crisis – is such that nerability for potential victims of hu- relaxing," she insists. ket event will take place take place at the Skadarlija market, but Parking Mesto (Baby Parking higher purpose than simply serving demand for support from organisa- man trafficking. Given the success of Bagel Бејгл, onU March 31st, at Novi Beograd's Blok 44, the exact date is not known yet. The Lot). In front of the capital's bagels. The profits generated by this so- tions like Atina outstrips supply. However, while the overall goal of the Atina now plans to extend the bagel from 6pm until midnight. focus will be on alternative energy three maternity wards (GAK cial enterprise enable Atina to finance In Serbia alone, 30 women are killed bagel business is to support survivors, project to increase profits and support According to the organisers, the sources and environmental protection, Narodni Front on Kraljice programmes they are running to help every year by their husband or anoth- Savić is determined that the atmos- more programmes for domestic vio- event theme will be young people and organisers said. Natalije Street, KBC Zvezdara female survivors of violence and/or er relative, according to Autonomous phere at the café itself remains relaxed lence and trafficking survivors. their culinary successes. The Junior The events are jointly organised by on Preševska Street and the trafficking. Women's Center (Autonomni Ženski –a cosy place for customers to simply In a climate where reliable sources of Chefs Club – who won a bronze medal the Rakia Bar, the Public City Markets Institute for Gynecology and "To run a comprehensive programme Centar). come and relax while eating a bagel or grant aid and other charitable funding at the 2016 Culinary Olympics in Ger- Department, the City of Belgrade and Obstetrics on Višegradska for [dealing with] trafficking, there are a soup. is increasingly scarce, securing its own many in the regional cooking team the Tourist Organisation of Belgrade. Street) there will be three different elements: the first one is social VULNERABLE REFUGEES As such, Savić puts much more em- reliable and sustainable funding is vital category – will cook for visitors, using Entrance is free of charge. A total of 100 exhibitors and more than 20,000 visitors are expected at Photos: Facebook/Belgrade Night Market designated parking spaces, this year´s Belgrade Night Market. sustainability, self-esteem, and dealing phasis on the quality of the products to Atina's continued success. from which the fees will be used to buy equipment for with trauma. Then we have to support As Atina is involved in anti-traffick- sold in the restaurant than on its hu- Bagel Бејгл is located at Knez Danila the wards. The special ‘baby the victim, to represent her in court. ing initiatives it was, says Savić, a logi- manitarian works. 39 and open Monday-Saturday from parking lots' will be specially The third big part is about economic cal next step to start helping female "We wanted to make a pleasant space 7.30am to 7.30pm. For more informa- marked. empowerment and educational activi- and child refugees. In this context, for customers. We don't want them to tion, visit their website ( ties," Savić says. women are the first target for sexual be involved with the social topic of the or their Facebook page. Tram tours for sightseers set off

Tram tours start around the capital, will start operating again on Friday, March 10th. ORDER DELIVERY TO running again this The one-hour tour, which includes Find your copy of YOUR DOOR a licensed guide, starts at the tram +381 11 4030 303 month, offering terminal in front of Belgrade Zoo ac- [email protected] cording to the following schedule: Belgrade Insight here: a more unusual Fridays (7pm-8pm in Serbian and 8pm-9pm in English) and Saturdays way to explore (3pm-4pm in Serbian and 4pm-5pm in English). LAZAR LUX APARTMENTS HOTEL EXCELSIOR HOTEL JUMP INN TOURIST ORGANISATION OF SERBIA THE BRITISH INTERNATIONAL the streets and The tour takes passengers along Address: Stjepana Ljubiše 31 Address: Kneza Miloša 5 Address: Koče Popovića 2a Address: Čika Ljubina 8 SCHOOL OF BELGRADE a route through Tadeuša Košćuška Address: Smetanina 12 sights of Belgrade Street to the Belgrade Fortress, Bel- MONUMENT HOTEL HYATT BISTRO BAR NATIONAL FOUNDATION grade Port, Karađorđeva Street, the cen- Address: Vojvode Stepe 198 Address: Čika Ljubina 9 Address: Milentija Popovića 5 FOR DANCE RADISSON BLU OLD – as well as being tral railway station, Nemanjina Street Address: Kolarčeva 3 MILL HOTEL, BELGRADE Resavska Street, Kralja Alek- HOTEL MOSKVA HOTEL CROWN PLAZA SKVER 44 Address: Bulevar Vojvode Misica 15 Address: Požeška 44a completely free sandra, Vukov Spomenik (Vuk's Monu- Address: Balkanska 1 Address: Vladimira Popovića 10 RESTAURANT BIZU ment), March 27th Street and Džordža Address: Andre Nikolića 1-3 INTERGALACTIC DINNER Vašingtona Street. HOTEL SQUARE NINE HOTEL VOZAREV RESTAURANT ĐORĐE of charge. Address: Internacionalnih brigada 22 Seats can be reserved in advance, on Address: Studentski trg 9 Address: Pop Stojanova 16 CAFE CAFFE LOUNGE Address: Moravska 10 Address: Hotel Jugoslavija, Bulevar Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at Address: Vase Pelagića 48 th Mihajla Pupina 85A Ivana NIKOLIĆ 4pm at the Tourist Organisation of Bel- The tram tours will start operating on Friday, March 10 . Photo: Flickr/Marko Kudjerski CAFE SNEŽANA HOTEL LE PETIT PIAFF grade at 5 Knez Mihailova Street. Address: Knez Mihailova 50 Restaurant Mali vrabac INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BELGRADE MIXER HOUSE ramvaj Zvani Beo- The tram tour, jointly organised by a significant number of Belgraders and in several languages: English, French, cost around ten euros. However, the Address: Skadarska 34 Address: Karađorđeva 46 Address: Temišvarska 19 grad' (A Tram Called the Tourist Organisation of Belgrade tourists. German, Russian, Greek, Turkish and spring/summer season has not start- KOLARAC Belgrade), a street- and the public transport company Apart from the tram, you can also Italian. ed yet. For more information and up- Address: Studentski trg 5 HOTEL MERIOT PIZZERIA ALO-ALO KNJIŽARA APROPO Address: Kolarčeva 7 Address: Vase Čarapića 2-4 Svetozara Markovića 19a Address: Cara Lazara 10 car which will offer GSP, has run in the capital in previous enjoy sightseeing tours in an open- These tours last longer, take you dates, check ‘Tfree sightseeing tours years as well, and has always attracted topped bus, which offers commentary around larger parts of Belgrade, and seeing/. 6 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 7 SERBIA BUSINESS

COMMENT Continued from page 1 Understanding Marina Vučić’s call for customs Abramović union draws faint praise Abramović's fascinating life and world-view are laid bare in her raw new memoir, but the artist's story is still far from well-known in Serbia.

The economist, Milan Kovačević, believes it is far more essential for the region to see an easing of political tensions than to form a new model of economic cooperation that competes with CEFTA. Photo: Medija Centar Beograd

Srđan GARČEVIĆ owever, as the idea all together," he said. He believes it is far more essential for port of wheat and flour from Serbia to came in the midst of Ljajić noted that The customs the region to see an easing of political protect its own producers. or a nation that takes im- soaring political ten- over one dec- tensions than to form a new model of Bosnia, in turn, introduced higher mense pride in its famous sions in the region, it ade Serbia had union would economic cooperation that competes excise taxes on imports of beer. Kosovo sons and daughters, the left many bemused. almost doubled with CEFTA. has for years charged higher taxes on Serbian public's appar- But Vučić said he its trade surplus include not only "Jumping into the customs union at a use of foreign construction materials ent disinterest in Marina seesH the future of the region in this idea, with its neigh- time when political relations between on its territory. Abramović's global suc- which he said would drastically im- bours from €1.1 the duty-free some countries are strained, and while Milan Prostran, a business analyst Fcess as an artist is an aberration. Despite prove economic progress. billion to €2.1 billion there is plenty of room for duty-free specialising in the agricultural econ- regime but also the fact that Abramović is by far the most "We would bring our countries closer euros while exports had increased by trade not only with the countries of omy, says abolition of non-tariff barri- Abramović at her exhibition titled “Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present” at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, 2010. Photo: Flickr/C-Monster acclaimed living artist from the former … We would become a much larger and one billion euros to €2.8 billion. the common CEFTA - as Serbia has such agreements ers that protect domestic production Yugoslavia, the average Serb would prob- This came to the fore in one of the more state support for her powerful 1997 Ven- read is that it does not balk at presenting making, there is a strange authenticity more attractive market for investors," For each of the CEFTA countries, with the EU, Turkey, Russia - seem as an would be the only real benefit of the ably not know her name. She is mostly bizarre episodes of the last US presiden- ice Biennale-winning performance, Bal- missteps along the way, no matter how as the reader can glimpse Abramović's he told Serbian news agency Tanjug on while the EU market is the most impor- customs tariff unfinished, vague idea," said Kovačević. new union. absent from the Serbian press, there are tial campaign, when the right-wing part kan Baroque, which involved Abramović painful or embarrassing. Breakdowns propulsive personality that led her to February 17th. tant, the second largest partner is the Mahmut Bušatlija, a foreign inves- "The only step forward in compari- no aircraft carrying her name (unlike in of the US public turned their sights on cleaning rotting meat from bovine bones, of her relationships with her loved ones perform feats from walking half of the Big businesses have long pointed to CEFTA countries. and foreign trade tors' consultant, said that trade agree- son to what already exists within CEF- the case of tennis star Novak Đoković), Abramović after she invited Clinton's under a projector playing footage of her are openly dissected, from a failed three- Great Wall to sitting motionless for 736 the need to link the region's economies In percentage terms, about 60 per ments can contribute to making the TA would be if this new customs union and, most shockingly for the Balkans, presidential campaign manager, John dancing and explaining a brutal way of some, to her regret at refusing to make hours in MoMA. more closely. cent of Serbia's total external trade is policy towards market more attractive to investors but was based on the principle of full free there are no heated discussions of her Podesta, to a "spirit cooking" session. killing rats in the Balkans. amends with an ailing parent. Although Abramović's portrayal of Belgrade will Miodrag Kostić, one of Serbia's big- with EU countries and about 15 per cent cannot replace the other conditions trade without the possibility of intro- ethnic affiliation (like those sparked Drawing from her performance of the The complexity of her public perception there are allusions to occult, Abramović not earn her many fans in her native city, gest businessmen and the owner of MK with members of CEFTA. third countries, that are key to attracting them. duction of prohibiting measures. Oth- around any local celebrity from Nikola same name, the event was described seems to be only exceeded by the com- thankfully avoids convoluted art-speak which she repeatedly describes as bleak Group, has repeatedly said that Balkan Serbia's total foreign trade exchange "An attractive market is one that is erwise, I do not know what else new Tesla to Milla Jovovich). in the sensationalist press as a Satanist plexity of her attitude to herself and life, in describing motivations behind her and depressing. She mocks the local companies must unite to become more in 2016 amounted to €30 billion, ac- meaning competitive in all segments of business, could be a benefit," Prostran told BIRN. To a large extent, that can be explained feast on various human bodily fluids. which she reveals in her deliciously raw work and even admits failures and self- penchant for realist paintings, prudish competitive on world markets. cording to the country's statistical of- law, justice, education," Bušatlija said. He described CEFTA membership by the transgressive nature of Abramović's Abramović claims it was a much tamer memoir Walk through Walls, published obsession along the way. attitudes to art and political influence in Kostić has warned that if not, domes- fice. Its largest trading partners were unification of all as essentially a "lesson" in free trade, art that does not lend itself to easy appre- affair involving traditional soups. last November. She describes herself as a For her detractors, the book also deliv- the art scene. Nevertheless, Abramović tic companies could be squeezed out of Germany [$4.4 billion] and Italy [$4.1 ONLY A FEW BENEFITS so that the Balkan countries become ciation or viewing. From her early days at Somewhere in the middle is the sa- mix of a warrior trailblazer, an ascetic mys- ers. Parts of the memoir could easily be still acknowledges that her upbringing in the domestic regional market of 20 mil- billion]. the instruments ARE LIKELY ready to operate within a competitive the Student Cultural Centre in Belgrade, tirical view of Abramović and her art. A tic drawn to the unknown and a deeply in- used for an Absolutely Fabulous-style sat- socialist Yugoslavia shaped her art, espe- lion people by big world businesses in market within the EU. SKC, in the late 1960s, Abramović famous- thinly-veiled jab at her in Sorrentino's La secure person, obsessed by being wanted. ire of the contemporary art world. There cially by imbuing her with the belief that only a few years' time. COMPETITION TO CEFTA used in trade The biggest impediments to the func- "When it comes to the food sector, Ser- ly used her own body, often bloodied and Grande Bellezza included a bumbling art- The memoir plays with these facets, in are accounts of outlandish retreats in far- personal comfort should be sacrificed For a decade, the countries of the tioning of the CEFTA agreement are the bia does not have a competition within nude, to convey her message, which has ist with a penchant for self-harm whose what reads like an attempt to make sense off locales, mystical powers, rooms dedi- for an ideal. With or without an Air Serbia region have already been members The president of the Serbian Cham- with economies non-tariff barriers that often hinder the CEFTA; we are the rulers in that space led to very polarised perceptions of her mystique is eviscerated through pointed, of a turbulent life filled with the various cated to drinking water, and, of course, plane bearing her name, in her memoir of the Central European Free Trade ber of Commerce, Marko Čadež, told smooth flow of goods. and there is no pressure to become more work and person both globally and locally. logical questions from an intellectual ways in which Abramović tried to analyse strange performances which variously she stresses her strong connection to the Agreement, CEFTA, a trade agreement the weekly NIN on March 2nd that the outside the Serbia has had such problems with competitive. In that sense, the new un- The power of her art makes her admired, world-wary protagonist. Essentially it love, death and self through her art. included rolling around with snakes, cop- city of her youth, to such an extent she established 27 years ago to facilitate new free trade market and customs un- Macedonia, which prevented the im- ion would change nothing," he warned. feared, ridiculed and raged at. depicts Abramović as a silly attention- Unsurprisingly for an artist whose pri- ulating with the earth and touching vari- even plans to organise one of her three free trade among non-EU countries ion would bring a higher level of eco- customs union.” The first perception of Abramović is craving self-promoter who would balk at mary medium is her own self, the book ous stones to sense their energy. funerals in Belgrade. in South-Eastern Europe and prepare nomic integration than a simple free the one celebrated by the highest ech- nothing to promote her vapid "art", which has a very strong authorial voice which However, the fact that the memoir is It is a shame that the city and country them for EU membership. trade zone. Marko Čadež, the ONCE KOVAČ, ALWAYS KOVAČ elons of the art establishment. She is is only really enjoyed either by the peo- charts an extraordinary evolution from in turns stunning, charming and ridicu- that are responsible for giving the world As of 2007, signatories to the CEFTA "The customs union would include ONCE ”KAFANA”, ALWAYS ”KAFANA” "the grandmother of performance art", a ple who profit from it, or equally ridicu- the painfully insecure young artist in Bel- lous, shows its essential honesty about such a fascinating artist are not trying agreement include Albania, Bosnia, not only the duty-free regime but also the president of the RESTAURANT KOVAČ trailblazer and martyr who made us see lous art snobs. grade trying to push boundaries while liv- art and life. harder to help the wider public under- Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Ser- common customs tariff and foreign trade Serbian Chamber of modern ethno restaurant art differently through extraordinary Finally, there is the more local view of ing under practical house-arrest imposed In Serbia, the book made the news stand her unique worldview. The least bia and the UN Kosovo mission UNMIK, policy towards third countries, meaning Commerce physical and emotional exertions. She Abramović as an exploiter of her roots. by her domineering ex-Partisan mother, because of claims by Abramović's that we could do is to have Walk through on behalf of Kosovo. unification of all the instruments used is praised by glitterati, ranging from Su- This is borne out of disdain for her depic- through her time wandering around brother (who is presented in an unfa- Walls in Serbian, so that more of Serbia's Marking the 10th anniversary of Ser- in trade with economies outside the cus- san Sontag to Jay Z, for having bravely tion of Balkan culture which predomi- Europe with her partner-lover in an old vourable light in the memoir) that she young artists understand the limits that bia joining CEFTA, Rasim Ljajić, Serbia's toms union," Čadež told NIN. ter circulation of capital as well as a pushed the limits of art and body for al- nantly focuses on sexuality and violence police van and, finally, to the celebrated misrepresented parts of her life for they see around them were bulldozed Trade Minister, on February 8th recalled However, experts say such a union single market for goods and services," most half a century, and imbuing perfor- and which is seen to pander to a negative artist who drew more than 800,000 visi- myth-making purposes. Some embel- over half a century ago by one deter- its importance. would be hard to implement in real- Milan Kovačević, an economist, told mances with almost mystical energy. image of this part of the world as essen- tors to her retrospective at the Museum of lishments are obvious (e.g. she states mined young lady. "The importance of this agreement ity and would effectively operate as a BIRN. The other extreme is the more popu- tially brutal and strange. These misgiv- Modern Art in New York in 2010. that the old Yugoslav anthem she used for Serbia is visible in the fact that Serbia competitor to the CEFTA agreement. "But the biggest obstacle on the way lar view which sees her as an almost ings, as well as costs, were cited as the Abramović's story alone is fascinating, in her work was banned in ex-Yugoslav Srđan Garčević is a writer and a founder today exports more to the countries in "The part of the Western Balkans towards this is the political bickering Bulevar Oslobođenja 221, Tel: 011 2462 343 demonic presence from Eastern Europe. reason for withdrawal of Montenegrin but what makes the memoir a captivating states). Nevertheless, even in this myth- of The Nutshell Times blog. CEFTA than to Russia, China and the US that did not enter the EU lacks a bet- that exists between the countries." 8 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 9 REGION FACES

Continued from page 1 Centenary of strange vanishing Rival act still haunts Montenegro activists

ontenegro was Even as it was, there were major prob- not allowed to lems. New Poland and the new Soviet embody attend the con- Union went to war almost immediately. ference at all. So Greece with the Ottoman Empire's Within the space successor state, Turkey. The Poles and of a year, it went Czechs clashed over Teschen, Hungary Serbia’s Mfrom Entente ally and victim to nothing proclaimed a Soviet republic, prompt- at all. By 1921, it was just an "oblast" – or ing a Romanian invasion – the list went district – of Yugoslavia. No wonder the on. No wonder Montenegro's enforced repercussions continue to divide the vanishing act didn't get much of a look- country and its people. in. Russia-West What happened to the now-ex-coun- And it was not as if such things had try was this. In January 1916, Austria- never happened before. Prussia uni- Hungary overran Montenegro, forcing laterally did away with the independ- King Nikola and his government to flee ence of the various other German split to Italy. In 1918, as the Central Powers states in 1871. Piedmont had done the collapsed, he agitated for the right to re- same in Italy in the 1860s. No one put Photo: Courtesy of Milica Đurđević turn. But he no longer had an army; his up much of a defence for the survival the group opposes Kosovo’s independence from had been dissolved under the terms of of the kingdoms of Hanover, or the Two female activists Serbia, is against joining NATO and the EU, and the unconditional surrender demand- Two Sicilies. supports forging closer ties with Russia. ed by Austria in 1916. The Serbian army, Almost everyone in the early 20th who were born Zavetnici has also called for Serbia’s unification which by then had left its wartime base century worshipped at the altar of na- with Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity of Republika of Corfu, got there first. tional states - and, as most people in the same year and Srpska – something that would be strongly resist- Serbian troops entered Podgorica in Montenegro called themselves Serbs, ed by Bosnia and much of the international com- the first week of November. Within a there was an argument that Montene- studied together now munity. Zavetnici members describe their policies suspiciously short time of a few days, gro had merely lost the race to become as patriotic. they had convoked a hastily elected the Serbian state, and had to go. represent opposite Mitić, on the other hand, is director of the Youth "great national assembly", had fun- And yet, the ghosts of the greens in Initiative for Human Rights – an NGO network that neled its members into a tobacco fac- 1918, and of those who took part in the ends of the political operates in former Yugoslav republics. tory and had surrounded the building uprising of 1919, crept out of their forgot- The group was formed to involve young people with troops. ten graves and returned to torment the spectrum, reflecting in the process of democratisation and transitional Unsurprisingly, by the end of Novem- descendants of the whites who backed justice following the collapse of communism and ber, this gimcrack assembly voted in fa- union with Serbia. Serbia’s deep divisions the Balkan wars of the 1990s. vour of deposing the Petrovic dynasty That is the irony - that a country that The network endorses progressive values and and unifying the country with Serbia. vanished without trace in 1918 came over EU membership seeks to confront difficult post-conflict issues such Why this curious sequence of events, back from the dead - in circumstances as war crimes. with its shaky adherence to democratic almost as mysterious as those in which and relations with So while Đurđević contests Kosovo’s independ- norms, did not draw more internation- it had disappeared. ence, claiming it is the cradle of Serbian culture al attention is peculiar, reprehensible Who is to blame - or deserves credit - Russia. and civilisation, Mitić lambasts her for perpetuat- even, but not totally incomprehensible. for that unexpected plot twist in Balkan ing dangerous propaganda that could be used to The French were the real force be- history - Tito? Đilas? Đukanović? An lead the state into war. hind the Versailles arrangements. Brit- Anti-Serbian mindset among Western Likewise, Đurđević opposes Mitić’s call for the ain lost interest rapidly after 1918, and leaders? The jury is still out, not least in Natalia ŽABA Serbian government to admit the 1995 massacre was mainly interested in snapping up Montenegro, which is why next year's of more than 7,000 Bosniaks was an act of geno- Germany's colonies in Africa and grab- events are likely to reopen old wounds ilica Đurđević and Anita cide. bing a "mandate" to run Palestine. Rus- rather than heal them. Mitić are two of the most Đurđević says that this would not be in the na- Anita Mitić is director of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights – an Photo: Medija Centar Beograd NGO network that operates in former Yugoslav republics. sia had been knocked out by the revo- high-profile young activists tional interest, and is an example of the West try- lution. Marcus Tanner is an editor of Balkan of their generation, but the ing to stigmatise Serbs. “In Serbia everyone agrees that there is a huge Stojiljković said that no ruling or opposition And France wanted to create a ring Insight and the author of "Albania's 27-year-olds hold political “The EU, Great Britain and the US want to keep need to fight corruption but once you start the dis- politicians have ever really started a serious de- of strong anti-German, anti-Bolshevik Mountain Queen, Edith Durham and the beliefs that are poles apart. the Balkans unstable and problematic, and aim to cussion over Kosovo, the EU and Russia, the [unof- bate on the identity issue or on the EU, NATO and states in Eastern Europe, in Poland, Balkans" [Tauris]. MĐurđević is fiercely pro-Russia while Mitić reso- proclaim that Republika Srpska is genocidal,” she ficial] debates have no end,” Stojiljković told BIRN. Russian affairs. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, with lutely promotes EU values. They know each other, told BIRN. He said that a dialogue between Mitić and Đurđević “Values are the most disputed issues in Serbian as few complications and questions The opinions expressed in the but perhaps unsurprisingly, they have not spoken Mitić said that Serbs who committed war crimes could potentially be positive for Serbian society. society. Both Milica and Anita could represent a asked as possible. In that scheme, the Comment section are those of the for a couple of years. during the conflicts that marked the fall of Yugo- “Contrasting right-wing convictions - if not pro- deep, grounded female voice on this matter in Ser- continued existence of Montenegro authors only and do not necessarily Both are highly outspoken on some of the most slavia should not be celebrated. moting nationalism, fascism, or other extremes bian politics,” he added. was just an irritant. reflect the views of BIRN. important – and sensitive – issues facing Serbia “I don’t believe in any real progress in the future and does not justify war crimes - to European val- Both women told BIRN that they would be pre- Montenegrin troops in 1918. Photo: Unknown author. Courtesy of Jovan Markuš today: Kosovo’s status as an independent coun- if war criminals are being presented as heroes,” ues and liberalism in dialogue between these two pared to meet and hold an open, public debate on try, Russian and Western influence over Belgrade, she told BIRN. ladies could bring a lot of good for democracy in the issues, but it remains to be seen whether or not NATO and EU membership. Đurđević argued however that Serb victims of Serbia, especially now political offers are com- this could stir up wider discussion about which Both Đurđević and Mitić are convinced that the conflict in are being pletely shallow,” he explained. direction their country should take in the future. Serbs must face these issues head on in order to overlooked. Romanians took to the streets demanding the cabinet's resignation. Photo: Vadim Ghirda move on. This sets them apart in a country where “I pointed out that if one wants to commemo- there is little debate on EU membership versus rate the victims of war, it should be done for both strengthening ties with Russia. sides,” she said. WE DO CATERING FOR ALL KINDS OF CELEBRATIONS Published by This is partly because of the government’s Both intend to launch political careers in the fu- public policy of maintaining diplomatic ties with ture but say they are too young to do so now. Russia while also seeking EU membership. Serbia While Mitić and Đurđević may mirror the coun- is one of the few European states that has not im- try’s political divide, it’s fair to say that pro-Russian posed sanctions on Russia since its annexation of sentiment has been gaining more traction for Crimea. some time. A LEADING PROVIDER OF SUBSCRIBE TO This lack of meaningful analysis and debate Given years of economic crisis, it is perhaps un- OUR PREMIUM over Serbia’s delicate Russia-West balancing act is surprising that a sizeable number of young Serbs NEWS AND ANALYSIS also noticeable in parliament and the local media in particular have grown increasingly tired of wait- CONTENT – despite the fact the EU sees Belgrade’s ties to Rus- ing for EU membership to improve their lot. IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE sia as an obstacle to membership. IPSOS polled 615 Serbs aged between 18 and for in-depth analysis, Little wonder that Đurđević and Mitić have at- 35 in February 2016 and found 77 per cent of re- investigative reports, tracted attention. spondents would accept the Russian political sys- features, interviews, pizzeria Both Belgrade born, the pair graduated from tem and 80 per cent would support having Rus- commentary and profiles on the latest business and Belgrade University’s Faculty of Political Sciences, sian military bases in Serbia. political headlines. Mitić in 2013, Đurđević in 2015. Both are highly critical of mainstream politicians. DIALOGUE ‘WOULD BOLSTER DEMOCRACY’ caffe PROGRESSIVE VALUES OTHER SERVICES: VERSUS PATRIOTISM? Zoran Stojiljković, a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences at Belgrade University, said that Beograd,Svetozara Markovica 19a Đurđević is a spokesperson and member of the Serbian society as a whole has failed to find com- tel. 011/3246 947,323 88 88 far-right political group Zavetnici. Formed in 2012, mon ground on the EU-Russia and Kosovo issues. 10 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 11 OUT AND ABOUT HEALTH AND FAMILY Beer Time to find your inner museums: acrobat? Another If you fancy trying your reason hand at aerial acrobatics, to visit juggling and more, there Serbia are plenty of opportunities to

As the years went by, the fac- learn circus skills You might well tory changed owners several times. The most notable owner was Lazar in Belgrade. think it's all Dunđerski, the famed merchant, indus- trialist, landowner and benefactor, who about rakija (fruit bought it in 1891 and owned it until the Siri SOLLIE rise of communism in what was then brandy) for Serbs, Tito's Yugoslavia in 1945. f you thought the circus was After that, the brewery was national- strictly a spectator sport, think but the recent ised and then again privatised in 2003. again. Belgraders now have However, beer production stopped for the chance to learn all kinds of opening of a good in 2006. circus skills - from juggling to acrobatics - from professional number of beer BEER ROADS performers.I TOURIST ROUTE Cirkusfera, a group of circus artists museums proves who have been performing in the Bal- Many hope this unique museum will kans since 2008, is one such organisa- otherwise. bring tourists and promote the city it- tion that offers a range of classes and self. The Čelarevo brewery was established in 1892 and bought by Denmark’s in 2003. Photo: Courtesy of Muzej Carlsberg Srbija d.o.o. workshops for youngsters and older Moreover, once the Zrenjanin muse- adults alike. um is finished, these three beer havens The troupe are well-known across Ivana NIKOLIĆ will create a so-called Beer Roads route the region, not least because of their for domestic and international tourists involvement in CirkoBalkana – an in- erbia, and the Balkans as and enthusiasts. ternational organisation aiming to a whole, is world famous The museum in the tiny village of strengthen regional and international for its unique rakija – fruit Čelarevo has a lot in common with the cooperation through workshops and brandy – and wines, but one-to-be-opened in Zrenjanin – not performances. local beer lovers are deter- least the owner. The Čelarevo brew- Belgraders aged 15 to 25 can attend mined to put the nation on ery (Pivara Čelarevo) was established Cirkusfera's Circus School every Satur- theS map of must-visit beer countries. in 1892 by the aforementioned land- day between 12 noon and 2pm at the Beer has been steadily gaining in owner and industrialist Dunđerski. He Magacin cultural centre at Kraljevića popularity in Serbia and two new beer owned it until the end of WWII, when Marka 4. Students are charged 1,000 museums have opened in the last few it passed into the hands of the newly- RSD (eight euros) per month to attend. years alone. A third is set to open in 2018. declared socialist Yugoslavia. "At the Circus School, we are teaching All three are in Serbia's northern In 2003, the Danish Carlsberg Group youth how to walk the wire, juggle balls province of Vojvodina. One in the city bought the Čelarevo brewery. The mu- and cones, hula hoop acrobatics, and of Pančevo, another in the village of seum, which opened in 2008, is en- we are also doing air and acro-balance Čelarevo, while the third will be located in tirely dedicated to the very first owner, exercises," says Sanja Radulović, one of the town of Zrenjanin on the river Begej. Dunđerski. The museum itself is mod- the group's instructors. The new museum in Zrenjanin will elled upon the one in Copenhagen, The Circus School opened in April occupy part of the old Zrenjanin Brew- Denmark. last year and the group plans a perfor- ery building, which has long been Visitors can find out more about how mance featuring Circus School partici- defunct. The civic association Urbani beer was produced back in the early pants at the end of May. Forum began reconstruction work to days, about the ingredients and about create the museum space, later secur- from where and how materials were NEW STUDENTS ing support from the local authorities transported to Čelarevo - as well as WELCOME as well as the city's tourist office. about how beer was stored. There are During the first reconstruction phase, also Dunđerski's old photos and letters Radulović says the youth school's which was completed last summer, the on display that also tell much about the students are evenly split between boys faade was restored and new window brewery's rich history. and girls and stresses that new mem- Sanja Radulović and Kasja Pavlović performing at BIG Shopping Centre in February. Photo: Cirkusfera/Strahinja Aćimović glass put in. The museum will have Old beer bottles, Dunđerski labels bers are always welcome. around 400 square metres and will be and fridges are also on show, the vast Kasja Pavlović, 23, joined the Circus "But, when you really like something ways on hand to offer guidance and batics and dance moves in the air. Aer- Another active circus group in Bel- located on four levels – two of which majority of these pieced date back 100 School when the classes began last and love doing it, you just ignore that," help out where necessary. ial hoop is an acrobatic act performed grade that also offers drop-in training have already been refurbished. years. Photo: Courtesy of Muzej Carlsberg Srbija d.o.o. April. she says. on a ring that hangs in the air. sessions and workshops is Inex Cirkus The museum's main attractions will The museum is open every Thurs- "I look forward to every class and As well as the youth-focused Circus AERIAL ACROBATICS "Both disciplines are performed in Teatar. include the centuries-old production day from 2pm-4pm and entrance is free name, Beer Museum Đorđe Vajfert, is a cultural monument under state pro- In addition, the brewery had a huge every discipline interests me so I School, Cirkusfera also holds drop-in safe environments and have a very They hold classes on Tuesday eve- machines with organisers expecting of charge. For more information, con- which has recently started small-scale tection. The brewery has changed own- impact on the lives of Pančevo's resi- haven't missed a single training session training sessions for young and adult Radulović also leads drop-in aerial positive impact on the strength and nings from 6pm to 9pm and on Thursdays small-scale beer production to resume tact [email protected] or call beer production as well. ers many times during its long history, but dents – its halls often hosted charity since the beginning," she says. students every Tuesday evening from acrobatics workshops every Monday flexibility of the students," she adds. from 5pm to 8pm. These are, however, in the next two years. The museum will +381 62 228 195. "We want to revitalize this entire Đorđe Vajfert – and the entire Vajfert fam- concerts and other events organised by "The instructors are great. They are 5.30pm until 7.30pm. These classes and Friday evening from 7pm to 9pm Radulović, who has eight years of only suitable for students who are already also have a large exhibition area with Last but not least, the Beer Museum complex of the Vajfert's old brewery ily – are the most prominent ones. women, art groups and humanitarian young and energetic and full of enthu- also take place at the Magacin centre. at the Magacin centre. The classes are experience as a performer, says classes familiar with circus arts and are looking old beer bottles, labels, glasses and a va- Đorđe Vajfert in Pančevo was opened and ready it for various events before According to historical records, societies. siasm. In general, we all get along and Radulović emphasises these ses- open to students of all ages. are suitable for beginners as well as ad- for an opportunity to train. Sessions are riety of archival records. There will be last May in a building once owned by the year 2022, when the 300th anniver- Đorđe Vajfert (1850-1937) equipped Visitors can see and hear the ma- learn new acts in every workshop. Af- sions, rather than being instructor-led "These are classes that focus most- vanced learners. Students are charged held at Prostor at Knez Miloša 10. guided tours giving visitors the chance the Vajfert family – another mighty in- sary of the brewery will be celebrated," the brewery with the best machines of chines at work during tours and also ter I and some of my friends stared go- formal lessons, are more informal ly on air activities comprising air ac- a monthly fee of 3,500 RSD (€28) to at- Inex Cirkus Teatar recently finished a to learn about the brewery's history dustrialist family that ran the brewery Siniša Janković from the civic associa- the time, which remained in use until find out more about its history as its 18th ing, we told all our friends about it and and primarily facilitate cross-training robatics, aerial silk and hoops," she tend two classes per week or 500 RSD circus workshop series for children and and beer production in general. from 1847. tion said at the opening ceremony. 1977. Many refer to the Vajfert's pe- century environment has been faithful- many of them joined in as well." among circus enthusiasts. says. (four euros) per class. the group performs at various locations The Zrenjanin brewery is among the The museum occupies part of the The brewery dates back to 1722 and is riod as the brewery's golden age – the ly restored. The museum is open every When asked how she found the "This is an opportunity for the stu- Radulović explains that aerial silk Whether you are interested in taking – often also offering workshops – across oldest in Serbia. It was established back old brewery – it is located in a five-floor said to be the oldest industrial complex factory kept working and expanding day from 10am to 6pm. classes in the beginning, Pavlović ad- dents to train and improve their skills acrobatics is performed on two vertical classes or watching from the side lines, Serbia. Visit their Facebook page to find in 1745 by the Bavarian brewing maes- tower. The museum is open thanks to in Serbia and the oldest brewery in the while the beer quality was constantly For more information, visit www. mits they were difficult and physically further," Radulović explains. That said, silk fabrics that are at least four metres you can find more information on their out more about class dates, fees and what tro Sebastian Krazeisen. the local civic association of the same Western Balkans. Nowadays, the brewery improving. challenging at first. she underlines that instructors are al- long. The art is a combination of acro- Facebook page. the group has lined up in the near future. 12 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 13 WHAT'S ON ARTS

Irish festival does jazz brunch The fifth annual Belgrade Irish Australia's Tommy Emmanuel CLUBBING Fest, which began on March 6th and ends March 22nd, will be hold- ing an interesting event at Hotel th AND LIVE MUSIC Park on March 19 . The O BATO Arts in brief to headline Guitar Art Festival jazz band will be playing at what the festival has billed as a "jazz brunch" event at 12.30pm. FRIDAY MARCH 10th SATURDAY MARCH 11th FRIDAY MARCH 17th Belgrade Dance Festival begins • Young Marco & Brka / • Džej Džej Okoča, KPTM, • Âme in Belgrade / Clubbing TV Adria, Drugstore, Bulevar Selectors Tour, 20/44, boat on Žorža Klemansoa 22, 11pm As you may have read in our last Despota Stefana 115, 11pm Sava River, 11pm • Saturday Night Fever - Dj`s TRA T T O R I A issue, this year's Belgrade Dance • Flesbek 90`s & 2000`s - Boško Pešić & George, Mr • Hang on until the party Festival is incredibly impressive, Dj Alex Tic, Industrija Bar, Stefan Braun, Nemanjina 4, is over, Mr Stefan Braun, PIZZER I A with more than 15 dance compa- Karađorđeva 23, 11pm 11pm Nemanjina 4, 11pm nies from around the world par- • Hang on until the party • Danijel Čerhanov, Dooshan • DJ Alex Tic- - Flashback, ticipating. The festival kicks off on is over, Mr Stefan Braun, and Goran Starčević Industrija Bar, Karađorđeva 23, March 24th with a performance by Nemanjina 4, 11pm Brankow, Crnogorska 12, 11pm 11pm Nebojsina 8 Ballet BC from Vancouver, Canada. • Danijel Čerhanov, Goran • Alternativa, Mladost, • DJ Ike, Jimmy Woo, 011/3863-999 For more information on the ticket Starčević and N.I.C.O on Karađorđeva 44, 11pm Strahinjića Bana 47, 10pm [email protected] prices, visit www.belgradedancef- percussions Brankow, • Cojke, Ludost, Karađorđeva • Dj`s Latmun Hot Creations, Crnogorska 12, 11pm 44, 11pm Nexie, Iva Arifaj & Lady Dee, • Peca and Ales, Mladost, • Nexie, Nenad Jovanović, Brankow, Crnogorska 12, 11pm Travelling German Karađorđeva 44, 11pm Nemanja Vanović Vuk • Couple UP ft. Vukasin IRIE film tour makes stop at KC Grad • Dooshan and Malina, Ludost, Smiljanić, DEE, Gadost, FM, KPTM, Žorža Klemansoa Karađorđeva 44, 11pm Karađorđeva 44, 11pm 22, 11pm • Mancha and Panic + guests, • Marc O'Reilly, Elektropionir, The Goethe Institute from Belgrade • DJ Prema - RNB Night, and Sarajevo are sending a series Gadost, Karađorđeva 44, 11pm Cetinjska 15, 8:30pm KOLARAC Industrija Bar, Karađorđeva of important contemporary German • DJ Ike, Jimmy Woo, • GIFT, BitefArtCafe, Mitropolita 23, 11pm films across the Balkans this year Strahinjića Bana 47, 10pm Petra 8, 10pm • DJ Lucky, Witch Bar, Pariska PROGRAMME as part of their Films on the Road • RNB Music by DJ 13, 10pm th project. "Who Am I?" from 2014 Borchenzzy, Witch Bar, • Big City Dance Partu, DOT, SATURDAY MARCH 18 is to be screened as part of this Pariska 13, 10pm Francuska 6, 11pm project on April 2nd at 7pm at KC • 2000Late, DOT, Francuska 6, • Matador & Hito, Depo, • DJ Prema - RNB Night, Grad. Entrance is free. 11pm Travnička 3, 10pm Industrija Bar, Karađorđeva 23, FRIDAY, MARCH 10th School for musically gifted , Tommy Emmanuel performs at the Sava Centre on March 23rd. Photo: Flickr/Jamey Firnberg • Couple UP-Gyal Power • Disco Not Disco / Ilias Ptss & 11pm Concert Hall, 8pm children – Ćuprija Slavija theatre fest KPTM, Žorža Klemansoa 22, Schwabe, 20/44, boat on Sava • DJ Lacosta, Jimmy Woo, Belgrade Philharmonic Production: Music Centre features Minsk state 11pm Strahinjića Bana 47, 10pm company River, 11pm Orchestra Admission free Despite the fact that the majority of per- multiple times and there's never been an art project that will gather up-and-coming • Lovefest Fire, DEPO, • Lyktum Live, KPTM, Žorža th • Fraktal third issue with For Lovers 4 Back for its 18 formers at the festival play classical guitar, empty seat in the house. classical guitarist from around the former Dunavska 86, 10pm Klemansoa 22, 11pm Conductor: Adrian Prabava FRIDAY, MARCH 17th Another festival that's happening Don't DJ, Drugstore, Bulevar th the music fans come to hear each year is Known for his incredibly complex fin- Yugoslavia to not only perform, but to also • Girls, Boys and Toys, • Petar Dundov, Plastic, right now is the 16 annual Slavija Despota Stefana 115, 11pm Soloist: Andrej Ioniṭâ, Concert Hall, 8pm year, the famed far from one dimensional. gerpicking style and his percussive tap- teach classes together and collaboratively BitefArtCafe, Mitropolita Petra Takovska 34, 11pm violoncello Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra International Theatre Festival. • Cave Dogs, Elektropionir, th While many performers do operate ping of the guitar to add rhythms under his compose new music on the spot. 8, 10pm • BIZZARE CONTACT: Programme: P. I. Tchaikovsky: For Connoisseurs 4 On March 10 , the State Theatre Cetinjska 15, 9pm Belgrade festival within the boundaries of classical music, remarkable playing, Emmanuel never fails As is the case every year, the Guitar Art • Vasil Hadžimanov Band, PerfecTone, Kolos, boat on Romeo and Juliette, overture- Conductor: John Axelrod Company from Minsk, Belarus will • VVhile, Consecration, Triko there are many others who use their clas- to get a mention when critics and fans get Festival has continued its tradition of re- Dom Omladine, Makedonska Sava River, 11pm fantasy Programme: G. Mahler: be performing Pelican by August promises not to & Hetem, Dom Omladine, Strindberg. All performances will sical guitar prowess every year to explore together to talk about the most inspiration leasing a CD featuring some of last year's 22, 9pm • Michelle Gurevich G. Faure: Elegy for violoncello Symphony No. 6 Makedonska 22, 8.30pm be held at the Slavija Theatre, of other genres of music, from jazz and fla- acoustic guitar players of the last several musical highlights from the festival. • Skica Duo, Akademija 28, (Chinawoman), Dom and orchestra Production: Belgrade disappoint with • Fitnes, Elektropionir, course, and the festival ends on menco to various forms of world and eth- decades. "The purpose of this tradition is to build Nemanjina 28, 10.30pm Omladine, Makedonska 22, K. Saint-Saëns: Concerto for Philharmonic Orchestra Cetinjska 15, 9pm March 16th. You can enjoy a total of no music. And while Emmanuel is certainly the an archive, a heritage of audio recordings • Fitnes, Elektropionir, Cetinjska 9pm Violoncello and Orchestra legendary guitar • i Fiumens, th eight performances for 2,000 rsd As is always the case, this year's Gui- biggest name on the bill this year, there's that confirm the artistic performances of 15, 9pm • Radost, Grad Cultural Centre, Ravel: Daphnis et Chloé, suites SATURDAY, MARCH 18 Mikser House, Karađorđeva [around €16]. For more information, tar Art Festival programme is made up of no shortage of amazing guitar talents all of the musicians who have performed • Irish Stew, Scordisci & Braće Krsmanović 4, 9pm Nos. 1 and 2 Concert Hall, 8pm virtuosos such as 46, 9pm visit much more than concert events. Guitarists taking the stage this year. Organisers are here," Guitar Art Festival Director Boško Cassidy's Brewery, Božidarac, • Lezz Go, BitefArtCafe, Production: Belgrade RTS Symphony Orchestra • Electric Funx, BitefArtCafe, will also be participating in lectures, work- very excited about Ultra High Flamenco, Radojković told the Serbian public service Radoslava Grujića 3, 8pm Mitropolita Petra 8, 10pm Philharmonic Orchestra Unfinished Concert Emmanuel. Mitropolita Petra 8, 10pm Conductor: Bojan Suđić Young flutists compete shops and discussions over the course of who will be performing in Serbia for the broadcaster RTS in a recent interview, add- • Bjesovi, Božidarac, Radoslava internationally • Rolling Stones Tribute Band, SUNDAY, MARCH 12th Programme: Schubert, Mozart David GALIĆ the six-day festival. first time and are one of the best classi- ing that each artist listens to the records Grujića 3, 8pm Akademija 28, Nemanjina 28, The festivities kick off on March 20th at cal guitar groups on the contemporary and picks a few songs that best represent Concert Hall, 11am Production: RTS Music On March 21st, the Ilija M. Kolarac 10.30pm Kolarac Podium of Chamber Production he Guitar Art Festival, con- the Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment with Ar- classical scene in Spain right now. As a their festival performances. SUNDAY MARCH 19th Endowment will host the 47th Music annual International Jeunesses sidered one of the top five gentinian classical guitarist Roberto Aus- bonus, they are going to be accompa- For those who don't want to miss Emma- SUNDAY MARCH 12th Italian Baroque Music MONDAY, MARCH 20th classical guitar festivals in sel opening the event and the Hungarian nied by star Flamenco dancer Rosario nuel's performance, tickets can be bought , Mr Stefan Musicales Competition. This night • Sunday Beat Ensemble Parnas interpreting Concert Hall, 8pm Europe, is taking place in Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra end- Toledo. at the Sava Centre, Dom Sindikata, Even- Braun, Nemanjina 4, 11pm th will be dedicated to flutists with • Sunday Beat, Mr Stefan Baroque music Ceremonial opening of 18 Guitar Belgrade from March 20th ing the night in style. Another noteworthy group is the Gior- tim, Kombank Arena and other box offices. • Svjetlo vinyl release, dozens of young talented musi- Braun, Nemanjina 4, 11pm Marija Gajić, soprano, Art Festival to 25th at several locations In total, there will be six nights of mu- gos Georgopoulos Quartet, who take tra- They cost between €15 and €35 depending Elektropionir, Cetinjska 15, cians showing off their skills. All • Wheels of Steel, Ludost, Dragana Živković, soprano, Roberto Ausell, Aleksandar of the young instrumentalists will Tacross the city. Under the name Integration, sic with a total of 12 concerts. The biggest ditional Greek bouzouki music and hurl it on seating. 9pm Karađorđeva 44, 11pm Serin Mansouri, violin, Nikolić and Anima Musicae be accompanied by the Camerata the festival organisers said there would be event, of course, will be Tommy Emma- into the 21st century through a very urban Tickets for most other events cost be- • Branimir Đokić, Sava Centre, Filip Milinković, cello, Ana Chamber Orchestra "Fusion of Serbica Orchestra. The musical more than 100 participants from approxi- nuel's performance at the Sava Centre on and contemporary compositional ap- tween six and ten euros. To get the full run Milentija Popovića 9, 8pm Rančić, harpsichord, Svetlana Latin American Classics" MONDAY MARCH 13th portion of the programme starts mately 20 countries. March 23rd. Anyone interested in seeing proach. down of ticket prices, concerts and venues Stojanović Kutlača, harpsichord at 8pm. However, the main attraction will be Aus- the event should definitely hurry up and One of the more interesting side-pro- for this year's Guitar Art Festival, visit their MONDAY MARCH 20th Production: Music Centre TUESDAY, MARCH 21st Mr Stefan tralian guitar legend Tommy Emmanuel. buy tickets; Emmanuel has been to Serbia grammes this year is the Guitar Integration official website: • Celebrity Night, Admission free Concert Hall, 8pm FREE COPY Braun, Nemanjina 4, 11pm th • Celebrity Night, Mr Stefan The 47 International Jeunesses • Muzički Session, Petlja Bar, th Braun, Nemanjina 4, 11pm TUESDAY, MARCH 14 Musicales Competition Belgrade Publisher: BIRN d.o.o. Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 11, Concert Hall, 8pm Ochestra Camerata Serbica 9pm Kolarčeva 7/5, 11 000 Belgrade TUESDAY MARCH 21st Concert of Music School Conductor: Biljana Radovanović BELGRADE Phone/Fax: +381 11 4030 300 Vučković Soloists: Ljubiša Jovanović, TUESDAY MARCH 14th Editor in Chief: Gordana Igrić • Dizel Party, Mr Stefan Braun, Miomir Simonović, Sofija th BIRN editorial team: Nemanjina 4, 11pm WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 Milenković, Sofija Milenković, • Dizel Party, Mr Stefan Braun, Music Gallery, 6pm Meri Bojić Radojčić, Susan IRISH FESTIVAL. Ana Petruševa, Marcus Tanner, • DJ Night, Jimmy Woo, Kolarac Podium of Chamber Hoeppner, Guo-Liang Han, Georgi [email protected] Nemanjina 4, 11pm Strahinjića Bana 47, 10pm Music Spasov, Jose Daniel Castellion Sales & Marketing: Marija • Nasty, Elektropionir, Cetinjska 6-22. mart th Petrović WEDNESDAY MARCH 15 15, 9pm Phone: +381 11 4030 302 • Girls are Gonna Get Wild, [email protected] WEDNESDAY MARCH 22nd Mr Stefan Braun, Nemanjina Subscription & Distribution: 4, 11pm Goran Knezevic • Girls are Gonna Get Wild, Mr +381 11 4030 303 Stefan Braun, Nemanjina 4, THURSDAY MARCH 16th [email protected] 11pm • La Banda, Studentski Grad • RNB Thursday Delight, Modern Serbian Cuisine, Mediterranean and Italian cuisine Printing: POLITIKA štamparija Cultural Centre, Bulevar SERBIAN CUISINE THROUGH CENTURIES Brankow, Crnogorska 12, 11pm Zorana Đinđića 179, 8pm d.o.o. • Sky High – Hip Hop and RNB, ISSN 1820-8339 = Belgrade Insight Mr Stefan Braun, Nemanjina THURSDAY MARCH 23rd f BIF- Beogradski irski festival COBISS.SR-ID: 149132556 4, 11pm Circulation: 4,000 • Roxa & friends all night 5TH ANNIVERSARY • Vandalism RETRO Groove, @beogradskiirskifestival long, DOT, Francuska 6, 11pm DOT, Francuska 6, 11pm • Betunizer + Mnjenje, Reservations: +381 11 2607436, • Sky High – Hip Hop and RNB, Location: Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 44a, New Belgrade Elektropionir, Cetinjska 15, Mr Stefan Braun, Nemanjina Working Hours: Mon-Sun 8 a.m. - 1 a.m. @IrishFestBGD 2017 8.30pm 4, 11pm 14 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 15 GOING OUT ON THE SPOT Leila Records stays Officials mocked on social true to character media for bizarre events This recently that's dominated by laptop-wielding DJs. Serbian officials relocated Dorćol All of the DJs at Leila are clearly experts with a deep knowledge of all ridiculed as craven bar remains things music, particularly soul, funk and jazz. Therefore, one of the best publicity seekers after one of the most things about Leila is that you're not go- unique and ing to be hearing the same 20 radio hits organising events to you hear everywhere. You're going to officially ‘open' a set of classy bars in get a musical experience that is unique and listen to tracks that have been me- traffic lights and install central Belgrade. ticulously picked by people who really have a huge amount of musical knowl- new rubbish bins. edge and a deep bag of records. David GALIĆ There are other ways in which Leila has chosen to stay the same, and that's Ivana NIKOLIĆ eila Records' original with the décor. One of the coolest location was in Kralja things about the old location was its erbia's state and local politicians often visit Petra Street, just off the cast iron elements, especially the huge construction sites or turn up for official open- Knez Mihailova pedes- chandelier, all of which have migrated ing ceremonies for newly-renovated buildings, trian zone, but it has re- to the new bar. squares or streets. They almost always bring cently moved to a bigger As mentioned earlier, the new bar a gaggle of reporters and promptly post the Lplace down the block. It's now a couple is much bigger than the last one and is photos online. of hundred metres down the way in as flawlessly decorated as the first. The SSome of the less conventional and rather stranger Gospodar Jevremova, between the white colour of most of the walls and official ceremonies, however, have provoked a storm of popular Meduza café and the recently shelves adds space to the bar, which ridicule on social media. closed Kavkaz bar. has a large main bar section and an up- Most recently, Belgrade City Manager Goran Vesić paid The move to a new location with per loft/terrace. One more detail that is a visit to the water supply network construction site in the New traffic lights in Kraljevo. Photo: Twitter/Lokalni Front more space was exactly what the doc- really appreciated is that there is ample city centre's Mutapova Street. He very proudly told the duly assembled members of the media that by the end tor ordered for Leila Records. The bar space between tables. Many bars tend of 2017 a total of two kilometres of pipes will be renewed has managed to retain its fantastic, orig- to try and cram as much seating as pos- across the capital. inal character and make room for more sible into the space, but Leila prefers And social media users set Twitter ablaze late last guests at the same time. comfort over crowds and keeps every- month with jokes and satirical comments after Aleksandar Bars that want to expand and grow thing nicely spaced, even in the upper Jovičić, head of Belgrade's Palilula municipality, addressed often try to change their identity and section. the media at an official ceremony while 280 street rubbish offerings when moving into a new lo- Another awesome thing about the bins were installed. cation, but Leila did nothing of the sort. bar is that just about everything you Jovičić and other officials in attendance promised That's most likely due to the fact that see around the walls is for sale. Not only citizens and journalists who were on the spot that half the Leila already offers a one-of-a-kind ex- are all of the records and books that Palilula municipality will have received new rubbish bins perience that you can't get anywhere neatly line the walls of the bar on sale, by next month. The Palilula leader then published several photos from else in the city. most of the art on the wall is as well. If The move down the block has been a huge success for Leila Records, according to David Galić. Photo: Facebook/Leila Records the event on his official Twitter account – a move which Leila is a combined bar and record you're going to Leila for a daytime cof- prompted an avalanche of criticism on Twitter and some shop. This obviously means that good fee and want to do some record shop- on weekdays and an hour later on the to turn you away if you show up in a over the years, while upgrading and media outlets, with users and journalists mocking Jovičić ping, the bartenders will happily play weekends. sweatshirt – the vibe is very relaxed enhancing its space at the same time. music is a very important part of the for the act. bar's offering. There is a DJ spinning the any record that might interest you so The drink prices are reasonable and and casual. All without having to move far from its "In a country where a lot of people are forced to dig into decks every night. And when we say that you can hear it before you buy. the staff incredibly warm and welcom- All in all, the move down the block original location. containers [to search for food], it is completely normal "spinning", we mean it. They are dig- Since it's located in a residential ing. And despite the fact that the bar was a huge success for Leila Records. Leila Records to officially open them," one Twitter user noted, tongue ging through crates and playing vinyl building, Leila isn't a place you're going owners have obviously spent a lot of The bar has managed to retain and Address: Gospodar Jevremova 6 firmly in cheek. records on turntables, something you to be able to hang out in until the early money to make the bar really look up- even improve on every aspect that Contact: +381 65 32 47 258 However, not long after jokes and scathing comments hardly see any more in a music scene morning hours. It is open until midnight scale and expensive, no one's going made it a popular place to get drinks began appearing online, Jovičić deleted his tweet and the photos from the Palilula rubbish bin event. Another rather strange ‘official ceremony' that was heav- ily mocked by Serbs happened in late December, when Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds The Gipsy Kings local officials from the central town of Kraljevo officially presented a new, wait for it, traffic light. announce Belgrade gig return to Serbia Kraljevo Mayor Predrag Terzić was accompanied by the local assembly president and the head of the traffic safety egendary Australian rock band Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds f you aren't all Flamenco'd out after the Guitar Art Fest, you can council to officially open the traffic light. st will be performing at the Kombank Arena on October go and get another dose at the Hala Sportova on March 31 . A Members from Kraljevo's Lokalni Front civic association th 28 . Formed back in 1983 by lead singer and main band that needs no introducing, the Gipsy Kings, have been made light of the event by giving the newly-installed traffic composer Nick Cave, the band has left an unde- mixing Flamenco with pop music for decades, winning light its own round of applause. Goran Vesić paying a visit to the water supply network construction site in the city centre. Photo: Beoinfo niable mark on the music world with its poetic, Grammy awards and selling millions of albums around Lmoody and often tragic musical journeys. The last time they Ithe world. were in Belgrade was in 2008, it was declared concert of the They haven't been to Belgrade in a decade, which makes year in just about every local music publication. this concert a must-see event for fans of the popular group The band will stop in Belgrade on their latest world tour and Latin American rhythms. Always trying to develop their promoting their new album Skeleton Tree, an especially sound, the Kings have been joined by Mickael Baliardo, who dark collection of songs written after the tragic death of is the son of original member Tonino Baliardo, who now leads Cave's son. Tickets are already on sale and cost between €25 the group as their artistic director and main singer. Tickets cost and €35 depending on seating. between €20 and €32 depending on seating.


A night of Serbian psychedelic FOR THE WHOLE WORLD Bez Buke focuses on rock at Dom Omladine acoustic performance Chinawoman back Vasil Hadžimanov Organised by event promoters Pop to promote new album Bez Buke (Without Noise) is an eclectic Band anniversary Depresija and Kišobran, Serbian rock Greek progressive rockers music festival that features some of fans will get to see three of the most ex- coming to Elektropionir Michelle Gurevich, better known by her Serbia's most interesting bands in an On March 10th, the famed Belgrade jazz/ citing local rock bands in one loud and stage name Chinawoman, is coming acoustic and intimate setting. With fusion group Vasil Hadžimanov Band trippy night. Playing at Dom Omladine Up-and-coming Greek progressive back to Belgrade to promote her latest concerts scheduled every month since will be playing at Dom Omladine to on March 11th will be psychedelic rock rockers Poem play Belgrade's Elektro- album, New Decadence. The Toronto- January, the festival will be going strong celebrate the band's 20th anniversary duo VVhile, post-rockers Consecration pionir on May 16th. The band has been based singer-songwriter, who has been until the summer. On March 10th, the and to promote their new live album, and Triko. DJ teams from both Pop likened to bands such as Porcupine here countless times before, will be band Ah Ahilej will be performing as which is coming out on vinyl, ALIVE – Depresija and Kišobran will be opening Tree and Tool with their emotional playing at Dom Omladine on March part of the festival. All shows will take The Essential. Tickets cost six euros at and closing the night. Tickets cost five and thought-provoking sound. Tickets 18th. Tickets cost eight euros. place at the Rex Cultural Centre. the door. euros at the door. cost four euros at the door. 16 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 23, 2017 ADVERT Map of City Centre

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The Best National & International Cuisine in BALKAN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING the Heart of Belgrade NETWORK Skadarska 34 11000 Belgrade Kolarčeva 7 Serbia 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 63 1872222 Serbia Email. [email protected]


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