1 Shahleena Musk Senior Policy Advocate Human Rights Law Centre Ltd Level 17, 461 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T: + 61 3 8636 4460 E:
[email protected] W: www.hrlc.org.au The Human Rights Law Centre protects and promotes human rights in Australia and beyond through a strategic mix of legal action, advocacy, research, education and UN engagement. It is an independent and not-for-profit organisation and donations are tax-deductible. Follow us at http://twitter.com/rightsagenda Join us at www.facebook.com/HumanRightsLawCentreHRLC/ The Human Rights Law Centre has made two previous submissions to the Royal Commission – the first submission on 28 October 2016 and the second, a joint submission with Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT and Danila Dilba Health Service, on 4 November 2016. This third submission has been prepared by Shahleena Musk, Senior Policy Advocate at the Human Rights Law Centre. It draws from extensive research and Shahleena’s significant experience as a senior youth justice lawyer with the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency in Darwin. 2 The Northern Territory (NT) youth justice system has been ineffective in its response to children who commit crimes and fails to make communities safer. In particular, it fails those most vulnerable, compounding the disadvantage and trauma of those held in youth detention. The current system is contributing to increasing numbers of children coming into contact with the youth justice system. Inappropriate and ineffective laws and policies, including an overreliance on a punitive detention system, contributes to some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged children becoming enmeshed in this system.